Interview With Musician/Actor Sean Thomas, “Wedding of Dreams”

By Ruth on September 8, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Two years ago when Summer of Dreams premiered on the Hallmark Channel, Mitchell Kummen recommended that I interview a young musician friend of his, Sean Thomas, who was featured in the movie. Since that time, I have been a HUGE fan of Sean’s and seeing him come back to Hallmark for the sequel, Wedding of Dreams, is a special treat! In honor of the sequel, I am featuring Sean yet again so we can see what this industrious, young man has been up to in the past couple of years!

RH: Since we chatted last time, you have been working on your music career. Please fill us in on what you have released in the past couple years and what you are planning to do with music in the near future?

ST: Phew! Things have been a little busy since we last talked, haha. Over the past couple of years, I’ve written, produced, and released four new songs: “What’s a Boy Gotta Do”, “Want it All, Run Away”, and my most recent song, “Sorry I Lied”, that I wrote in memory of my grandmother who was my biggest fan!

Also, I’m currently in my second year of Berklee College of Music online, working towards my Music Degree. I was actually able to travel to Boston and visit the campus this summer! It was super cool.

You have also done some voice work. Please fill us in on that part of your career. What do you enjoy about voice work? What are the challenges?

Beyblade Burst Evolution

Super Dinosaur

Anytime I can be in the studio in front of a microphone, I’m the happiest! I love voice-acting and have been a voice actor for over ten years now! Two of my most recent animations include BEYBLADE Burst Evolution (I voice the character “Free De La Hoya”) and Super Dinosaur (premiering September 8th on Teletoon), I voice the character “Minimus”, There are a few other post-production projects that I can’t wait to share! It’s hard to think of any challenges when I feel so fortunate to have worked with so many amazing people on some really great shows! It’s definitely important to take care of your voice as a voice actor. Lots of water, tea, and warm-ups!

Very soon, Hallmark viewers will see us in the sequel, Wedding of Dreams. What can we expect from your character and the movie? Any favorite scene you can tell us without spoiling the story?

Wedding of Dreams

I feel so grateful to be invited back as Nick in Wedding of Dreams! In the movie, Debbie Gibson is a high school music teacher and Nick is one of the music students in her class! Being back on set with the other students (Zenia Marshall, Farryn Van Humbeck, Mitchell Kummen, and new students Graham Verchere and Mamie Laverock) felt like a high-school reunion! I’ve been homeschooled since grade one, and playing this role is as close as I’ve come to a high school experience! One thing people don’t know is that we’ve all remained very close friends since the first movie Summer of Dreams.
One of my favorite scenes I can hint about is in the title of the movie 😉

Why do you believe that a sequel to Summer of Dreams came about? In your opinion, what is it that makes sequels like this on the Hallmark Channel so popular amongst the viewers? Do you believe a third movie in the series is possible?

Summer of Dreams was a huge success! There were so many talented actors in that movie that Hallmark fans know and love, and the connection between Debbie (Debbie Gibson) and Noah (Robert Gant) was really strong. I’m sure the viewers wanted to see more of their love story!

Haven’t heard anything about a third one, but I’d love to be a part of it if there is!

Debbie + Noah, + baby? Family Of Dreams? Hmmm 😛

Since you are nearly an adult, where do you see yourself five years from now? Ten years?

I just turned seventeen in July! Still over three hundred sleeps until I’m an adult, haha! My focus for now is education. This year, I’ll complete grade twelve, and continue studying at Berklee. I also look forward to regularly training in voice over and acting. In addition, I study martial arts and I’m working towards my black belt! I especially want to volunteer and further my philanthropic efforts any way I can.

Any other upcoming works you can mention?

I’m looking forward to releasing two new songs in the near future, one co-written with a friend I met at the SongStudio Workshop I attended this summer in Toronto, and the other I recorded in Los Angeles in June! One of my musical highlights this year was working with the incredibly talented Debbie Gibson on her new single “Your Forever Girl”! I also worked on a project with Mamie Laverock that Wedding of Dreams viewers will really love 🙂

I know you’ve been an advocate for mental health. Why are you so passionate about this issue? What are you doing to help raise awareness about mental illness?

The program I founded 10 years ago called “Kids Can Help” raised over $100,000 for the Oncology Department at the BC Children’s Hospital! Through that program, I met a friend who was personally impacted by Mental Health. When I heard his story, I was motivated to raise awareness and I co-founded a program called “Music For Hope”. Our first event raised over $14,000 for the Canadian Mental Health Association. There are people of all ages who have been impacted by mental health. It’s great to see that it’s increasingly becoming a topic of discussion, and I’m hopeful that we’ll hear fewer negative experiences and more positive outcomes as a result.

I will never forget how you included my daughter in one of your music videos. Please tell us about how you got the idea for that music video which included many young ladies? How did you make that video happen?

The “What’s a Boy Gotta Do?” video was a really fun project. The question in the song is “what’s a boy gotta do to get a girl like you?” All the girls who submitted short video clips were so creative with their wide variety of responses (have my back, support my decisions, make me laugh, etc). Unfortunately for guys, there isn’t just one easy answer! Haha.

If you could be in a Christmas movie for any network, what sort of movie would you like for it to be? 

This one’s easy! It would definitely be about music. Christmas is the one holiday and possibly the only time of year where friends and family (even strangers) gather together and sing classic songs that people of all ages know!

A fun Christmas movie idea could be:

It takes place in a quaint town. Throughout the year, the local church helps different people. On Christmas Eve, everyone looks forward to singing carols with the church choir. Unfortunately, the choir’s bus broke down and they’re over an hour away! The locals that the church have helped gather to discuss ideas about what to do when one starts to hum and they all join in and start singing together. They realize they can give back to the community by starting the Christmas carols until the choir gets there. The community is waiting impatiently in the church when this group walks in singing the Christmas carols! Everyone is happy and sings along, then the choir bus pulls in and the choir joins in and sings with the group. Caring and giving back with music saves Christmas Eve!

If there’s a movie that you know of like this, I’d love to watch it! If not, I think it’d make a great Hallmark movie!

What are the best pieces of advice that you have received that you would like to pass onto the young people of today?

Whether I’m voice acting, acting, playing music, studying martial arts, or in school, the one piece of advice I hear consistently that I strongly agree with, is to always be true to who you are. Be yourself! One of my favorite sayings is “If everyone becomes a follower, there will be no leaders”.

Ruth, thank you so much for thinking of me again! You’re so creative! I really enjoyed these questions.
I know you and the Hallmark viewers are going to love Wedding of Dreams! See you Saturday, September 8th 😉

All that talent and experience from one who is not yet an adult! How on earth is it even possible?! No doubt, Sean is one extraordinary teenager, and it staggers the imagination to envision how he may transform the world within the next few years. Sean is not one who is content to rest on his laurels nor sit idly by; he is one young man who is constantly on the move and striving for the good of others. I am grateful to Hallmark for bringing him back for the sequel, and if you have not guessed, I will be tuning in tonight (September 8th) for what is bound to be one of the sweetest if not the most musical of the sequels Hallmark has ever produced. I hope everyone will tune in right along with me and tweet up a storm in support of this phenomenal film. Additionally, if you want to keep up with Sean, I highly recommend that you check out all of his links below and follow him where applicable. As one who appreciates those who are genuinely making a positive difference in this sometimes dismal and foreboding world of ours, it enlivens my soul to acknowledge the consistent efforts of Sean and his commitment to his ideals and principles. My fingers are crossed and my head is bowed in prayer with a sincere belief that Sean will continue to use his skills and talents to effect the sort of lasting change that will usher in a time of generosity, joy, and peace in our world that we have never known heretofore. And if anyone can do it, I am convinced my buddy Sean can and will not rest until his global goals and desires are completely accomplished with all integrity and effulgence.







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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Lindsay Woods January 7, 2020 Reply

    Wedding of Dreams! Soooo good. Combine this with the jollyness of Christmas… gahhh perfect! That’s a talented young man right there btw.

  2. beverly July 24, 2019 Reply

    I loved the songs of this kid, I’m able to watch its live performance and I can say is wow! he is so great at his age. I’m hoping to watch you live again. I can say I’m a fan of yours. Good luck and more power Sean!

  3. denise September 8, 2018 Reply

    I love his idea for a Hallmark Christmas movie!

    • Author
      Ruth September 9, 2018 Reply

      I do too Denise!!

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