'It was not romantic': Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan talk about their AWKWARD Fifty Shades Of Grey sex scenes in new interview

  • Millions expected to see film but actress says her famous parents Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson will not be coming to see it... if she has her way

They star as lovers with a taste for the kinkier side of the bedroom in Fifty Shades Of Grey.

But as Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan unveiled the trailer for the movie on Thursday they couldn't help but admit the sex scenes for the BDSM fantasy were 'more of a task' than hot and steamy to film.

Dakota, daughter of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, explained on The Today Show that simulating the racier scenes on set was not a 'romantic situation'.

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That's a hot breakfast (TV): Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson shared the trailer for Fifty Shades Of Grey on The Today Show

That's a hot breakfast (TV): Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson shared the trailer for Fifty Shades Of Grey on The Today Show

The 24-year-old said: 'It's not, like, a romantic situation. It's more, like, technical and choreographed and less ... it's more of a task.'

Which got a rise out of her 32-year-old co-star, who plays Christian Grey, as he sighed heavily uttering a simple 'wow'.

Dornan was quick to point out that the pair had an undeniable chemistry while filming the project.

Stunned: Dakota, 24, said the love scenes were 'more of a task' to the surprise of Jamie

Stunned: Dakota, 24, said the love scenes were 'more of a task' to the surprise of Jamie

'We had chemistry!' The 32-year-old actor said they worked well together on set

'We had chemistry!' The 32-year-old actor said they worked well together on set


'That's a big part of it ... having trust,' he explained.

'Because, you know, we got ourselves into situations that don't feel that sort of natural and they're not that easy and you need to have the trust there.'

But as far the version of the trailer shown on Today, they were both quick to point out that it was a heavily edited version that made it appropriate for breakfast TV.

The colour of innocence: The star showed off her stylish side instead of her sexy one in the morning in New York wearing a white ensebmle

The colour of innocence: The star showed off her stylish side instead of her sexy one in the morning in New York wearing a white ensebmle

Doesn't look awkward: Dornan and Dakota in the trailer for the erotic romance film

Doesn't look awkward: Dornan and Dakota in the trailer for the erotic romance film

Kinkier side: The clip showed some of the characters' bedroom antics

Kinkier side: The clip showed some of the characters' bedroom antics

Dakota, who plays Anastasia Steele, said she didn't really want her famous parents to see the film.

'If it were them doing a (sexy) movie I wouldn't want them to see that (either),' she explained humorously while laughing.

Fifty Shades Of Grey is an erotic romance novel written by EL James and has now been adapted for a film version set to hit theatres on February 13 2015.

Stepping out: Dakota pictured later that day in New York
Stepping out: Dakota pictured later that day in New York

Stepping out: Dakota pictured later that day in New York

Chipper: The rising star seemed to be in high spirits

Chipper: The rising star seemed to be in high spirits

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