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Joni Fedders (L), the president of Aileron, and Clay Mathile, the founder of the Ohio-based non-profit that coaches entrepreneurs and small business owners on how to grow their businesses. Handout

Clay Mathile knows a thing or two about building a business from scratch.

The Ohio farmboy started his career as an accountant and went on to take over the Iams Company, which he grew into a national pet-food giant that he sold for $2.3 billion in 1999 to Proctor & Gamble.

Mathile, 76, is now focused on passing on the management techniques he used at Iams to the next generation of business owner. That’s why he created Aileron, a non-profit center where experienced business leaders teach entrepreneurs and business owners how to grow their companies.

Far from the high-tech hub of Silicon Valley, Aileron is based outside of Dayton, Ohio, which means the company caters more to traditional companies looking for ways to grow in an increasingly tech-dominated world.

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USA TODAY spoke with Mathile and Joni Fedders, the president of Aileron, about the keys to becoming a successful entrepreneur, the challenges they face, and the role of immigrants in business development.

Here are excerpts, edited for space:

Is entrepreneurship something that you have to be born with, something that can be taught, or is it a combination of the two?

Mathile: I don’t know. But it’s not for wimps. Usually anyone that starts their own business, there’s a lot of courage, there’s a lot of faith. There are certain behavioral characteristics that are consistent among entrepreneurs. These are dirt-under-the-fingernails, dirt-under-the-boots guys and gals. 

What are the biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs today?

Fedders: Time. It seems to be a very big stress point today. With all the technology that’s out there, there are just so many demands on their time and so many opportunities. Entrepreneurs are opportunistic people. Now they’re being exposed to 1,000 more pieces of content and resources and connections from around the world.

Mathile: It’s light speed. Things that used to take months now take minutes. Markets move so fast, change is so fast. 

Fedders: It’s a positive thing, but it’s also a nightmare from the standpoint that you have endless possibilities everywhere. When you’re an opportunistic thinker, the last thing you want to hear is, ‘Focus, prioritize, pick which one you want and which one you don’t.’ But we preach that all the time.

Mathile: They also need to learn to delegate. Most entrepreneurs are control freaks by nature. But we’ve all had to do that. It’s important to be able to delegate.

Fedders: It sounds warn and fuzzy, right? A lot of times, they say, ‘It’s just easier to do it myself.’ But that doesn’t fix the long-term problem. It only takes care of today, and they get caught in that cycle.

In what fields are you seeing the most innovation?

Mathile: Distribution. There are so many different places in the world right now where things are being produced. Distribution affords these entrepreneurs the opportunity to target niches in the marketplace. 

Fedders: People are taking old industries and applying technology in a thin layer and it gives it a good lift. Uber, it’s a cab system, but with tech.

Mathile: Coyote Logistics, out of Chicago. They’re a trucking business. He layered a technology layer where you could see where the freight is at all times. It gave it a whole new lift.

A report from the Kaufmann Foundation found that immigrants are nearly twice as likely to create a small business than the native born. Why is that?

Fedders: One of the biggest characteristics we see in entrepreneurs is risk-taking. By nature, a lot of immigrants are risk-takers because they took the risk of going to another country and starting over. That’s a great attribute for somebody who wants to start a business.

How do you think the Trump administration is handling the immigration system when it comes to bringing in potential workers and entrepreneurs?

Fedders: Finding good people in general is hard. It’s always amazing to me when we talk about employment, and you ask business owners (Who has trouble finding workers?) everyone will raise their hand. Somehow our system could be improved. It’s a challenge that I think people are fearful that might get even harder as we move forward.

Mathile: Once you reach that 4% unemployment threshold, you’ve got a huge percentage of that 4% who never had work and are not skilled. There’s going to be more and more of these small companies that are going to start getting formal training programs for their employees. We had a discussion with a group of (business owners) here. We told them, ‘The bottom line is you’re going to have to pay competitive wages, more than you’re paying now, and you’re going to have to train them.”

Fedders: That’s a big shift. People are realizing that they have to start growing their people. There’s a stronger emphasis on that: “I can’t find them, so I got to really train them.”

What have you seen from the Trump administration to create a climate for entrepreneurs?

Mathile: Anytime you can free up more working capital for the entrepreneur, the better it is. The tax reform proposals look like they would help. In our mind, entrepreneurs are really middle class, they’re not upper class. Reducing tax rates would be a help to the entire economy, but certainly would help the entrepreneurs. 

We don’t engage in political discussions, and we don’t encourage that. I would say that (lowering taxes) is certainly not a negative. Maybe his tweets are negative.

Is this a good time to start a business?

Mathile: I don’t think there’s a real good time or bad time. If you got the right product and the right market at the right time, and you employ good business practices, write a good, solid business plan, you should be able to succeed.

Having said that, the odds are against you.

Fedders: They always are.