Bitcoin & The Buck Bounce As Biden, Big-Tech, Bonds, & Black Gold Breakdown

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...volatility is back amid a sea of red, bitches!

California Family Appeals Ruling Which Punished 1st Grader For 'All Lives Matter' Drawing

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"B.B.’s intent was to show children of various races getting along..."

Senator Blasts "National Embarrassment" As Biden Ends Gaza Floating Pier Mission

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Barely functioning pier can be seen as an analogy for end of Biden's term.

Leftist 'Voter Rights' Group Tries To Suppress GOP Mail-In Voting

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"...paid $48,000 for an ad that urged 'MAGA PATRIOTS' to 'stand strong WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP' against mail-in voting..."

Russia Warns It Sees 'Concentrated Presence' Of NATO Warships In Black Sea

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Zelensky unveils new plan "ensuring permanent presence of NATO forces in Black Sea."

The Biggest US Solar-Storage Project Launches In Nevada

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Gemini, located just 30 minutes outside of Las Vegas, generates enough reliable clean energy to power around 10% of Nevada's peak power demand...

'Newcastle Virus' Detection In Brazil Halts Chicken Exports, Sends Shares Of Producers Sliding 

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"The collapse of a roof in a coop after a storm may have exposed..." 


Choose One: Law Enforcement At Trump Shooting Was Either Incompetent Or Complicit

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Mistakes were made...”

Streaming Hits 40% Of US TV Usage For First Time

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If any further proof of streaming's leading role in today's television landscape was needed, then here it is...

New Homes Still "Seriously Unaffordable" In The US

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teaser image homes remain out of affordable reach for the majority of American households.

'Correlation Spasm' - VIX Surges By Most In 10 Months After OpEx

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...there is a constellation of reasons accumulating why equity volatility is likely to remain supported or continue rising in the coming weeks

CDC Figures Show COVID At "Very High" Levels In 7 US States

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Even more states are seeing ‘high’ levels, CDC data show...

"Continued Deterioration": Goldman Sees "Surplus Market" In Copper, Pushing Prices Lower In "Short-Term" 

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" ... African supply creep, Chinese demand headwinds, and mechanical balance shift (into surplus, it's not just deficits that carry! ), and price should go lower as a result given positioning." 

Going Full Trump: Hunter Biden Challenges Constitutionality Of Weiss' Appointment

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teaser image is the very argument that Democrats and liberal law professors has denounced as meritless and menacing...

USPS Caught Sharing Customer Addresses With Tech Giants, Including Meta And LinkedIn

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Ever wonder how sometimes digital ads know what you're discussing in the privacy of your own home...and even sometimes what you're thinking?

Time For A Reality Check?

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Another term for Trump may also have big implications for the global security order...

Trading Trump: The Real Reason The Valley Boys Love Trump...?

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Everything you need to know cross-asset in terms of Trump.

Oil Tanker Collides With 'Dark Fleet' Tanker Near Singapore

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"Based on our readings of the AIS data, the oil laden Panamax-sized..." 

"MOST Of Trump's Security Detail Were Not Even Secret Service": Whistleblowers

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The Committee has several unanswered questions about the failures that led to the attempted assassination of a president—the first in over forty years...

Can Mega-Capitalization Stocks Continue Their Dominance?

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...given the speed at which technology and the economy rapidly change, such suggests that leaders of the last decade may not be the leaders of the next.