All Things Considered with Alex Cohen |

Thanks for the pie Mr. Hanks!!

KPCC Staff with our warm apple pies

Last week, I had the great privilege of meeting Tom Hanks and a fantastic guy who drives him around - Bo Stevenson.

When I met Bo, he told me about how he had never listened to public radio before he started working for Mr. Hanks. But once he started, he was hooked! Now, I'm always excited when someone gets turned on to KPCC, but it's pretty darned exciting when you find out that Tom Hanks was the one who got the person listening! (I've been a huge fan since his "Bosom Buddies" days.)

I was so touched by Bo's enthusiasm about the station that I asked him to tape a testimonial for our current pledge drive. You can hear it here:


Bo compared listening to KPCC to going to a neighbor's house where they bake you a warm apple pie then read you the news. Extremely well put, I thought!

Apparently Mr. Hanks thought so, too. ... He got such a kick out of the analogy that he sent KPCC's staff a bunch of warm apple pies from Pie 'n Burger, here in Pasadena.

It was an AWESOME surprise. And the pie? Absolutely delicious. I'm on my second slice as I type. ...

Thanks so much Bo and Tom!