Louisiana elections, 2024

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Ballotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections. Our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. We are firmly committed to neutrality in our content.

This page provides information on the 2024 elections in Louisiana, including the offices on the ballot covered by Ballotpedia, election dates, and frequently asked questions.

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Election dates

Statewide election dates in Louisiana are listed below. For more dates, please see the elections calendar.

Statewide election dates

March 23, 2024: Presidential preference primary
November 5, 2024: Majority-vote system, first round
December 7, 2024: Majority-vote system, second round (if needed)

Offices on the ballot

Below is a list of Louisiana elections covered by Ballotpedia in 2024. Click the links to learn more about each type:

Louisiana elections, 2024
Office Elections? More information
U.S. Senate
U.S. House Click here
Congress special election
Other state executive Click here
State Senate
State House
Special state legislative
State Supreme Court Click here
Intermediate appellate courts Click here
School boards Click here
Municipal government Click here
Recalls Click here
Ballot measures Click here
Local ballot measures Click here

Legend: election(s) / — no elections
Subject to Ballotpedia's scope

Noteworthy elections

Below is a list of races in this state that are receiving in-depth coverage on Ballotpedia. Click the link below to learn about that race.

Statewide ballot measures

See also: Louisiana 2024 ballot measures

November 5:

Type Title Description


Outer Continental Shelf Revenues for Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund Amendment Require federal revenues received by the state from energy production (including wind, solar, tidal, wave, and other alternative or renewable energy sources) to be deposited in the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund

December 7:

Type Title Description


48-Hour Waiting Period for Concurrence on Appropriation Bills Amendment Prohibit the consideration of a conference committee report or senate amendments on an appropriations bill until 48 hours after the bill and a summary of the proposed changes is distributed to all legislators


Allow Legislature to Extend Regular Sessions to Pass Appropriations Bills Amendment Allow the state legislature to extend its regular session by two-day increments, up to a maximum of six days, in order to pass a bill appropriating money


Judiciary Commission Investigation of Sitting Judges Amendment Increase the membership of the judiciary commission by five members; adds "malfeasance while in office" to the list of specific actions that the supreme court can pursue disciplinary action against a judge; provides that the judiciary commission is responsible for investigating and recommending disciplinary actions


Property Tax Sales Administration Amendment Provides for the administration of property tax sales

What's on your ballot?

See also: Sample Ballot Lookup

List of candidates

The following table displays a list of candidates in Louisiana. The list does not include presidential candidates, and it may not include all candidates for local offices. Please click here to learn more about Ballotpedia's coverage scope.

Federal Candidates
Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise Incumbent
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Troy Carter
Troy Carter Incumbent
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Clay Higgins
Clay Higgins Incumbent
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson Incumbent
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Julia Letlow
Julia Letlow Incumbent
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.

State Candidates
Craig Greene
Craig Greene Incumbent
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary
Candidacy Declared Primary

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.

Local Candidates
Won Primary
Lost Primary

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.

Local election officials

U.S. Vote Foundation Logo.jpeg

Do you need information about elections in your area? Are you looking for your local election official? Click here to visit the U.S. Vote Foundation and use their election official lookup tool.
