On Sunday evening she went to the emergency room of the Santissima Trinità, in Cagliari, for severe stomach pain. She was examined, given therapy and a few hours later she was sent home. But on Monday morning she felt ill again and called an ambulance. Perhaps he also called home to inform his family. If it happened, it was the last time her loved ones heard from her: Nicoletta Maria Manconi, 24 years old, from Orgosolo, a final year medical student in Cagliari, went into cardiac arrest during transport to the hospital. Brotzu hospital and died.

A life cut short approximately 12 hours after her discharge from a hospital where she had presented herself for treatment. A drama that leaves a family shocked, who has turned to the judiciary: the Cagliari Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation for manslaughter.

Only investigations and checks on the young woman's body will be able to provide a first answer on the causes of death and establish whether there are any responsibilities or faults on the part of the Is Mirrionis hospital staff.

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