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Spirit Airlines

7 hours at Spirit's biggest hub on 7th day of meltdown: The good, the bad and the ugly

The line for Spirit Airlines’ rebooking help at Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida was packed on Saturday, Aug. 7. Passengers with canceled flights or missed connections are sent there.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.  — When the Uber driver picked up Judie Campbell and her family for a ride to the airport early Saturday, he asked what airline they were flying.

"We're going to Spirit,'' Campbell told him. "He said, 'Oh, myyyyyy.''' 

The Pennsylvania family had issues with Spirit on their flight from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale International Airport a week ago – it was delayed for hours, so they canceled and bought pricier Southwest tickets so they didn't miss a cruise – but hadn't thought much about the budget airline since. 

They were blissfully unplugged on a six-night Carnival cruise to the Bahamas. The first they learned the budget airline's problems hadn't gone away while they were gone and, in fact, had gotten significantly worse, was when her son-in-law got online as the cruise ended early Saturday and caught up on the news.