Showing posts sorted by relevance for query invite evil. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query invite evil. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday 9 August 2021

Fighting the Fear: Faith & hope-based discernment is our best protection against evil

I am ever more convinced that evil requires our consent to harm us - and that most of the strategizing of evil is directed at getting people to consent to evil - to invite evil into the soul. 

And fear is the main (but not only) way that people are induced to invite evil - because fear is a kind of sin, and needs to be discerned and repented in order to lose its malign effect 

Of course, this is a mortal life in an entropic world; and we must accept that death and decay are necessary parts of our experience. For example; you and I are still alive because we have something important to learn from this world; and nobody can reach eternal Heavenly life except via death. 

So, contrary to the teachings of This World; we must learn not to fear the basic nature of this life - and to regard this life as essentially good if we (as individuals) take the opportunities it offers us. 

At the same time, Christians must recognize the transitional nature of this world. This mortal life is vital -  but secondary to eternal resurrected life. 

The combination means that Christians cannot legitimately deal with fear by ignoring the world - for Christians this amounts to pretending that evil does not exist, and pretending there is no spiritual war: pretending that evil is not-really attacking us...

Christians need both to recognize and to reject evil.

We don't need to 'think about' evil beyond this recognition and rejection, we don't need to understand all about it - but we do need to know evil when it impinges directly upon us - which it will, later if not sooner.  

At present the world is ruled by evil, and consequently our lives are full of threats designed to evoke the sin of fear. Most of these threats are unreal; because evil is a liar - systematically and compulsively. 

(Even when evil makes a true statement, speaks a true fact (something which is very painful for an evil being) this 'fact' will always be presented in a false and misleading framework. Specific truth will be put to the service of general falsehood; bits of reality will be twisted to reinforce the unreal.) 

Nonetheless, among the mass of lies to induce fear, there will also be scattered and seeded real threats - threats to our health, happiness, lifespan... 

Yet these 'true threats' must be treated with the same contempt as the mass of fake threats: which is to say, we must never allow ourselves to become colonized by fear, from whatever cause or no cause; and must always recognize and reject fear when it arises in us - and whether the threat is fake or indeed real.

When we feel fear arise in us, we need to recognize it as a doorway to evil being opened by purposive evil; a door which we our-selves are opening, and which we ourselves need to shut as fast as possible - before evil can pries it wider, enter in force, and begin colonizing our soul.  

How can a Christian close that door of fear? By faith and hope; faith in God who is the creator of this world, and who loves us each as his child - and hope in eternal resurrected life by following Jesus through death to Heaven. 

Faith and hope are what enable us to learn from this life and its experiences - instead of the false alternatives of being overwhelmed by threats or ignoring them. 

So, when we feel that stab of fear which the evil overlords work so hard to induce in us; then we can recognize the fear as a sin, place it in the eternal and joyous context provided by the faith and hope - and regard fear as just another chance to learn necessary lessons from our mortal life, living in this world. 

Thursday 14 May 2020

"I don't believe in the devil"

I don't believe in the devil. 
You should: he believes in you.

Thus a key exchange in the movie Constantine (2005). This should be a meme blazoned across the world, because it is strikingly true.

In a world where people don't believe in purposive, personal supernatural evil; such evil becomes pervasive and general.

Obvious evil ought to be obvious - and it used to be. When it is the case that people have to have evil explained to them, for example in terms of its effect in causing extra suffering - then we are already lost. We ought to be able to recognise extreme evil as such; but our society lost that ability when it denied God.

Thus the evil of "social distancing" is dealt-with as if it was a sociological research problem. Yet this evil is so obvious that not to see it immediately - and instead to demand an explanation of exacly how it is evil - is already to be deeply complicit in evil oneself.

Because evil - like good, like creation - is participative. It requires Men; it requires Men's thinking.

For evil to do its work, we must meet it halfway - or even invite it into our hearts. Demonic powers do half the work, but we must do the other.

For example, evil may provide visions or words of corruption; but Men must interpret these, conceptualise them, give them meaning - or else they would merely be raw stimuli.

Looking around the nation, I see evil established deeply in many hearts - especially among the educated sections of the population. I see a smug, self-satisfied mass of 'concerned' people, who expend vast efforts on moralising in a socio-political discourse - and who are dishonest, blind to the devil, utterly convinced of the reality and sufficiency of their own 'good intentions'.

Yet whenever some new and extreme evil is proposed (e.g. mass routine abortion, castrating boys and calling them girls, grooming of children into premature and pathological sexuality - and now 'social distancing') these people are always at the forefront.

They don't merely sin themselves - which is unavoidable for many; but their own sins are made invisible; therefore (far more seriously) they do not repent, and instead propagate sin by word and deed. Such constitutes the great bulk of the mass media, much of 'education' and 'law' - and indeed all major social systems.

But these are only the worst and most extreme because a large majority are so affected. All that can be said in favour of the 'silent' majority, is that they have retained an instinctive, unconscious awareness of sin; which makes them uncomfortable, even though it does not make them repent.

Our task in this modern word was, and is, to bring to explicit consciousness the spiritual - which in past ages was natural and spontaneous. We have lost the natural but inarticulate awareness of absolute intrinsic evil - thus we need to choose to acknowledge the reality of evil.

The same, of course, applies to God. Everyone used-to believe in God, from direct personal experience (indeed, we all did in early childhood) - but we no longer get these divine contact experiences. Therefore, our belief in God has become a free choice. We can believe, or not. 

And since the devil, Satan, demons (and purposive personal evil in general) are defined by their opposition to God, the good, and divine creation - we need also to choose to acknowledge their reality as well.

Belief in the devil is a choice. This is no longer (or hardly ever) a matter of spontaneous personal experience of personal evil powers, but of conscious thinking, direct knowing.

We moderns are free-er than ever before, thus more responsible. In the past, people were more passive and unconscious - hence they less blameworthy, but also less praiseworthy. But for us, now; innocence and ignorance are not an excuse, because we really do know better.

We Are Responsible - and this is unaffected by propaganda, laws, regulations, social pressures... We are responsible, we know better, but have chosen the worse.  

Evil has become just a branch of politics; consequently, modern evil is defined and redefined at will by the usual political means of propaganda, law, bureaucracy and physical coercion (police and mobs).

When - as now - intrinsic and extreme evil is rampant and triumphant through the land - yet unrecognised, unopposed; this is because evil has become (by will) utterly invisible, concealed, denied; inverted into a new-kind-of-good.

Therefore, there can, and shall be, no resistance to evil until after spiritual change. People need to know God, know that we live in a creation, repent evil, and acknowledge the reality of the devil.

(We may not know him, but he knows us.)

And such spiritual change can only arise from each person, individually, by choice and in freedom. Lacking which; we have - en masse - freely chosen evil; and thereby have chosen the unavoidable consequences of choosing evil. 

Saturday 18 September 2021

Fighting demonic evil in the spiritual war

There is a certain island called Farne, in the middle of the sea, not made an island, like Lindisfarne, by the flow of the tide, which the Greeks call rheuma, and then restored to the mainland at its ebb, but lying off several miles to the East, and, consequently, surrounded on all sides by the deep and boundless ocean. No one, before God's servant Cuthbert, had ever dared to inhabit this island alone, on account of the evil spirits which reside there: but when this servant of Christ came, armed with the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, all the fiery darts of the wicked were extinguished, and that wicked enemy, with all his followers, were put to flight.

From Bede's Life of Cuthbert

Just where does the spiritual war take place? The answer is that it is an inner war. 

At the time of Cuthbert, Men's inner lives were also outward; so that devils or demons were perceived - seen, heard, smelled - objectively and externally: in public space. Men's thinking was (to a significant extent) a shared and communal thing, rather as we moderns imagine telepathy. And conversely, Men were not 'individuals' to the same extent - could not (and did not want to) separate themselves from the group (family, tribe).

Modern Men are necessarily individuals now - we look out from our inner subjectivity onto an external objectivity which seems utterly separate and alien; and about which we may feel so unsure as to lapse into the solipsism of thinking that only we our-selves are actually real (and everything else a deluded product of our imagination). This became mainstream in the middle 20th century, and (for example) James Joyce got global fame and Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter got  Nobel Prizes for depictions of exactly this aspect of the modern condition.  

But Men's minds have changed since then. According to God's plan, different souls (with different needs) are born into different historical places and eras, and armed with different aptitudes - and facing different problems. 

Adult mainstream Modern Man perceives neither the demonic nor the divine. He is not just capable of autonomy from the group - but cursed by it. It is a fact of his life. 

Modern Man co-creates reality, and needs to become consciously aware that he does so. His choice is whether to co-create worldly and mortal Satanic 'reality'; or to join with God in co-creating that divine creation within which we dwell.

Either we work with God; or against him.  

Therefore, what was once only a partial individual responsibility for faith is now all-but complete. Because we just-are autonomous agents, we are responsible for what we believe. And if we subordinate our autonomy to a group (any group) then that is our responsibility as well. 

Modern Man does not, therefore, battle with publicly-visible devils or demons ('evil spirits'), like those defeated by Cuthbert on Farne island; the spiritual war takes place within him

Where then are the demons, and how do they 'get at' modern Men? The answer is that all location depends on consciousness - all knowledge involves thinking; therefore the reality of demons is both objective and also dependent on the minds of Men. 

Evils spirits exist in men and their products - when conceptualized by Men. Therefore, demons live (nowadays) in forms of 'communication' - including the spoken word (as experienced and 'reported'), in pictures and moving images, in music, and in computers and the internet

Evil spirits are sustained in this existence in the minds of Men (and of demons) and enter our minds when we attend to such stimuli and know them. Demonic thoughts appear in our thinking by such means - co-created by those who originated the stimuli and by ours-elves. 

Thus, every temptation is also the result of an invitation - we 'invite evil by co-creating it in and by our minds. 

In other words; the main battlefield of the spiritual war is in our own minds; where evil is frequently appearing; and our job is to recognize evil as evil, and to align with Good. 

That is how evil is defeated. If we do not recognize evil, it has won, If we recognize evil and accept it, it has won. If we recognize evil and say it is Good, it has won. 

And if we ourselves participate in public discourse on the assumption that evil is Good - we have doubled-down on evil, and are doubly self-damned. 

So, each of us is responsible for fighting the spiritual war in our own thinking, our own hearts; where evil 'stimuli' will seek out and discover our own weaknesses, and our own thinking will betray us to Their knowledge. 

But every such onslaught - being partially self-created - can always be self-defeated by the act of repentance; by inwardly recognizing and rejecting evil - by affirming our commitment to Good. 

There will be periods of respite from such onslaught of evil; but so long as we live the war will never cease because this is why we are here, why we remain alive. Every triumph against an evil temptation is some-thing learned, an extra strength - from which those who choose to follow Jesus to resurrected life in Heaven will benefit eternally. 

All of those who choose Heaven will benefit from their lifelong spiritual warfare; but only those who choose Heaven. This world is for those who choose to follow Jesus. And for everyone else, it really is (as asserted by the above-mentioned Samuel Beckett, for example) that meaningless and miserable waste of time which modern 'culture' supposes it to be.  

But for those who shall follow Jesus (no matter how small and obscure they may seem to be); mortal life will be known in retrospect to be an endlessly challenging, exciting and heroic business.  

Friday 19 May 2023

If the digital world (internet, computation, AI etc) are indeed a demonic incarnation - What then?

William Wildblood has brought to my attention a pair of articles entitled Four Questions Concerning the Internet, part one The Universal and part two The Neon God; written by Paul Kingsnorth, in which he independently converges on a theme explored here (also in related blogs and by Jeremy Naydler) over the past few years. 

Kingsnorth also reaches the same general conclusion (Which William Wildblood has articulated lucidly; which is that 'the internet' and computers generally may (in some circumstances) provide a vehicle for the incarnation of demons

If this is regarded as a possibility (which mostly depends on one's metaphysical assumptions concerning the nature of this reality and the relationship of 'life' and 'matter') - then the hypothesis of demonic incarnation in 'computers' explains a great deal, and has extensive implications.

For instance; technology is usually presented as value-neutral, and whether it is a Good Thing or an Evil would therefore depend on the use to which it is being-put. 

Yet, if demonic incarnation is a reality, then technology may itself become an active and purposive evil; in other words, technology may seek the spiritual harm - including destruction - of Men

If we accept this as probably true, in some real but imprecise sense; then what are the implications?

Kingsnorth (a recent convert to Eastern Orthodoxy) focuses on the potential for asceticism; for rejecting, denying-ourselves (as much as possible) usage-of and contact-with these demonic entities. 

Such a strategy has the practical limitation that people Just Aren't doing this - not even the most ascetic. Kingsnorth describes that even the famously-ascetic monks of Mount Athos are, albeit belatedly, often carrying and using 'smartphones'. 

Then there is the more general problem that it is almost impossible to function in the modern world without a significant level of usage of these possessed technologies.      

But there is also - and most importantly - the ultimate limitations of asceticism: the deep question of whether this is the proper or best Christian response to the evils of this world. 

My approach would be rather different. I see the problem of a demonic internet as an extension of the very general problem of evil-affiliated social institutions, a problem that characterizes All major social institutions in The West and 'globally' - including the (self-identified) Western Christian churches (and a Western convert to Eastern Orthodoxy, still counts as Western). 

This means that the Christian inescapably lives in a demon-dominated and evil-orientated society; from which there can be no escape while remaining alive and socially-functional. 

But this has - to some significant extent - always been the case; and was surely the case for Jesus himself during his earthly life. 

Thus Christianity has always, properly understood (e.g. in the Fourth Gospel), been rooted and aimed beyond this mortal and social life - and therefore the task for Christians is to deal-with the presence of pervasive evil. 

As I see it; the primary problem of 'the internet' is that people spiritually surrender their values and attitudes to it; and by this they invite evil into their hearts

Evil needs to be invited - and this invitation of evil has become not just a personal corruption, not just a 'means to ends' as in the past; but in Western Society here-and-now evil has been given positive evaluations; officially, by the mass media, legally, economically etc. 

We are, for the first time in human history, inhabiting a world where transcendental values of truth, beauty, and virtue are substantially and increasingly inverted.

Since this situation is almost-everywhere and cannot be escaped; we must recognize it, and deal with it. 

Dealing with the internet, computers and digitalization is part of this; but only part. Evil needs to be discerned, identified, recognized - and spiritually rejected (and repented when we have failed to do this) wherever it is encountered.  

Some of this will surely entail avoidance of internet, computers, AI etc; but as a specific tactic, not as a general strategy.  

Such a Christian life is not to be envisaged negatively, as a state of siege; ended only by death or the triumph of evil. To accept this understanding would itself be a surrender to the demonic perspective. 

Because the Christian life is positive, not negative; thus discernment is a by-product of faith, and faith is 'about' spiritual learning during this life ('theosis'), as well as resurrection after this life ('salvation').

In sum; life may be regarded as what it spiritually is; that is, an adventure and a quest. 

We must therefore engage-with evil, and the business of identifying and rejecting evil is a by-product of our positive spiritual goals. 

Since God is the Creator, and is Good, and Loves us each as His child; our personal life-situation has been set-up so that nobody can be defeated except by his own choice, and we can all succeed in the end - if that is what we really want to do.  

So, we should strive not for an ideal of asceticism, but for an ideal of high-hearted and hope-full confidence; with faith that, no matter what the demon-dominated world throws-at-us; we are equipped to beat it.  

Monday 23 May 2016

Joining the dots on the evil ruling elite's sexual proclivities

I noticed the headline recently that erstwhile child actor Elijah Wood had confirmed that the Hollywood upper echelons are rife with sexual depravity directed at children - drawing parallels with the revelations concerning Jimmy Savile as the focus of the same kind elite network/ conspiracy among the British Establishment at the BBC and other mass media, Government, the Royal Family, and apparently the legal system and senior police. There are also sporadic revelations of the same kind of thing scattered around the world elites more generally - enough to make a pattern - and a much more pervasive tendency among the dominant powers to excuse, de-prioritize, minimize, cover-up and forget this type of thing.

We have to join the dots here; and notice that the focus of activity seems to be on the means of mass communication - those jobs where people have influence on public opinion both directly (the hard sell via laws, regulations and advocacy) and (more insidiously) implicitly and covertly via subtle messages and denigration of the opposition and resistance (especially among serious Christians).

It looks very much as if 'the world' is being run by a small and powerful and extremely-strange group of people who are distinguished from 'normal' people by their positive and active attitude to what is regarded among the mass of ordinary and even wicked people as beyond-the-pale and the most depraved activity of all. For example, even among the most hardened and horrendous British criminal prisoners, such people are regarded as the lowest of the low. (Leading to the apparent-paradox that the highest-of-the high are morally the lowest-of-the-low; as was the situation with the Roman Emperor's court under Tiberius when Jesus was born - and even more so with his successors Caligula, Claudius-Messalina and Nero.) Indeed, so rare and peculiar is this type of depravity that it appears to be substantially a calculated act of ultimate self-degradation and celebration of absolute evil: the kind of thing which seems to be a deliberate strategy of corruption of one's own soul.

If so, we would be very wrong to regard the international elites as well-meaning but misguided/ incompetent - or indeed as being motivated by any of the 'normal' types of sinful human appetite such as greed and lust; we seem to be up against a group that are altogether more purely evil than this.

The obvious rejoinder is that if the world is ruled by such grossly wicked people, then why aren't things much worse, and more obviously worse, than they are - given their power, why don't they just implement evil by diktat?

My understanding is that it is the nature of the human condition that Men must invite evil into their hearts for evil to gain dominion. For evil to triumph, making people do evil things by coercion or incentives is not enough - people must be made to want evil. They need to be induced to embrace 'moral inversion'; embrace evil as good. And this is altogether a trickier and more long-termist project than mere destruction of The Good- which will often induce a powerful opposite reaction.

And if it is desired to create a situation in which people choose to regard evil as Good - then clearly the means of mass communication are precisely where you most want to work - to make it such that the very imagination is subverted then inverted. It all makes a horrible kind of sense that the BBC and Hollywood have emerged as foci of this depraved sexual cultus - albeit the tip of an iceberg extending to embrace so many of the Western and Westernized ruling elite.

Sunday 8 November 2020

The evil doppelgangers in Mens' minds (and electronic devices): How Satan (Ahriman) uses materialism to recruit souls for Hell on Earth

What follows may be one of the weirdest things I have written! Nonetheless, I am sure that it is on the right lines and there is something behind it. 

It derives from my personal interpretation, my decoding, of Rudolf Steiner's lectures published in 2016 as The Electronic Doppelganger; and particularly a lecture from 16 November 1917. Steiner's speculative essay, and this one, addresses the question: What happens to damned souls in an age of materialism? Where do they go, what do they do?


The matter is interesting because this is an age of Materialism in which the dominant form of evil is 'Ahrimanic' - that is, coldly-cruel, materialistic, controlling, bureaucratic;  an 'Antichrist'-type of evil that pretends to 'good' (i.e. altruism) and does its work of damnation behind a facade of 'caring' (healthism, antiracism, environmentalism, sexual liberation and rights, etc.)  

So - Materialism is the dominant ideology in our world - indeed, the only working ideology in public discourse. And Materialism has it that there is no God, no soul, no spiritual, no afterlife, no Beings, no love; the really-real is only that which is perceived by senses and physics, and modelled by mathematical and symbolic abstractions. 

Materialism mostly says that death is annihilation. We die and nothing of our 'self' is left-behind. But there is another possibility, a 'loophole' - not offered to all, but aspired-to by groups with the character of initiates ('secret societies', one might call them). I mean the transhumanist project of the abolition of aging and death by technology, of indefinite 'life extension' of a material kind. 

This combines with another strand of transhumanism which aims to combine Man and computer - in a cyborg fashion;  which aims (in various ways - surgical, electronic, genetic etc.) to 'integrate' the electronic and digital world of the computer, with the living flesh of Men.

This technological pseudo-salvation has been taken-up by some strands of explicit transhumanism; and also, but without that name, is now (2020) mainstream, dominant, global public policy; being a strategy for the Ruling Establishment in their UN Agenda 2030, the Great Reset idea and others.  

This idea of what might happen to sustain 'life' (or personal identity) after death, has been propagated in various ways; such as the mind being like a computer, and therefore down-loadable onto a computer; the cryogenic idea of preserving a brain for future reanimation; and even the common Hollywood (hence presumptively evil-motivated) trope that 'we live-on' after biological death, 'in the memories/ hearts of those who remain alive'. This trope may - deceptively - have a literal meaning intended; behind the sentimental metaphor.


Ancient Greeks and Hebrews, and probably others unrecorded, had an understanding that death was (mostly) a matter of the spirit being severed from the body; and surviving in an Underworld (Hades, Sheol...) as witless, gibbering, demented ghosts without consciousness or free agency or sense of self - but not suffering. 

Perhaps those materialists who want to live forever in a material way, are offered a 'deal' whereby instead of going to the underworld (or to Heaven, which they usually disbelieve; and mostly wouldn't want if they did believe it) - they instead remain on earth and involved with earthly life in return for serving the Satanic agenda

This is achieved by these 'ghosts' living-on in the material 'minds' ('brains', 'hearts') of the secret societies, and of any other men who the secret brotherhoods persuade ('brainwash') into providing brain-space' to these spirits. 

This may be one actuality of Biblical Hell; which is often referenced to being on earth, with demons being ghosts of the evil-affiliated deceased, still active among living people - i.e. the 'principalities and powers' - serving the agenda of Satan who is thus a 'ruler' of the earth in a literal sense. 


This would mean that the Satan and the demonic powers recruit not just living Men to their side - including in secret societies dedicated to evil; but that some of these same Men, when they die, desire or consent to become 'evil ghosts', remaining on earth and still active in this world, in a form of perpetuated, materialistic (but not embodied) life; a 'reward' for which they pay by being bound to the service of Satan. 

The idea is that these spirits of the evil and deceased are materially instantiated in the brains, minds, symbols, rituals etc of living Men. These 'evil ghosts' live-on in the minds and brains of Men of the secret societies - Men who believe-in, know, and side-with Satan: the servants of Satan, in other words. These Satanic servants are are aware of the doppelganger, consent to it; and use the evil-ghosts in their evil strategies - e.g. for gathering information and covertly influencing other men.

And the evil-ghosts also live-on among the masses of materialistic unrepentant sinners, who have taken Satan's side against God. These masses are unconscious of being hosts of evil-ghosts; indeed they do not believe in ghosts, do not believe in Satan - and are standard, unthinking dupes to the incoherent ideology of Materialism. 

These masses of un-conscious, ignorant, God-denying, Satan-affiliated yet Satan-Disbelieving Men; are therefore acted-upon by the evil-ghosts of self-damned Men. This is what Steiner meant by his term 'doppelganger' - he meant the evil-double, unconsciously hosted, and unconsciously influencing the minds of those who host it. These are the dupes of Satan, rather than his servants.


(As always, the spiritual 'law' is that evil must be consented-to, must be - like an archetypal vampire - be 'invited-in', invited to cross the threshold into the mind. This, at least, must be a conscious decision. It corresponds to what some people call 'taking the ticket' - the Faustian bargain which is presented to almost everybody, nowadays sooner rather than later; of knowingly consenting to do evil, in return for some worldly advantage. But then most people explain-away, bury and deny this decisive corrupting-event - saying to themselves that they 'did nothing wrong'; and therefore they never repent it and must take the consequences. Of course, repentance would immediately negate the damnation, and anybody can repent at any time (albeit on certain conditions); but typical modern people do not believe in the reality or possibility of repentance.)


Evil ghosts may also live-on after biological death by inhabiting electronic devices, such as computers and the internet. This is possible because of the pseudo-brain/ nervous system, quasi-intelligent, cognitive-processing qualities of modern electronic media.  

Of course, 'electronic media' are not distinct from (not separable-from) Men's thinking - indeed nothing is distinct from Men's thinking (except primordial chaos). In other words, God's creation is made by thinking, as well as from 'stuff'. Our thinking is inextricably part of the world. 

(This is another insight of Rudolf Steiner's - articulated in his early philosophical books Truth and Knowledge and The Philosophy of Freedom.)

What this means is that we should think of electronic media, computers, the internet etc as part of the web of human thinking, continuous with human thinking, and indeed sustained-by human thinking. 

And this is the inverse of the transhumanist ideology, which considers human thinking to be wholly a matter of brain activity; and brain activity to be wholly abstract mental processing, which processing can then be instantiated in electronic media. This ideology makes the possibility of its own validity.


To conclude, Hell on earth is the hosting of evil-ghosts (who are the post-mortal spirits of evil men) by the minds of Men who have joined-with the agenda of Satan; and by the electronic media that are manifestations of materialistic, hence Satanic, thinking. 

Hell lives in the mind of evil-affiliated (unrepentant) materialistic Men, who may well be a large majority of Men in this year of 2020.  

These evil-ghosts can only influence by consent; so the doppelganger must be 'invited-in'. A few Men (servants of Satan) are aware of this 'double' and manipulate it, for evil purposes; but most (dupes of Satan) are unaware or in denial - and are therefore open to manipulation by their doppelganger. 

The vast modern world of electronic media also provides a dwelling place for these evil-ghosts; but again they can only influence those who 'invite them in' to their minds, for example those who are willingly addicted-to, and who subordinate themselves to, the ideology, propaganda and manipulation of the mass media.

But those who know the reality of Satan, and can discern his influence, and who have chosen to follow Jesus and accept his gift of resurrected Life Everlasting in Heaven - such Men are immune to the evil doppelgangers of mind and machine. 

Wednesday 18 September 2019

How Not to be afraid of living inside the demonic electronic web

If we live in fear we have lost.

On the other hand, we already live inside an inescapable Global system of evil, administered by demonic powers and their servants and dupes - and the meshes of this web are tightening.

The good news is that we can win this battle, whatever the odds may be; and maybe even enjoy the process. 

The situation resembles one of those horror movies in which the vampires cannot enter unless invited. But this applies to our souls rather than our houses; which means we can live well in the midst of evil, so long as we don't invite it in...

Of course, sooner or later, we will invite-evil-in; given the pervasiveness of temptation. What then?

In the vampire movies, that would be the end of the matter; but in real life, people can fail and fall; but then repent and win.

We live in a spiritual war. That is the first and most important insight.

And the spiritual war is won in the end by repentance, not by indomitable strength in resistance. There is no limit to the number of defeats, of lost battles; so long as each loss is recognised, and repented the war will be won.

Repentance has unlimited power, and unlimited battery life...

So we should focus on what enables a person to repent. And that is having something better to live for.

To repent, the person must have within them (as a lived experience) something better than what is being pushed onto them from outside, by the demonic web.

The first and vital battle is over whether there really is a spiritual war.

The spiritual war was initiated by the demonic powers with the objective of denying that there is a war.

When a person becomes convinced that there is not a spiritual war, the demons have won a soul; because that person will not repent - because he regards himself as having nothing to repent.

The victory of evil will only be achieved when this outcome is regarded as a victory of Good

The point is therefore not to live a life of 100% successful resistance against overwhelming odds; but simply to know when we have been beaten.

The danger here - in the spiritual war - is not the matter of being beaten in a specific battle, but in not realising that there has-been a battle, not realising that one has-been defeated. Because on the one hand, defeats are inevitable; on the other hand, no defeat is decisive so long as it is repented. 

What is required to live in conditions of overwhelming adversity - under massively successful demonic influence - is to recognise Good and evil, and to take the side of Good. So long as that is the situation, then the individual can win any battle in an instant - and he will always be safe.

Indeed, so long as the individual knows Good from evil and recognises that it is easy to win any spiritual battle by repentance, then he is safe. He can get-on-with living, can appreciate life as best he may. He can enjoy the process of living, experiencing, learning...

Resisting evil is only the half of it, and without the other half it will fail. The other half is knowing and wanting Good.

And knowing Good is knowing God, as a person.  

Faith, Hope and Charity - these are the positive virtues; the essence of a joyful life. The life of Faith is one of Hope based upon total confidence in the power of repentance to win against any odds; and the Love of God expressed in the choice of Good.

There is no need to live in fear; and if we are living in fear - we need to think again; because our faith is defective... something needs repenting.

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Evil must be invited-in; protection asked-for

Evil is very powerful and pervasive; but must be invited-within if evil is to damage our souls. Otherwise, we can grow and develop by our interaction with evil - we may build our strength against its resistance.

Protection (spiritual protection) is universally available, but must be asked-for. The Good Shepherd, the Holy Ghost, are always there; but we must choose to follow them.

This is because we are all mini-gods, gods in embryo; spiritual beings of (in some ways) immense power.

Especially in a negative sense. We can defy any amount or intensity of evil, simply by knowing evil and repenting it in our-selves. We can also - alone, unaided - deny, defy, or reject God the creator! (Many do.)

Of course, such inviting and asking is not merely verbal; but is an act of thinking; what is more, a conscious act of thinking. And because it is an act of thinking; it cannot be compelled, nor can it be prevented.

(To invite evil or ask for protection is a free act - which it could not be if it were unconscious.)

The devil cannot take us against our explicit wishes; and also God cannot shape our lives without our request; not even 'for our own good'.

We must consent. This is how it is.

Saturday 13 January 2024

The Empire Strikes Back! The current Ahrimanic (globalist) backlash in the United Nations

(For once!) I seem to have been correct in my prediction that the current Arrakis war is being exploited (and, very likely has been set-up) as a way of re-asserting globalist totalitarian bureaucratic control, especially via their long-favoured tool of the United Nations. 

The current quasi-legal proceedings against CHOAM is being accepted as A Good Thing by many supposedly awakened and skeptical radicals who, a mere few months ago, would have recognized the UN as an agent of Ahrimanic evil; an institution designed to be a prime agent of the intended internationalist tyranny of a System of mass omni-surveillance and micro-control. 

But now; this same UN is being regarded as a beacon of impartial law, defender of the weak and innocent, wielded against a rogue-state; and its powerful, wealthy, reckless and cruel Western backers*...

(*Although the worst that can be said against The West and CHOAM is true; on the one hand this was made so by those same powers who are now shrouding themselves in the mantle of Justice; while on the other hand the solution on-offer is as evil - in its different mode - as the problem it affects to address.)

To me, the situation has, very obviously, been manipulated into being by the Empire (that is, the Empire that never ended, the Black Iron Prison); who are fighting back against the chaos-loving, war-mongering, destructive Sorathic factions (arising within the Empire itself) who delight in human suffering and death for its own sake - and even at the cost of weakening or breaking The System; and who have are waxing ascendant in the ruling classes of The West since at least the summer of 2020^.

(^This may need clarification. My understanding is that The Empire is an Ahrimanic project; but that Sorathic individuals arise within it as a kind of psychopathic and parasitic element, and these individuals form a faction who band together expediently to indulge their purposively destructive agenda. This can be seen, perhaps, in US politics where a small but powerful faction within the leadership - successfully cooperate to create and amplify torture, war, famine, mass death - and other forms of chaotic destruction.) 

The Ahrimanic agenda includes the discrediting and elimination of all nations, especially those with power or who display any desire for autonomy. There is zero national loyalty among the totalitarian bureaucrats - although they are happy to allow and encourage nationalism insofar as it can be manipulated towards that destructive end. Which is precisely what is afoot. 

They are very keen to destroy all the Western nations, who are all very keen to be destroyed; and even keener to destroy any nations such as CHOAM (and the Fire Nation) who desire to survive. This is attempted by trying to reshape nationalism into resentment, and transform the desire to survive into the desire for revenge - both of which will be likely to lead to reckless and self destructive behaviour. 

So far this has failed in the Fire Nation, but succeeded spectacularly in CHOAM, which is behaving in ways almost guaranteed to lead to its own utter annihilation. 

So - the situation is set-up in which there is apparently a forced-choice between (Ahrimanic) global totalitarianism, and (Sorathic) global war; that is - between tyranny and death. 

(Indeed, in an ultimate sense, the choice between chosen slavery to Satan, and indirect suicide.) 

And, as always with evil - the choice is real in the sense that (to be spiritually effective) we need to consent to evil: to invite evil into our hearts. For example, by enthusiastically regarding as our saviour and supporting the UN... with all that implies+.  

In such a situation; the only escape from embracing one or another of the twin evils of worldly expediency, and thereby taking the side of evil; is a perspective that is Not of This World

As seems more and more often the case: the age of neutrality is passed, things have come to a point; we are being corralled into making an ultimate existential choice for God and Heaven - or actively enlisting against them.

+Note added: I do not think that this current Ahrimanic backlash will be effective in reversing the progression towards Sorathic destruction; partly because this trajectory is the inevitable direction of those who are allied to evil; and partly because reckless destruction is so much easier and more rapid than making and sustaining a System of global totalitarianism

Thursday 26 September 2019

The Global Establishment are Not a death cult (It's much worse than That...)

Because evil is Not primarily about inflicting premature death. And certainly Not when death leads to Heaven.

Evil is about damnation. Therefore, for evil, death is something to be delayed until after the individual has made a solid choice of Hell. Ultimately, for evil; human suffering is only desirable when suffering tends to lead to rejection of God, Good, Heaven and Creation. 

If They were primarily a death cult, then the developed nations would not be (as they currently are) fuller of old people than any society ever in history.  

If They were primarily motivated to cause mass death (sickness and suffering) then it would be trivially easy for Them to inflict a great deal more of it.

Obviously, They greatly enjoy human suffering - especially fear: both long term angst and acute terror - and at the lower levels (among the minions of 'chaotic evil') that may be the mastering passion.

But a mob of lust crazed sadistic demons could not pursue the multi-generational strategy of damnation that has all-but inverted the moral and aesthetic basis of society; and made lies mandatory and truth taboo as Hate Facts punishable as Hate Crimes. 

The Establishment leaders and rulers are long-termist strategists of evil; focused on their primary ultimate purpose, which is damnation.

So it is much closer to reality to emphasise that the Establishment are Satanists - "Satan worshipping paedophiles", for example - but for most mainstream people this is all just a joke.

Most people don't believe in damnation, because they don't believe in Heaven; they think Satanism is a joke, because Hell is a joke. Therefore the Establishment can operate on their major task without need for secrecy and in full public view.

It is only the second-order (short-termist, self-gratifying, means to an end) tactics that need to be concealed. Sexual torture of children, slavery, mind-control, intimidation and bribery and all the rest of it.

These are secret because the public find them repulsive, people are misled into thinking that these secret goals are primary; but they are also secret because they are so vile that ordinary people cannot imagine anyone doing them. (And - too often - pride themselves on this limitation of imagination, on this rejection of reality.)

It is perhaps the primary role of the mass media to conceal these second order evil activities, by becoming (through addiction and censorship) the only publicly acceptable source of information. 

In fact the main goals of the Establishment are upfront, explicit and official (albeit expressed in bureaucratic, hence misleading, terms); they are the major initiatives of the multi-national organisations (United Nations etc.); the government strategies, the mission statements of all the large and powerful institutions (government, charity, corporations, law, education, 'science', the mainstream churches, the mass media etc).

The only concealment or distraction is that the true goals are often expressed as their reciprocals. Anti-Christianity is expressed as pretended pro-multi-culturalism. Anti-white native men is expressed in terms of systemic and personal preferences pretending to favour women, immigrants and migrants and people other-than white.

The sexual/ gender revolution pretends to liberate when its intention is to enslave and mind-control the masses - economically, sexually and in every other way.

The global system of electronic omni-surveillance and micro-control is presented as a means of protection.

Such excuses would be seen immediately as the naive and dumb manipulations they are by any religiously rooted society; but when the masses are afflicted by the psychotic disease of atheism, their gullibility, credulity and incapacity to reason cannot be over-estimated.

But anyway, the point is that the Establishment are Not primarily trying to harm people; and those who claim they are invite easy refutation. If False Flag terrorist atrocities were designed to harm people, or to make money; there would be a lot more of them, and a lot larger scale. If mass killing and population reduction was their goal; then the world and national populations would be shrinking. If they wanted civil wars - there would be civil wars.

Since none of this is happening - and ought to be happening if They were a death Cult; the reality of a strategically-evil Global Establishment is easily denied because refuted by experience. 

If, instead, atrocities by the Global Establishment are understood as primarily a means to the end of damnation, which entails a careful balance of mass manipulation - then it all falls into place. But for that you must believe in the reality of the demonic, who oppose God and God's plans for creation.

Yet the masses are pre-immunised against such simple reasoning by their materialism, atheism, hedonism. They are being incrementally herded into a bureaucratic totalitarian Hell; while themselves believing and asserting that this Hell is a Heaven of sex, fun, distraction and unbounded human possibilities...

This isn't rocket science... Man just-is a religious animal. When God is denied, Man becomes insane, incoherent - loses even basic common sense. When God is denied, nothing makes sense - and people cannot see the obvious. When God is denied - evil can therefore operate in plain sight.

When God is denied, evil takes God's place; and we live in an world of inverted values that - we insist, looked at in properly - is actually the right-way-up.    

Wednesday 6 January 2021

'They' focus on outcomes; We should focus on motivations

For the materialist-atheist mind; it is measurable outcomes that matter. 'Outcomes' are what gets monitored, measured and controlled. For example, human behaviour is an outcome - it can be observed, and increasingly is observed. 

Power can substantially control outcomes - by means of incentives and deterrents. And what cannot be controlled can be faked - because, when the focus is on observation and measurement, then the desired observations and measurements can be generated from within The System (this is one of the main roles of 'science').   


If some-thing is Not observed by The System, then - from The System's point of view - it has Not happened and does Not exist; thus it cannot be a problem (even when it affects many individuals, even if it kills many individuals). 

Contrariwise; if The System observes a thing, and defines that thing as a problem - then it is a problem (even when the thing does not exist to individual observation).


What about motivations? Well, for the materialist mind, motivations are something than can be imputed as is expedient. What is the significance of an observation made by The System? The System will tell us...

(The System does not discover the motivation, instead The System defines the motivation - according to Syetm expedience.)

For instance; one person dies in one situation; The System observes this death, tells us the motivations of the individuals involved, and classifies the death as an instance of a global, systemic problem. The System describes how to address that problem, implements the solution; observes and measures the response... 

Another person dies in another situation; but The System does not observe it. Or it tells us that this death  has no general meaning, is an accident; and nothing systemic can - or should - be done about it. This other death is not classified as a problem, it is just the deletion of a personnel unit. This death is excluded from The System.

My point is that The System (which is the product and tool of purposive supernatural evil: of Satan and demons and their servants) is focused on materialistic 'facts' - on outcomes.  Motivations are secondarily manufactured as fake-explanations for the primary observations.

But as Christians - as specifically Romantic Christians, who seek authority outwith The System - that is from the Holy Ghost directly by intuitive prayer and meditation, and from our innate divinity as sons and daughters of God... 

As Romantic Christians we know that outcomes have been captured by The System. Therefore we focus upon motivations; and motivations are either for God, divine creation and The Good; or against these.   

We focus upon motivations - and these are Not inferred from 'outcomes'; but are known directly

And, because God always makes it possible for every person to know The Good; the necessary knowledge of motivations is here-and-now very easy to attain; and is getting easier, as evil gaims more and more dominance over the 'observations'; of this world.


This is Their weakness: That They mistake their own power to dictate outcomes with the actuality of motivation. 

'They' can indeed (pretty much) dictate outcomes; but they cannot direct motivations: They cannot - in particular - direct a person's affilitation for, or against, God. 


Motivation is a choice, but more than a choice: it is a commitment. Motivation is, ultimately, a judgment of truth, and an attitude to that truth.   

If an individual has detached from the power-dominated world of System-endorsed outcomes; including a detachment from his own 'outcomes'/ observable behaviours; then his motivation, commitment, way of thinking (his divine-affiliation) can be free of The System. 

This is the ultimate nature of Man's agency: Because Man is a god (albeit in a temporary and corrupt form); his true self is divine, and cannot be compelled. 

Indeed; Man's true self cannot be compelled even by God; much less by Satan. 


We do not have much power to control our own behavioural outcomes. But, we have the inalienable power - hence the absolute responsibility - to choose our affiliation and motivations.  

Therefore, I suggest that we resist all attempts to induce us onto the grounds of mainstream demonic materialism with its manufactured 'facts' and contrived pseudo-explanatory imputed 'motivations' ; and instead we should seek discover, encourage, strengthen our awareness of that indomitable divine self within. 

Our divine self knows true facts without observations, knows motivations without being told. What it knows may well be very simple, and apparently dysfunctional ('dysfunctional' in terms of immediate adaptation to this System-created virtual world)... 

But so long as we have both chosen to commit to the side of God, and are also motivated towards the resurrected eternal life in Heaven; then no worldly facts and considerations can make any difference - if we do not 'invite them in'. 


(And even if we do, in a moment of weakness, invite evil to cross our mental threshold; evil can always be expelled by the infinite power of repentance; that is, by recognising and affirming the Truth.)


We cannot lose, ultimately; so long as we know Good and our motivation is to win salvation. We can only lose salvation if we personally make that decision.    

Saturday 10 April 2021

The birdemic-peck-plan: is it a strategy for managed giga-death?

There is a fluctuating awareness that the global governments (or its spokesmen) often express-a-desire/ state-a-need for the world population to become some billions fewer than its present level of seven-billion-plus (and growing). 

Since 'giga' is the term meaning 'billions' - we could term this the giga-death-plan (although I previously casually misnamed it 'mega'-death'). 

The most usual current rationale is that giga-death is both necessary and overall A Good Thing because... the Big Lie of CO2-climate-emergency-extinction etc. 

Yet, setting aside such evil nonsense; I believe that giga-death is inevitable because of the collapse of the global System, which is itself inevitable for many reasons - including the large decline in average (and peak) human intelligence, and the genetic degradation of the human species; both of which have already happened, and the effects are working-through.  

On top of this is the Western cultural combination of self-hatred and despair; which is leading to a the long-term, mostly-unconscious, civilizational suicide of Leftism

Since early 2020; this ideology is now globally-dominant through a totalitarian (covert) government; and is pursuing civilization suicide with unprecedented single-mindedness of motivation. 

I assume that there is probably a synergy at the high level of world governance between the fools who believe that population giga-death is a good thing because 'Global Warming' - and the realists who know that it is going to happen anyway

The death of billions over a medium timescale (months and years) is unprecedented - because there have never before been billions alive to die

Given the beings involved; I suppose They see their role (as evil psychopathic parasites and careerist bureaucrats) being to 'manage' this process of giga-death. 

(Indeed, few things could give such excitement, lust and glee to such beings; as organizing mass death in a 'controlled' fashion - especially when they are not going to be held responsible and can just sit-back and 'enjoy the show'.) 

From their Ahrimanic perspective; the major problem is to have mass deaths but in such a fashion that the System does not break down.

Probably this is best achieved if the Establishment are 'seen' to be 'trying' to prevent and to stop mass death... 

In other words - billions dying, but deniablyYes, planned giga-death but sufficiently distanced from the decisions of those who make it happen that the link is non-obvious ( least to the modern mind). 

These, I think, is where the mandatory birdemic peck of genetic engineering comes-in; with its multiple boosters to follow. 

The mass birdemic peck is, of course, not needed in the first place - and serves mainly as part of a sequence of cumulative fake-responses to the global non-problem of the virus. A this level it is designed simply to sustain Big Lies and wrong assumptions fuelling the fake-response to the fake-danger of the disease.

But there is more to it than this. Medically speaking, mass deployment of the genetic pecks goes beyond justification from mere panic or recklessness by such a margin as to qualify as a deliberate, colossal, intentional and open-ended program for killing

As such, it is capable of being used to attain a wide range as possible of lethal mechanisms; these spread across a sequence of the many/ lifelong follow-up, compulsory pecks that are being envisaged...

(After all, it is trivially easy to harm and kill people with pharmaceuticals; compared with the extreme difficulty of improving overall health and/or delaying death.) 

The birdemic-peck giga-death-plan is not the only plan to contribute to the desired goal of giga-death. But compared with the main alternatives - such as mass-starvation, -poisoning and -lethal-violence - medically-induced death may be the most likely to escape detection, and be accepted with minimal disruption.

The birdemic peck plan for giga-death - if it works, which it may not (and They are increasingly incompetent; for much the same reasons that seven billions of people cannot be sustained) - is thus the least likely Big Killer to arouse suspicion of malign intent. 

Mass-pecking seems the least likely 'hit' to trigger resistance, and the most likely to maintain mass support for the continued viability of The System and Establishment. 

After all, somebody will be needed to 'manage' the 'human tragedy' of billions of sick, dying and dead. W.H.O. better than those that planned and organized it? 

And finally - what of the spiritual dimension that is driving this whole thing? How does this particular mode of planned giga-death fit with the over-arching motive of mass human damnation? 

I think it fits well. It is continuous with the very successful strategy of the past year - where the world has been put under and evil-orientated system without objection and with considerable support. 

It is the spiritual goal of evil that people must want evil. To be damned; they must ultimately agree to, and in a sense invite, their own torment - and regard their suffering as necessary and 'good'. 

We have a global System of value-inversion and denial of God and creation. That System is a boat, blithely sailing to Hell, which the powers of evil do not wish to rock, or to risk having-capsized...

If giga-death is coming, and if it was violent and chaotic and acute; this might trigger a spiritual awakening. 

People might cry to God de Profundis - 'from the depths' of their existential despair they may look-up and perceive light and hope...

That is what the demons most fear. If that happens, on any scale, all their successes of 2021 would be turned against them.   

Note: Am I sure about the above? No. How could I be? But it does explain the facts as we know them; and I do think it is probable - given what we now (for sure) regarding the motivations of those with most power. 

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Being unreasonable

Up into 2010 I was trying to be reasonable. Why? Well, one does, doesn't one?

But what counts as reasonable depends on the system; as as I became more aware of the system I realised that being reasonable in an insane, suicidal system of inverted-Good was, actually, participating in evil.

It was a hope-less strategy - it really was. the more reasonable I was, the more I helped the system (maybe correcting it of excesses, slightly - but not so it would turn around and become good, only so much that the system would be strengthened in its long-term evil).

If you recognise that we live in an Evil Matrix, and that the only thing which can engage with this Matrix is our False Self - then we have to stop being reasonable if we want to live from our True Self. It's just a stark and unavoidable fact.

Of course this tends to produce a feeling of (more-or-less) fear; a kind of primal fear of isolation and scape-goating; which is why a solid Christian faith is necessary for me - I need to know that ultimately (from an eternal perspective - which is, after all, what matters) there is no reason for me to fear the opinions, thoughts and works of evil Men (or demons), or the vicissitudes of mortal life.

That is important, because no other source of courage will suffice, in the final analysis.

So I stopped being reasonable - or at least I stopped trying to be reasonable (I was never very good at it!), stopped even trying to engage. In this I feel sure I was correct - and the alternative strategies and counter-examples of others look to me like object lessons in self-corruption (self-corruption, because in the end evil can only get into our hearts because 1. we invite it, and 2. we refuse to repent our invitation).

(Repentance is our most powerful, and an essential, weapon in this spiritual war; which is why I must be Christian: the necessity and universal availability and infinite power of repentance is an unique Christian insight - although many/ most self-identified Christians fail to acknowledge its centrality.)

Perhaps the most important thing we can do, is not to do - to cease to help, to stop actively assisting the false-reality Matrix in its interaction with the false-selves of the mass of people. Being reasonable helps The System - while being un-reasonable, ceasing to fear, being uncompromising in of personal support of The Good so far as we understand it... all such helps Reality, which is divine, and operates by many, including unknown, pathways.

Also - our main 'act' in this world is thinking - I mean conscious thinking that comes from our real selves: that is the primary act; without which no behaviour, words, nothing can possible be of positive value.

This kind of thinking is difficult - but effectual - always, inevitably, necessarily effectual: Anybody can do it, and nobody can stop you doing it.

So: stop being reasonable and get on with thinking!

Thursday 11 November 2010

Faith and works in secular modernity


There is a real problem about goodness in secular modernity - a division between being good and doing good: between motivations and actions.


What people seek is to perform actions which are self-justifying, which are good in themselves - the justification is (hoped or asserted to be) in the form of the activity, the type of thing it is.

There are many such lists of approved behaviours - different between social groups.

But we also recognize, in our hearts, that 'works' are not justifying, that works are not good in themselves. That supposedly 'good works, can be done with bad motivations.

And that good works may have bad outcomes - or at least mixed outcomes with - apparently - bad predominating.


Motivations are important,and there is another current of modern thought which is all about intentions, being well-meaning, convincing oneself and others that we want good things.

And indeed insisting (trying to insist) that we are judged by our motivations not outcomes.

Yet we also recognise that this is - of itself - merely a form of self-gratification, of hedonism - feelings - feeling virtuous, feeling more virtuous than others, feeling virtuous despite doing nothing or doing things which are harmful.

Invulnerable self-righteousness...


Reality is not divided into motivations and actions, faith and works - reality is unified, to divide it is an act of violence, and there is loss - reality is not halved, but each fragment remaining is less than half - something having been destroyed by ripping them apart.


Instead of pride and hatred the motivation must be humility and love - but not submission to those who hate us, nor love as a species of wishful thinking.


In order to energize ourselves to do good actions, do good works, we use evil motivations - pride and hatred notably: we stoke-up our own pride, we allow ourselves to hate, indeed whip ourselves into hatred - and we justify this to ourselves by the idea that we will use this energy in a good cause.

This is mainstream.

We invite evil (and we know it to be evil) into our hearts and societies - with the excuse that we will harness the demonic forces for good: like hiring orcs as mercenaries and paying them with human flesh...


Saturday 23 January 2021

The owl in the night, age five - memories of residual Original Participation

I have again been thinking-over a clear childhood memory, from approximately age five; about awakening in the night and hearing an owl in the woods. 

This was related to having recently made the move from Devon to Somerset, and finding the new place bigger, stranger and with more unknowns - one of which were the woods visible across the fields and above the house opposite. These seemed large and mysterious, and contained strange noisy creatures such as peacocks cries, donkeys braying and (at night) Tawny Owls hooting and screeching.

I have a very clear picture of being awake in the depth of night, the house silent, and terrified by the repeated calls of an owl. I could not block out the sound - even hearing it through a pillow wrapped around my head and under the blankets. 

In desperation I would utter 'prayers' that were more like spells; multiply-repeated pleading for my safety, as if God was a malevolent tyrant who could (sometimes) be mollified (temporarily) by sufficiently exaggerated and abject grovelling...

But the most significant aspect of this memory is that it captures the residue of Original Participation - that passive, immersive, spiritual way of being that characterizes the youngest children - and the earliest stages of man's cultural development (as nomadic hunter-gatherers).

It is not full Original Participation, because my 'self' was somewhat separate; but the main context was that I felt myself immersed on a spiritual communication with all significant beings in my world. 

The owl out there in the woods, and myself in my bed, were directly aware each of the other - our minds open to each-other - and in a way that could not be blocked.

I knew that the owl knew all about me; including that I was scared, where I was; and the owl knew that what I most feared was that the owl would be perched on the window sill, outside the closed curtains, staring at me through the fabric and waiting for me to get out of bed and pull open the curtains. 

And I feared that I would not be able to resist doing so!

When I consider my earliest childhood memories I am struck by how relatively few of them concern people, human beings; and how many are - like the owl incident - about other Beings - including places. 

I had a personal, mutually mind-reading, relationship with places and 'things': I knew them, they knew me - and I knew that my own fears would be known to Them and would attract exactly what I most feared*.

I took for granted as a basic assumption that the world was alive, had consciousness and intent. 

But also vice versa. At other times I knew that all would be well and all manner of things would be well, because I was immersed-in the sentient world, and therefore - as part of that world - I knew when things would be well. 

I knew that my Mother and Father loved me and would protect me against... every possible threat; I knew this because I knew 'everything' that was relevant to me, all possible threats.

I also knew that, therefore, I was my own worst enemy. There was evil intent in the world, I was protected; but if I was to invite evil then I was vulnerable, and my greatest fear was that I would bring-down the evil upon myself. 

The fear that I might, in a moment of insane weakness or absent-mindedness, go to the window and draw back the curtains and see that owl, sitting and waiting for me. 


*Another incident from the same era was when I confronted my fear of the boys outside toilets. The reason for being afraid was obvious - they were located in a dark, smelly and very grimy shed. The urinal was simply a tiled wall with a drain, about seven feet tall, and with a high 'ventilation' gap leading over to the mysterious unknown that was the girl's toilets block. When we went to the toilets as a group of boys, we could laugh in its face; but that only made things worse when I had to go alone into it, as happened one morning during a lesson. But if only I could show the place I was not frightened, then it would not get me. (I took for granted that the toilet was a bully who would pick on the weakest.) So I did this by emulating the big boys, and peeing as high up the wall of the urinal as possible - trying to reach the ventilation gap and spray it over onto the girl's side. Unfortunately, I lost control of things, leaned-back beyond the vertical, and ended-up by showering my-self... This was, of course, deeply humiliating and a source of great amusement for the toilet. From then onward I was a beaten Man, the toilet knew I was a beaten Man; and I became afraid to enter the toilets alone - whatever the consequences (which, of course had the usual, predictable, result...). 

Monday 6 February 2023

Immiseration, disease, disability and death are only means to an end for the evil rulers of this world

The non-Christian dissenters reliably get their basic conspiracy theory wrong, by imputing the wrong motivation to the globalist totalitarian rulers. 

The secular thinkers believe that They want to immiserate the masses, cause vast swathes of diseases and disabilities, and reduce the world population down to less than 10% of its current levels. 

The secular conspiracy thinkers believe that the Establishment seek power and wealth, in order to live lives of perverted pleasure by exploiting everybody and everything else...

All of this is true - but these are not the ultimate goal of the ruling conspiracy; merely a means to the end of damnation

Think about it: if They primarily wanted to destroy living and life, then They would just have gone ahead and done it already. 

After all They command vast destructive power, in innumerable potential modalities - far too many to be stopped, and it is trivially easy to harm human beings en masse if that is your major goal. 

But; although there are plenty of mid-level operatives who desire nothing more than to wreak terror, torment, and termination upon their 'fellow' Men; this is not the overarching goal of those in ultimate command of the ruling Establishment. 

The ultimate rulers are either demons or those humans who are utterly in thrall to the demonic agenda; and the demonic agenda is the damnation of souls, and Not the destruction of bodies and minds. 

Of course, the demonic very much want destruction of all kinds; but only when it leads to Men choosing damnation; and in-a-nutshell this means persuading the masses to consent-to and desire their own immiseration, disease, disability and death. 

That's what the vast apparatus of the mass (and social) media are all about, the take-over of officialdom and bureaucracy, the corruption of education... All of this is to try and ensure that the masses agree-to, and indeed ask-for, their own destruction. 

That is the basis of the vast Litmus Test strategies - the sexual revolution, birdemic-peck, CO2 global warming, antiracism and the Fire Nation war... Leftism/ atheism/ materialism in its most general sense. 

All of these are ways of making Men invite evil into their hearts, to invert true values, to desire their own destruction. 

The ideal scenario of is of the mass of human beings willing their own misery (as with lockdowns, social distancing, masking, antiracism, feminism etc.); asking-for their own disease (as with the peck, climate policies); and seeking their own deaths (as with the self-inflicted economic annihilation of The West from the birdemic, climate change, affirmative action; and now its wished-for military annihilation by world war). 

A topical example is the large numbers of the Western intellectual classes who - in the name of preventing an imaginary CO2-caused Climate Emergency - desire Men to cease reproducing; to live static lives of maximum hunger, poverty and slavery; and then die ASAP in order to cease consuming, breathing and metabolizing. 

This is not how Men naturally see things, but how demons see things. 

The bottom-line for demons (which, after all, are evil spirits, and do not have bodies) is not power or wealth; but instead the spiteful lust and sadism of inducing human souls to choose lives of fear and resentment, to die in despair and with hatred of God; to reject Jesus's gifts of salvation, resurrection and Heaven; and to choose Hellish damnation as their eternal situation. 

That is (more-or-less) what the conspiracy aims-at primarily and ultimately: spiritual, not physical, mass suicide

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Evil must be *invited* into the heart, like a vampire into the home


Supposedly, a vampire cannot come into a house unless invited; evil is much the same with respect to the human heart.

It seems likely that humans are intrinsically protected by a kind of natural innocence - but that this protection is breached if evil is invited.

This still applies, now as ever, but temptation in the modern world resembles having a lifelong series of vampires ringing the doorbell and requesting or demanding admission; some apparently beautiful, others viscerally sexy; some dominant and demanding, others dependant and desperate...

Sooner or later, most people will be worn-down or taken off-guard say yes; invite the vampire into their home - evil into their heart.

But once the vampire is inside it may be much more difficult to get rid of it.

Not least because you may be bitten and yourself become a vampire: one whose pleasure is to prey upon the innocent, to corrupt the Good.


Friday 2 December 2016

Was the global Establishment conspiracy pleased with the Obama Presidency?

Well, no, obviously not - they were very disappointed.

Much like everybody else is disappointed who initially supported Obama; except for those who personally benefited from the enhanced within-US racial hatred, which has been his primary (and likely to be most lasting) legacy.

On the basis that BHO was (from the Establishment perspective) a docile dupe and 'front man' (rather than an active-insider-member like HRC was intended-to-be); it was hoped either to 'turn' Obama into an insider or make him a proactive implementer... but it didn't really happen.

Obama could have caused much more destruction of The Good than he did; so why didn't he?

I think the powers that be underestimated the man's self-satisfaction and laziness.

BHO was content to bask in the unearned adulation of being the first (half-) Black President. But this was only the latest example of a lifelong pattern. First he basked in the national acclaim of being the first (Half-) Black Editor of the Harvard Law Review. Breaking all precedent, Obama was too lazy to use his position to publish his legal opinions (if he had any); after which he must have been the only faculty member of the University of Chicago since 1900 never to publish anything at all; including that he failed himself to write and deliver a draft of his (unearned and lavishly paid for) autobiography - and had to use a ghost writer.

If it was hoped to spiritually 'possess' Obama with demonic evil; that too seems to have failed - BHO is probably much too pleased with being who he already is, to invite or allow a soul-takeover from some external entity.  

This kind of self-entitled laziness is characterological and not something which can be overturned merely by being made POTUS; and this was the mistake of the powers that placed Obama in that position. He could have done so much evil - yet he preferred to play golf or basketball...

And for this, Christians ought to be very grateful indeed! He delayed the agenda of evil by several years. This is not to Obama's personal credit; but is an example of the way that evil sometimes trips itself through its own narrow pride, blindness and impatience. 

Hence the decision to place a wholly-corrupted insider in the White House in 2016. But full-on spiritual corruption is hard for a human body to maintain, decade after decade, and HRC is now a mere shell of a person, barely animated by the wickedness that possesses her.

Things could have been much worse than they are; which may turn out to be helpful.... but only if enough people now wake-up sufficiently from their hypnotised deception to recognise what has been happening; and if they become able to reignite the sources of love and courage which will be necessary before any positive and good new direction can reverse and roll-back decades of wickedness triumphant...

So let us be somewhat grateful at how things turned-out, but not complacent - it gives a slight opening, no more - and it is up to us to expolit that opening; first to reform ourselves, and (only) then press for social reform.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Warding-off the evil eye of the mass media

In the ancient world there was a belief that written words or symbols, or pictures or statues, or words spoken in a particular way, had objective power for good or ill - a potentially immense power.

I think this is correct, and I feel it strongly from the mass media, whose activities feel so much like an evil spell, or a curse. That, I suspect, is precisely what they are. How else could a single picture, a video clip, a phrase, do so much harm?

From time to time this seems undeniable - like the recent deceit-full and irrelevant usage of a three-year old drowned boy to destroy the resistance of Western societies to their annihilation by mass population migration. As I read the headlines of that 'story' I felt a vast and transfixing malice approaching: the evil eye being directed directly at me - and no doubt tens of millions of others felt the same.

It was instantly clear that we were catapulted beyond the realms of argument - we were all just about to be hit with the strangling chains of a double bind. It was a case of: embrace the narrative instantly, or be destroyed by concentrated hatred.

How to respond? By warding-off the demonic assault: by an instant prayer - fired-off like a crossbow bolt, by crossing oneself, by making a sign (whether overt or secret) to repel the shock-wave.

This seems to me the only valid response, and indeed the best response - because it self-signals our recognition of what is going-on, and unambiguously shows our attacker (by supernatural routes) that we know what is going-on, and demonstrates our faith that we are perfectly safe from such satanic attacks - safe, that is, unless we yield, capitulate to the jinx, invite the vampire through the door and into our own house...

I intend to do this more and more - and I think it is more and more necessary; because the mass media cannot be altogether avoided, and they have henchmen everywhere.

When the curse is launched at you, there is always a moment of awareness before impact; and that is when you can respond with a shield charm. Train yourself not to be drawn into an argument which is pre-rigged for you to lose. But ask for divine help. And if you are seen to do so - then so much the better.  

Our defences are, indeed, impenetrable - so long as we actually deploy them.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Jesus Christ, Giver of Life - an alternative to ICHTHYS

You probably know about the 'Jesus Fish' symbol, and how it supposedly came from the first letters (in Greek) of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour - that spelled something that sounded like the Greek word for 'fish'.

I was reflecting on the extent to which this is a helpful summary of Christianity - as I understand it. One can see that the word Christ is of compelling importance only to ancient Jews, as referring to their anticipated Messiah, a divinely-anointed king - but that this has no meaning or validity to a modern secular person. However, 'Jesus Christ' does make clear who we are talking about - not just some Spanish footballer called Jesus... So we can keep Christ as an identifier!

Son of God? Yes, but so are we all. Jesus is divine, and he is not identical-with 'God the creator'- but this kind of subtle theological consideration is probably not an appropriate focus for a brief summary of the importance of Jesus. Better to leave-it-out.

Then there is the word Saviour... Saving from what? is the first question. And a one word answer is Sin - but by Sin is properly meant something close to what we would say by Death; rather than by what most modern people mean by Sin, which is moral transgression, the thinking and doing of evil. Because of this moral/ ethical understanding of Sin, modern people don't regard it as the kind-of-think that one can be saved-from...

Yes, there is the idea that we need saving from 'Original' Sin - but this was supposedly inflicted by God on Adam and Eve and all descendants as a form of Justice; and that kind of Justice seems (on the face of it) un-just...

And anyway, it makes for a rather strange kind of double-negative theology if Jesus's role was to save us from a punishment inflicted by his Father. It sound close-to: good-Jesus saves us from evil-Father...

In sum: If Jesus is primarily about saving us from the consequences of sin-evil, and these consequences are divine in origin; then we are (merely) being saved from God, by God. I know there are theological explanations for this - but at a common sense level it would strike a modern person to have been better, easier, quicker for God not to condemn all Men in the first place.

So, if Saviour is not a satisfactory summary-word for the work of Jesus; is there a better one?

Yes! In the Fourth Gospel we are told several times and in several ways that Jesus gave us Life Everlasting, Life Eternal. Which means that after 'biological death', instead of everybody going to the demented, ghostly half-life of 'Sheol'; Jesus has brought the gift of resurrection to a Heavenly life, as divine children of God, in Heaven.

This Gift is given to all who follow Jesus through death.

And to follow Jesus we need to love him, have faith in him, trust him - as sheep follow a Good Shepherd.

So Jesus is, mostly, the Giver of Life.

Now, any such brief summary is bound to lead to questions, to require elucidation. And Giver and Life both invite elucidation. But I think these explanations can briefly and simply be provided, along the lines expressed above.

Such obvious questions include - why can't God give Everybody this kind of Life. Why only those who love Jesus?

And the answer is that some people, perhaps most people, do not want what Jesus offers; and the reason why they do not want it, is where the more familiar idea of Sin as moral transgression comes-in.

Another obvious question is why we can't simple be born directly into Heaven? Why all this 'tedious mucking about' in mortal life?

And that answer to that has to be along the lines that this is the only way it can happen, it is the way things-work. Evidence is that Jesus himself had to attain resurrection via mortal life; and so we must do the same.

I think other questions can be given similarly brief and comprehensible answers. 

So that is my suggested alternative to ICHTHYS: Jesus Christ, Giver of Life.