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Need startup money? Here's 6 ways to fund your small business

Steve Strauss
Special to USA TODAY

Question: Hey Steve – I am fairly new to business. I started on a shoestring but now I could use some money – for marketing, operations, and so on. But I hear that banks really don’t lend to new businesses like mine, so what does a guy like me do? – Markus 

Answer: In my book, "The Small Business Bible," I have a whole section devoted to unexpected funding options where entrepreneurs can find the money that they need. The good news is that there are actually quite a few possibilities. 

Here are six of my favorites: 

1. Business plan competitions

Example: Entries just closed for the New York Public Library business plan competition where NYC residents can win up to $15,000, free. Business plan competitions like this one happen all over the country because cities and organizations want to encourage startups, and reap the benefits of having an entrepreneurial economy. 

Google “business plan competition” and the name of your city. Regions all over the country are looking to create jobs and attract talent by hosting such competitions.  

2. Factoring

Do you have accounts receivables that pay slow? A company called a “factor” will buy them from you (for a discount of course), but still, it’s money today. 

Being able to start a successful business is central to the American dream. Many Americans have come from poverty and with some hard work, good ideas, and sound management became successful business leaders. Over the last few decades, a new culture of tech startups has emerged, several of which have grown into multi-billion dollar corporations. Many new entrepreneurs are trying to make the next Facebook or Uber. As of last year, the number of tech-based startups had grown by 47%. Growth in the number of tech startups specifically is due in large part to the advent of widely-available high-speed internet. The internet has also made it possible to start a new business from just about anywhere in the United States, but some places have have a much more active startup culture. Many Americans think of Silicon Valley, located within the San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara metro area, as the epicenter of entrepreneurial activity in the United States. But based on a recent report on startup activity in U.S. metro areas, the Valley does not even rank among the top 10 metro areas for startups -- though several other California cities do. 24/7 Wall St. used data from 2018 edition of The Kauffman Index of Startup Activity to determine the metropolitan areas with the highest levels of entrepreneurial activity. This index considers the percentage of the population starting a business, the share of businesses that are considered startups, and the employment situation of people starting their own businesses. While these factors are important, there are many other considerations that can be advantageous to those starting a new company. An area’s cost of living, share of well-educated residents, and access to investors and customers are all factors than could make or break a startup. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the The Kauffman Foundation’s Index of Startup Activity, listing the five metropolitan areas with the highest levels of startup activity. The index has three components: the rate of new entrepreneurs, the opportunity share of new entrepreneurs, and startup density. The rate of new entrepreneurs measures the share of a population that became entrepreneurs in a given month. The opportunity share of new entrepreneurs tracks the percentage of new entrepreneurs who left a job to start their own business. Startup density is defined as the number of startups per 1,000 companies. A startup is defined as a company less than a year old with at least one employee besides the owner.

3. Microfinancing

Maybe you don’t need six or seven figures in funding, maybe you could use $10k, or even much less. Or maybe you don’t qualify for much funding. Fear not, microfinance is here to help. Groups like Kiva offer smaller loans. The Small Business Administration does too; its limit is $50,000. Other microfinance options are typically smaller and include:

Grameen America 


4. Crowdfunding

Sites like Kickstarter get a lot of press for good reason – they have opened up a whole new way of funding businesses that heretofore was nonexistent.  

Traditionally, businesses were funded either through ‘debt financing’ or ‘equity financing.’ Debt financing is what it sounds like – the business takes on debt to finance the business. It could be an advance from Uncle Joe or a traditional bank loan or an SBA loan, but whatever the case, the result is the same: You take on debt to finance growth. 

The other option was equity financing. Here, you sell a share of the venture to fund the business. This is what you see on "Shark Tank."

Crowdfunding upended this traditional model. With crowdfunding, people invest in your business in exchange for some benefit. For example, your online jewelry store might create a special edition necklace for someone who invested in your Kickstarter project. No debt taken on, no equity sold. (Note: There is also something called equity crowdfunding, but that’s more complicated and a story for a different day) 

5. SBA loans

The Small Business Administration doesn’t make loans, but it does guarantee certain loans, and guess what? When an arm of the federal government like the SBA is willing to guarantee your loan, your chances of getting approved go way up. You can research SBA lenders here. 

6. Traditional lending

I list traditional bank loans here as an unexpected source of funding because of this breaking news headline:  

Banks want to lend to you.  

Lending is their business. What they want in return are assurances that a loan to you will be safe; that it will be repaid in full and on time. Your job therefore is to make their job easy. You can do that by meeting with a banker early in the process and creating a loan application that fits their criteria. 

So, as you can see, there really are a lot of options available to you today. What was it Jerry Maguire said? Right.

Show me the money! 

Steve Strauss, @Steve Strauss on Twitter, is a lawyer specializing in small business and entrepreneurship who has been writing for for 20 years. Email: You can learn more about Steve at

The views and opinions expressed in this column are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of USA TODAY.

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