Best On Netflix

The 17 Disney Movies on Netflix with the Highest Rotten Tomatoes Scores

With the launch of Disney+ later this year, the House of Mouse plans on giving Netflix a real run for its money. Disney revealed their streaming service plans in detail last week, giving potential subscribers a whole lot to get excited about. After all, Disney’s content catalogue includes way more than just movies from their franchise of animated fairytales and family friendly features. Disney owns Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar, which means there really is something for everyone on Disney+. But wait–isn’t a lot of that stuff on Netflix right now?

You bet it is. Thanks to an exclusive partnership between Disney and Netflix from a few years back, the current streaming service giant has the exclusive rights to every Disney movie released from the past 18 months or so. That includes animated features, Pixar movies, Marvel Studios adventures, and chapters of the Star Wars saga. But that won’t remain true for much longer!

Moving forward with the launch of Disney+, all Disney movies released from January 2019 onwards will all go straight to the new service. And once those Disney movies’ tenure on Netflix ends, they’ll jump to the Netflix competitor too. That also goes for all of the classic Disney content currently streaming on Netflix too, like Lilo & Stitch and Tarzan. If you love having Disney on Netflix, you’re gonna have to start adjusting to life without all those titles on the service pretty soon–but not yet! Disney+ doesn’t launch until November 12, so you still have plenty of time to enjoy all these Disney movies on Netflix. And if you haven’t taken advantage of their selection just yet, you can find the 17 best Disney movies currently on Netflix in the slideshow above.