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'Not prioritizing people': Complaints mount as Instagram's battle with TikTok changes platform

Instagram leaders said the social media platform planned to "double down" on video products in 2022 and that's not been well-received among users who don't want a TikTok clone.

Gone are the days when Instagram feeds were full of filtered amateur food photography. Now, when you log in to the app, you'll likely find more and more video content. 

The social media platform has shifted its focus to video in recent years, prioritizing products such as its short-form video feature Reels amid competition with TikTok. 

The changes in Instagram have led many users to be disgruntled with the platform. But Instagram's video-centric focus is seems to be here to stay and could present opportunities for creators and brands, social media strategists said. 

"I remember when (Instagram) first came out and we were all using those filters ... on our photos," said Christina Olivarez, founder and chief executive officer of The Social Butterfly Gal. "If you scroll back to your oldest form of a photo on Instagram, you will see it completely changed. And I think that is why so many people are freaking out because it's that shift in where things are going now."