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Policing the USA

'Where has this training been all my life?': How healing trauma could actually reform policing

This approach isn’t a panacea to stopping police violence. There isn’t one. But we believe this is part of the solution.

Michael Harrison, Michael Cox and Molly Baldwin
Opinion contributors

As demands for police reform nationally focus on fixing department structures, upending police culture and ending specialized units, those of us who work in law enforcement must take a 360-degree approach to effecting meaningful change. We must address reform from every angle, including those outside of traditional considerations.

We must address training and supervision where it is lacking and restructuring where it has merit. And as we evaluate and strategically address training, we must include the rarely acknowledged or talked about impact that trauma can have on law enforcement officers.  

In Baltimore and Boston, we are meeting trauma head-on to bring meaningful behavior change among officers. We are utilizing the same brain science training and support that has been used in working with our highest risk young people who are victims and perpetrators of the worst violence in our cities. 

How science can help first responders 

This cognitive behavioral theory-based training – Rewire CBT – helps officers who are often exposed to trauma in the line of duty by teaching them to be aware of their emotions and to be aware that what they think, feel and do is intrinsically connected. 

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Why is this needed? First responders, like the people they interact with on a daily basis, encounter frequent traumas and stressful conditions. Science tells us that when you add in a perceived or real threat to trauma, a rush of adrenaline and the dopamine that comes with it can cause a person to lose control.

Michael Harrison is commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department.

At its core, Rewire training helps participants get out of the bottom brain thinking focused on a fight-or-flight mentality and back into their top brains. Our top brain is where cognitive, rational thought happens.

Through the training, officers heal from the trauma they’ve experienced, remain vigilant to threats but act calmly and in a way that is consistent with their values. This helps break down the “us vs. them” culture and to see themselves, their colleagues and those they serve as people who are more than what is happening in one moment in time. 

This work helps our officers overcome the challenges associated with trauma exposure and emotional regulation. In turn, it reduces negative interactions with the people whom officers interact with professionally and personally.  

Instead of carrying trauma home, officers bring training home

The officers we’re retraining with Rewire are overwhelmingly embracing it. In the past year, more than 480 officers from 18 agencies around the country have participated in this one-day training. 

In post-training surveys, 98% of respondents said they'd recommend it to a colleague, 97% said they will practice it in their work and personal lives, and 98% said it allows them to better empathize with others. 

"Where has this training been all my life?" asked one senior police officer.

Michael Cox is commissioner of the Boston Police Department.

One positive take away from the training, officers noted, was the emphasis on well-being, personal control over actions and the ability to modify behaviors. This is very different from the historic culture of group think.

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The first thing we see is that officers bring this training home with them and, like the trauma and stress they carry with them, the first place they see it working is with their family. 

Another officer said they used it particularly to be present and mindful, at home and on the job: “It emphasized the need to slow down and think about initial actions before you actually act or say something.”

And officers bring this behavior change to work and to their interactions with community members. They will flex their thinking and act on their values in their jobs, utilizing these lessons and new tools in real life during their most stressful moments.

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This approach isn’t a panacea to stopping police violence. There isn’t one. But we believe this is part of the solution.

Policing must change – and it is changing. We are reimagining how officers approach communities they serve, replacing officers who don’t want to be part of the change, and prosecuting those who have lost their way and hurt people whom they promised to serve and protect.

Molly Baldwin is the founder and CEO of Roca, which developed the Rewire CBT training as an intervention for the highest risk young men and women.

The results of this work are worthy of being a significant part of the national conversation about the changes we see and the changes we need.

Rewire is showing us a new path that we believe can have deep and lasting impacts on police, on trauma and on the people we are sworn to serve and protect.

Michael Harrison, a 32-year veteran police officer, is commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department and former superintendent of the New Orleans Police Department. Michael Cox, a 34-year veteran police officer, is commissioner of the Boston Police Department. Molly Baldwin is the founder and CEO of Roca, which developed the Rewire CBT training as an intervention for the highest risk young men and women.

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