How to find your moon sign and what it says about your personality and love life

Our moon sign illuminates the facets of our personality that are not immediately recognisable and tend to take place in the subconscious
how to find your moon sign

In this article, you will learn what is a moon sign, how to find your moon sign, the difference between your moon sign and your ascendant, what your moon sign says about your personality and which moon signs go well together.

The zodiac sign most accurately reflected in our horoscope is the sun sign. According to astrology, the sun sign deals with our identity, the ascendant describes how we affect the world around us and the moon sign reveals more about our emotional world and subconscious. The moon sign indicates which constellation the moon was in at the time of your birth. Here you can find out what your moon sign means, how to calculate your moon sign and what it says about your personality.

What is a moon sign and how does it differ from a zodiac sign?

Within astrology, the sun sign, our ascendant and the moon sign are to be understood as a trinity. They give us information about different aspects of our personality and complement each other. In most cases, our moon sign will be different from our sun sign and the ascendant, because every person has a complex personality and many facets. Sometimes, however, the three zodiac signs are the same. These people are often at peace with themselves, but this does not mean that they have a one-sided personality.

The moon sign illuminates the facets of our personality that are not immediately recognisable and tend to take place in the subconscious. The moon sign also reveals our needs when it comes to love and relationships as well as fears and dreams. The emotional world plays a greater role with the moon sign and our emotions that are not immediately recognisable on the surface. The moon also stands for intuition and reaction: the decisions made outside our rational mind. Our moon sign often indicates the one major challenge we will face in our lives. As with all zodiac signs, there are both positive and negative aspects to the moon sign.

Difference between moon sign and ascendant

Like the ascendant, the moon sign is more precise than our sun sign, as it is tailored to the exact place and time in which we were born. The ascendant can almost be described as the opposite of the moon sign. It describes the image we want to portray ourselves to the outside world, the mask we put on and the idea we have of ourselves. In other words, what other people see when they first come into contact with us. The ascendant is a mathematical point—namely the zodiac sign that rises on the eastern horizon when we are born—and changes every two hours.

The moon sign is calculated by determining the zodiac sign in which the moon was at the exact time of birth. It can be described as the opposite of the ascendant because instead of looking at the external image, the moon sign looks inwards. It is about our emotional side; not about an image that we project, but about our emotional world, which we cannot influence, and the personality that not many people get to see.

How to find your moon sign in simple instructions

To calculate the moon sign, you need to know the exact time and place of birth, similar to calculating the ascendant. This allows you to calculate which zodiac sign the moon was in at the time of birth. The best way to do this is to use a lunar calendar, which you can easily find online. Some platforms also offer an integrated calculator to easily determine the moon sign, such as mondkalender-online.

Is it possible to find out the moon sign without a birth time?

Unlike the sun sign, both the ascendant and the moon sign are particularly sensitive to time. With the ascendant, you need to know your time of birth to the nearest two hours—with the moon sign, it’s down to the minute. This is because the moon is much faster than the sun and therefore moves faster through the zodiac signs.

You can easily find out your birth time by asking your parents for your birth certificate or by calling the registry office at your place of birth. If you only know your approximate birth time, you can try out a few and see which of the signs suits you best below.

What moon signs are there?

Just like the sun signs and the ascendant, the moon sign also refers to the twelve signs of the zodiac in astrology, as we find them in every horoscope. Each moon sign has its own individual characteristics. These typical characteristics are primarily considered in the context of feelings and desires—in other words, everything that takes place in our inner life, especially the subconscious.

What does the moon sign say about your personality?

The moon sign is the opposite of the ascendant. The ascendant is concerned with how a person affects their environment, what abilities they bring to the table and how we interact with other people. The moon sign, on the other hand, is directed inwards and shows us our subconscious and the personality that is not immediately apparent.


The moon sign Aries is passionate and stormy in love. What is spontaneity for one person may seem impulsive to another because Aries likes to be driven by its feelings. They deal with these feelings openly and honestly, even if they sometimes don’t fully understand their own emotional world. Sometimes Aries can be irritable in arguments but they never hold a grudge.


The moon sign Taurus is faithful, loyal and likes to offer and receive security. Taurus is not spontaneous, but rather a great planner who likes to think things through in order to achieve the perfect result in the end. They can sometimes be quite materialistic. People with the moon sign Taurus are stubborn and when they are angry, they are really angry.


The moon sign Gemini loves company and enjoys entertaining a whole room full of people. Geminis are funny, but also smart and like to exchange ideas. Education is important to them, but they are sometimes unsure what the right path is or how best to get an education. The reason for this is that decisions are sometimes quite difficult for them.


People born under the moon sign of Cancer don’t like to argue because they are easily hurt and hold grudges for longer. The moon sign Cancer is sensitive and delicate but still has a strong personality. They like to protect those they love but for some, this can quickly be seen as clinginess. Family always comes first and Cancer would do anything for them.


The moon sign Leo is intense and always curious in everything it does. As a born entertainer, the Leo moon loves to be the centre of attention at every party. People with the Moon in Leo have a good dose of self-confidence and pride, which is why they can also be very resentful in an argument.


People born under the moon sign Virgo need consistency, routine and order in their lives (which they like to show through a collection of lists). They are reliable, down-to-earth and like to help those around them. However, due to their constant planning, the Virgo moon sign can also quickly become controlling.


People born under the moon sign Libra are diplomatic, with a strong sense of justice. They are always friendly and have a penchant for materialism. Fashion, furnishings, art and culture are important to the moon sign, but sometimes only because of their aesthetics or the effect they have on other people. The Moon sign Libra is rather reserved with its emotions, which is why it can also be perceived as aloof.


The moon sign Scorpio is profound and hates small talk, as Scorpios do not like superficialities. They feel emotions particularly intensely, which is why they are often argumentative. But if there is too much bad blood in an argument, the moon sign finds it difficult to forgive. People with the moon sign Scorpio are known for their loyalty and faithfulness, but this can sometimes come across as controlling or possessive to others.


People with the moon in Sagittarius, like the sun sign Sagittarius itself, are freedom-loving and love to travel. With their thirst for adventure and spontaneity, these moon signs are almost unstoppable and always want to move forward. A good dose of humour and optimistic idealism round off the moon sign Sagittarius. Due to their free spirit, however, Sagittarius natives often tend to be afraid of commitment.


Is the moon sign Capricorn stubborn or does it just have great stamina? The answer is both. People with this moon sign are born stand-up guys who rarely give up. They are ambitious and want to take action instead of just dreaming. Their stubbornness can sometimes make them seem unapproachable and maintaining a relationship can be difficult if you are reluctant to compromise.


The Moon Aquarius is an absolute hipster. Sooner or later he or she will set up a start-up or perhaps become a freelancer, but the moon sign doesn’t like having a boss over him or her. Freedom and independence are particularly important to Aquarius, which is why they sometimes suffer from commitment anxiety and find it difficult to stay in a relationship.


The moon sign Pisces is emphatic and in need of love, although Pisces can’t help wanting to help everyone all the time. They find it difficult to understand when they are being taken advantage of and when they are not. People with the moon in the zodiac sign of Pisces tend to be conflict-averse and prefer to talk to their friends about their dreams or philosophical theories. Pisces should be able to live out their creative streak at work.

Which moon signs go together according to astrology?

The sign that is in a person’s moon indicates the personality of a potential partner which means you can decide for yourself whether you find this personality appealing or not. We’ll show you which moon signs harmonise particularly well according to astrology.

The moon sign Aries goes well with the moon sign Leo and the moon sign Libra. Impulsive Aries harmonises with people who can give it variety. The Moon in Leo is a born entertainer and can entertain Aries well. Libra, on the other hand, is very harmonious and can have a balancing effect on Aries. Libra also likes it when its partner is a little more spirited.

The moon sign Aquarius goes well with the moon sign Gemini and the moon sign Sagittarius. The Moon in Aquarius loves freedom and doesn’t want to be told what to do by anyone. The Sagittarius Moon can understand this very well and together the two harmonise well (perhaps this combination will even result in a successful start-up?). The Gemini Moon would also like to talk to the Aquarius Moon and would also be open to an open relationship.

The moon sign Scorpio goes well with the moon sign Pisces and the moon sign Cancer. The Moon in Scorpio needs time to open its heart, but when it does, the relationship is all the more passionate. It’s perfect for emotional moon signs such as Pisces or Cancer, both of which harmonise very well with the moon sign due to their romantic streak. The two loving moon signs even see the possessive side of Scorpio as a plus point.

The moon sign Pisces goes very well with the moon sign Taurus, as the latter can be a rock in the surf for the emotional Pisces. Stability is particularly important for Taurus and the Moon in Pisces can provide this, as it falls in love quickly and strongly and is very loyal.

The moon sign Capricorn harmonises well with the moon sign Virgo, the moon sign Sagittarius and the moon sign Cancer. The patient Moon in Cancer supports the stubborn Capricorn, the structured Virgo can exchange ideas with the Capricorn and the Moon in Sagittarius lures the Capricorn out of its reserve.

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