trailer mix

New Brave Footage: Pixar Hosts the Highland Games

Well, this is promising: Pixar just released a two-and-a-half-minute scene from Brave, its upcoming feature about a Scottish princess and her wild highland adventures, and based on the evidence at hand (which, granted, is just a teaser and one scene, but still), the studio’s much-discussed “woman problem” is solved. This looks adorable! Congratulations to the curly-haired girls of America, who finally have a worthy action heroine to call their own. That hair reveal? A+. And how awesome are those bow-and-arrow skills? Did Katniss Everdeen ever slice another bow in two with her bull’s eye? We think not. Finally, Vulture approves of any movie that might teach the children of American to crack jokes in Scottish accents. This could be great.

New Brave Footage: Pixar Hosts the Highland Games