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Gabrielle Chan

Gabrielle Chan is an author and journalist, and was previously Guardian Australia's rural and regional editor

July 2024

  • Amber Haigh and Robert Geeves with their son. Geeves and his wife, Anne Geeves, are on trial for Haigh’s alleged murder

    Amber Haigh said she was tied up by Robert Geeves and questioned about other relationships during sex, murder trial told

    Paul Harding tells court Haigh had recalled to him having her hands tied ‘together at the wrist’
  • Amber Haigh and her baby and Robert Geeves

    One of last people to see Amber Haigh may have estimated date of sighting from news report, court hears

    James Arber tells murder trial he saw Robert and Anne Geeves leaving in a car with the 19-year-old and her baby
    • The rural network, Victoria
      Regional Australians are five times more likely to die in road accidents – so what are we doing about it?

      Gabrielle Chan
    • Amber Haigh was placed in ‘cargo’ section of car to meet ambulance, court hears

    • The rural network, Victoria
      Extravagant maker of schemes: unpicking Barnaby Joyce’s anti-renewables campaign

      Gabrielle Chan

June 2024

  • An aerial view of outback road

    The rural network, Victoria
    Is ‘urban narcissism’ behind rural Australia’s doctor drought?

    Gabrielle Chan
  • A windfarm in Australia

    The rural network, Victoria
    If regional communities don’t want a windfarm, why would they accept a nuclear power station?

    Gabrielle Chan

May 2024

  • A live sheep export ship at Fremantle port, Western Australia

    The rural network, Victoria
    Voter views on animal welfare are changing – and taking the live sheep export trade with them

    Gabrielle Chan
  • Driving Into A Dust Storm<br>Country road, Australia. (Stock image)

    The rural network, Victoria
    In rural Australia, everyone knows your business – so it’s harder for victims of violence to get help

    Gabrielle Chan

April 2024

  • Dairy cows NSW

    The rural network, Victoria
    If Australia has reached ‘peak milk’, what does that mean for our food security?

    Gabrielle Chan
    Consumers assume Australia has milk production covered – but the national dairy herd is declining and imports are at record highs
  • Children play with toys at a preschool in Canberra

    Full Story
    How ‘childcare deserts’ are holding Australia back – Full Story podcast

    Guardian Australia columnist Gabrielle Chan tells Nour Haydar about the ongoing challenges of parenting in regional Australia and why more towns need access to childcare services
  • A toddler plays with building blocks

    The rural network, Victoria
    Regional Australia needs health workers and teachers – but it has to have childcare first

    Gabrielle Chan
    Almost half the population live in a ‘childcare desert’ while employers are crying out for workers – it’s time to connect the dots

March 2024

  • Sheep graze on a recently harvested wheat field near Wagga Wagga

    The rural network, Victoria
    Australian farmland prices have doubled in the past decade. Is it time to put the ‘poor farmer’ narrative to bed?

    Gabrielle Chan
  • woman on farm

    The rural network, Victoria
    Behind the glossy International Women’s Day pictures, women are still excluded in agriculture

    Gabrielle Chan

February 2024

  • File photo of a white broiler chicken on a free range farm

    The rural network, Victoria
    The chicken came first: how Australia’s most popular protein can explain the supermarket duopoly

    Gabrielle Chan
  • High tension powerlines above a paddock grazed by cows

    The rural network, Victoria
    Rural Australia believes in self-sufficiency, so let’s set the terms of the renewable energy boom

    Gabrielle Chan

October 2023

  • Virginia-class attack submarine

    Australia news live
    No plan for nuclear waste despite Aukus submarine deal, Senate hears – as it happened

  • Australian agriculture minister Murray Watt speaks during the 2023 National Farmers Federation Conference, in Canberra, on Thursday 26 October 2023.

    The rural network
    Murray Watt hits back at National Farmers Federation campaign that calls Labor ‘ignorant to plight of farmers’

  • National Farmers Federation president Fiona Simson addresses the National Press Club in Canberra, Tuesday, October 24, 2023. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

    The rural network
    The ‘latte line’ dividing metropolitan and regional Australia has disappeared, but have the lobby groups kept pace?

    Gabrielle Chan
  • A defaced ‘Vote yes’ sign by the roadside

    The rural network
    The resounding no vote shows the great Australian silence lives on in the bush

    Gabrielle Chan
About 1,321 results for Gabrielle Chan