The syndicate

Social networks come and social networks go.

Right now, there’s a whole bunch of social networks coming (Blewski, Freds, Mastication) and one big one going, thanks to Elongate.

Me? I watch all of this unfold like Doctor Manhattan on Mars. I have no great connection to any of these places. They’re all just syndication endpoints to me.

I used to have a checkbox in my posting interface that said “Twitter”. If I wanted to add a copy of one of my notes to Twitter, I’d enable that toggle.

I have, of course, now removed that checkbox. Twitter is dead to me (and it should be dead to you too).

I used to have another checkbox next to that one that said “Flickr”. If I was adding a photo to one of my notes, I could toggle that to send a copy to my Flickr account.

Alas, that no longer works. Flickr only allows you to post 1000 photos before requiring a pro account. Fair enough. I’ve actually posted 20 times that amount since 2005, but I let my pro membership lapse a while back.

So now I’ve removed the “Flickr” checkbox too.

Instead I’ve now got a checkbox labelled “Mastodon” that sends a copy of a note to my Mastodon account.

When I publish a blog post like the one you’re reading now here on my journal, there’s yet another checkbox that says “Medium”. Toggling that checkbox sends a copy of my post to my page on Ev’s blog.

At least it used to. At some point that stopped working too. I was going to start debugging my code, but when I went to the documentation for the Medium API, I saw this:

This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 2, 2023. It is now read-only.

I guessed I missed the memo. I guess Medium also missed the memo, because is still live. It proudly proclaims:

Medium’s Publishing API makes it easy for you to plug into the Medium network, create your content on Medium from anywhere you write, and expand your audience and your influence.

Not a word of that is accurate.

That page also has a link to the Medium engineering blog. Surely the announcement of the API deprecation would be published there?


Moving on…

I have an account on Bluesky. I don’t know why.

I was idly wondering about sending copies of my notes there when I came across a straightforward solution:

That’s yet another place where I have an account. They make syndication very straightfoward. You can go to your account and point to a feed from your own website.

That’s it. Syndication enabled.

It gets better. can also cross-post to other services. One of those services is Bluesky. I gave permission to to syndicate to Bluesky so now my notes show up there too.

It’s like dominoes falling: I post something on my website which updates my RSS feed which gets picked up by which passes it on to Bluesky.

I noticed that one of the other services that can post to is Medium. Hmmm …would that still work given the abandonment of the API?

I gave permission to to cross-post to Medium when my feed of blog posts is updated. It seems to have worked!

We’ll see how long it lasts. We’ll see how long any of them last. Today’s social media darlings are tomorrow’s Friendster and MySpace.

When the current crop of services wither and die, my own website will still remain in full bloom.


Ed Summers

@adactio long time listener, first time caller. What do the mechanics of posting to your site look like? I imagine you have you written about that before and I just missed it?

# Posted by Ed Summers on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 8:53am

Lene Saile

@hdv @adactio “When the current crop of services wither and die, my own website will still remain in full bloom” 💚

# Posted by Lene Saile on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 1:26pm


@adactio this person has posted 20,000 photos to flickr and doesn’t think he should help out and get a pro license ?

what am I missing here ?


# Shared by Fynn Becker on Thursday, July 13th, 2023 at 3:01pm

# Shared by Matthias Ott on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 10:02am

# Shared by Jérôme Gamez on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 11:08am

# Shared by stevenspriggs :verified: on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 11:42am

# Shared by Charles Roper on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 1:42pm

# Shared by windhamdavid on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 5:15pm

# Shared by Pelle Wessman on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 10:32pm

# Shared by ℵancym on Monday, July 17th, 2023 at 9:28pm

# Shared by Kolombiken on Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 at 3:56pm


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Previously on this day

4 years ago I wrote Putting design principles into action

There are observational principles, and there are imperative principles. Let’s put them together.

6 years ago I wrote CSS grid in Internet Explorer 11

IE11 doesn’t support CSS grid.

8 years ago I wrote Save the dates for Indie Web Camp Brighton 2016

September 24th and 25th. Be there and be square.

10 years ago I wrote The tide

Living in a world that feels wrong.

12 years ago I wrote Austin Apart

A conference in Texas. No, not that one.

18 years ago I wrote Podcasting d.Construct 2006

I’m making my first foray into the world of podcasting.

21 years ago I wrote Photos

My friend Andy Budd, from Message, has just launched a website to showcase his photography.

22 years ago I wrote Goin' up the country

I’m off to Somerset.