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Chronic pain

Why does my lower back hurt? Tips to avoid lumbago and when to be concerned

Few conditions are more debilitating or unpredictable than lower back pain. For some, everything is fine one minute and then they're spasming on the floor the next. For others, back pain is less sudden or acute but still causes frequent trips to the medicine cabinet or grimaces of discomfort. 

To make matters worse, back pain isn't rare. One study shows that lower back pain is the most common cause of employees needing to be absent from work.

"The majority of the population will experience low back pain in their lifetime," says Stephen Dering, PT, an orthopedic clinical specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital. 

What causes lower back pain?

Lower back pain, sometimes called lumbago, may be caused by stress, kidney or bladder problems, sciatica (a pinched nerve), pregnancy, spinal infections, some cancers, and even everyday behaviors like sitting in the same position for extended periods of inactivity. 

The most common causes of lower back pain fall into two categories: 

  • Acute pain: The result of an accident or trauma that causes a muscle strain, pinched nerve or disc injury. "These injuries often occur during movements such as heavy lifting, bending or twisting," says Dering. Examples of such behaviors include weightlifting, a slip and fall or shoveling snow. 
  • Chronic pain: "A condition that develops and typically worsens with age," says Dering. Common causes of chronic lower back pain include osteoarthritis (a type of arthritis caused by worn-down tissue around the joints and bones), and degenerative disk disease – the natural wear and tear of spinal disks. 

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How do I make my lower back stop hurting?

"Most episodes of low back pain are generally benign in nature, meaning the cause is nothing that is dangerous or that would require emergency care," says Andrew Frost, PT,  a practicing physical therapist with Intermountain Health in Salt Lake City. "Even though the pain can be quite intense and disabling for a while," he says, "with a little time and perhaps some conservative treatment, most cases of low back pain will resolve." 

Dering agrees, adding that one can manage lower back pain through short periods of rest, the application of ice and physician-guided use of over-the-counter pain relievers or Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). "You may also need to modify your activity in the short term to avoid pain exacerbation or further disability," he says. Such a period of limited activity is typically followed by an active recovery approach consisting of "movement-based exercises that may include stretching and strengthening to help get you back to your prior level of function," Dering says. 

Should I be worried if my lower back hurts?

Though most instances of lower back pain are more inconvenient than they are medically concerning, back pain can be a symptom of certain diseases that need additional treatment, and, in some cases, "medical management such as steroid injections and/or surgical intervention may be indicated," says Dering. 

Diseases or conditions sometimes connected to lower back pain include endometriosis, fibromyalgia, kidney disease and some types of arthritis such as spondylitis and spondylosis. "When treating an episode of low back pain, medical professionals will ask you certain questions to rule out any red flags that may signal something that needs more urgent attention," says Frost. 

And if one's back pain persists despite some of the aforementioned treatment remedies, "I recommend connecting with a healthcare professional such as a physical therapist who can guide you towards pain-free living," advises Dering. 

Tips to avoid lower back pain

While lower back pain is never completely avoidable, healthy habits such as maintaining a moderate level of physical activity, eating a balanced diet, getting the recommended hours of sleep, stretching, and avoiding situations where accidents commonly occur are all helpful practices to keep back-related pain at bay. 

"As long as you are human, nothing will be a foolproof way to avoid low back pain," says Frost. "However, maintaining a general resistance training program, a basic functional mobility routine, and a good mental health plan can be powerful protective strategies."

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