Showing posts sorted by relevance for query icke problem reaction solution. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query icke problem reaction solution. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Beyond Problem-Reaction-Solution: When the establishment induce chaos, this causes a net-increase in chaos

Some years ago; David Icke insightfully described a behaviour and policy patterning that was repeatedly deployed by the leadership class, which he called Problem-Reaction-Solution- "PRS". 

The PRS idea was that the rulers would (repeatedly) create a problem, and this elicited a reaction from many "people" (i.e. in practice the mass media) and demands for something-to-be-done - and resulting action always turned-out to be a pre-decided pseudo-solution - a "solution" that was not really designed to prevent or cure the problem, but was something the leadership had wanted to do anyway

The "solution" was, indeed, always a further incremental step on the road to tyranny, intended to increase societal totalitarian surveillance and control. 

In other terminology: Problem Reaction Solution was, in a specific sense, a policy of Ahrimanic evil - which aims at the reduction of all thinking to materialism, and then control of this reduced thinking with the aim of pursuing the demonic agenda of evil. 


But I had not previously noticed that while PRS was usually tactically effective in enhancing top-down control of some specific domain of social living (e.g. increased control of the police, doctors, lawyers, or some type of corporation)... While PRS led reliably to the goal of  extending and deepening bureaucratic systems... At the same time, and inevitably; this local increase of "order" is attained at the cost of increasing overall and long-term dis-order/ chaos

Short-term and local increase in order is "bought" at the price of increased long-term and overall dis-order. 

This happens because the "problem" entails some kind of increase in chaos, some kind of break-down in functioning. 

And each time a problem is deliberately induced, every cycle of PRS - by deliberate design; the "solution" does Not solve the problem. (i.e. Because the "solution" was not intended to solve the problem, but instead to increase surveillance and control.) 

Therefore, every time PRS is deployed there is an unsolved problem, which means an increase in the problem; which means there is a long-term and a cumulative increase in social dysfunction and disorder

In sum; it can be seen that Problem Reaction Solution sequence can be deployed by the agents of Sorathic Evil to promote chaos and destruction under the guise of enhancing control. 

That is: repeated use of the PBS tactic actually promotes a net-destructive strategy

If we assume that the highest level of global leadership is Sorathic in motivation - that is, motivated to destroy, rather than to control - then it can be seen that PRS is a way of manipulating mid-system-level leaders, managers and bureaucrats

(Thus manipulating the middle-managers of totalitarianism as well as simultaneously manipulating the gullible masses.)  

The middle-management level of The System is therefore encouraged repeatedly to induce Problems: Problem after Problem! - to harm economies and trade (e.g. by sanctions); to provoke and promote wars; to organize and enforce mass migration into The West; to attack marriage and the family; to encourages hatred and resentment between races, sexes, classes... etc.

The Middle Managers believe that a PRS policy will enhance their control of society and the world - and they see the actual incremental expansion of surveillance and control bureaucracies (and their own wealth and high status) as evidence of the success of this strategy...

But meanwhile, the underlying reality is of civilizations, nations - and the world itself - collapsing into chaos.   

In other words: Problem Reaction Solution is a real strategy, at the mid-level of power structures; and superficially it seems to be "working"; in the sense that bureaucracy expands and expands to cover all aspects of life, and there are more and better paid jobs for the managerial class in administering The System - and indeed bureaucratic "power" continued to grow. 

But such bureaucratic power is only power within The System, and what The System recognizes. 

And the System recognizes only The System - all outwith The System is invisible to it, and treated as not real. 

The System does not, because it cannot, recognize chaos.

Therefore; when rulers deliberately engage in destruction, and the world consequently descends into chaos - the agents of Ahrimanic evil perceive only their own increase in System-control with an expanding System. 

Paradoxically; the overall-effect is that agents of total control are manipulated into implementing the agenda of total destruction

As the world collapses around them in consequence of their own purposive decisions and actions; the managerial-intellectual class (eg. of the UN, EU, WEF, Western national leadership, media Moghuls; financial and corporate executives and owners, academics, "scientists" and "artists") perceive only new chances for immediate personal enrichment, greater personal status, and opportunities to extend their bureaucratic empires. 

Note: This was triggered by a post from Francis Berger, and the response it elicited

Wednesday 9 August 2017

We need to cure our impatient addiction to understanding, predicting and shaping the world (it just leads to fakery, anyway)

Modern people have an impatient addictive compulsion towards understanding, predicting and intervening in the world to change it in more gratifying directions - and being both modern and secular; they combine this impatient addiction with short-termist selfishness.

The combination of demanding Capability-Now results in error and dishonesty on a scale never before seen - with the global We Can Control The Future Climate Of The Earth (if only you will give us enough power) Scam utterly-dwarfing any self-deceptive idiocy of earlier times.

Attempts to introduce some degree of critical thinking or prudence into public policy have been completely without effect; so I think we can only begin to break-out of the destructive cycle of dishonest motivations, fake knowledge and fake technology by first stepping back from the pernicious urge to shape everything in-line with whatever today's urgent imperative happens to be being-peddled by the mass media.

But this, of course, will not work nor even be attempted unless embedded in a large scale religious perspective that informs the human condition and our personal destiny; but if we do have such a perspective then we can and should take several large steps back from the interventional mania - which is wholly manipulated by what David Icke has neatly termed the Problem-Reaction-Solution news cycle.

That is, the Western rulers create a problem, which evokes a reaction - and then they offer a (pre-planned) 'solution' that is calculated to maintain and amplify the original problem (this being conducted via the mainstream mass media).

Think of mainstream discourse on immigration, terrorism, education, poverty, foreign policy... No 'solution' ever 'solves' the problem; instead all 'solutions' feed the problem.

So long as we respond to every manipulated 'outrage' with a reflex and urgent demand for solutions, this will just continue happening and happening; and the underlying structural reality will just keep getting worse and worse.

We need to start relating to the world in a baseline fashion more like that of young children or hunter gatherers - that is, we need to acknowledge the realities of the world rather than trying to manipulate the world.

Insofar as modern Western Man really has learnt to manipulate the world in some ways; this has been a product of the sustained and honest effort of a relatively small number of well-motivated individuals - if the effort is badly-motivated, too short or poisoned by hype, spin, and lies - then the results are guaranteed to be bad, one way or the other.

Absent Truth, Beauty and Virtue we will not, in fact, be manipulating the world, but instead facilitating the manipulation-of ourselves.

Wednesday 5 May 2021

How serious is this threat? Well, if people are freaking-out it must be Really serious - right? (How the System is manipulating women.)

I suppose this can be chalked-down to another phenomenon of feminization. 

There is a strongly differential tendency for women to evaluate the seriousness of a threat by monitoring people's emotional reactions to it. 

This is probably an aspect of women's greater alliance-building, peer group orientation (whereas men must compete as well as cooperate - so peer groups tend to be task-orientated and hierarchical).  

I can see why this way of evaluating seriousness might be evolutionarily adaptive for women in hunter-gatherer tribal conditions; where many women would find themselves as wives living in a relatively strange tribe among her husband's relatives - and would need to 'learn the ropes' quickly, and make alliances with a new group of women. 

Thus, if somebody is offended by what you have said - it is wise to assume that you have said something offensive. When people are avoiding something or somebody - it would be wise to do likewise - to adopt the same attitudes. 

"There is no smoke without fire" is a proverb that was probably invented by a woman; and certainly has been embraced by womankind. 

Yet - of course - under modern conditions where the most powerful female 'peer group' is a virtual construct of the mass media that acts as a maladaptive, hyper-amplified super-stimulus*; and where 'offence' is mass constructed on an assembly line; The System can generate blinding smoke without even a spark of fire. 

So; The System can generate real objective threats (terrorist atrocities, forest fires, outbreaks of arson and violence) in order to justify to men taking some kind of action which The System wants to take.

The threat is real, but it was deliberately contrived. 

The fact that the threat was deliberately contrived by the authorities can (more-or-less plausibly) be denied, or simply muddled - especially when there are a few steps in the causal chain leading to implementation. 

Then men can be made to believe that the threat comes from some external or internal enemy (against whom they have resentment), or is a kind of 'natural' disaster; and men can be made to focus on short-term, 'practical' measure to address the immediate threat. 

And for the women? The System can even-more-easily generate hysterical, terrified responses - reporting, quoting, and (spontaneously or simulated) depicting women (or children) sobbing and weeping, exhibiting apparent fear and trembling and other similar responses. 

These depictions and 'verbatim' reports operate strongly to activate women's empathy - even with strangers - when these are subjectively-experienced as within the woman's (virtual) peer group.

So; when events are cancelled, products withdrawn, activities forbidden - this response means the supposedly-causal threat is perceived as dangerous: hence it is 'is' dangerous. If a person or group is shunned, avoided, or excluded by the (virtual) peer group with which a woman empathically-identifies - then likewise. In effect: "They must be dangerous, or people would not react like that!"  

Such responses 'prove' to women - at a subjective, subliminal, physiological level (that requires no further 'evidence' and indeed which cannot really be refuted by objective evidence) that the threat is real, serious and must be acted-upon immediately. 

This, even when in reality there is no objective threat, or a microscopic and merely theoretical objective threat.

David Icke usefully described the sequence of "Problem - Reaction - Solution" - and this can be observed as a standard trope of modern governance. I am suggesting that there is, within this, a sexual differentiation such that men typically focus on the Problem, and women on the Reaction.

And that for women the Reaction is of such overwhelming importance that there need be no underlying Problem. 

Even it is proved objectively that there is no underlying Problem at all - this may make no difference for women; because they are focused on the Reaction. 

It can be seen that in this respect as in many others, women are more easily and effectively manipulated than men, in the context of the modern, media-dominated society. 

And this is one major reason why the Global Establishment favours women in 'middle-management' type positions - which nowadays includes even national and corporate leadership.

(i.e. All those whose job, especially from 2020, is to represent and implement the policies of the covert world government.) 

*Super-normal stimulus

Wednesday 27 January 2021

The Answer (whatever it is) is neither simple nor straightforward; but to be effective, would need to be massively disruptive

Everyone is pointing-at this broken world - Everyone is doing it including the Global Establishment who actually broke it and who make sure it keeps breaking! 

This is a neat trick practiced by those on the side of evil and against God: David Icke calls it Problem-Reaction-Solution - 'They' create a problem, use Their control of bureaucracies and media to evoke a massive social reaction, then impose Their fake-solution - their 'answer' (for which the problem and reaction were in truth just an excuse). 

That, pretty much, summarizes the entirety of local/ national/ international 'government' here and now. 

But if the answers of the Global Establishment are evil-seeking, then what is is the Real Answer to the problems we see everywhere? 

It is only a partial Answer is that we should stop creating fake-problems and exaggerating them. Even if this was done, there remain many serious problems in the world. 

Even if this was a world of Peace, Prosperity and Comfort, then the real problems would remain unaddressed - because that is merely 'materialism' and leaves-out the spiritual and the divine. 

A 'PPC'-world would still be (and this is the main problem) a world of misery, degeneration, disease and death; and without the spiritual and divine it must be a world of alienation; a purposeless world of of meaninglessness, and transient illusion. 

There can be no material answer to spiritual and religious problems - and this fact used to be widely understood, as recently as the middle 1970s it was mainstream. 

But in context of rapid Christian apostasy, and the materialism and bureaucracy of existent Christianity; this led to a futile hope of salvation in environmentalism, the arts, and utopian social arrangements. 

When (by the late 1970s, early 1980s) it became obvious that these hopes had failed, the West refocused on materialism with a new zeal. 

The difficulty is that (as of 2021) people are apparently no longer capable of discerning what are the real problems, and indeed incapable of basic common sense reasoning. 

The mass of Men are now, by strict definitions, insane - living (by choice) in a manipulated world of delusional abstractions, and aggressively unwilling to awaken or to think. 

From such Men as we have become; we can expect No effective and Good social or political Answers. 

This means that (here and now) we cannot even imagine what the right Answers would be

But we can recognize that our problems run so deep - into Men's very thought-processes, their basic assumptions about reality, their deep habits and reflexes - that any effective answer must be extremely 'radical': must cut very deep, at the roots. 

And therefore than the real, true and Good answer to the broken world must be massively disruptive

Massive disruption really seems unavoidable. The Global Establishment is telling-us, explicitly, that our lives already have been and will continue to be transformed in ways that are indeed staggeringly radical and disruptive. 

The genuine choice is then between a massive disruption led by the powers of evil and aiming at evil; and one that is a consequence of the spiritual and religious Christian transformation of Men - who will then (only after such a positive transformation) develop a strong and courageous commitment to the side of God. 

What would happen then (after spiritual and religious transformation) cannot be predicted; certainly it cannot be planned - because the Answer is not political. 

Politics will only lead us down, further towards that hell-on-earth envisaged, planned, implemented and already well-advanced by the Global Establishment. 

Our actual situation and what we need to do are therefore very clear and very simple. 

What is neither clear nor simple is to predict what will happen as a consequence... that is not only unknown but unknowable. 

We are therefore required (if we wish to avoid hell-on-earth - which evaluation seems rare) to step into the future with courage, hope and love - sustained only by faith.     

Since (from where we now are) this worldly consequences are certain to be adverse; such a faith must be other-wordly (post-mortal) - based upon knowledge of the resurrected life to come from following Jesus. 

And this we will not get from any of the main 'Christian' churches as they Now are, but must develop - substantially each for himself; from our own resources and direct divine guidance. 

This is absolutely possible and attainable for every individual - but only if he wants it

And there is the problem. Someone who wants salvation can be helped to attain it by many and effective means - but for the masses who do not want the gift of resurrected eternal life in Heaven... nothing can be done. 

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Has the Establishment decided to trigger (partial) collapse of The System, now?

It seems possible. The 'demands' of the current (Establishment-created, funded, organised and approved) 'Environmentalism' protests are such that they would cause rapid and irreversible collapse of the world economy with the deaths of several billions.

But this isn't a new strategy. The officially-advocated combination of open-borders and mass immigration from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia to the developed nations would have done the same already, had not these been slowed-up (somewhat) by mass resistance. Other examples could be adduced.

It looks as if there is a desire to trigger collapse of The System; and yet at the same time The System is the means by which the Establishment monitor and control the masses. So I assume that the apparent desire to cause total and irreversible collapse is not genuine. What seems to be aimed at is to begin a collapse; and then stop it part way - while the technological and organisational mechanisms of population-control remain intact.

My assumption, therefore, is that They are playing a high risk 'game' by which they wish to trigger the beginnings of a collapse sufficient to lead to mass demands for an openly and explicitly authoritarian global government of mass surveillance and micro-management.

This would fit with the fact that the Extinction Rebellion activist 'demands' are quoting official United Nations policy documents; and therefore these are policies that all the Western governments have already 'signed-up' for. Even if it seems like a novelty; this is a long-planned strategy for Them.

The Establishment are able - routinely - calculatedly to create social crises and then successfully to deny their obvious real causes in order to implement further authoritarian oppression (what David Icke terms Problem-Reaction-Solution).

A clear example is the huge and increasing London epidemic of murder, mostly stabbings, caused by the officially mandated policy of enforcing a massive, open-ended and increasing influx of (on average) violent immigrants. Thus was the problem created.

The public have reacted with fear, as intended. But this predictable consequence of mass immigration from chronically violent nations is re-branded 'knife attacks' by the media-political complex (attacks by knives, presumably). The solution? An acceleration of the (already advanced) totalitarian agenda - which entails wholesale disarming of the peaceful majority population, confiscation of all potential defensive devices; leaving them helpless, afraid, angry, resentful, vengeful etc. Some will demand protection from The Authorities; those who react violently (even in defence) will be viciously oppressed by The Establishment.

For the Totalitarians, whether the population becomes despairing or resentful, it is a win-win scenario. Because, let us not forget that for The Establishment, this is a spiritual war. Totalitarianism - with control of information and behaviour - is a means to the end of that inversion of values which is the best way of inducing people to choose hell. 

I think it possible that massive social chaos is the intention of the Global Establishment - on a larger scale than has been attempted since World War Two. Instead of using international war as the rationalisation for totalitarianism, there would be a deliberate creation of economic collapse leading to starvation, disease and endemic local violence. This would surely lead to urgent calls that Something Must Be Done; and the plans for what will be done are ready.

At this point, the same people who caused the emergency would then offer to 'solve' it - with tough new measures, requiring tough new powers - by making the world into a single global totalitarian regime, with themselves in charge.

(Of course the problems will not be solved - bureaucracies never solve problems; but will be sustained and managed - so that the process may be continued: progressive ratcheting of social control.)

Will this work? Yes, probably it will work - since the mass of Western people are godless hedonists, hence weakly-motivated and short-termist, hence easily manipulated.

The Western masses have shown themselves unable to foresee even huge and immediate consequences of major and psychotic legal changes; such as 'hate crimes', same-sex-marriage and legal assertion of the reality of arbitrary sexual identity.

These have led to an ongoing total reorganisation of the entirety of all social institutions - large and small, official and voluntary, public and private; and a cancerous bureaucracy to monitor and manage the process of wholesale human corruption - especially focusing on the exploitation and psychological/ sexual/ physical abuse of (ever younger) children (because the human Establishment are themselves corrupted by and for such abuse).

What might stop the plan? Perhaps the most likely scenario is that once it has begun, the collapse would become self-propagating by a version of the domino effect; positive feedback mechanisms would begin to operate and - in sum - the collapse could not be 'contained' and could not be reversed.

The large majority of the world's seven billion people would then die, from the usual apocalyptic causes, over a timescale of months.

And the Establishment would thus (accidentally, by over-reach) destroy the technological and organisational means by which they intended to monitor and control the masses. The survivors would return to a multitude of small and local social forms; and historically 'normal service' would be resumed (assuming the planet remains habitable in parts).

This is a spiritual war we live in, and the root cause is spiritual. 

Atheism is a mental illness for individuals, and an atheist society is insane. For the past several decades; all developed societies have been atheist in public discourse and by public policy; and the effects are working-through.

No developed societies are willing to defend themselves, to sustain their culture, or to maintain their population fertility. It is official doctrine that life has no transcendent purpose, no permanent meaning; and that all morals, aesthetics and standards of truth are arbitrary, relativistic and expedient.

As long as this is the case, nothing can be done to save the developed world, because fundamentally the world does not want to be saved. And when The West collapses, it will bring down almost everybody else (since the ability to sustain seven billion people on a planet that naturally sustains only about one billion is entirely and irreplaceably due to Western technology and organisation).

So, the only other barrier to the success of the Establishment agenda would be if the developed nations became sane. This would mean that their populations chose, en masse, to embark upon a serious and significant religious revival.

Only then would the inversion of values and corruption of motivations be reversed; only then would common sense and natural, spontaneous human evaluations be restored to a position of strength and effectiveness.

Whether or not this would save the majority of the world's people from extinction is doubtful - probably the die is cast in that regard. But we all die biologically, sooner or later; and the most important thing over the long-term of eternity is how we have lived and died in a spiritual sense.

That is what is at stake.