Monthly operational update on health emergencies - June 2023


In this edition of the Monthly Operational Update on Health Emergencies, highlights of country-level actions and WHO support to countries include:

  • In Mozambique, WHO helps families in areas affected by cholera outbreak to prevent the disease
  • WHO support to Marburg virus disease (MVD) outbreak response in the United Republic of Tanzania

  • Insecurity in Sudan and the related issues for the health care system

  • Enhancing prevention and control at points of entry under the International Health Regulations (2005): WHO launches a virtual reality training for Ship Inspections and the Issuance Ship Sanitation Certificates (SSCs)

  • Improving border health capacities and fostering cross border collaboration in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus

  • WHO brings RCCE partners together to respond to multi-hazard emergencies in South-East Asia

  • WHO, in collaboration with key partners holds the Third Regional Training of Trainers on Public Health Emergency Operations Centre in Victoria, Seychelles

  • Sri Lanka develops its first risk profile through multisectoral collaboration to inform preparedness actions

  • PAHO brings together experts to review strategies to tackle outbreaks in the Americas

  • Forward planning: GOARN partners meet in Jordan to discuss strategic plan implementation

  • WHO and its partners enhance Rapid Response Mobile Laboratory Network’s capacities through simulation exercises

  • WHO Logistics Hub’s Monthly Update (covering May 2023)

  • Nearly one in ten learners enrolled in OpenWHO’s food insecurity online course are from the Greater Horn of Africa

WHO Team
Emergency Response (WRE)