Wednesday 18 March 2020

To read aloud, now

From the close of the Order for Evening Prayer - The Book of Common Prayer

The Second Collect at Evening Prayer
O God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed: Give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give; that both our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments, and also that by thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies may pass our time in rest and quietness; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

The Third Collect, for Aid against all Perils
Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord; and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love of thy only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

A Prayer of Saint Chrysostom
Almighty God, who hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplications unto thee; and dost promise that when two or three are gathered together in thy Name thou wilt grant their requests: Fulfil now, O Lord, the desires and petitions of thy servants, as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. Amen.

2 Corinthians 13
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.

The death of Western Christian churches

On 3 March I predicted that They would be using their new powers to prevent Christians gathering.

As usual I underestimated the severity of the situation.

In fact They didn't need to use their powers!

Instead, all the major Western Christian church hierarchies have dutifully lined-up to close their doors to congregations; cancel sacraments; advise against church members meeting at all, anywhere; and in general zealously reinforce the fear-driven, materialistic, 'safety'-first, secular attitude of politicians, mass media and officialdom.

All this at exactly the time when a spiritual perspective is needed more than for many decades; at just this time the Western Christian churches have stepped-back and joined the chorus supporting the totalitarian takeover (by an anti-Christian Leftist Global Establishment) as a thing both necessary and good.

So far as I am concerned, unless there is a fairly swift repentance and reversal; this is the end of the line for Western 'Christian' Churches.

Up to now - despite the prevalence of increasingly-corrupt leadership - there was some value in some churches for some people...

Now I see the church institutions as merely fair-weather friends to serious Christians. When, as now, the chips are down, and Christianity is threatened more than for many decades or centuries - they have declared themselves absent. The church leaders have washed their hands of their membership.

Things have come to a point; everyone is compelled to declare sides: and the Churches decisively have chosen the side against God.

Like the world-wide totalitarian coup; all this has happened much quicker, more easily, and with less fuss than I could have believed possible.

The churches, like everybody else, remain sleepwalkers - bumbling around with their eyes shut against the obvious; wittering about how frightened they are, how concerned for the poor victims, and always urging ever more (ever more fake) birdemic precautions: more surveillance and more centralised control of more things by the Godless hedonic nihilists who run the world; urging more fear and deeper despair...

Meanwhile, presiding over the actual death of institutional Christianity in The West.

Real Christians remain; and nothing truly stops us from continuing to live in faith, hope and loving charity - but real Christians are now - officially - on our own (like it, or like it not).

This will be a sudden and harsh realisation and adjustment for the many who equated good churchmanship with being an observant and obedient member of a true denomination. I feel genuinely sorry for you; but that choice has now been unilaterally closed-against-you.

Your correct choice should be an easy one to make - albeit difficult to live.

Your best friend is faith in God as our loving Father who will never, under any circumstances, leave us without everything we need for salvation; and all we need to learn from the experiences of mortal life.

Every single one of us has (here and now and always) whatever we need to follow Jesus through death to Heavenly Life Eternal - and we need only recognise it, and choose to accept it.

Note added: The lack of serious concern over this defection of the Western Churches by the laity, (support of the secular persepctive being imposed on them) confirms what I have argued before; that traditionalist, church-led, obedience-focused Christianity is finished; too feak and weeble to be effectual - even among those who profess to practice it. Either we become Romantic Christians, or Christianity degenerates to a club, a pastime - one among many. 

Tuesday 17 March 2020

How I do Christian meditation

This is not a cook-book method; indeed I agree with William Arkle that the essence of our mortal situation is that God wants us to work out as much as possible for ourselves. That's the best way to learn. But help is always available for anybody, when necessary.

A commenter asked me for references I could recommend on Christian meditation. I know of none. What I do know, I worked out for myself, collating bits and pieces from many sources. It may not be helpful for other people.

My usual pattern is as follows:

1. Self-remembering. I come to my senses, wake-up and realise that this is Me, Here, Now.

2. I instantly move this into a recognition that the whole world around me is alive and conscious and purposive - and by 'whole world' I mean not only animals, but also plants and minerals. This is a return to Original Participation, to the animism of young children and hunter-gatherers.

3. Then - again as soon as the above state has impinged - I consider Jesus Christ; that he is everywhere and right here with me, now (in the spirit form known as the Holy Ghost). I experience Jesus as a present person.

(...As a present person and Not as an abstraction, force, vibration or the like. And as a separate person from my-self in a loving relationship - Not as a light or ocean into which I aspire to diffuse or melt. The experience is of two-ness, Not one-ness.)

Now, that is as far as I can usually take my Christian meditation - it is a passive state of realisation; a wakening up to how things actually are. It can happen several or many times a day - if I am in a good frame of mind; but never when my frame of mind is wrong: busy, selfish, sinful - including fearful or despairing.

But it is Very Brief, happening in a matter of seconds.

I regard it as an error for Christians to expect or to aim-at sustained states of meditation. God wants us to learn from the (many) experiences of our mortal lives - he arranges our lives to make this possible; and to remain for long periods rapt in a chronic meditative trance is clearly not what God  wants from us. That is why sustained trance-like meditation is not spontaneous, and so difficult.

(At least, God does not want this, as a generalisation - there will no doubt be exceptions for specific people in specific circumstances; since each life is bespoke-tailored for our unique personal needs.)

Sometimes I find it possible to go beyond the above brief and contemplative meditation into a broader or more active state. Broader when - instead of Jesus as the Holy Ghost - I become aware of God - my Heavenly Parents - Father or Mother.

...Or become aware of one of the so-called-'dead' such as a beloved relative; or even someone I never knew but whom I genuinely love from their works (like JRR Tolkien, Owen Barfield, William Arkle). Or aware of the personified the spirit of a place or people.

In a nutshell, become aware of another specific Being.

The key is 'motivation': the state of love. When I am in a state of love and remain conscious and purposive and make the necessary decision - then it is not just possible but it happens naturally to go beyond passive contemplation and actively to participate in the ongoing work of Creation.

This is the state of Final Participation.  This may briefly happen during acts of earthly creation when that creation is motivated by love (including love of truth or beauty) - during writing, perhaps. It may happen in a conversation, or being-with another person. It can be described sometimes as inspiration, sometimes as an intuition.

And it comes as a direct-knowing; my mind, my thinking, comes into-line with divine creation (for a moment); so that my thinking is also the thinking of creation: my thinking is objectively real and permanent.

I can personally add a little to the harmony of ongoing creation.

Such are my Christian meditations. They are fairly frequent, but happen only when properly-motivated, consciously-chosen; and only briefly.

But - as you may imagine - they are of primary importance to this, my mortal life.

Note added: In principle, and given that Christians are now 'on their own' (for good or evil - but in an ultimate sense it is for uour own good), some kind of meditation becomes a necessity. As institutions, rituals and symbols lose their effect, are corrupted or withdrawn; what is needed is direct and personal experience of 'the divine' - and for Christians the most relevant divine is, of course, Jesus Christ. What about prayer? Necessary - but on its own, insufficient.  

The Global Establishment really do intend to collapse the world economy. It is happening Now

A post at Frank Berger's blog helped me make one of those connections about the birdemic crisis that ought to have been obvious much earlier, but wasn't:

This was helpful in making a connection for me. It has been apparent for a year or two, that the Climate Change people were pushing for changes that would - if implemented - crash the world economy*; with (I think) the predictable result of 'Giga-Death' - that is, death measured in billions. From their perspective, this makes a kind of sense - a 'final ecological solution' sort of sense.

But I wondered why the Global Establishment were allowing and encouraging this line of thinking, when They are made up of the ultra-rich of world finance, multinational corps and media, major politicians and the like. It would seem that They will lose a great deal from such a policy. Yet there it was - that was what was being pushed...

For a long time, therefore; I refused to believe that They really wanted what They were asking for, what They were planning for - I mean the dismantling of the System of international trade and specialisation of manufacture and services that sustains the 7 billion and still growing world population.

I would not take this at face value: would not believe that They really wanted what They said They wanted... I assumed that They did not really want a collapse; but that They were pretending to want one in order to make money from the situation (e.g. by selling fake-sustainable technologies) or for some devious reason.

So, I think this is serious. The aimed-at collapse is real. The world economy is a bubble built on debt and being eroded by all sorts of leftist policies; so it was bound to collapse at some point - that was absolutely certain.

Given that fact, the question for the Global Establishment was when best to provoke the collapse for maximum benefit (to those in charge).

For whatever reason; I think They must have decided that Now is the time.

By They I therefore mean specifically the actual demonic powers - who (of course!) care nothing for the rich and powerful human people They have working for Them/ enslaved or possessed by Them.

This is how we can have a situation of deliberately-induced socio-economic collapse that overall massively harms the power, wealth and status of the humans of the Global Establishment (who are the ones triggering the collapse) - because the humans are operating under the possession/ influence/ orders of supernatural and immortal demonic spirits (and spirits care nothing for economics, naturally).   

Maybe They have been rushed into it by the opportunity of the birdemic? Maybe that is an opportunity for us? But They had clearly been thinking along these lines for a good while, so perhaps Now is the best possible time for a collapse, from their demonic angle?

So, They have initiated Phase 2. If I am correct and this is true, it can't be stopped - because They have the power to make the world economy collapse - and indeed this is probably not difficult.

(It is very indeed difficult to build complex high-tech machinery, but simply throwing sand into the works will break it.) 

What would be much more difficult is keeping things growing for another decade - keeping the population growing, feeding all those new people; in face of all the leftist policies that are always make things less and less effective and efficient.

So I think it likely that this is a serious attempt to provoke a genuine, irreversible, global collapse in production and trade.

If so, it will become apparent soon enough - we won't be unsure about it for long.

But if this time has been chosen for the inevitable (sooner or later) collapse by demonic powers, it will be because the population are considered to be ripe and ready for mass self-damnation.

Indeed, Christians may be tempted to rejoice at the incipient collapse of The System; because it really is is a system of evil; adapted for the damnation of souls. Yet, motivation is crucial, and bad motivations always come back to bite.

If The System is brought down by such motivations as selfish terror, we can be pretty sure that the outcome will be very different from, and much worse, than if the system had been dismantled because it was recognised as evil as the consequence of a genuine Romantic Christian revival**. 

So, as Christians, this is the situation we need to deal with personally and immediately - and we also have a duty to deal with the situation from an evangelical perspective.

We personally need Spiritual Preparedness; and we need also to consider how best to help others to repent and be saved; to reject materialistic terror and despair, and instead spiritually embrace Faith, Hope and Love. 

We can't rely on fear (eg. of Hell); because people already fear the birdemic about as much as is possible, and will do so more - I expect.

Therefore, I think we need to focus on the hope and joy of Jesus's gift. Nothing can match Christianity for this! - so long as we choose to emphasise the promise of life everlasting in Heaven on the very 'easy terms' of following Jesus (i.e. the Fourth Gospel perspective).

NOTE ADDED: For even more good news about the birdemic; see Comment 18/3/20 14:46 below.

*I mean such plans as for Western nations to be 'carbon neutral', to use only 'renewable' sources of energy, make all transport electric "by 2030" and the rest of it - such as exponding the virtues of eating bugs and simultaneously of not eating (non-bug) meat.

**Frank's colleague who talked of 'doing the right thing for the wrong reasons' was making a semi-correct distinction - in a way he probably would not acknowledge. In fact - in an ultimate and absolute sense - there is No Such Thing as doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. If you do something for the wrong reasons, it is spiritually wrong; and that wrongness will become evident - because there is 'an economy of evil'. Doing something for the wrong reasons is to permeate the world with more evil, and this will unavoidably have a detrimental effect on the world. And the opposite is also true. So the world system is a mechanism of evil; but when the world system collapses the reason and motivation for that collapse will affect its outcome. Only if the collapse was for spiritually Good reasons, would the outcome be good. But we need to note that I am talking about spiritual outcomes - not material outcomes. It may be that all possible material outcomes involve massive levels of physical suffering and death. The distinction is over whether the ultimate post-mortem and eternal outcome is good or evil. The lesson is to ensure that your response to the collapse of The System (whatever it is) is for the right reasons.  

Monday 16 March 2020

Don't blame the crows! It's Not About the birdemic!

It's not about the birdemic... I have found this slogan to be a useful mantra.

Converting the entire developed world to a totalitarian police state in a fortnight isn't about the crow birdemic.

The birdemic is just an excuse - and, indeed, a very inadequate excuse; since the plague of crows is nowhere near severe enough to warrant any kind of mega-reaction in The West - let alone the actual reaction.

Reasons for knowing the fakeness of the birdemic

1. Numbers of international deaths too small by c.1000-fold to assume that this is a dangerous birdemic - European deaths are even less, proportionately.

2. Severely affecting and killing almost exclusively the very-old and/or already-sick - just like dozens of other Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Apparently, zero people under age fifty have died in Europe thus far (and very few in China - and these may have had other medical conditions).

3. Severe effect is mainly seen among East Asian ethnicity, much less or not at all among Europeans. The mortality rates among the young seem much higher for China and S. Korea than in Italy - and mortality in the Italian national population may well have been disporportionately among the large East Asian immigrant/ migrant population - but these numbers are being withheld.

So the birdemic crisis is fake. Why then do we have a crisis?

Because of the response; which is not fake, and indeed amounts to the very-rapid and universal imposition of a bureaucratic totalitarian police state; run (because such are the people involved) on atheistic, leftist, anti-Christian lines.

Since the epidemic is fake, there is little reason to assume the new 'special powers' will be revoked; and at the least they will be claimed to have saved The West from imminent mass death.

Why do I infer the response is fake? 

1. The response is unlike the response to any previous crisis ever - there is no track record for its success; there is zero reason to suppose it will be more effective than other responses in the past (which fell short of a totalitarian coup).

2. The response is, indeed, precisely the same as was being asked for by the Climate Change/ Extinction Rebellion cartel of the Global Establishment: in other words omni-surveillance and micro-control of the population of The West - eventually The World; plus collapsing the world economy and international trade.

3. The response is destructive of the primary basis of survival of the world population - the 'Industrial Revolution' etc. - the international system of specialisation and trading which has increased the world population from c.1 billion in 1800 to c.7 billion now. This means that the Global Establishment are risking the death of billions of people (of all ages and health), in order to try and save thousands (almost all old and unhealthy).


We can't, as individuals, do anything to stop or ameliorate the Big Picture. But what we need to do is interpret the crisis spiritually.

The crisis is real, and it is a spiritual crisis.

It is, indeed, a spiritual battle, an example of Unseen Warfare. Specifically there has been a successful coup by the powers of evil.

This has already happened, it is too late to prevent. But it is vital to recognise that this is indeed What Has Happened.

It's not about the birdemic; it's a socio-political takeover by the powers of evil.

And most people in The West support this takeover - fanatically so! One aspect of the crisis is that things have come to a point; and nearly everybody has-taken sides; and the side that nearly everybody has taken is that of the evil (demonic) powers.

Having recognised what has happened, and that we are in a tiny minority; serious Christians need simply to continue as usual.

To continue (that is) to recognise this life - your and my actual lives - as tailred for our spiritual learning ('theosis'); and to recognise death as a portal to eternal life in Heaven for those who choose to follow Jesus.

And having said that; many Christians will find themselves pretty much alone, spiritually; and will need to develop their own resources to survive and thrive in a condition of Faith, Hope and Love.

That will be a big challenge because it is new territory, a novel situation for Christians who have been accustomed to regard themselves as primarily part of a church.

Many people will find that they are in a situation in which either they are an autonomous 'solo Christian'; or they will soon be no Christian at all.

That will be another 'coming to a point'.

Church leaders tell Western Christians - "You're on your own!"

H/T to AC for the cartoon above. In fact the situation is worse than that depicted above; since (I understand) the Mass has never been officially suspended ever before in the c2000 year history of the Catholic Church. When you consider what the church went-through in that span of time, the current situation is both astonishing and appalling.

The rapidity and eagerness (and virtue signalling) with which leaders of Western churches have responded to the birdemic by ceasing masses, closing churches - by, pretty-much, essentially suspending church - strikes me as (esepcially in the case of the Roman Catholic Church) - shocking; but on further reflection, pretty conclusive evidence confirming what I already believed: that serious Christians are on their own now.

Whatever church members may want or feel - this has been a unilateral abandonment of whatever remained of the traditional, church-led form of Christianity. 

The era in which 'being a good Christian' could be equated, or even approximated, by a life of obedience to church authorities and the practice of church rituals, has passed.

Church leaders have advertised their primarily secular perspective, have advertised that they see themselves as a part of the Establishment with its mainstream materialist priorities - rather than living and giving an example as primarily spiritual people.

In the past, no doubt, the spiritual protestations of church leaders was often hypocritical; but now they see no need even to be hypocritical!

So extreme and ingrained is their Establishment-materialist perspective, that they seem not to have noticed that they have - in effect - declared themselves obsolete, irrelevant along with their institutions.

Anyway - as I said, this is merely confirmation of the reality that modern Christians have a different consciousness than Christians of the past; part of which is that we each know we each have primary responsibility for our Christian life.

Churches - and their leaders - may help or may hinder us; and that is for each one of us to decide.

Christians may choose to affiliate with a church or denomination, or may live more or less outside the avialable churches and denominations; but the individual agency of serious Christians now amounts to a spiritual fact.

Sunday 15 March 2020

How lies and slanders grow, and grow - by Rossini

The Calumny aria 
Words by Cesare Sterbini - from Rossini's The Barber of Seville

The calumny is a little wind,
a very gentle little breeze
which nimbly, softly,
lightly, kindly,
begins to whisper.

Little by little, mildly,
in a low voice, hissing,
it goes flowing, it goes buzzing;
in people's ears
it enters deftly
and makes heads and brains
stun and blow.

Getting out from the mouth
the clamour grows:
it slowly strenghtens,
it already flies from one place to another.
It seems like the thunder, like the storm
that in the depth of the forest
go whistling, grumbling,
and makes your blood run cold.

In the end it spills over and blows up,
it spreads, it doubles
and provokes an explosion
like a cannon shot,
an earthquake, a rain storm,
a general tumult
which makes the air peal.

And the miserable one who is defamed,
degraded, trampled,
scourged by the public opinion [publico flagello]

fortunately dies.

Note: This is sung by the great buffo (that is, a dark-toned, large-voiced bass who specialises in comic characters in Italian opera) Paolo Montarsolo - master of understated acting... not. But exactly what is idiomatic and most effective in this style of opera.

Montarsolo (on the right) depicts the naturalistic subtleties of traditional buffo make-up

Any Questions?

If readers have questions - do ask.

I don't promise to answer (there are such things as trolls, agents provocateurs, time-wasters, mad people, and monomaniacs; or I may not know the answer; or I may not want to answer); but I will (at least) consider your questions.

This Project Fear phase leads inexorably to Project Despair

We are currently living in the first successful - mass and sustained - application of the Project Fear strategy.

The infinitely-gullible West has been manipulated into a state of spiralling, unconstrained fear, such that it is embracing - demanding - totalitarian takeover.

But the reality of this world is one of Spiritual Warfare between (on one side) the powers of evil and (on the other side) God, Good and God's Creation.

So, totalitarianism is just a means to an end. That end is for people to reject God, regard God and creation as evil, and believe the inversion that evil is the true-good... 

To this end; Project Fear will be superceded by Project Despair.

The plan is for Western people to be isolated, starved of basic human contact - dependent wholly on the (censored, evil) input of the mass and social media - in which situation spiralling fear will turn to despair.

Despair is lack of Hope: it is to believe that life has no purpose or meaning (ie. to believe that there is no Good and Loving God) - there is only present suffering.

Then the yearning is for death and annihilation.

When life is nothing but fear, then death is sought. Fear transforms to despair - and suicide becomes a positive value.

Project Despair is the inversion of Christian Faith, Hope and Charity - it is for people to regard themselves as purposeless, meaningless and isolated.

Suicide will first be discussed as a valid possibility, then encouraged as a social virtue, then promoted as a duty.

This is Project Despair: This Will Happen.  

Watch for this, learn from the experience; and be aware that the answer is in your own hands: Faith, Hope and Love.

An Anti-Christian world without religion

One of the most persistent, most false, notions is that New Leftism (political correctness, SJWs, Wokeness) is the modern mainstream religion.

Well, it is not; it is an Anti-Christian anti-religion of mere opposition; and this can be seen all around us. The unprecedented insane/ evil reaction to a fake-nothing birdemic and the way that their own enslavement is encouraged and supported by the mass public shows the difference between a God-denying society - and the past, when all societies had a religion.

All people are subject to fear and despair; but when someone has a religion - almost any religion - but for us it must be Christianity (of some kind), so long as it is coherent - fear and despair has limits.

Religion provides a negative-feedback against fear and despair by its larger coherent perspective, its transcendental and supernatural perspective. This is what we lack, and what our culture fights against acknowledging.

Lacking any religion, hating Christianity; we cannot even begin a discussion about how fearful, how despairing people ought to be given the scope and nature of the threat and the unpredictabilities of life.

For our Godless emotivist ('utilitarian') morality: it is All About Feelings, and feelings are 'the bottom line'.

Whoever/ Whatever can (and does) best manipulate feelings - whoever/ whatever is able to create the most-powerful feelings - is master of Modernity.

And that is The Establishment - with its instruments of the mass media, the educational system, and the linked-bureaucracies of officialdom. 

Fear is so powerful a motivator, that (for us, here, in The West) it can be defeated only by genuine Faith. And the Faith of most Western Christians is very-clearly too-feeble for the job.

In a nutshell (and please pay attention!) Christian Faith works by Hope and Love - Hope for Everlasting Resurrected Life in Heaven which comes from the work of Jesus, and is anyone's gift who chooses consciously to accept that gift...

And knowing (from personal, direct, intuitive experience) the reality of God's Love for each of us, and our Love for the person of God-the-creator.

As the mass of people clearly exemplify here and now, Love of people is not really possible without love of and by God.

Without Love of God; people of The West have-become monsters of selfish short-termism, justified by their fear.

With Love of our Loving God, we can know that God's creation (here, now, for me personally) is for our experience and learning - that learning being directed at following Jesus to Heaven ('salvation'), and the eternal life we shall experience in Heaven (theosis).

With this, we get control of fear - fear is dissolved by our Love, sustained by the Hope, derived from Faith.

If not then fear will remain your master; and will lead on to despair.

Science died a while back; therefore all mainstream 'research' is merely propaganda

I published my book about the death of real science - Not even Trying - back in 2011. Despite being, I think, the best written of my books; it has never been popular.

About a dozen or a score of people really liked it a lot; but most people find the whole subject dull; and among the minority interested in science there was a feeling that I had 'gone too far' in my arguments - been too pessimistic.

However, I personally haven't the slightest doubt that I was correct in my diagnosis - including the basic 'not even trying' reason I gave for the death of science.

Science is very rare in history and among human societies. It requires very special circumstances. And when somebody (or some institutions) is not even trying to discover and speak the truth; they will neither discover nor speak the truth.  

There were never very many real scientists (truth seekers and truth speakers on the subject of their science) - and now there are extremely few.

Most of the people currently termed scientists are better described as professional researchers. They do whatever research is best funded, highest status - and seek or speak what provides the best chances of professional security and advancement. In other words, they are just a type of bureaucrat.

The most successful 'scientists' must be, and clearly are, dishonest - therefore what they produce is not science.

(There are a few real scientists, a very few - but these are never in positions of high status within science; they are either elderly - retired - or amateurs; ignored, vilified or on the fringes of 'respectability'.) 

What this means is that no information from mainstream 'scientific' sources can be relied upon; any more than we can (or should) rely upon official government statistics or the stories of the mass media. It means therefore that there is nothing in public discourse that should be relied upon.

Of course, the situation is confused by the fact that the most effective dishonesty is deniable, and the most effective lies are those embedded in a framework of facts. And (in the vast majority of instances, where our knowledge is not great) sorting this out is not just 'difficult' - it is impossible.

In such a situation; the rational response would be to reject all official/ scientific and media sources and rely on personal experience (extended by our network of reliable and trusted friends). In practice; the opposite has happened. Over the past generation (i.e. pretty much since science actually died) there has been a massive propaganda-education push to denigrate direct and personal knowledge as mere 'anecdote' (which only the ignorant believe); and accord only official and 'peer reviewed' sources as credible.

Thus are we trapped (by our basic assumptions) into living our lives in accordance with the dishonest dictates and 'data' of officialdom and the mass media; despite that (if we reflect) we know for sure that they are selfish, short-termist, manipulative and evil-motivated.

In the end, those who are being led into damnation have to take responsibility for believing known liars, and living in accordance with an Establishment that obviously works and schemes for total control and corruption of the masses.

Of course; the answer for you is in your hands. The only answer, and in your hands only. It can't be done for you - and certainly won't be done for you. Passivity is death, unconsciousness is death.

It's up to you.   

Saturday 14 March 2020

The Quest Fellowship

I find myself fascinated, these days, by tales and legends of a small group working against apparently insuperable odds, ridiculously overmatched... yet succeeding (overall, mostly) with the help of divine providence.

This may explain my recent engagement with the Journey to the West/ Monkey story; as well as more familiar examples from Lord of the Rings, That Hideous Strength, or the excellent Mistborn fantasy trilogy by Brandon Sanderson.

There were real life examples such as the 'Lake Poets' and the Inklings - or Tolkien's youthful TCBS club of schoolfriends.

It is a familiar trope; and is usually associated with action and adventure. But I feel that the deep fascination of this scenario is at the level of thinking, not doing - and it about a spiritual rather than material quest.

At any rate; the current situation is a quest for something uncertain, in an unknown place, and without any clear idea of how to achieve it.

Consider the blog, Albion Awakening - we three authors were on on a spiritual quest for the awakening of Albion - Albion being the deep spiritual aspect of Britain (or perhaps the British Isles including Ireland).

There is no way that three people writing on an obscure blog could causally make a positive difference to a nations of some sixty million who are addicted to the mass media and overwhelmingly hostile to anything which might interfere with their pleasures, or which might threaten their comfort, convenience and self-esteem.

But the blog is merely the surface; communicating aspect of a motivation that exists in our minds, in our thoughts; and which can work by a direct process of knowing - a mind-to-mind mutual knowledge, rather than being reliant upon the process of sending-out signals and having them received and understood in line with our hoped for meanings...

Furthermore, the 'odds' against us are balanced by divine assistance insofar as we are indeed (really and truly) pursuing a quest that is in-line-with God's hopes and plans...

(And if we are not doing what would please God, then such assistance will be withheld; so the harm is limited.)

Divine assistance generally works by means of 'providence', or synchronicity - that is a 'behind the scenes' arrangement of events to produce the most hopeful juxtapositions of persons and incidents.  But God can only do so-much when it comes to human affairs, since our 'free will' can and does often oppose God's will... nonetheless, providence is known for recurrently leading to as-many-as-possible opportunities for us to 'make the right decision', and to nudge thereby things in the right direction.

So providence can ensure that something is noticed, but not that it is reacted-to; nor that it is reacted-to in a positive and constructive fashion. Providence can use communications to point-at a truth - but cannot ensure that a person grasps that truth intuitively (ie directly).

Anyway; I personally feel vastly encouraged by the idea of a hopeless quest against the odds, of a type that could only succeed by 'luck'/ wildly improbable 'coincidneces'!

The idea is that we should simply get-on-with trying to do what we ought to do, as best we can determine and and best we can pursue that quest; and accept that that is all that we can do - but that is enough; despite that we almost certainly will never know the full outcome of our endeavor even if we did (improbably, overall) succeed.

I also feel encouraged by the conviction that such a quest cannot fail, because it has intrinsic value in the doing; and that any genuine achievement in the realm of real-thinking (thinking by and of our divine selves) is permanent and eternally available: makes a difference forever.

Can a tiny Quest group make a significant difference? Yes, of course it could! It could - if that is what God wills, if divine providence assists, and if that is what the people of Albion choose...

This understanding and perspective - the Quest Fellowship as a tiny band of cheerful but inept adventurers who hardly know what they are looking-for, and only hope to recognise it if they happen to stumble upon it...

Ridiculously out-matched; being pitted-against a vast and powerful system of purposive evil led by immortal demons and sustained by a legion of variously depraved, drugged and dozy minion masses...

Such a perspective makes life both exciting and unpredictable; and also possesses a refreshing clarity, simplicity, and honesty! 

Reprinted with some editing from Albion Awakening - a couple of years ago; more relevant now than ever.

Things actually Have-Come to a point: The revelation of birdemic

This is what a totalitarian takeover looks like. You are living through it: a time of revelations.

Every day new restrictions, new bans, new government powers - one leads on to the next, reacting to the reactions; change piled-upon change: no end in sight.

The mass public keen for more and more of their own oppression - because of fear, fear, fear - excepting those who resist shut-down for reasons of hedonism due to cancellation of things they enjoy.

But hedonism is not powerful enough; since mere desire for pleasure is selfish and thus easily dissipated by personal threats from Them - so it will not do the job.

Even if this was a genuine corvid birdemic that killed a lot of people (a thousandfold more); this qualitative increase in Establishment power would be a very bad thing - since the Establishment are evil-dominated; and will certainly use their vast new powers for net-evil purposes.

There is, however, a demonic irony in the fact that the actual known dangers are so astonishingly small.

But in terms of things coming to a point - this is real revelation!

People are showing their 'true colours' in the clearest imaginable fashion. Some have passed the test with flying colours (good old David Icke!).

And the revelation cuts across self-identified categories (calling oneself A Christian turns out to mean next-to-nothing, as prophecies indeed predicted).

Most people are showing, in the clearest possible fashion, that their dominant and over-mastering motivations are pretty ignoble and small-minded - short-termist, selfish, materialist; utterly reckless of God, the Good, and God's creation.

As Sam Gamgee might say: This is an eye-opener, and no mistake.

Friday 13 March 2020

Gareth Knight binge

Regular readers will know that when I re/discover an author to my liking, I tend serially to binge on their work; including any biographical material, and critical evaluations, where available.

A few months ago this happened with Philip K Dick, and currently I am reading Gareth Knight. I began by re-reading his book on the Inklings (which I already owned) then went on to another half dozen or so; including his autobiography and selected letters.

Gareth Knight is the pen-name of Basil Wilby; and he is probably the leading expert on the broad subject of 'magic' - including ritual and symbolic magic, such as the work of Dion Fortune, the Qabalah, Alchemy, the Tarot and the like. He is (or was - he is ninety now) a practising magician; and has been a member of and led several groups; run courses, and published magazines - along with a several dozen books.

Knight is a Christian (Church of England), and comes across as a thoroughly likeable and decent person; so I would add him into my 'lineage' of Romantic Christianity.  

Of his many books; the ones I would recommend to readers of this blog interested in giving him a try, would be: The Magical World of the Inklings (for a gentle introduction) and Experience of the Inner Worlds to get a stronger and deeper impression of Knights special contribution to Romantic Christianity.

Birdemic bleg

I still can't find any - but does anyone anywhere know any of the stats of corvid serious illness or deaths among people who are:

1. Not Chinese/ East Asian ethnicity
2. Not aged above 70 (or 75, or 80)
3. Not suffering from other significant medical conditions

In other words: are there any counts of mortality relevant to the level of totalitarian take-over and economic suicide in the UK/ Europe/ the US and among the healthy European population of working age, teens and children (i.e. the majority of those who are currently being treated as if at significant and imminent risk of severe illness or death).


1. The birdemic is v.prob. weaponised, and the suppressed evidence is now coming-out from under the official cover-up-blanket. This suggests that lethality to Europeans would be lower. The ethnicity of the mortality stats in Italy, for example, is important to know. I can't find it.

2 & 3. Those above 70 (or, if you prefer, 75, or 80), and with significant other medical conditions; involve those beyond the natural human lifespan, who are always more prone to severe illness and death from all diseases.

And those who are not expected to make a recovery back to normal functionality - so that a 'cure' is not realistically possible.

In general some combination of increasing extreme age and chronic sgnificant illness are in the realm of those who do not, routinely, receive high intensity 'curative' medical treatment ventilation/ life support/ Intensive Therapy if dying of an infection.

The normal proper attitude to the extreme elderly/ multiply-diseased who are dying of infection (such as pneumonia - traditionally termed 'the old man's friend') may well be 'his time has come'. Because to extend life artificially (by heavy use of technology) leads merely to a future of chronic decline, increased suffering; and (eventually) a more painful or miserable death from some other cause.

Phase Two marks the end of New Leftism/ Political Correctness

Leftism is very generally misunderstood as being 'about' some positive program such as equality, diversity, feminism, the sexual revolution or the environment. Not so.

Over the long term, and in terms of ultimate aims; the Left is not in favour of anything in particular - but it simply picks up and discards causes as happens to be expedient - just as it picked-up and made a fetish of 'the proletariat' (essentially native-born, white, working men) for more than a century; before turning-against, vilifying and demonizing the exact same class.

If we are indeed entering Phase Two, as I suggested last weekend - then we should not be surprised if the Establishment very suddenly drops its obsession with the aspects of Leftism that have been dominant since the 1960s.

We should not be surprised if recent SJW/ Woke crusades - such as the Trans agenda, Global Warming, Western population replacement by mass migration - are simply thrown under the bus over the next few weeks and months.

The world may suddenly appear to be more (so-called) 'Right Wing'.

(Not true - because the only alternative to the Left is religion.) 

But this is not a good sign! - from any point of view. All it means is that the gloves are off, and the totalitarian agenda is being pursued under another and more effective justification: the Establishment posing as saviours from the masses gripped by abject fear of death.

[Establishment: You are all going to die horribly, unless you allow us to convert the world to North Korea. The Western Masses: Fine by us... Well, what are you waiting for? Get on with it already!]

The real agenda of the Establishment is not Leftism but evil; or we could say - Leftism is merely a name for the demonic strategy that is (overall, in the long-term) anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Good and anti-natural-Creation.

Therefore, if it is expedient that the Global Esablishment can get what they want by dumping the  rainbow coalition of politically-correct New-Leftism and instead encouraging aggressive individual survivalism, militarism, nationalism, racism... whatever is secular and materialist and happens to work at controlling the populations in the directions they want - then they will not hestitate to do so.

A world of sick people

I've been brooding on a few paragraphs Rudolf Steiner wrote - not for the first time; but they came to mind - seem relevant.

(See excerpt below.)

A large proportion of people nowadays, far more than in Steiner's time; are de facto atheist - either explicitly or implicitly. And this means they are ill - mentally ill, superficially, but with a subtle physical-biological cause.

Even in a strictly biological evolutionary context; humans are made to believe in deities. And when they don't, when they deny the gods; they cannot function - become incoherent (lacking any centre and focus for their instincts and learning) and all-but cease to reproduce.

Atheist Man also ceases to be able to learn from experience - because his experience breaks down into disconnected, arbitrary, incomprehensible pieces.

Living in an arbitrary world; the God-denier lacks even the basic instincts for survival - he feels no reason why he, people like himself, his family, his groups - why any of this has any reason to continue; he indeed typically harbours hatred and resentment against whatever is like himself - a desire of suicide, extinction, to be replaced; he regards death as annihilation, and hope that it will put an end to all consciousness.

Yes - this is already a world of sickness and death.

Edited from How do I find the Christ? A lecture by Rudolf Steiner (1918)

In the first place there is in man an inclination, a proclivity, to know what may be called in a general sense, the Divine.

The second inclination in him — that is, in the man of today — is to know the Christ.

The third inclination in man is to know what is usually called the Spirit or also the Holy Spirit.

There are men who deny all these inclinations. In the course of the nineteenth century, in European culture at any rate, men have denied the existence of anything Divine in the world.

What is it that makes a man deny the existence of the Divine — the Father God in the Trinity? In every such case there is an actual physical defect, a physical sickness, a physical flaw in the body. To be an atheist means to the spiritual scientist to be sick in some respect. 

It is not, of course, a sickness which doctors cure — indeed they themselves very often suffer from it — neither is it recognised by modern medicine. There is an actual sickness in a man who denies what he should be able to feel, in this case, not through his soul-nature but through his actual bodily constitution. If he denies that which gives him a healthy bodily feeling, namely that the world is pervaded by Divinity, then, according to Spiritual Science, he is a sick man, sick in body.

There are also many who deny the Christ. The denial of the Christ as something that is essentially a matter of destiny and concerns man's soul-life. To deny God is a sickness; to deny the Christ is a calamity. To have no relationship with Christ is a calamity.

To deny the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, signifies dullness, obtuseness, of a man's own spirit.

Atheism — denial of the Divine — denotes an actual pathological defect. Failure to find in life that link with the world which enables us to recognise the Christ, is a calamity for the soul. To be unable to find the Spirit in one's own inmost being denotes obtuseness, a kind of spiritual mental deficiency, though in a subtle and unacknowledged form.

Thursday 12 March 2020

The challenge of these birdemic times - Doing the right thing, whatever

 The Jay - a beautiful corvid, with a harsh voice

Since the birdemic crisis seems to be unfolding almost exactly as the evil Establishment will have hoped - it is worth looking ahead to the primary spiritual challenges of the kind of global collapse which is, apparently, being prepared.

From the demonic perspective, a global collapse will kill astonishing numbers of people very quickly. I will focus on The West.

We have experienced many decades of social atomisation, our old group-ish-ness has been dismantled; modern Western people are mostly selfish, short-termist and unwilling to self-sacrifice for any reason.

Therefore, any possibility of people 'pulling together' - as with the 1939-45 war - is gone. People care little for their nation, their region, their town or village; they have no strong church; even the professions and trades unions have been busted, and traditional family firms have all-but gone.

Deeper than this, Godless materialism dictates that at the profound level of metaphysical assumptions modern Western people see no purpose or meaning to life; and just hope to get through it with the least suffering and most pleasure - again fuelling the short-termism and selfishness.

So - the world may collapse, and we will be effectively 'on our own' and facing impossible odds.

We must do it, each for himself, or else it won't be done.

The demonic temptation is to induce people to behave in an evil fashion in order to survive (albeit just a few more days or weeks). This is certainly how a lot of people are talking.

For serious Christians, this is not an option. If we are faced with the alternative of deliberate and real sin, or our own death (and we will each certainly know if or when such a situation arises) then I think we must assume that this is the divinely-appointed time of our death.

Of course we ought to do all legitimate and good things to survive - when motivated by the right reasons. But biological survival is not, ultimately, a sufficient reason.

And (on the other side) to die from despair is as much a sin as to murder the innocent for mere survival. Hope is a Christian commandment - and this entails our hope be rooted in Heavenly life everlasting. So long as it is, this hope is invincible.  

This time - Now - is a very personal test therefore; a test of our faith and trust in The Lord; a test of our love for Jesus. In one sense it is a very easy test - literally anybody can pass it, no matter how feeble he or she may be. We simply need to follow Jesus.

In another sense it may be difficult to die, when the time comes, and for the right reasons. I think we can be sure that the demonic powers will  be trying to make this as difficult as possible.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Vashti Bunyan sings

I was completely unaware of the early folk rock singer Vashti Bunyan, at the time when she was briefly famous in the sixties.

(I came across her story in a - not recommended - account of the kind of folk music I used to like and play: Electric Eden by Rob Young.)

Hearing her unique and appealing, close-miked, understated style of singing; and observing that she was extremely cute in an archetypal 'sixties dollybird' way (as you can see from the above) - it's hard to understand why she did not make it big.

Anyway, here are a few of the early, wistful, whimsical songs she seemed to do best.

There's a load more stuff on YouTube if you like these; including some of her earlier Pop material; and recent things she recorded - having been rediscovered after 'disappearing' for some three decades. 

Jesus Christ is the revelation of God's limitations - and humanity

I don't find it surprising that most people in the world - past and present - find Christianity incredible, ridiculous or outrageous - at any rate: unbelievable. That was how it struck me, for most of my life.

In the West this is mostly because the official assumption of all adolescents and adults in public discourse - is that there is neither purpose nor meaning to human life: it is all a consequence of abstract processes, grinding-away because that is what they do.

But in most of the world, where a God is believed and assumed, Christianity is recognised to be an assertion of the limitations of God: that God is a person, and concerned with this world. For many that is a human limitation imposed on an unknowably great God - who can only be discussed indirectly, by negations and abstractions.

And, most strongly, other religions recognise that for Christians God is limited. Non Christians recognise that Christianity is an assertion that God is Not omnipotent - that there are things God cannot do. Such is implied by the Christian assertion that Jesus Christ was necessary.

If Jesus is necessary (and assuming he is not just a projection of God, an 'avatar') then there is something vital that God could not do; and that Jesus was needed to do.

This seems obvious to other religions; and it really ought to be obvious to Christians; however most Christian intellectuals deny these obvious inferences. Many Christians assert that God is omnipotent and also needs Jesus, who is a different person than God. Christians assert that God is unknowably great - omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent - and also loves each individual person as a Father.

And this is, and always has been, a weakness of Christianity; a weakness that looks very much like dishonesty. Christians should stop attempting to 'have it both ways'; and to admit that - increasingly this fails to convince, for the simple reason that it does not make sense (at least, it does not make 'common sense').  

If Jesus Christ is regarded as a fact and as a necessity; then it ought to be possible for Christians to accept the implications of that core belief - rather than to insist on fitting this into an idea of God as impersonal and abstract, all-powerful, and not-human: utterly alien - a concept that was, ultimately, derived from Non Christian religions.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Jesus as God and Man

For metaphysical pluralists such as myself; Jesus as both God and Man entails that I have some idea of what (on the one hand) constitutes the divine and what (on the other) characterises a Man.

By saying Jesus was a Man we mean he was subject to mortality: to change, disease, decay and death. He was 'doomed to die' as Tolkien's One Ring said about 'mortal men'.

 And Jesus was divine for two reasons - one present from birth, the other from the Baptism by John (the final three years of his life, and the time of his ministry).

Jesus was chosen to incarnate as the Saviour because, in pre-mortal life, he uniquely attained harmony with God's divine purposes, his motivations were fully aligned-with Creation.

Thus he was born divine - but until age 30, apparently Jesus did not know he was the Saviour. That is, he was wholly- and always-immersed-in God's creation; and implicitly but not consciously working in total-harmony with God's purposes.

Therefore, the pre-ministry era of Jesus's life corresponds to Owen Barfield's definition of complete Original Participation - a total but passive and unconscious participation in the work of creation.

From the baptism by John; Jesus became conscious of his divine nature and destiny; and therefore attained the fullness of active freedom, of choice and agency: became a co-creator, shown in the miracles, where Jesus was working deliberately with God. This is Barfield's Final Participation.

So, the post-baptism Jesus was fully divine, and a mortal Man.

The life of Jesus illustrates the distinction between Original and Final Participation - and the nature of the destiny of modern Western Man - here and now; as we attempt, albeit partially and temporarily, to achieve was Jesus did, wholly and at-all-times.