Picture of James Perkins Mastromarino

James Perkins Mastromarino

Producer, Here & Now

James Perkins Mastromarino is Here & Now’s WashingtonD.C.-based producer. He works with NPR’s newsroom on a daily whirlwind of topics that range from Congress to TV dramas to outer space. Mastromarino also edits NPR’s Join the Game and reports on gaming for daily shows like All Things Considered and Morning Edition.

Mastromarino was born in Oakland, California, and was raised in the Netherlands, Boston, and San Diego. He contracted the media bug in high school when he made short documentaries and features that premiered at venues like the LA Film Festival. He later discovered a love of audio production as a student reporter at BYU Radio.

An avid hiker and bicyclist, he earned a bachelor's in history from Brigham Young University, researched German movies at Cambridge University and did volunteer service work in Japan. He lives in Arlington, Virginia.

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