Monthly operational update on health emergencies - February 2023


In this edition of the Monthly Operational Update on Health Emergencies, highlights of country-level actions and WHO support to countries include: 

  • WHO provides risk communication support to the Ministry of Health as part of the larger earthquake response in Türkiye
  • Responding to cholera in Malawi
  • Responding to cholera in the Dominican Republic
  • Supporting thousands in Somalia’s hard-to-reach locations with critical life-saving health, nutrition and other services
  • Upgrading the WHO Logistics Hub in Dubai-United Arab Emirates into a Global Logistics Centre for Health Emergencies to enhance preparedness and response efforts globally
  • Téchne, a central platform for the design of Ebola treatment center
  • WHO Regional Office for Europe holds workshops on the prevention and response to sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (PRSEAH) in the context of the war in Ukraine and other emergencies
  • WHO conducts a pilot testing of the new Rapid Response Teams Training Programme in Nepal, Saudi Arabia, and Uganda
  • Iraq conducts national multi-antigen vaccination campaign for more than 400 000 children
  • Azerbaijan boosts its vaccine cold chain system
  • WHO partners with a civil society organization in Papua New Guinea to promote behaviour change in the workplace
  • The Pandemic Fund: strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness and resilience where it is most needed
  • New certification recognizes WHO commitment to high-quality humanitarian learning
  • WHO’s Health Emergency Appeal 2023: responding to health emergencies across the world


WHO Team
Emergency Response (WRE)
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