Asbury University addresses public safety concerns, schedules end of revival on campus

Published: Feb. 18, 2023 at 11:06 PM EST

WILMORE, Ky. (WKYT) - Over the past week and a half, tens of thousands of people have descended on a town of just 6,000 to experience a spiritual sensation.

“We just had some people arrive from Finland, from the Netherlands, they have been coming from all over the country,” said Abby Laud, who directs communications for Asbury University.

Cars line the streets of Wilmore for blocks and illustrate the widespread interest this spontaneous revival at Asbury has attracted.

Many of those drivers have ended their long journeys at Clucker’s Corner, a Shell gas station just across the street from campus.

“I opened the store this morning at 7 - haven’t even had a five-minute break,” said Bobby Singh, who owns the station.

Singh says this weekend has brought on his busiest days yet. While he can’t be inside Hughes Auditorium with them, visitors are still bringing their love and kindness to his store.

“I’ve never met such nice people, people are inside donating to us,” Singh said. “[It’s a] blessing in disguise, man. it came out of nowhere.”

But they were never expecting these crowds, so it’s causing concern among locals when it comes to public safety.

“It is overwhelming, there are cars parked in people’s house space,” said Singh.

The university says it is working with Wilmore’s mayor to create a plan that will address parking and traffic issues.

In a statement released Saturday, they also announced the revival will soon be moving off their campus. The final public evening service will be held Sunday night, with the revival set to leave campus after Thursday.

But they hope its spirit is carried on elsewhere.

“It was always God’s to begin with, so I think from here, we’re going to let Him take it,” Laud said.