Yu-Gi-Oh! Confessions

Hello, and welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! Confessions. Modeled after several other Confessions blogs from other fandoms, this is where you can confess your deepest, darkest and craziest secrets about the show(s) you love. Secrets relating to Yugioh DM, Gx, 5D, and Zexal are welcome here.

Our ask will be closed sometimes, only because of the amount of confessions we have to finish, but it will be opened again shortly if it is.

This blog is run by flightsofwonder and pipecleanerflowers.

Now confess, Rev It Up, and Pop Fly this blog. Because it's Time To Duel!

(via fuckyeahygo-blog)

posted 12 years ago with 561 notes (originally from )

I have never seen scarier, meaner, or more jealous people in this fandom than Malik and Kaiba fans and role-players. Not all of them are bad no and I’ve met some really nice ones but enough of them are that I’m honestly terrified of interacting with...

I have never seen scarier, meaner, or more jealous people in this fandom than Malik and Kaiba fans and role-players. Not all of them are bad no and I’ve met some really nice ones but enough of them are that I’m honestly terrified of interacting with any of them, even the ones that seem nice.

posted 12 years ago with 87 notes
#yugioh dm #seto kaiba #marik #malik

I despise that in the fandom, if you’re a Puzzleshipper, it AUTOMATICALLY means you’re a Tender/Bronzeshipper as well… THEY. DON’T. ALWAYS. GO. TOGETHER.

I despise that in the fandom, if you’re a Puzzleshipper, it AUTOMATICALLY means you’re a Tender/Bronzeshipper as well… THEY. DON’T. ALWAYS. GO. TOGETHER.

I absolutely hate Anzu/ Tea. She’s disgusting and useless and needs to die in a hole. Even when I was little I hated her… And I NEVER hated anyone when I was little.

I absolutely hate Anzu/ Tea. She’s disgusting and useless and needs to die in a hole. Even when I was little I hated her… And I NEVER hated anyone when I was little.

posted 12 years ago with 111 notes
#yugioh dm

I always feel like a bad Yugioh fan because Yami Yuugi/Atem is probably my favorite character.

I always feel like a bad Yugioh fan because Yami Yuugi/Atem is probably my favorite character.

I wouldn’t call Johan my least favorite GX character, because that would indicate that I like him at all.

I wouldn’t call Johan my least favorite GX character, because that would indicate that I like him at all.

Illusionshipping makes my skin crawl.

Illusionshipping makes my skin crawl.

GX is the stupidest of the spin-off series.

GX is the stupidest of the spin-off series.

posted 12 years ago with 106 notes
#Yu-Gi-Oh! GX #confessions

Joey was the entire reason I got into anime in the first place

Joey was the entire reason I got into anime in the first place

Busy moving into university and getting back into school and such, so updates here on yugioh-confessions will be slow these next couple of weeks!

We are still diligently working on graphics and will have a queue set up soon.

Sorry for the delays!

posted 12 years ago with 5 notes