An American Independence Party

By Vox Day

In Spain, the two pro-Catalan independence parties now control a majority of the regional parliament. While the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya is on the political left and the Convergència i Unió is on the center-right, the one thing they can agree on is that Catalonia should be independent.

In Great Britain, the Scottish National Party has all but eliminated the Conservative Party north of the border and seats nearly twice as many members as the Labour Party in the Scottish Parliament. As for the United Kingdom herself, the United Kingdom Independence Party, derided by British Prime Minister David Cameron as a collection of “loonies, fruitcakes and closet racists,” just handed the Tories their Eton-educated heads in three by-elections that serve as a likely harbinger of political upheaval to come; UKIP has already effectively replaced the Liberal Democrats as the United Kingdom’s fourth most influential political party after the Conservatives, Labour, and the Scottish National Party.

Whether it is politically sensible for the prime minister to attack the only party defending British sovereignty against the technocratic fascists of the European Union will, in time, become clear. But it does point to the way in which the ridicule of the major political parties and mainstream media is manifestly impotent when it comes to defeating a growing desire for secession and self-determination in a democratic society.

There can be little doubt that Cameron’s opinion of UKIP is but a pale shadow of the U.S. bifactional ruling party’s hatred and contempt for white Americans who still hold to traditional values, believe in their constitutional liberties and derive their sense of identity from historical America. They mock the secessionist petitioners in Texas and other states, celebrate the infestation of even the smallest American heartland towns by African, Asian and Aztec cultures, and engage in ruthless doublethink as they worship at the altar of a false and entirely nonexistent equality.

And yet, they are afraid and they threaten every American who dares to think the unthinkable and speak the unspeakable. Why? Because they know time, history and socionomics are not on their side.

Is the secession of several American states truly unthinkable? Is the breakup of the United States of America really outside the boundaries of historically reasonable possibility?

Some would point to the amount of time that has passed since the Civil War, when the question was last considered. It has been 147 years since Americans attempted to exert their right to self-determination and leave the United States. However, it has been 305 years since the Scottish Parliament passed the Union with England Act in 1707, and even if Scotland does not vote to break up the Union in the referendum tentatively scheduled for 2014, the fact that the Scottish people are seriously considering an exit from a Union that is twice as old as the forcible one imposed by Abraham Lincoln should suffice to prove that the age of the U.S. does not render a potential breakup theoretically or practically impossible.

This is especially true given that the English people and the Scottish people have far more in common than Americans do with the tens of millions of post-1965 immigrants from various non-European nations around the world, or their urban enablers. The fact that the future citizens of Aztlán are presently content to continue collecting tribute in the form of state and federal largesse does not mean that they will refrain from exerting the political muscle that their growing demographic weight provides them once the contracting economy brings the gravy train to an end.

It also seems unlikely that the millions of Americans who have moved away from declining school systems, who have retreated from an increasingly vibrant communities, and who have fled from high-tax jurisdictions will continue to retreat as the people who destroyed their schools, their communities and their state budgets attempt to follow them.

They will not because they cannot. The frontiers are closed. There is nowhere else to go.

And so, just as the Catalonians are learning to put their differences aside and show a united front to the central government in Spain, as the Scottish Tories and Labour voters have united together in pursuit of a free and independent Scotland, and as Britons of the working-class left and the libertarian right are realizing that a sovereign Britain is more important than any of the many issues that divide them, Americans will eventually do the same. This is why it doesn’t matter if one considers the birth of an American Independence Party to be desirable or not; it is inevitable.


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