Displaying all articles tagged:

The Bikeriders

  1. posture
    Will Someone Please Check on Austin Butler’s Neck?He always looks like he’s either working through a cramp or about to get one.
  2. movie review
    A Movie About Being Cool Shouldn’t Be This UptightHow is The Bikeriders, a movie in which Jodie Comer, Austin Butler, and Tom Hardy are a biker love triangle, so emotionally constipated?
  3. vulture lists
    The 15 Best Biker MoviesThe Bikeriders is an anomaly in 2024, but there was a time when outlaw bikers regularly fascinated and terrified moviegoers.
  4. oscar futures
    Oscar Futures: Can The Color Purple Strike Gold?The mainstream crowd-pleaser feels destined to light up the holiday box-office, even if critics are more likely to be respectful than besotted.