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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query birdemic. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday 14 June 2021

The Birdemic, spiritual discernment and the Christian Churches

Francis Berger has followed-up last-week's powerful post about the Roman Catholic Church (which I discussed here), with another concerning the vital importance of spiritual discernment in a time when things have come to a point

Here are some excepts:

My overarching point was that the bishop and the [Roman Catholic] Church remain officially aligned with the birdemic narrative. As such, they continue to believe their decision to close churches and deny Mass to hundreds of millions was totally justified. 

Put another way, the Catholic Church - and practically all other Christian denominations - remain firmly convinced that they did the right thing for the right reasons. They feel no need to reflect upon or perhaps reassess their decision, and they certainly do not think they have anything to repent. 

I happen to think the opposite. I hold the opposite view because I am convinced that the birdemic is an Evil Lie. Moreover, I believe in the primacy of the spiritual - in putting God and spiritual considerations first. 

By denying Mass and other sacraments such as last rites at the behest of the secular global diktat of none are safe until all are safe, the Catholic Church (and other Christian denominations) essentially demonstrated that they believe in the primacy of the material - in putting the world and material considerations first. 

 ...At its core, the birdemic is not about science or medicine or church doctrine. At its core, the birdemic marks the epicenter of things coming to a point. More specifically, the birdemic is about being able to spiritually discern good and evil and making the right choices in light of this discernment. 

 ...As far as I'm concerned, churches the world over failed miserably when they closed their doors due to the birdemic. I will go even as far as to say most churches actively and willingly made the wrong choice. And churchgoers who passively and obediently follow their churches in this regard are also making the wrong choice. 

People can reject this as my "opinion", but I do not regard my standpoint on this issue to be mere opinion. For me, it's discernment - discernment based on my understanding of God and Creation - that is, on my understanding of the fundamental nature of reality and of our current spiritual war. 

 ...The line separating good from evil has rarely, if ever, been clearer. That doesn't mean that discernment is always easy or that our judgments are always correct, but it does mean that spiritual discernment can no longer be considered a passive, optional activity. 

Like it or not, we have all been put in the position where we must choose - and those choices are based on our ability to effectively discern. In this regard, we are all our own spiritual authorities. 

The possibility of outsourcing discernment to an external church authority is closing before us. When it comes to matters of religion and spirit, we no longer have the luxury to simply believe what we are told to believe and do what we are told to do. 

We must make our own judgments about these matters, and these judgments must emanate from our innermost selves and our active and willing alignment with God and Creation. In this sense, spiritual discernment is the most important special competence we can possess in this time and place.

Read the whole thing

Comments: Frank goes far towards clarifying matters, for those too caught-up in the daily virtual-reality to stand back and do it for themselves. 

There are at least three separable issues. 

1. Birdemic Big Lie

The birdemic is evidently a Big Lie - top to bottom, many-fold, from its beginning to now. 

Almost everything substantive we have been told about the birdemic has later been shown (by the same official/ media sources from which the first Lies came) to be not just mistaken, but calculated untruth. 

To know this, one only needs to be capable of common sense and memory. However, an aspect of the very general and extreme spiritual corruption of these times is that people are capable of neither. Even when (as in the UK) the Prime Minister (speaking on behalf of 'science' and 'the evidence') contradicts himself completely in the space of four days about whether Christmas 2020 'needs to be cancelled'; the obvious implications are missed, and the event is soon forgotten. 

Big Lies are intrinsically evil - because lying is a sin. 


2. Birdemic Evil Lie

The birdemic is an Evil Lie because of its provenance (evil refers to its motivation; the source tells us the motivation). 

The birdemic lie comes-from the Global Establishment - whose major strategies are evil; and who is explicitly anti-Christian, anti (any) God, anti-spiritual, denying of divine creation; and favouring the Big Lies of open-borders, climate emergency, antiracism and the sexual revolution including the trans agenda. They have explicitly stated their plans for transitioning the birdemic into the Great Reset - which is a atheist totalitarian dystopia. 

The purposive evil of the Big Lie is evident. 

3. Even if the birdemic was not a Big Evil Lie...

Let us assume, as a thought experiment, that the birdemic was not a Big Evil Lie - let us assume that the world Establishment was (overall) honest and Christian, therefore working for God, The Good, and divine creation (instead of against)...

Let us also assume that the birdemic really was a very lethal pandemic (the current, recent, definition of 'pandemic' only means a new and wide-spreading disease - it does Not mean a dangerous disease). Let's say its mortality rate was fifty times what it really has been, and that it significantly affected the young and healthy. 

Let's also pretend (because it is false) that lockdowns, masks and social distancing really were known to be effective in reducing the mortality rates of this disease (rather than, as IRL, at first doing nothing then making things much worse). 

Would this imaginary scenario be a reason for the Roman Catholic Church to close and deny the sacraments of baptism, Mass and last rites to its flock for months or a year? 

Well, certainly not - if these sacraments really had the significance that Catholics assert for them. 

Would it be a reason to deny spiritual healing (by laying on of hands), or exorcism, or to close shrines and pilgrimage sites such as Lourdes? 

Certainly not, if these had the efficacy that the Roman Catholic faith asserted for them. 

The list could be continued. 

This is a stark discernment here, things have already come to a point. The Roman Catholic Church has behaved in a way that - with extreme comprehensiveness and clarity - denies its own most sacred and fundamental assumptions regarding its own authority and spiritual power. 

Note: I think this situation is clearest with the RCC, not least because the RCC has for centuries striven to be clear and explicit about its own beliefs and assertion. But the same basic situation prevails with all other large Christian denominations and churches. Churches have beliefs and assertions that both explain and justify their own existence - and these have been starkly contradicted by their response to the birdemic - by their willing alignment wit the Big Evil Lie. This crisis includes all of Christendom - and indeed (I would guess) all other religions - but I shall leave that to them.

Thursday 23 December 2021

PSYOPS - Birdemic-response-induced mass anxiety neurosis

After nearly two years of birdemic scamming, the mass population now has a very high prevalence of anxiety neuroses - among which but few apparently have any desire to recover. 

Many, indeed, regard their illnesses as valuable (albeit sometimes unconscious) excuses for malingering and avoidance of responsibilities. 

Neuroses are inducible, in a large minority of the population: for instance they increase in prevalence when encouraged and rewarded; and conversely, when they are penalized (eg during a war), neuroses became rare.  

Phobias are increased in severity and duration by avoidance; therefore agoraphobia has been triggered in those susceptible, and exaggerated in those with a prior tendency, by lockdowns (which, of course, provide ready excuses, and indeed enable an agoraphobic to assert the moral high ground). 

There is also, naturally, a specific phobia relating to the presumed birdemic germ. 

Like other phobias, this has a massively distorting effect on the perception of risk. Just as the spider phobic may fear the imaginary danger of cobwebs more than the real danger of (say) road traffic accidents; likewise birdemic-phobia has substantially destroyed general medical services by - on the one hand - focusing them almost exclusively on (supposed) birdemic-avoidance... 

While simultaneously - on the other hand - the mandatory 'response' to the birdemic has crippled health services by unnecessary and ineffective procedures of disinfecting, masking, gowning, distancing, 'testing' etc. 

Consequently, only around half the previous number of patients can be diagnosed and treated per unit time. Even worse, the fake-testing and stupid-quarantining measures greatly reduces, unpredictably, medical staff availability on any given day. 

The high prevalence and severity of birdemic-phobia is also seen in the way that so many people treat other human beings - even outdoors in the open air! - as rabid-leper-zombies - lurching away, jumping backwards, skirting yards around the path of anyone approaching. 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCDs) seem to interact with evolutionary novelties - such as germs. Because germs are invisible and undetectable in everyday life, we cannot know when we are safe from them - or when genuinely endangered. 

Consequently, the threat of germs is experienced as purely theoretical and subjective - and once OCD is established, an OCD individual can never be reassured that a risk is absent. 

Like the phobic, OCD attention is focused on just the single feared-danger, so that even the slightest hypothetical risk is regarded as intolerable, and leads to high levels of anxiety. 

Because germs are undetectable by human perception, the birdemic-OCD suffer cannot be confident that his here-and-now avoidance has been effective; so the unavoidable anxious ruminations (intrusive and dysphoric thoughts) are dealt with 'magically' - by the performance of anxiety-soothing rituals

In effect, the sufferer seems to 'make a bargain with nature' that if he performs some rituals correctly, then he will be safe.  

At any rate; he finds that the performance of certain rituals - which may be purely hypothetical or even arbitrary (such as enacting some-thing a specified number of repetitions) will in practice allay anxiety. 

This seems to be the best way of regarding the remarkable phenomenon of voluntary self-masking (or, more exactly, face-covering); despite there being no coherent rationale for prevention; yet many solid reasons why masking will lead to physical, psychological and spiritual damage. 

That is; the health benefits of face-covering are entirely conjectural and undetectable; while their discomfort, inconvenience, estranging and dehumanizing effects are obvious to anyone from direct personal experience and common sense. 

However, face-covering functions as an officially-endorsed ritual for the management of Obsessive-Compulsive symptoms relating to the birdemic; consequently people do it outdoors, alone in a car, even when isolated alone in remote countryside. 

The masking ritual makes them feel less dread. And conversely, and more potently, failure to observe the ritual invites retribution from the unseen, undetectable, but malign micro-organism

Thus, Not wearing a mask can make the OCD-birdemic sufferer feel naked, exposed - feel as if he was pride-fully taunting the birdemic: just asking for trouble


Thus we have a severely damaged neurotic mass population - this damage having been quite deliberately inflicted by government, corporations, institutions and the media; and sustained against all reason, evidence, common sense - and basic humanity (if indeed such exists in 2021). 

All, as with many neuroses; the neurotics all-too-often do not even want to be cured; partly because their disorder is convenient; and partly because the cure (i.e. doing what is feared, until you get used to it) will cause more suffering over the short term. 

Consequently, the world is destroying itself acutely and incrementally, with the approval of a large segment of the now-behaviorally-disabled population whose attention is focused entirely on an existentially-trivial - or non-existent - hypothetical threat. 

The truth about the birdemic germ (even whether it exists as a specific and defined entity) is indeed unknowable - in a world of deliberate and pervasive official lies, disinformation, manipulation - but we do know for sure that the germ in itself is undetectably rare by personal experience (i.e. against the normal, fluctuating background of seasonal influenza). 

The harms from the birdemic-response are, by contrast, there for everybody in the world to perceive, by direct personal experience; and inflicted upon every single person on the planet

Mediating this mismatch between the harms of 'the germ' and the enforced 'response' in daily discourse and behaviour; are the vast masses of neurotic individuals who are now - more or less - permanently crippled by birdemic-phobias and birdemic-OCD. 

Permanently crippled because not wanting a cure; crippled and wanting everybody else in the world to become emotionally-damaged just as badly they themselves are. 

Saturday 19 June 2021

What has changed about discernment since the birdemic?

Francis Berger has taken the idea of Litmus Tests (used to determine sides in the spiritual war) further in a recent post; in particular clarifying the effect that the birdemic has had on his own discernment. I recommend that you read the whole thing - including comments, where FB brings out this point explicitly.

I have noticed that one way of Not learning from the birdemic is to say that nothing has really changed as a result...  

Of course, this has an element of truth; in that there had been decades (or generations) of apostasy and corruption leading up to the global totalitarian coup of early 2020 - rationalized and disguised (as it was) as a necessary response to a novel plague of unprecedented scale and deadliness. In other words, the claim is that 2020 was merely a quantitative continuation of long-term trends. 

But rapid, global and un-reversed quantitative change - such as happened over a space of weeks with the international birdemic fake-response - counts as qualitative when the nature and basis of life is transformed. 

As so often, intellectual over-think operates as a failure of discernment, and an excuse for cowardice and expediency. Mostly - in our hyper-complex virtual world of Matrix lies - what is obvious to common sense and personal experience is also what is true: In 2020 - the world changed. 

Francis B describes how, since the birdemic, and reflecting on the Litmus Test idea he has realized that there are only two sides in the spiritual war of the world (God or Satan, good or evil) - and that people and institutions who had before seemed to be 'intermediate', or forces of partial good, were actually on the side of evil. 

In other words; that to be 'partially' leftist was actually to be fully leftist. To embrace even one of the Big Lies of the left-agenda, to fail even one Litmus Test - was de facto (in the world as is) to have chosen the side of Satan.

This was demonstrated clearly (and, I would have thought, unambiguously) by the way that the birdemic Big Lie was accepted and embraced by all nations, all powerful social institutions, all large churches. None rejected it as an evil-motivated falsehood. 

And this is another aspect of the birdemic revelations; that one must either reject the birdemic Big Lie completely*; recognizing it as dishonest and deliberately misleading top-to-bottom, by intent, from conception to execution -- or else one will have accepted it. 

A partial/ nuanced response to the birdemic is de facto accepting/ embracing the lie: choosing the demonic side.

In sum; what has changed since the birdemic is precisely this simplification - whereby the fact that there are only two sides, and the clear division between these sides, has become apparent. 

From the spiritual perspective - this simplification and clarification is, indeed, the main benefit of the birdemic. 

So; when we fail to recognize the qualitative transformation of the birdemic; we have failed as Christians to learn from the biggest disaster to befall the churches since the time of Jesus; and failed, furthermore, to equip ourselves with the most powerful weapon against evil rampant: which is our own power of spiritual discernment (backed by the infinite power of repentance). 

*To endorse a complete rejection of the Big Lie of the birdemic and its response is not Of Course to believe that every single fact and aspect of it is untrue; any more than completely to reject Soviet Communism, German National Socialism or Chinese Maoism entails that every single thing about them was evil. Effective evil is always and necessarily seeded with some true facts and some good impulses, or else it can have no traction and no rationale. It is the overall intent and motivation (to oppose God, to reject divine creation) that is completely evil and a Big Lie; and the embedded truths and virtues merely serve to make the Big Evil Lie more persuasive and effective. 

Monday 14 December 2020

A Gross Fraud: auditing the birdemic

A while ago I became interested in the use of auditing technologies - especially Quality Assurance - in the UK public sector; especially universities, schools and the National Health Service. 

I described the essence of auditing as follows:

Auditing was originally financial auditing, and the principal purpose of financial auditing is to detect and deter error and fraud in the handling of money within a closed system. A closed system is necessary because only within a closed system may it be expected that all money flows will balance. 

Indeed, financial audit defines the units of closed finance, the units of 'accountability'. There are legal requirements for certain individuals and organisations to be auditable, and this requirement enforces the monetarily-closed nature of such systems. 

Within a closed system, audit detects errors and fraud through sampling information and cross-checking it for inconsistencies when compared with established organisational and practice criteria

Independent sources of information should be consistent with each other when checked every-which-way. Since a complex organisation has so many strands making up a web of cash flows, the number of potential cross-checks is almost infinite. 

Anyone wishing to ‘cook the books’ has a great deal to fake if they are to ensure that every possible inconsistency between independent sources has been ironed-out. 


In sum, therefore, auditing is a matter of cross-checking for consistency

The auditor makes an assumption that if everything was done honestly (and data is sufficiently complete and accurate) then all cross-checks should add-up. Any and all-possible valid cross-checks will then reveal internal coherence - everything holds-together. 


At a gross level, auditing is something we all do spontaneously. We could call it Common Sense Auditing. 

For example, when a Gross Fraud is being done with no attempt at concealment; then it is obvious to anyone who pays attention that 'things don't add up'. 

For example; if a multi-billionaire claimed to be deriving his income from a small corner shop for cheap goods, which had hardly any customers - nearly anybody could see that there was a Big Fake going on. 

But when there is a more moderate degree of fraud, and when there are also serious attempts to conceal the fraud (such as 'money laundering', and the employment of crooked accountants); then detection probably requires (honest!) expert professional auditors - who both understand this kind of business and have advanced numerical skills.  


So what kind of fraud is the birdemic? Is it one of those cleverly-concealed, moderate, 'money-skimming'-type, frauds - implemented by clever but crooked 'accountants'; and detectable only gradually, in retrospect, and by honest, expert auditors?

Is the problem, therefore, that honest expert 'auditors' (epidemiologists, immunologists, virologists etc) are so rare, or are being ignored? Or that the evidence of fraud is insufficient at present? 

Not at all! The birdemic is the first kind of fraud, a Gross Fraud with very little attempt at concealment, like the corner shop billionaire.  


There is no need for expertise or advanced abilities to discover that the birdemic is a Big Fake: Common Sense Auditing, by anyone who pays attention, is sufficient. 

All the birdemic fraud requires for its discovery, is ordinary cross-checking for internal consistency. 

Such cross-checks as comparing official predictions of what will happen, with what actually happens. Comparing what is stated to be happening in one place, with what is happening in other places. And comparing statements made now with statements made previously...

And wherever the cross-checks actually are performed on the birdemic, there are 'red-flags' - there is a failure of coherence; there is obvious, gross evidence of fraud. 

But the cross-checks are Not performed. The masses refuse to do Common Sense Auditing.

People will not pay attention and do for themselves the kind of ordinary comparisons that make it obvious the corner shop billionaire is a Big Fake.

Instead, the masses have presumed that the birdemic cannot be a Gross Fraud, but must (if anything) be a subtle and expert fraud. 

So the masses rely upon 'other people' to do the birdemic auditing. So the whole issue becomes just part of the usual media circus of claims and counter-claims...


Having decided that they themselves cannot, cannot be bothered to, or should not perform a common-sense birdemic audit for Gross Fraud; then the masses have overwhemingly concluded that it is the birdemic auditors who are a Gross Fraud - not the birdemic itself!

And therefore the masses are being duped by a Gross Fraud; an obvious fake, which could easily be detected by anybody paying attention; But Is Not. 

And therefore the masses have only themselves to blame for that which has been done to them in 2020, using the fake birdemic as 'justification'. 

Saturday 29 May 2021

The new birdemic narrative

As you know, I never write about current affairs...

The 'official' birdemic narrative is currently becoming one which acknowledges what was established (by several independent groups) at the beginning of 2020 - that the birdemic Just Is a lab-modified germ. 

Why now? Why acknowledge this obvious truth after denying it for so long and suppressing the discourse? 

We need to go back to the basic modus operandi of the modern mass media as described in my 2014 Addicted to Distraction book - that 'Good' - in this case Truth - is only ever given mass media Big Story coverage for a bad reason

So, what is the Bad Reason for speaking this factual truth? We will soon find out... 

Maybe it is to provide a second wave of birdemic-phobia by presenting the germ as a biowep? And 'therefore' Very Dangerous.

Yet in 'fact' (Ha! - Facts!) the birdemic is not and never has been Very Dangerous. 

The data is in (confirmed by personal  experience). No doubt remains. We now know For Sure that the birdemic is/was not any more dangerous than a moderately bad flu year. 

However, if people are now going to be told that it was engineered as a biowep (which is likely true) then perhaps the global state of blinding-terror can be sustained and amplified?

Engineering an intended biowep is very difficult and usually fails - as with the birdemic

One should judge engineering by results, not by intentions. 

Because if one germ function is successfully increased (difficult in itself) this is almost-always at the cost of reducing another function. Increasing a germ's spread-ability therefore comes at the price of reducing its dangerousness - and vice versa.  

Combining high lethality and high infectivity is a trick that remains unsolved.       

...Except with vector infections, like Falciparum Malaria - which is probably the worst chronic scourge of humanity, so far; because it is both highly lethal in naïve populations and very transmissible (without modern technology). 

Malaria is spread by mosquitos, and the germ does not depend on humans to survive. Such a vector infection might in principle make humans extinct before resistance could be evolved, yet not itself become extinct.

But for a human to human germ - it is a case of Either/ Or. Either an incredibly infectious but non-lethal disease like Noravirus. Or very lethal but not very infectious diseases - like first-contact Syphilis. Or very lethal and pretty infectious diseases like Lassa fever that make themselves extinct before spreading. 

But  none of these apply for the birdemic which is, in its medical effect; just a 'variant of normal, moderate, respiratory viral 'flu'. 

It Just Is... Intended biowep, or not. 

Note: My feeling is that the birdemic has begun seriously to run out of steam; despite that a large proportion of the population have been permanently mentally-damaged by the Big Lie and fake response (as well as becoming firmly committed to the service of Satan). Too many people seem to expect that 2019 'normality' will be returning soon... They need to find a another Big Lie if They are to continue to roll-forward their totalitarian Matrix world. Maybe the idea is to continue mutating the birdemic threat so that it becomes perceived as permanently growing? Or maybe the biowep concept, once established, will pave way for the next birdemic about-which They are continually warning us... coming soon to a theatre near you?  

Saturday 24 October 2020

Is this world "what we deserve"?

In a way - yes, it is; but only in the sense that a loving father sometimes teaches his children by letting them take the consequences of their foolish decisions - knowing, all the while, that even the harshest lesson may not be learned; or learned only after many (nasty, tedious) repetitions of the lesson. 

Because that is just what people are like.

This world is created by God, but now we participate in its creation - indeed the intent is that we consciously choose to embrace God's creation/ creating. 

And, although in this current mortal world, many things are being 'done to' the mass of humans (and this living world generally) by a tiny minority of wealthy, powerful and demonically-inspired persons; by our responses and reactions this evil is being participated-in, and vastly assisted, by an apparent majority of the masses. 

That is: Things are done-to us - like it or not; but we can (and do) always choose whether we do like-it... Or Not. 

Consider the birdemic. The thing itself (as a package - stimulus and response) was planned and imposed by a small globalist Establishment - but it is the 'response' to the virus (Not the virus, or what it actually does) that is primary. 

In other words, the 'response' - lock-down-social-distancing-masking-etc - is the primary goal of the birdemic. The same pre-prepared 'response' might have been (would have been) attached to several other, and apparently different, causes - such as Global Warming, terrorism, MLB...  

So the key question to ask for determining whether this is indeed the world 'we deserve' is: how have 'the people', 'the masses', responded to the fake-response? 

Well, the experiment has been done, and the results are available. 


The masses were told that everything-else needed to be sacrificed to the 'aim' of reducing the birdemic, were told the nature of the sacrifice (including the lie that LDSDM-ing, pseudo-vaccination, omni-surveillance, global totalitarian police-state etc. was 'the science'); and first told that this sacrifice was temporary ('flattening the curve'), then that it was permanent ('the new normal').  

All in accordance with the plan.

Now, the consequences we all know; these include putting (in Britain) multi-millions of people (alike healthy and sick, young and vigorous, old and inform) into solitary confinement; preventing movement outdoors, travel to see family, friends, nature; outlawing human contact, human proximity; permanently denying the sight of faces and the touch of hands to millions who are forcibly confined to their rooms/ dwellings/ institutions. 

Let's say that a credulous population at-first believed the (known to be habitually- and manipulatively-dishonest) governments and media that the birdemic was especially dangerous. Nonetheless, if the mass of people had valued basic humanity and the humane/ compassionate/ personal aspects of life; they would have given them up with extreme reluctance

After which they would have been alert for any evidence that this cruel deprivation was unnecessary; so as to allow the vital human aspects of life to be resumed as soon as possible

A genuinely humane People would, in other words, have been continually pushing for the removal of the vast mass of restrictions on meeting, touching, and having facial contact with other people, and so forth. 


But they have not. The populace have, in fact, adopted the exact opposite attitude. They have - in large, probably majority, numbers; assumed that the ongoing suppression/ destruction of humane living was to be sustained, maintained long-term, and perhaps forever "if necessary". 

(The concept of "necessary" implicitly meaning that the birdemic shall remain the focus of all organised human endeavour (until They tell us otherwise and suspend restrictions temporarily, as with MLB), without any prudential or balancing considerations being allowed or even discussed. Prevention of birdemic deaths trumps every-thing - at least in theory, while this mind-set is being-applied. Any-thing else is 'putting money above lives'.) 

Indeed; among the opinion-leaders of the political Left (and Leftism includes the entirety of mainstream politics and public discourse) the wrong-to-be-righted is the preceding 'inadequate' birdemic response, the lack of severity, the softness of the totalitarianism; and the crusade has become for ever more, ever harsher and universal repression and destruction of... well, all-that-is-distinctively-human in society. 


In sum, the revealed preference of the masses is for a one-eyed abstract 'healthism' that sacrifices any number of actual individual human beings; including the pitiful birdemic victims; nearly all aged well-beyond the biological lifespan of c.70 - who are routinely tortured to death over weeks of artificial existence in 'intensive therapy' while deprived of consciousness and the sight and touch of spouses, families, friends - or human beings of any kind... 

Doped or anaesthetised, pierced with tubes and wires, surrounded by masked and gowned zombies and machines who are 'working-on them'. 

And if, at this advanced age, they 'survive' the horror show - then survival (merely) is the correct word to describe their remaining lives.    

This is an extreme; but it is a very common extreme; and one approximated in many thousands of nursing homes and residential homes - but my point is that it is a situation very generally supported even by those most affected

In sum; what is being imposed by The Establishment; is (in general) being supported by the masses - supported with varying degrees of enthusiasm from the career Leftist who wants more of the same forever; down to the stoic and obedient populace who have shown that in practice they agree with the ideology of the birdemic. They agree that the birdemic is, and ought to remain, the single global priority; all else to be sacrificed (including birdemic victims).


My point is therefore that it is true that we get what we deserve; or more exactly, our world as is, is the consequence of the prevalent values of the masses

The masses have shown that they do Not significantly value many things which were often said to be of great value - from real science, arts, medicine and churches; through theatres, museums, libraries; singing, dancing, holidays, sports; through freedom, work, nature; to marriage, family and friends. (The list is almost endless.)

There is, it seems, nothing which people are unprepared to sacrifice for the birdemic. 

In other words; ; people will sacrifice any-thing - up-to and including, their own dignity, autonomy and well-being - for the birdemic. 


And this bleak picture of a corrupt and evil world isn't a theory or a prediction; but what people are-doing and have-been-doing; the choices they already-made and continue-to-make. 

And the life we live, and the life planned for us (The Great Reset; Agenda 2030...) is a simple consequence of these choices, attitudes and actions. 

The best name for it is nihilism; the prevalent planetary emotion is fear-resentment, and the mood is despair (covert, but over-mastering); and the best description of the behaviour is willed-but-denied, individual-and-civilizational, suicide

(Suicide with expectation of death, and probability of Hell - because of the prevalence of value-inversion whereby Hell is regarded as Good and real - and Heaven as a repellent fantasy.)

None of which is At All surprising; in a world that denies God, creation, the soul and the spirit... 

And was, indeed, accurately predicted by many prophetic Christians over the past several generations.


The truly astonishing aspect is that all this time the door to repentance, and the prospect of a joyous/ creative/ loving life everlasting in Heaven, is being held-open by Jesus Christ! 

(Never too-late to accept this gift! A gift that instantly-positively-transforms our mortal life!)

Yet the masses angrily cling to despair and death with all their, ebbing, strength...

Sunday 26 December 2021

Core Big Lies that we depend-upon; versus Gratuitous Big Lies (such as the birdemic and climate change) that are universal and merely-destructive

We live in a world governed on the basis of Big Lies - a world of global totalitarian establishment Leftism of all factions and parties. 

Since the international coup of early 2020; Big Lies now dominate all nations, and major human institutions/ corporations/ organizations. 

This means that The System which keep more than seven billion people alive is net-corrupted - is directed against God, divine creation and The Good. 

In other words, we depend-upon Core Systems that have yet embraced Big Lies; such that all functionality has been diluted then subverted by these lies.

To oppose the Core Big Lies therefore means to oppose the hand that (albeit to an always-declining extent) feeds us, clothes and shelters us, heals and protects us.

This situation of corruption of core functionalities must end in collapse and disaster; and is bad enough...

But on top of such negative erosion of capability, efficiency and purpose; there are Gratuitous Big Lies; of which the birdemic-peck agenda is the most currently dominant; with Global Warming/ Climate Change not far behind. 

These are Not lies that have arisen from the incremental corruption of once-functional systems; but these are instead made-up novel systems that are in essence Wholly Dishonest and therefore Actively destructive.

The birdemic is a manufactured fake from bottom to top - at every step and stage, lies have been woven; it is not only unnecessary but actively-destructive. 

If the birdemic did not exist, there would be no need to invent it - hence it is a Gratuitous Big Lie. 

It is a network of untruthfulness added-to the Global System and designedly destructive of it: with all the major interventions (closures, restrictions, masking, distancing, pecking) being grossly net harmful. 

Likewise the Climate Change Big Lie: another entirely gratuitous deception that has been deliberately structured and manufactured to have the widest scope and to inflict the deepest harm. 

At its centre is the inversional demonization of Carbon Dioxide - the gas of life - associated with all living things - a molecule not only necessary, but vastly net-beneficial to planetary life.

Likewise warmth. In a world where climate is always changing and (obviously!) cannot be controlled; but the major danger to life has been cold (ice ages) we are asked to fear (and pretend to be able to prevent) greater warmth (which people whose motive I trust, such as Freeman Dyson, say would almost certainly be a net-benefit). 

Like the birdemic-peck; the Warming/ Change agenda is not only unnecessary, and ineffective, but also grossly harmful across the board. 

Such is the nature of a Gratuitous Big Lie. 

The depth and evil of our global corruption therefore begins the expanding-insinuation of Big Lies into all the life-sustaining and functional social systems; but the gratuitous invention and imposition of entire novel social systems that are actively evil - actively destructive of Good, and with potential for malignant invasion of every single aspect of human living and relations. 

So these gratuitous Big Lies have taken the agenda of evil from its previous locus in social institutions/ organizations/ corporations; and insinuated the agenda into the most intimate of human relationships - marriage, families, true friendships. 

For instance, since 2020 and leading up to this Christmas; we can see that the birdemic-peck agenda has already done astonishingly deep damage to marriages and families - and this damages increases and expands in scope with each passing month. 

People have treated their loved ones in ways that would have been regarded as frankly psychopathic just two years ago - and the situation is continuing to worsen.   

Not only love, but basic human decency, has been dissolved in face of the malignant spread of the birdemic Big Lie. 

We are now faced with a situation where all moderation, common sense, compromise; have been swept aside by the birdemic-peck agenda. 

There is now a stark choice between wholesale rejection of the entire birdemic-peck narrative - that is; no nuance, no discussion or debate, no argument or evidence but instead total deletion of the official narrative...

Or else capitulation to a Big Lie that is now, already, breaking-apart every prior human value, and all that was regarded as sacred such as the relations of husband and wife, and of parent and child. 

It ought not to be a difficult choice to reject the birdemic narrative when it is both gratuitous and observably dissolving all that we once (just two years ago) most cherished. Common sense applied to personal experience would (where it existed) discern that we have almost-everything to gain and almost-nothing to lose from deleting the birdemic... 

But in practice, for most of the population; rejection is regarded as impossible, utterly unreasonable, and recklessly dangerous. 

For many people, already, their world has already ended - and by their own enthusiastic consent - but this reality has not yet sunk-in... 

It Soon Will.      

Monday 7 June 2021

The reality of the birdemic was a collective choice making a collective reality

In this stage of human consciousness; we create reality by choice. The choice is inescapable - although it can be (usually is) denied. 

Thus people talk all the time (incessantly, but dishonestly) about the importance of facts ('fact-checking'), evidence (evidence-based') and objectivity ('real world') - while their (labile and incoherent) beliefs and behaviours are clearly made-up from from propaganda and feelings. 

The birdemic was and is caused by human consciousness. Its reality derives from a collective decision that it should happen. Ultimately, the birdemic is true to billions of people because the world wants it. 

The birdemic is not like any previous 'pandemic' - it could not have been possible a generation ago - it is a consequence of changed human consciousness from around the millennium; first clear evidence of which was the triumph of the trans-agenda. 

From then, we knew that anything was possible; anything could and would be believed - and collective reality would track collective choices. 

Every aspect of the birdemic was a Big Lie, and known to be such, but it makes no difference because there was a collective choice that things should be thus. 

What is this collective choice of the birdemic? 

Quite simply - a choice for Hell. It is a choice of what is most-important; choice of what-should-be; and therefore a choice of what will-not-be. 

What will not be with the birdemic-choice includes God, divine creation, The Good and the following of Jesus Christ to resurrected life eternal in Heaven. 

Collective human choice made the birdemic-reality an existential choice concerning the nature of the world. 

Consequently (unless one repents) the birdemic now is the nature of the world, for a very large proportion of mankind.  

As of 2021; Men just are Beings that make their world, by choice; and the implication is that Our world just is Our responsibility.

So, be care-full what world you inhabit - you have made it thus. If you do not like the birdemic world that most Men have chosen - if you find it evil; you can make another and better world. And if you do not make another and better; then this is the world you have chosen - and for which you are inescapably responsible. 

Monday 17 August 2020

Birdemic versus influenza: selective microscopic attention generates pseudo-evidence supporting the Big Lie underpinning the Global coup

I have commented before, from a scientific perspective, how the application of microscopic attention to scientific observations or theories that you want to reject is a common form of dishonesty; and most modern professional-researchers (self-styled 'scientists') are neither intelligent, nor competent, nor truth-seeking enough to understand this. Indeed, they are deeply-invested-in Not understanding it.

We see the inverse side of this phenomenon in relation to the birdemic (and other phenomena that the media wants us to regard as significant, common, universal - such as 'racism' or 'global warming'...).

This works by putting a microscope onto one thing, but not another; thereby psychologically amplifying one but not the other phenomenon, making it occupy grossly disproportionate attention.

Compare the birdemic with a bad influenza year, such as 2014-15 or 2017-18. A truthful, truth-seeking comparison of the death rates suggests that the birdemic and flu are not-significantly-different in dangerousness.

However; the microscope has been applied to every aspect of the birdemic, but not to flu - and this produces so much distortion that a detailed comparison is (if we are honest) impossible.  

We can only say that we could not be confident that there was any significant difference in overall mortality.

However, nobody with power/ influence is interested in flu.

Nobody puts a microscope onto flu by looking for extra cases, by interviewing flu victims, by funding vast amounts of research into the 'distinctive' clinical features of (say) the 2017 strain of flu, compared with previous years.

Nobody changed the rules to insist that anyone who had previously at some point, or was probably currently suffering, flu; would be classified as having-died-from flu. Nobody prevented post mortems that might confirm a non-flu cause of death.

Nobody sent teams of reporters to the worst hospitals, mismanaging flu by providing Intensive Therapy to doomed 85 year olds with multiple pathologies - who later inevitably died, after blocking the scarce facilities for several weeks, so that potentially curable patients could not use them.

Nobody interviewed every sufferer from flu (which - as well as hospitalising and killing a vulnerable minority; also can feel absolutely horrible; and often debilitates people for several weeks) - nor did anybody list celebrities with flu.

And when the flu deaths stopped and hardly anybody was ill from it, as always happens, when the weather became warmer and sunnier and people go outside more; nobody introduced mass population testing for flu - using an unvalidated and unverifiable test that almost-certainly has (like all known screening tests) an extremely-high (but unknown, because not validated) false-positive rate when used in a non-pathological population.

Nobody then called positive (unvalidated) flu tests 'cases' - and then claimed that this meant the disease was getting worse, despite no more deaths.

Nobody pretended that the inevitable geographical and social variations in flu cases (or indeed deaths), which are known and seen for all infectious respiratory diseases. There are (nearly) always different mortality rates from infections by class, race and correlated with IQ for instance. This doesn't mean anything except that people are different, and different people are not randomly distributed. 

Nobody suggested that flu needed universal +/- compulsory vaccination, nor that universal flu vaccination would be universally effective (which it never is, and cannot be). 

And - most of all - nobody treated influenza outbreaks by the wholly-hypothetical methods of universal (indeed Global) lockdown and social-distancing - forever! Instead, the influenza pandemics were managed by tried and tested methods, methods that had controlled and terminated all previous respiratory viral pandemics.

But then people assumed that the birdemic was different-from all previous respiratory viral pandemics such as flu...

But why did they assume this? Oh yes; because a microscope was applied to the birdemic, from the very beginning (or maybe before it had really begun); which (from the beginning) totally distorted perception and warped judgment, and led to unprecedented chronic, monomaniacal panic...

But why was the microscope applied to the birdemic in the first place - when there was Never anything to suggest it was significantly different from any other bad flu year?

That is the proper question - and the answer is known.

However, if you haven't already seen all this - and don't already know the real reason for the birdemic from your own direct personal experience; then there is no point in my writing any of this; nor of you reading it.

Because you are incapable of learning.


Monday 16 March 2020

Don't blame the crows! It's Not About the birdemic!

It's not about the birdemic... I have found this slogan to be a useful mantra.

Converting the entire developed world to a totalitarian police state in a fortnight isn't about the crow birdemic.

The birdemic is just an excuse - and, indeed, a very inadequate excuse; since the plague of crows is nowhere near severe enough to warrant any kind of mega-reaction in The West - let alone the actual reaction.

Reasons for knowing the fakeness of the birdemic

1. Numbers of international deaths too small by c.1000-fold to assume that this is a dangerous birdemic - European deaths are even less, proportionately.

2. Severely affecting and killing almost exclusively the very-old and/or already-sick - just like dozens of other Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Apparently, zero people under age fifty have died in Europe thus far (and very few in China - and these may have had other medical conditions).

3. Severe effect is mainly seen among East Asian ethnicity, much less or not at all among Europeans. The mortality rates among the young seem much higher for China and S. Korea than in Italy - and mortality in the Italian national population may well have been disporportionately among the large East Asian immigrant/ migrant population - but these numbers are being withheld.

So the birdemic crisis is fake. Why then do we have a crisis?

Because of the response; which is not fake, and indeed amounts to the very-rapid and universal imposition of a bureaucratic totalitarian police state; run (because such are the people involved) on atheistic, leftist, anti-Christian lines.

Since the epidemic is fake, there is little reason to assume the new 'special powers' will be revoked; and at the least they will be claimed to have saved The West from imminent mass death.

Why do I infer the response is fake? 

1. The response is unlike the response to any previous crisis ever - there is no track record for its success; there is zero reason to suppose it will be more effective than other responses in the past (which fell short of a totalitarian coup).

2. The response is, indeed, precisely the same as was being asked for by the Climate Change/ Extinction Rebellion cartel of the Global Establishment: in other words omni-surveillance and micro-control of the population of The West - eventually The World; plus collapsing the world economy and international trade.

3. The response is destructive of the primary basis of survival of the world population - the 'Industrial Revolution' etc. - the international system of specialisation and trading which has increased the world population from c.1 billion in 1800 to c.7 billion now. This means that the Global Establishment are risking the death of billions of people (of all ages and health), in order to try and save thousands (almost all old and unhealthy).


We can't, as individuals, do anything to stop or ameliorate the Big Picture. But what we need to do is interpret the crisis spiritually.

The crisis is real, and it is a spiritual crisis.

It is, indeed, a spiritual battle, an example of Unseen Warfare. Specifically there has been a successful coup by the powers of evil.

This has already happened, it is too late to prevent. But it is vital to recognise that this is indeed What Has Happened.

It's not about the birdemic; it's a socio-political takeover by the powers of evil.

And most people in The West support this takeover - fanatically so! One aspect of the crisis is that things have come to a point; and nearly everybody has-taken sides; and the side that nearly everybody has taken is that of the evil (demonic) powers.

Having recognised what has happened, and that we are in a tiny minority; serious Christians need simply to continue as usual.

To continue (that is) to recognise this life - your and my actual lives - as tailred for our spiritual learning ('theosis'); and to recognise death as a portal to eternal life in Heaven for those who choose to follow Jesus.

And having said that; many Christians will find themselves pretty much alone, spiritually; and will need to develop their own resources to survive and thrive in a condition of Faith, Hope and Love.

That will be a big challenge because it is new territory, a novel situation for Christians who have been accustomed to regard themselves as primarily part of a church.

Many people will find that they are in a situation in which either they are an autonomous 'solo Christian'; or they will soon be no Christian at all.

That will be another 'coming to a point'.

Thursday 6 May 2021

Virtual-Closure, the birdemic, and its peck

The ideal was, presumably, that the virtual world created and propagated by the Global Establishment should be completely disarticulated from reality. 

This could be termed Virtual Closure; because it amounts to the ideologies of the official-media-corporate world becoming self-sealing, circular, self-generating. 

The virtuality no longer needs reality, is no longer affected by reality; there is no way-in for reality; reality cannot refute it. 

Perhaps the ideology of birdemic and its peck are best illustrative of Virtual Closure; since none of the major elements depends on reality in the slightest degree. Nothing about the situation could be affected by any 'revelation' of truth concerning how things really are; because none of it depends on truth - none of it has ever depended on truth. 

To start-with the most fundamental fact - it would not matter if the birdemic virus did not actually exist as a distinct biological entity- but was merely a new label for a collection of pre-existing respiratory illnesses. That may or may not be true - but even if it was certainly-true - it would make no difference. 

It would make no difference if the birdemic was real and had been genetically manufactured as an attempted (and, apparently, botched) biowep - and it would not make any difference whether the biowep escaped by accident or was deliberately released. 

Nothing would be affected if it was true that the official death numbers were strongly, or even grossly, inflated by the inclusion of other causes of death - nor would things be affected if (as official sources claims) the 'real' numbers were underestimates. The rates might be ten times greater or ten times less than stated - and who would care enough to alter our situation?  

The situation would not change if it was acknowledged that the birdemic 'test' is unfit for purpose and not-valid; nor if it was admitted that there are large numbers of false positives - even if it was confirmed that FPs are 100% in some situations...

What about lockdownsocialdistincingmasking policies? What if it turned-out that these were deliberate made-up lies? What if it turned out that everything is ineffective? No change. What if it turned-out that all the above are harmful (physically, psychologically)... very harmful for very large numbers - and what if this was demonstrated 'for sure'? Still no change

And the peck? Policies and attitudes would not change if/ when it turned out that the peck was an inert placebo, feebly effective with worse side effects - or even if it did no good but considerable harm. Even if it was documented to be the greatest health-destroyer in the history of the world; the basic state of things would be unaffected

Nobody cares if the whole birdemic stuff was stage managed by global leaders; nobody cares if these leaders grabbed historically-unprecedented power via the birdemic; nobody cares if they consequently became much richer than anybody ever from the power grab; nobody even cares if the world-rulers are Satan-worshippers who abuse their power to engage in the vilest sins, preying upon the masses, tormenting millions and billions for their own gratification... 

In other words; anything or everything might be real and true; and it be 'proved' with whatever 'evidence' anybody might ask-for - anything might be actual but still the virtual would survive and continue to dominate. 

Perhaps if all-the-above were simultaneously revealed?... 

But no, because 'proof and evidence' for any one thing depends on the validity of other-things; and the other things are (in this instance) all free-floating fabrications.  

So we are stuck with it - stuck with The System; it is un-reform-able, un-improve-able overall. A self-healing, self-propagating web of untruth...

What we can, should and must do (for the sake of our immortal souls) is to recognize and acknowledge reality - because reality is God's creation but Virtual Closure is an instrument of the devil.

Friday 2 October 2020

How did person X get the birdemic?

No mystery At All. 

The birdemic is a respiratory virus, therefore its spread cannot be stopped (only, perhaps, a little delayed). 

So everybody will be exposed to it sooner or later, until herd immunity is established and a sufficient proportion of people are immune so that the virus will (essentially) die-out*. 

So exposure of healthy and young people (young = children, adolescents, young adults and the middle aged - none of whom are significantly at risk) is A Good Thing.

It is a Good Thing (and necessary) that the majority of young/ middle aged/ healthy people are exposed to the birdemic, and either get the birdemic; or (and this is the large majority) either become immune without being seriously ill, or else are already immune to it (presumably from cross-immunity with a previous similar infection). 

And the longer that exposure to the birdemic by the mass majority is delayed; the more among the elderly/already-sick people will be exposed, and will die.  

Nothing strange, nothing mysterious, nothing specially serious to see here: move along...

(But of course It's Not About The Birdemic; it is about the response; which Just Happens to be the exact same 'Great Reset' response recommended to prevent Global Warming and cure Systemic Racism (and QWERTY-phobia, natch): ie. Nearly everybody Needs to stay indoors, in a room, preferably alone, essentially all of the time, forever.)   

*This is how every single pandemic in the history of mankind has died-out and ceased to be a pandemic. The birdemic is just a normal respiratory virus like flu, with normal levels of mortality (c.1:2000 population, everywhere with comparable data collection and population structure) and morbidity (levels of sickness) among the usual kinds of people (i.e. nearly all the deaths are among the very old, especially those beyond the biological lifespan; and those already chronically and seriously ill).

Friday 22 May 2020

Is this the most boring era in world history?

Well, no - this (here, now) is actually one of the most interesting times ever (if your purpose is to understand, if your motivation is to fight the evil); but you would never know that from what the great mass of people are saying and doing. 

All day, everyday - conversation and public discourse is about the birdemic. Work is about the birdemic (planning, responding, reacting). Leisure is about the birdemic - you can't encounter another person without being reminded, without reminding each other by word or deed.

The monomania was boring at the beginning, but after several months it has become paralysing.

Because who cares about the labile opinions of ignorant liars, dupes and cowards on the subject of respiratory viruses? Not I.  

It's not about the virus; it never was about the virus; and it is not going to be about the virus in the (totalitarian, materialistic, omni-surveillance and micro-control) future that is planned for us all.

If the birdemic is to be the sole subject of conversation, writing, living - and if all birdemic  communication is to be restricted to the lies and tyrannies of the Establishment and the media - then I'd rather not join-in - thanks very much.

Birdemic interaction is a kind of test; each person saying in effect: "I'm an controlled zombie parrotting the program - are you like me? Are you one of us?"

Social distancing will soon be redundant, since if the only permitted subject matter is the official story about the birdemic, there will be no valid purpose for society, nor reward for engaging in human interaction.

On the other hand, if we use our divine power of free thinking; then this whole thing is incredibly interesting and stunningly important.

To be living and thinking during the most successful (because largest, and largely invisible) evil coup in the history of the world - what a privilege!

So much to learn, to understand, to know! So much to do!

Monday 3 April 2023

We get what we want in this mortal life (including spiritual enslavement) - but, in the primary context of the life-experiences we need to learn-from

Serhei's excellent and thought-stimulating guest-post yesterday brings into focus that there is an important sense in which Modern Men get what they want in this mortal life. So that the spiritual (indeed physical) state of 'slavery' cannot be enforced on a population without consent, but instead people must be induced to desire slavery - and indeed to demand it. 

Yet we need to recall also that the primary purpose of living this mortal life is educational; God provides us with the experiences we most need to attain and prepare for resurrected eternal life. The slavery of Modern Man is a spiritual evil. 

This is because - 1. Modern Men are meant - by our stage in development - consciously to choose freedom and personal responsibility - not unconscious, automatic obedience; and also 2. the failure to choose freedom is compounded since the masses have chosen subjection to evil Masters.  

In exploring this matter; I shall use a specific example of the birdemic-peck; and whether an individual chooses to believe and obey the official narrative; on the assumption that the birdemic-peck is an evil-motivated strategy of the demon-controlled Global Establishment.

Suppose I choose to reject the birdemic-peck, disbelieve it, not to cooperate with the wishes of the Establishment? What then? 

For the consequences to be spiritually-good; there must be a positive, spiritual, and 'Christian-compatible' motivations for rejecting the birdemic peck: good outcomes require good motives. 

(By 'Christian-compatible' - I mean such motivations as a commitment to truth, to real values and morality, or to genuine beauty.)

And then there must also be a conscious awareness that this mortal life is indeed for our spiritual teaching; and acknowledgement that (overall, sooner-or-later) we will encounter life-situations (life-lessons) from-which we are intended to learn. 

Therefore, when a personal issue, a choice, emerges in our life; it needs to be recognized with seriousness, a recognition that our choices matter - and not just for our happiness now and soon, but also as affecting our situation and divine creation and forever. 

Life is cumulative, nothing is undone, we don't leave-behind past decisions - these are incorporated into what comes after...

Yet sub-optimal or bad choices can be turned to good, and right choices can be turned to evil. 

For instance; if a keen submission to the birdemic-peck plan is later repented, and a choice made to reject the agenda of global evil and instead to work in alliance with divine creation... Then this learning-from-experience will set a positive tone for whatever comes after.  

But if, in contrast, someone rejects the birdemic-peck propaganda but for the wrong reasons - such as a fear of damage to psychological or physical health - then this will constitute a commitment to another of the agendas of evil; and subsequent life will become increasingly health-fear dominated, and move in a selfish and hedonic direction... Perhaps towards intractable hypochondria; joining the mainstream-approved pattern of clinging to lifespan, and despair at the inevitability of death.     

One who chooses to submit to the birdemic-peck thereby accepts the "package" - the motivations and plans - of which it is a part (which is why this is one of the Litmus Test issues); which is explicitly (as well as implicitly) an agenda for de facto enslavement.

Thus slavery is chosen. 

But the significance of this slavery is primarily spiritual. It is in essence not a matter of you being subjugated to surveillance, confinement and micro-control of lifestyle. That is a means to the underlying spiritual goal of having you live in perpetual fear and resentment, self-hatred and despair...

A condition in which biological death is seen as annihilation of your-self...

Or else a continued half-life may be offered (and maybe sometimes actually given, under conditions) to those who consent to it; as an enslaved, ghostly spirit of evil perhaps; a 'computer download', or a life energized or extended by means of the predatory/ parasitic exploitation of human energies and vitality. 

In sum; physical slavery is chosen because it is a means to the end of spiritual enslavement - consent to a process of incremental value-corruption leading to self-damnation.

(Because all damnation is chosen.) 

Monday 26 July 2021

How deep do the birdemic lies reach?

I have always tried to emphasize that the Big Lie of the birdemic may go all the way down; in the sense that there may be literally no single-causal infective agent. 

Reading the relevant chapters of David Icke's most recent (and very worthwhile) book "Perceptions of a Renegade Mind" - which focuses on the birdemic - reminds me that it is quite possible (scientifically speaking) that there may not be any new and specific agent which causes the medical conditions which are supposed to justify the totalitarian response. 

The whole thing may be nothing-but an exercise in relabeling - that is an absolutely credible scenario.

In this world of dominant, endemic lies and core incompetence - I do not believe that we can know exactly what is and is not the truth behind the scam; a wide range of possibilities are plausible. 

There may be no single agent, there may be some influence from a new (and, if so, engineered) agent, which may have emerged from a range of accidents or been deliberate spread; and (if so) has been deliberately-amplified by the addition of a large, but various, proportion of fake attributions (especially influenza)...

Many things are possible and plausible because the definition of the birdemic agent is so vague and loose; and because 'the test' is so grossly inappropriate and inaccurate that its false positives may range from high to total.

That is; there may be 'a lot' of FPs - where 'a lot' covers a wide range of percentage FPs - or all test-positives may be false. These situations will surely vary in different circumstances and places, and across time.  

And 'the peck' is not a 'the' since that term officially encompasses several very different types of agent, and unofficially (in different times and places and persons) may contain... well nobody knows. 

Nobody knows. In a global discourse of liars who neither seek nor speak the truth - nobody knows. 

Luckily, it does not matter what is the exact reality wrt. the birdemic - so long as we do not fall into the trap of believing that the 'material' reality is determinative. 

This is a spiritual war; and we need to keep reminding ourselves that it is the spiritual reality which we need to discern

Even if (which is certainly Not the case; because we know it is permeated with multiple deliberate lies*) the official story of the material birdemic were 100% true; this fact would not affect the spiritual reality that the birdemic is a tool of the powers of evil; strategically aimed against God, creation and The Good. 

That's what we must know; and all the rest are shades of opinion. 

*Note: 'Multiple deliberate lies' means that those responsible have chosen to take the side of 'the father of lies' - i.e. the devil. John 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." This means that all who lie have already chosen damnation - unless they repent and follow Jesus. 

Tuesday 26 January 2021

How Bad Politics kills Christianity

Supposing you believe you are a Christian, but just fail just one of the 2020 Litmus Tests - for example the commonest failure, which is the birdemic

(But an analogous argument applies to all the other Tests, mutatis mutandis.)

But surely (you say) if I self-identify as a Christian, and I want to stay a Christian - why shouldn't I be able to do this? Surely Christianity is one thing and politics is another thing?

Well, in an abstract, reductionist and theoretical way - yes you can do this; in the sense that it is not rationally-impossible. 

But here and now, as of 2021, you won't do this. If you accept the birdemic narrative, you will not stay Christian. 

Firstly because in believing-in the birdemic, you are believing in The System: you are buying-into the narrative of the Global Establishment, officialdom and the mass media. 

You are passively-accepting your dominant world view from Them

Therefore you have already surrendered your conscience and your discernment. 

But even if you somehow manage to negotiate this; the birdemic is tightly-integrated into - is indeed the primary rationale and justification-for, the totalitarian coup of early 2020 and its strategy of Big Lies, omni-surveillance, micro-control; its fake-response of lock-down-social-distancing-masking; its PSYOPS of fuelling compulsory untruthfulness, fear, resentment and despair; its (rotating) single issue mode of thinking where anything and everything can-and-should be sacrificed to the (Establishment defined and propagated) birdemic project. 

Therefore, in actual practice (never mind the abstract logic), if you were a Christian before the birdemic; you will not be a Christian if you fail that Litmus Test. 

You will not be motivated to oppose the permanent prohibition and eradication of all Christian social activities. 

You will not even be able to resist supporting purposive strategic evil in your own mind - since you have placed the choice of following Jesus Christ as a lower priority than the birdemic; you have subordinated Jesus to the Establishment; and the Establishment is evil. ... 

The Establishment is evil in the precise sense of being on the side of Satan against God - indeed, being dominated by Satan and the demons.

(And if you can't perceive this staggeringly obvious and explicit reality - then you are already on the dark side.) 

Hence, by making the wrong political choices, by failing one or more Litmus Tests, you have already made your choice against Him. 

However it may have been in the past or in other places; as of 2021 Bad Politics kills Christianity. 

Saturday 18 April 2020

Metaphysical materialism trumps the perception deception

Media analysts have described how people are primarily influenced by their perceptions, how perceptions come to us via the mass media (now amplified by social media); and that this de facto monopoly on our input of information substantially 'controls' the population of modern societies.

We could call is the theory of Perception Deception. The implicit antidote is to make perceptions more truthful... At the mass level, this entails aiming for a truthful mass media; and paying close attention to the biases and censorships of the mass media and propaganda more generally. 

However, the birdemic has demonstrated that this explanation is grossly inadequate - to the point of being mostly-wrong. Inputs are near-irrelevant; and far more important are the basic assumptions about Life by which perceptions are interpreted.

The basic assumptions about Life is what I mean by metaphysics; and for most - nearly all, it turns-out - modern people, these assumptions are materialist.

Therefore, a person's response to the birdemic is a much better guide to someone's metaphysical assumptions than is whether that person professes left- or right-wing views, or whether they profess atheism, New Age or religious beliefs.

To put it bluntly, the only people who see-through the deception of the birdemic are those who have (not just profess) a metaphysical assumption of the primacy of the spiritual in Life.

So far as I can tell, spiritual people recognise the birdemic fake - whereas those who are actually materialist cannot recognise what is really going-on; and they fail utterly to recognise what is going-on even when exposed to vast and powerful evidence of it (such as they get from their own daily personal experience).

What is really going-on is as obvious as anything can be - from the fact of (pretty much) the whole world being under house arrest (including you and me) without end-point - suspension of elections - working only as directed labour in approved activities - control of what you can buy - indefinite forbidding of all real-life church activities - prohibition of all real-life social and extended family life - prohibition of all performing arts - prohibition of travel - multiplication of coercive rules and laws - pervasive police impositions etc., etc., etc...

Do I really need to describe what is visible to everyone and happened over a timescale of days?... Well, yes it seems I do - but description does no good at all when all and any such perceptual inputs are automatically and unconsciously explained-away as being 'therapy'.

Because it turns-out that a global totalitarian, anti-religious, anti-human, anti-individual regime can be imposed - but nobody will notice when it is explained as being necessary for health.

Billions of people have been rendered blind to the obvious. That is a stunning thing - more remarkable a fact than anything I have ever encounted. 

The communist, fascist, national socialist totalitarian societies of the twentieth century have simply been redescribed in terms of medical and therapeutic necessity in relation to a single disease. And nearly-everybody is not merely accepting of this, but clamouring for more of the same - in order to keep people 'safe'.

(The fact that lockdownsocialdistancing cannot keep people safe from a airborne virus, but will instead perpetuate the epidemic and expose more vulnerable people and cause far more deaths by delaying herd immunity is completely irrelevant to the argument - because all facts are irrelevant when one's metaphysics are materialist.) 

Interestingly, most of the 'Alternative media' - or what the Establishment call 'conspiracy theorists' also fail to see through the birdemic fake - fail to see that the birdemic is itself merely an excuse - but have instead been distracted into focusing on health-related red herrings about bioweaps and fie vegee - which (whether true or not, and they may be significantly true) miss the central and obvious point - or even lead to bizarre inversions relating to plans for mass killing (with the virus).

(This is wrong for the plain reason that totalitarian takeover has been based-on the rationale of health, medicine, life-saving and death-counting - which makes little sense if mass killing were intended. But even if it were right; it misses the stunning magnitude and speed of what has actually happened.) 

What we see is that perceptual inputs, information, 'facts' and 'data' - are secondary factors when what is happening is based in the spiritual. Even when people expose themselves to a different set of inputs (eg those who participate mostly in the Alternative media), they fail to see the obvious reality - because they are materialists.

It is significant that David Icke, although perhaps the grandfather of the Alternative media and conspiracy theorists is - unlike most of his followers - one of the rare people who immediately recognised what was really going-on. This because Icke is primarily a spiritual person (not a Christian, more of a deist, but genuinely spiritual),

We can observe that those who are in practice (whatever they may suppose about themselves, whatever their personal self-identification as a 'spiritual' or 'religious' person) are materialists; fail to see the obvious.

This is often evident in having de facto socio-political alignments as a prime priority in their lives, into-which spirituality and religion must be fitted) - but we also see that those who live what look-like spiritual or religious lives are also mostly living on the basis of materialist fundamental assumptions - so that their spirituality or religion is, it turns-out, merely a matter of lifestyle.

To recognise today's obvious entails a spiritual perspective, but only to those with a spiritual persepctive is it obvious. To everyone else, the obvious cannot be true; because excluded by (unconscious) assumptions. 

So - the birdemic reveals the difference between, on the one hand, the superficiality of life-style - such that even very dominant life-styles amounting to a full-time occupation (e.g. religious professionals, obsessive New Agers) make no difference to their blindness. They are just as blind to the obvious reality as any professed skeptic, atheist activist, card-carrying humanist, or philosophical materialist.

On the other hand, the reality of a person's experienced 'inner' life is revealed by their capacity to 'notice' the biggest-fastest qualitative change in world history.

It is the inner life (ie. a person's metaphysical assumptions, by which he understands life) that turns-out to matter most; to the point that it is almost as if it is the only thing that matters, in a spiritual sense.

Differences of religion, denomination, theology, ritual, scripture etc are all washed-away as superficial and ineffectual...

Spiritual sensibility is more important at present than ever before; since those who lack it are being stampeded into embracing a world based on the principle of materialistic self-damnation, at a shocking rate.

In conclusion, metaphysics is primary; and especially in a world where the reality and importance of metaphysical awareness is denied.

A world where 'everyone' believes that 'evidence' is the only thing that matters, and believes that perceptions control behaviour is - it turns-out - a world where evidence is irrelevant and behaviour is dictated by prior assumptions of which (almost) everybody is insensible.

The single most important thing that people can do (here, now) is to become aware of their primary assumptions about life.

And that is something every individual person must do for himself, or it will not be done.

Monday 13 March 2023

The bureaucrats of evil, with minds like 'valves', passively-orientated towards the side of evil: What the birdemic-peck has revealed

It's over three years since the birdemic first wave was imposed on the UK, but at present there has been very little enforcement (in most parts) for considerably more than a year. There is at present far more emphasis on the Fire Nation and Climate than on the birdemic. 

Yet, there is a substantial minority of the UK population who will not let-go of the birdemic mindset; who continue to wear masks, 'test' themselves, self-isolate and avoid (on the basis of these pseudo-tests), accumulate pecks in the face of multiple 'test'-confirmed recurrences, and so forth. 

What seems to have happened is that three years ago, and again two years ago when the peck was being pushed; these people opened their minds to the daily conduit of propaganda about the birdemic, and filled-up on... whatever fluctuating and incoherent nonsense was being piped-in. 

Then closed their minds on it

And now they Will Not let go of this stuff

It's as if their minds have become valves for evil: with inward-facing flaps that open to allow evil in, but then close-upon evil - preventing it from escape. 

Their minds are a one-way street for evil, with no exit. 

So that once some item of evil propaganda has been allowed into the mind - then it is held-onto tenaciously, and in the face of even colossal quantities of contradicting later information...

Even when those later contradictions come from the exact same official sources that they uncritically believed in the first place!

What I seem to be observing, over the past several years; is that in general most people believe... whatever is currently being pushed by the mainstream media

This means that, in most respects, minds are wide-open in both directions: by believing today's narrative, people can easily change, and reverse, their ideas - and believe stark contradictions.  

But there is a large segment of the masses - particularly (I think) among Nice people of many kinds... Among the middle-managerial, public-sector, and professional classes, the young-retired ('boomers'), and women. 

...I mean those who selectively and tenaciously believe... whichever is most spiritually-harmful among the daily-input

What I envisage is a mind-set that is passively orientated to evil. 

This is not an active or originative mindset, it lacks evil-intent; but it is instead a mind that implicitly desires to serve evil.  

Such an orientation to evil appears to be unconscious, and would certainly be denied; but by their revealed-preferences it can be seen that such people - who are servile by nature - strive to place their minds and efforts at the disposal of whatever is most evil among the mass of conflicting and fluctuating mainstream ideology. 

My point is that such people (and there are a lot of them!) are not neutral with respect to propaganda. Among the vast avalanche of fake news and dishonest information; such minds display a definite bias towards attending to that 'information' which is most long-term evil in its potential, and once they have absorbed such information - they will not let it go! 

They will selectively grab-and-hold-onto stuff relating to the birdemic-peck, climate, antiracism etc. - in other words the Litmus Test issues, by means of which the global establishment impose their totalitarian agenda. 

Such agendas are internalized - and will then be followed permanently, even in the absence of encouragement, even in the face of discouragement... 

Beyond this, they gravitate towards whatever are likely to be the most destructive policies and theories - those which would (if pursued) destroy whatever is loving, true, beautiful and/or virtuous. 

And they will do this, and continue to do it; even when current official information changes, and contradicts it.    

This mind-set is therefore one of the primary manifestations of evil-affiliation in our time - but, because it operates passively and unconsciously - is usually overlooked, and generally denied. Yet if we understand evil to be a chosen allegiance to the side of evil in the spiritual war of this world; then these bureaucrats of the devil are among the most numerous and dangerous agents of evil in The West today. 


Saturday 7 November 2020

Our invisible rabid-leper-zombie Apocalypse: or, the fake morality of Healthism

I spent three years of my life employed as a university lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) in Epidemiology and Public Health: that most corrupt and mediocre of all medical specialties. 

The reason Epidemiology/ Public Health is so corrupt (and getting worse) is that its work consists in providing pseudo-objective rationalisations for Leftist political programmes; and that is the reason E&PH has long been mediocre - because such externally-driven service-work has no place for a genuine scientist or a real doctor. 

Among other things, this period gave me an insight into the fake morality of Healthism; which currently dominates the world, and bears the brunt of responsibility for rationalising the global totalitarian coup of 2020. 

Like all moralities which purport to be altruistic (that is, to favour others above oneself); the ideology of Healthism is impaled upon its own contradictions. But bear in mind that incoherence is a feature, not a bug, when it comes to evil; and the Leftist programme (which Healthism serves) is itself primarily-negative and destructive - therefore incoherence is baked-in.   

The birdemic shows the way that Healthism works in practice, intrinsically. The 2020 global reality is extreme, sustained raw fear of multi-millions of individuals - fear of dying from the birdemic. 

...A fear that leads to mass social avoidance, and treating all humans as rabid-leper-zombies


The world believes that it is living in the midst or a rabid-leper-zombie Apocalypse! But, even worse, this is an invisible rabid-leper-zombie Apocalypse! 

Therefore, everybody is dying, but invisibly: the bodies are being stacked like cord-wood in secret locations - too many to bury or burn. 

The birdemic sickness is one of the great plagues of the world - the Black Death On Steroids; yet at the same time, we only know about it via the mass media; and we don't know if somebody has become a rabid-leper-zombie, unless they get a special Test. 

The Test tells you that you are In Fact a rabid-leper-zombie - but The Test can never tell you that you are Not a rabid-leper-zombie.


SO... The terrifying scenario is that the world is full of invisible rabid-leper-zombies, who are dying in droves; and anybody I meet, anywhere might be an invisible rabid-leper-zombie; and I Myself might be invisible rabid-leper-zombie! 

The Whole World might be invisible rabid-leper-zombies; past, present or future; whether dying or already-dead!

How Terrifying Is That!

This is how the morality of Healthism goes: Because I am terrified of invisible rabid-leper-zombies, I want everybody kept away from me and wearing masks - but I know that this doesn't really work - but I want it anyway because I am terrified of invisible rabid-leper-zombies. 

But because I am a Leftist, I care more about other people than myself; so I want to wear a mask because I might be an invisible rabid-leper-zombie. If not today, then tomorrow.

Indeed, I demand that I myself, and everybody else, be compelled to wear a mask; because when it comes to an invisible rapid-leper-zombie We Just Don't Know that anybody is safe to be in proximity to anybody else. 

Therefore, I keep my distance from everybody I most love and care for; and I demand they do the same for me; and I want this made compulsory, to make sure; because nothing is worse than an invisible rabid-leper-zombie.

(Except a White Supremacist, obviously.)

But I don't really love and care for anybody in particular - that would be *-ist, obviously... Instead I care Most about everybody-in-the-whole-world-at-the-same-time: and especially people I have never met, know nothing about, and who hate me. 

(Except for White Supremacists, obviously.) 

Obviously, when I say 'care' I mean specifically the birdemic; because Nobody wants to live in an invisible rabid-leper-zombie Apocalypse; stopping that must surely be the priority, yes?  

Let's get this clear: I care most of all about about global birdemic health statistics - although I neither know nor care about how those statistics are generated, nor what they mean, and am resistant to learning this. 

To be clearer yet: I care most in the world about what my chosen mass media tell me about global birdemic health statistics. Today... 

That, for me, is The Bottom-Line. 

(Unless it is Climate Change - which is also the bottom line. And antiracism. And sexual liberation... I mean 'rights'. They are also the single, core, key, essential, priority bottom line.)

My point is that Healthism works by an unholy alliance of extreme short-termist selfishness and clinging to life, now, at any cost; and the self-hating suicidal recklessness of systematic altruism - of favouring others above self. 

(Altruism has to be systematic and compelled, because it is un-natural. People must be forced to be altruistic. Except for the Global Billionnaire Establishment, obviously - They just-are naturally altruistic, which is why they are multi-billionnaires. Obviously.)

"I am wearing this mask for other people, 'because' I am terrified of dying in the invisible rabid-leper-zombie Apocalypse." 

In a world of invisible rabid-leper-zombies, invisibly infecting each other, and dying like invisible flies; Nothing matters but Health. 

...Yet the basis of Health (food, economy, other people...) is systematically-being-destroyed by the pursuit of Health At Any Price. 

After all; it makes a kind of Leftist sense. In a world gripped by terror of of invisible rabid-leper-zombies; the only escape from fear is for the invisible rabid-leper-zombies all to die. For them all to die; all must be killed (one way or another; preferably deniably). 

If the cost of ridding our world of an invisible rabid-leper-zombies is that most people (including me) are killed by the measures ostensibly taken to rid the world of invisible rabid-leper-zombies - then That is a price worth paying...

We can, at least, then look forward to the a birdemic-free-world! A world finally free of fear...


We won't be there to enjoy it, nor will many other people (except the multi-billionnaire Global Establishment - obviously), and anyway it will not be an enjoy-able world. 

They are doing Us a favour by killing us for our better health, if you really think about it.

And - in the end - what does it all matter to someone truly altruistic?