Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Fire Nation. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Fire Nation. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Exactly because the Fire Nation is the most/only Christian country - it is a misleading example for Western Christians

Fire Nation envy is apparently common among Western Christians, and indeed even the "secular Right", for fairly obvious reasons. 

Their leader, Advlay Ootinpay, is by far the most competent and effective world leader, the only one who espouses traditional and Christian values. 

And the Fire Nation is incrementally re-orientating itself away from suicidal, self-loathing Leftism and towards Christian common sense values; and towards national effectiveness and efficiency rather the the active self-destruction of The West

It is fairly natural to fantasize about what might be possible in The West if such leadership and policies were applied here. 

But such fantasies are not realistic: they cannot happen, and should not be attempted.

The Fire Nation is different from The West: qualitatively different. 


Before the 1917 revolution, The Fire Nation was almost certainly the most Christian nation in the world

Seventy years - more than two generations - followed; of what was quantitatively the most savage and sustained religious oppression in world history; with near-total annihilation of the religious leadership (which apparently numbered an unequalled 2% of the population - about twice that of Medieval Europe - bishops, priests, monks, hermits, and many nuns); plus uncounted tens-of-millions of devout lay Christians.  

Even so, after decades of this (albeit varying in intensity) - and also the infiltration and subversion of the remnant church hierarchy by anti-Christian spies; when communism collapsed, Christianity arose like a phoenix; and is again integrated with the running of the nation, permeating society from highest to lowest levels - in a way that continues to increase... 

At the most obvious level, The West cannot replicate this, exactly because the Christian social basis of the Fire Nation is utterly lacking. A Christian leader of The West could not lead but only impose; and would be widely and vehemently opposed. Christian laws would neither be obeyed nor implemented. 

Why the difference? 

Well; in the Fire Nation the hearts of the people are Christian; and the nation is "a people"

Ultimately, this reflects a difference in the innate national consciousness. 

The Fire Nation has much more of an unconscious, spontaneous, immersive, communal consciousness - something that has long since dissipated in The West. In the FN is less individualism, and - via their religion - the people feel themselves to be fundamentally a part of their country. 

The root of this difference in national consciousness is, I believe, some difference in the divine destiny of the Fire Nation compared with the Western nations. 

For The West to try and replicate the Fire Nation (which will not happen anyway, because neither the Western Establishment nor the masses actually want it) would be to go against our divine destiny; and would be trying to put the genie of individual consciousness back into the bottle of group-ism. 

The genie would fight against such perceived unfreedom tooth and nail - and rightly so!

Our Western consciousness is set-up differently than in the FN, and our divinely-intended destiny lies with that actual consciousness - not pushing against it. 

Our best and only hope is to go beyond the alienated isolation of the materialism and hedonism of Western atomized individualism; by discovering and living a spiritual and Christian individualism - what I call Romantic Christianity. 

Whereas the children of the Fire Nation validly regard themselves as obedient sons and daughters of one people; we of The West cannot legitimately avoid accepting a fully personal responsibility for our ultimate beliefs and values. 

We can respect or even admire the Fire Nation and its social organization, and their socially-integrated church and religion; but it is not a template for The West. 

Following our properly Christian path ahead starts with you and with me, and our relationship to Jesus Christ; that path does not lie with our nation or people, nor with any unified church. 

Monday 21 March 2022

The Fire Nation Litmus Test: Negativism and the Mass Media revisited

From the Introduction to Avatar: The Last Airbender: "Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked."

A decade ago I suggested that negativism was the proper attitude towards the Mass Media when it came to the major 'stories' - and this just becomes truer and truer, by the month. 

The idea of negativism is that it is not sufficient to 'disbelieve' the Mass Media - because nature abhors a vacuum, and one must believe something.

The idea of negativism is based upon the following:

The major output of the modern international Mass Media is always value-inverted by intent; and consists of only four categories:

1. Good presented as bad 

2. Bad presented as Good 

(That is to say simple inversion

3. Good presented as Good for a bad reason 

4. Bad presented as bad for a bad reason 

(That is to say explanatory inversion)

Therefore, while the entire Western global and public world is God-excluding and therefore evil; we can be sure that anything actively promoted by the Mass Media will be a greater-evil; and anything opposed that is systematically ignored, demonized or suppressed will be a lesser-evil. 

This becomes more obvious as the Mass Media becomes more unified, and as it excludes dissenting views more effectively and aggressively. 

From two years ago; there was an international totalitarian coup by means of which the global Mass Media achieved an unprecedented uniformity and censorship with respect to the fake-emergency of the birdemic - this time propagandizing the inversion of a monomaniacal view of healthism. 

(Totalitarianism - capture and coordination of all major social systems - was necessary to give the media extra dimensions of physical enforcement; such as the many types of deplatforming, defunding, exclusion from services; as well as legal and police compulsion and sactions based on catch-all/ selectively-enforced concepts such as 'hate crime', 'workplace hostility', 'terrorism' and other deliberately-vague 'isms'/ 'hates'/ 'phobias'.)

This uniformity and aggression has since been ramped-up by stages to include all the core Global Establishment policies and strategies while ignoring the fact of the international totalitarian coup and systematic destruction of the world economy and civilization.

We had extra waves of control implemented successfully for the 'MLB' antiracism scam, then the birdemic-peck fake, and continual ramping-up of narrative-control with respect to climate and the transagenda (and the decade's long sexual revolution which it currently spearheads).      


We can see the results from a few weeks ago after everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.  

There has never been anything to approach the degree of uniformity and extremity of propaganda that was mobilized by the global totalitarian system immediately after the Fire Nation attacked. 

The Mass Media now completely eclipses what happened with the birdemic - if you can cast you mind back across those two long years. At the time the international coordination of Media was obvious and unprecedented; but it was measured, gradual and diverse compared with what happened when the Fire Nation attacked on 24/2. 

With our experience of wave after wave of propaganda for evil over the past two years; one might have supposed that this astonishing rapidity, uniformity and extremity of the Mass Media response to the Fire Nation would have made it very obvious which was the greater, and which the lesser, evil.

And maybe that is exactly what it did...

Maybe this new Fire Nation Litmus Test is just that; I mean, not of-itself a cause of transferring Men's allegiance from God to the demonic; but instead simply a 'test' or indicator that reveals the truth about each Man

Because anyone who knows that the world is ruled by evil Men in league with Satan (and if they don't recognize this fact by-now, then no proof will ever be sufficient) - who then sees in the Mass Media all of these evil Men (without exception) advocating a particular narrative - then knows that that view, that agenda must itself be evil by motivation. And more evil than the views which they oppose, suppress, demonize and punish (in a characteristically demonic frenzy - without limit or restraint). 

Therefore we should not strive for neutrality - which is, anyway, impossible; but may quickly and simply make a choice to reject the greater evil. And indifference may also be impossible; in face of a expansile totalitarian (thus pan-social-system) campaign to make this Litmus Test issue unavoidable in public discourse and life.  

But we should not, in our hearts, lose our grip upon what is, in fact, a facile discrimination.   

That does Not mean that we ought to support the lesser evil; because that too is a demonic snare. Yet it does mean being clear about the greater and lesser evils; which is part of avoiding getting sucked-into value-inversion - which is a primary tool of Christian subversion and mass damnation. 

Friday 25 March 2022

The Pope's Lady Day consecration

What are serious Christians to make of the intention of the Pope to 'consecrate' the Fire Nation today? - which is Lady Day.

...The day when Catholics celebrate the 'annunciation' (announcement) when the Blessed Virgin Mary is believed to have conceived Jesus (i.e. nine calendar months before Christmas day). 

Is this consecration-business a Good Thing? Or evil? Or is it a trivial distraction?

As usual, nowadays, the discernment is easy; despite that so many seem to fail the test. 

By a Good Thing - we refer to its motivations. We are asking: are the motivations Good? Which translates as: are the motivations towards alignment with God?

And the answer is obviously No

But why?

1. Provenance. This supposed consecration comes from one of The Global Establishment centres; from one of their major spokesmen.

2. Motivation. The timing of this consecration is politically-motivated; triggered by the Fire Nation attack last month.

3. Content.

This is the 'prayer' which is asserted to accomplish this consecration. Read it if you can (it is long, sprawling, and very boring). 

Discerning this an of evil intent is child's-play. In form and content it displays the hallmarks of a System-bureaucratic, New World Order - hence Satanic - production. 

Long when it should be short, unfocused when it should be precise, ambiguous where it should be precise, devious when it needs to be plain, studded with ephemeral leftist jargon, ugly when it should be a thing of beauty...

And the overall message is 'peaceifism'.

So, given that it is not intended to achieve any kind of consecration; what is the purpose of this exercise: what is it intended to accomplish? Two things, mainly: 

First the harm of those who pray it. This kind of prayer is ineffectual in terms of its claimed objectives, but participation in this kind of Black Mass inversion of Christian ritual is subversive of salvation. 

And secondly - this is intended to insert a wedge into the Great Schism - driving further apart Roman and Orthodox Catholics: to set Christian against Christian. 

This Catholic-versus-Catholic strategy has already proceeded rapidly over the past month (driven by the converged Roman Magisterium). 'Fire Nation attack' has quickly emerged as yet another Litmus Test of Christians, especially traditional Roman Catholics, leading (apparently) many into taking sides with the 100% Satanic-evil Globalists and wildly-demonizing the less-evil (less value-inverted and significantly more Christian) Fire Nation. 


So the pseudo-Christian, actually evil-motivated, 'consecration' today is not a trivial distraction but an invitation to participate in a corrupt inversion of Truth. 

The 'prayer' encourages converged-churchianism rather than Christianity; apostasy rather than conversion; and the peaceifism of allegiance to the inverted-value totalitarian system of the Western Establishment - and desire that it defeat and annihilate the Fire Nation qua nation.  

Of course it does! Consider who produced it and what it says - and doesn't?

This discernment is not difficult; but it is a Test - sorting-out the real Christians among Roman Catholics from those whose allegiance is merely to the current leadership of a (now) this-worldly and evil-allied global/ist institution. 

(And these Tests will just keep on coming. Be prepared and stay alert.)

Sunday 27 March 2022

False and coercive intentions motivating the (Not-)consecration of the Fire Nation

Another thing wrong about the Not-consecration of the Fire Nation is the a consequence of wrong motivations folded-into whatever real Christian impulses may lie behind it. 

The first is the implicit assumption that the Fire Nation Is Not, and Never Has Been, a Christian nation; and therefore needs to be converted by this Papal act. 

I am aware that the term 'consecration' is not a synonym for 'conversion' but that is how it is being talked about - as if Russia is (and always had been) the USSR; and never had been a Christian nation; and that nothing substantive happened in 1989. 

(And as if Western Europe, the USA and Australasia weren't the most atheistic, and anti-Christianly-evil, societies in the history of the world...)  

The second is that an act of consecration of this kind can impose Christian blessing/conversion upon a nation that is simultaneously being officially/ institutionally and by goaded-mass- mobbing - actively despised, dispossessed and demonized like none other in history.

As if 'goodness' could be forced-upon those regarded as evil and unconsenting. This smacks of coercive black magical ritual rather than Christian prayer. 

It is also evidence of an atavistic spiritual sloth; by which the necessary and beneficial challenges of these times - which demand conscious choice of all Men - are being ignored in favour of a passive desire that the fundamental evils of this world be sorted-out and done for us by the actions of external authorities (who we continue to trust with our immortal souls and destinies despite everything). 

And as such; the fake-non-'consecration' reeks of arrogance, condescension, pig-ignorance, demonic-thinking and dishonesty - which is, of course, perfectly aligned with its originating-motivations.

Monday 9 January 2023

The lessons of Not-Brexit: Political change is of benefit Only if it leads to a Christian spiritual awakening

For those of you in other countries, it is important to emphasize that Brexit never happened; what we eventually got (two-and-a-half years delayed) was a BRINO, a "Brexit in name only": a paper exercise slightly reorganizing the globalist bureaucracy.  

I was completely on the side of Brexit, and I was very pleased that a large majority of English people (except in London!) were on the Brexit side; however, I was under no illusions that the positive Brexit vote was an opportunity and not an answer. The opportunity was for a national spiritual awakening. 

The blog Albion Awakening was created on exactly that basis: that there was a window of opportunity unexpectedly opening - but unless that opportunity was taken by enough people; then Brexit would yield no net-positive benefit to the nation (but only to the careers of a few opportunistic, "Brexit supporting", politicians).

And it did not

The fact that a self-styled "Brexit Day" happened in the midst of the winter 2020-21 birdemic lockdown and on the cusp of the peck onslaught makes that clear. 

As does the continued massive levels of immigration to the UK, including officially-the highest ever levels of illegal immigration (i.e. more than a year after so-called "Brexit"). Yet stopping mass immigration was without any doubt By Far the major issue that caused people to vote for Brexit. 

The official immigration (especially illegal) numbers are, of course, calculatedly-dishonest, and huge underestimates - but it may be that there were around a million (or more) immigrants in a single year; i.e. enough people to fill a city the size of Birmingham, the second-largest city in England, after London. 

In all observable ways and Very Obviously; England post- "Brexit" continues to be ruled such as to weaken, subvert and destroy the nation. 

Most recently; through 2023; the lying, insane, and irrational UK propaganda, subsidies, theft, probable sabotage, aggression and multiple other provocations against the anti-Fire Nation have made us prime military targets - if the British Establishment achieve the war escalations they so assiduously are trying to engineer. 

In sum: Brexit did England no good, because the opportunity it provided for repentance and spiritual reform was decisively rejected; and having rejected that opportunity the nation was left in a worse state - as revealed by the trends since 2016.  

I think this is a general lesson teaching us that (as of these times) all politics-as-such will lead to evil - including even when it is motivated (as was Brexit) by supporting the lesser of two evils. 

The lesser of two evils is still evil! And by engaging us in the pursuit of evil (albeit lesser) we are corrupted and ourselves made more evil.

This is of extreme relevance to the ongoing war. Here there is no doubt which of the sides is less evil; yet the victory of the lesser evil would Not lead to net-Good unless the winning side is (overall) motivated by Good. 

In other words; if the effect of the war on the Fire Nation (FN) is to make it more primarily Christian, more Christian-motivated - then a victory would probably be net-Good - for that nation, and probably for the world-as-a-whole. 

If Christian faith is sufficiently strongly deepened and refined in the crucible of war; such that it is then restored to become a ruling principle of the nation - then the spiritual effect of war might be net-positive. 

But, if (as often happens) war causes a corruption of motivations and a 'win at all costs and at any price and by any means' kind of mentality; then victory would harm the victors and the world. And there is no doubt that one of the core objectives of the anti-FN actions has been to corrupt that nation with the same spirit of satanic evil as rules The West.  

We among the masses are all-but powerless in a material sense: all the power we possess is spiritual. It is therefore vital that we develop and maintain spiritual discernment in relation to this continuing and escalating global war. 

We need to consider carefully what we choose to know, and what we choose to believe, about events and motives - always bearing in mind the provenance of claims (from where, ultimately and spiritually, claims emanate). 

There is no 'safe' option and no safe opinion; situations change and the need for discernment is continuous. (To assert incompetence is a self-subordination; refusing to judge is itself a judgment.) 

And what matters is that we each take personal responsibility for our spiritual attitudes and aspirations

Even though mistakes are inevitable; if we do this, sincerely, then over time we will be led to the truth; because we will be open to divine guidance

Friday 24 June 2022

Global Evil moves from Plan A (totalitarian inversion) towards Plan B (destructive chaos)

My interpretation of present global events (for what it's worth) is that we are seeing further confirmation that Evil Plan A for a global system of totalitarian value-inversion is collapsing. 

Plan A reached its peak of success in early-mid 2020 (before the antiracist, pro-chaotic, turn of that summer) - and Plan A has now failed.

The demonic masters are moving more and more decisively towards Evil Plan B - which is (just) spitefully-motivated destruction and maximum chaos

In other words, Plan A was an instance of Ahrimanic evil; and designed to impose by law and saturation-propaganda a value-system of positivism-materialism with the inversion of real-true-divine values. It was intended to make Men choose damnation because they had come to believe evil was good, and good was evil. 

Plan A was mainly concerned to make a world system leading to the greatest quantitative damnation of human souls - and the 'pleasure' of demons, and demon-possessed or demon-serving humans, therefore had to take second place to this strategy. 

Plan B is a much cruder, simpler, more short-termist - but more advanced-in-wickedness - form of evil than Plan A; Plan B is the outcome of that evil I have called Sorathic.

Plan B is mainly motivated by the sheerly spiteful enjoyment of its implementers: their simple 'personal' desire to destroy all that is good, of-God, of-creation, and true. 

Those demons and Men who pursue Plan B are consumed by hatred of divine creation; and are therefore somewhat reckless about whether the people who are tormented and killed by their policies are damned. 

These Plan B advocates enjoy inflicting suffering so much, get so carried-away by the process; that the fact their victims may cry to God from the depths of this suffering (De Profundis) is of secondary interest.  

It is Plan B that has engineered World War III - with its vast potential for suffering and deaths by violence, starvation and disease. 

In other words; we need to recognize that the recent break-up of the projected unipolar world of Plan A; the deliberate provocation of a WWIII; and the calculated, repeated, accelerating measures to escalate and spread this war... 

These actions are motivated by a sadistic desire for human and environmental destruction rather than control; and the progression of WWIII is an evil attempt to destroy, not enhance, the possibility of a totalitarian New World Order. 

This is my interpretation of the Global Establishment's behaviour towards the Fire Nation. 

In the early days of the birdemic-peck; the Fire Nation was apparently on-board with Plan A - the One-World, totalitarian Reset Agenda. But that Plan has not happened; and instead the vision of a single omni-surveillance, micro-controlled world, unified under One World government - has fallen into pieces. 

It seems that the Plan B-ites have tricked the Plan A-ites

The Plan B-ites apparently sold their Plan for starting and fuelling WWIII to the Plan A-ites as a mechanism for (quickly, easily) isolating and conquering the Fire Nation, eliminating all Establishment-hostile leadership; and fully-assimilating a broken-up Fire Nation into the New World Order in a subordinate role. 

Or maybe Plan B supporters did not need to mislead the Plan A-ites

Maybe the intrinsic processes of evil on Men (and demons) meant that many of the ex-totalitarians had 'progressed' to sheer destructiveness, and the residual totalitarians are reduced to pretending still to be in control by manufacturing excuses for the collapse of their strategy? I believe that this is, indeed, the exact way that evil feeds-upon-itself. 

For instance; some commenters interpret the recent break-up of the world and wildfire descent into multi-location war, as a 'cunning plan' version of Plan A. This would need to be a very long-term plan - still directed at the eventual establishment of the same unitary totalitarian global society described in the Great Reset and Agenda 2030. 

This amounts to explaining destruction as construction, interpreting chaos as order, insisting that fragmentation is just another kind of unity. 

I regard this as a serious misunderstanding. If we are indeed now in Plan B - as I suggest; all we really need to know is that (whatever soothing or 'high-minded' 'strategic'  lies they tell themselves) those who are ruling this mortal world are now, and increasingly, focused on an agenda of torment and destruction, reckless of the consequences. 

However, Plan A is still in place even as it disintegrates; and the globalist, totalitarian bureaucrats of the New World Order still have a great deal of influence and power.

But the direction of change seems to be established; and Plan A can now be regarded as dying.

What is my Christian interpretation of these events? From a perspective of human suffering, Plan B certainly accelerates and intensifies suffering in the short term - albeit maybe not in the longer term. 

But from a perspective of salvation; I think it probable that more souls would choose to be saved in a Plan B (WWIII) scenario; than if the worldwide system of surveillance-and 'thought control' of Plan A had been put into place. 

Saturday 7 January 2023

What will be the 2023 early-year offensive against Western Civilization - and against whom will it be directed?

In 2020 we had the birdemic offensive against Western civilization (especially Christianity); amplified in 2021 by the peck offensive; and in 2022 the Fire Nation affair. 

These were primarily directed against the Western masses, and were all supported solidly and aggressively by the entirety of the Western Establishment: government, the leadership of major institutions, and the mass-social media.  

This year I presume there will be another offensive; and my best guess is that it will be an amplification of the Fire Nation affair - an amplification that is intended to draw-in - officially and fully (not just unofficially, partially, and in disguise) - the forces of the West.

But history is linear, and never repeats; and evil triumphant feeds upon itself. 

If early summer of 2020 represented the high point of the totalitarian, bureaucratic Ahrimanic evil of planning, surveillance and control; since then, there has since been a waxing of spiteful, short-termist, destructive and chaos-inducing Sorathic evil. 

So my prediction is that the 2023 offensive will be focused - not against the masses, but against the Globalist Establishment 

There have already been many astonishing and horrible provocations against the FN by the Sorathic powers; but these have so far failed to evoke any escalation from that side.  

Therefore, I think that the 2023 provocations will be directed against the West. 

In other words; I am suggesting that Sorathic powers within The West (such as extreme 'hawks', covert wreckers, or 'rogue elements' within The Establishment) will be attempting provocations that are designed irresistibly to trigger rapid and wholesale escalation from the Western Establishment

This kind of escalation is against the interests of the Globalist Establishment; who have so far prevented the rapid and multi-national escalation of the Fire Nation Affair - despite considerable pressure from the mass media and a minority of internal elements and their puppet-heroes. 

To overcome this evident reluctance; there would need to be staged (but deniably, presumably via a chain of proxies) some kind of un-concealable, major (and intended-to-be) irresistible 'atrocity'; against one or more of the key Western Allies - which atrocity would be blamed upon the Fire Nation. 

All kinds of horrible and obvious possibilities spring to mind; so I will not attempt to guess which is most likely. The point is that the provocation should be experienced as so extreme and terrible as to be impossible to ignore, and demanding of a quick and extreme (and unwise) response.  

The intent, therefore, would be to stampede the Establishment into acting against their own interests; in such a way as further and irreversibly to initiate the collapse of their monolithic global structure of control (subversion and inversion) of thinking and feeling. 

Instead: to Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.

Accelerating chaos.

It's all just a guess; but if it does happen, then don't be fooled. We can't stop it - that is not our job. Our job is spiritual, and consists in knowing evil, cutting-through its deceptions, pointing-out its operations, to declare: I See You!

Monday 2 January 2023

The existential struggle of these times

Over the past year, the conflict between The West and the Fire Nation (and, increasingly, its increasingly-close major allies) has become more and more obviously existential in nature. 

The FN regards itself (I believe correctly) as being actively threated with existential annihilation; and, unlike Western Nations, the FN seems (increasingly, solidly) determined to fight to the last to defend its distinctive identity; including its Orthodox Christian church. 

The West - which means, effectively the Globalist multi-national/ no-nations Western leadership class - also regards itself as in an existential struggle; with the rapidly emerging 'Eastern alliance' which is waxing in power both in absolute terms and relatively to The West (which, by contrast, is diminishing in both respects, including by deliberate self-destruction). 

So, it seems that the Western leadership class (which is all that matters in The West, since the Western masses are puppets to ideology) also regards the struggle with the Fire Nation as existential: as a Must Win scenario

(And, it should be obvious, Must Win implies that no-holds-are-barred with respect to the nature of weapons deployed in the struggle.) 

For the globalist Establishment, it has become a case of Us or Them w.r.t. the FN.  

(Whether or not this is true; it is what They believe.) 

But whereas "the people" of the Fire Nation are indeed "a people", and know explicitly and in their hearts that they are engaged in an existential struggle for their identity and 'way of life' (including Orthodox Christianity); by contrast, the Western masses, including Western Church Christians, are almost-wholly ignorant, and in-denial, of this fact. 

The Western masses misunderstand The Situation completely, indeed in an inverted fashion. We have (overwhelmingly) adopted such a narrow, selfish, short-termist, self-blinded complacency; that existential matters are not even on the radar. 

And existential 'talk' is regarded as sheerly crazy, paranoid, weird, dangerous, 'conspiracy theory' stuff; to be avoided by all decent and sensible people. The Western masses would rather be destroyed utterly, than recognize the fact that they are deliberately being-destroyed. 

Thus, in the West and among the masses; this astonishingly profound, cataclysmic, year of global change has - pretty much - passed them by... 

The world may be engaged in this titanic existential struggle; but the mental life, attitude and aspirations, of the Western masses has utterly failed to register this reality; instead vehemently rejecting all thought of this reality.  

The question remains as to the nature of this existential struggle. 

The most evil side is obvious: the Empire of Lies is the most evil grouping known in the history of the world; as being the only major civilization that has explicitly and officially adopted value-inversion; and is expanding its scope, and coercively-implementing inversion. 

But the other side, as it is emerging - although clearly less evil, in terms of their degree of evil - are a mixed bunch in terms of their motivations. 

Only over-arching and Christian motivations count as positively Good. And insofar as these exist at all, which is only in the Fire Nation, they do not seem likely to permeate the West - whatever happens. 

From our perspective in The West, the existential choice may between further solidification and extension of the totalitarian System by means of globalist institutions such as the UN/ WHO, EU, NATO, financial groupings etc. (along the lines of UN Agenda 2030 or the Great Reset)...

Or else World War Three - which has already been extended to include multiple deliberate provocations on FN territory and active participation of personnel from adjacent and remote NATO states - and may, at any moment, explode into an explicit and expansile multi-national, multi-regional, conflict. 

We the Western masses will not be offered, will not make, any choice between these material fates; since we are (voluntarily, yet denied) mentally-colonized - almost-wholly manipulated and dictated-to. 

But the only effective Western deciders - the Western leadership class - are currently choosing-between their perceived existential options: Control, or War

So-far the totalitarians have - apparently - regarded War as a threat to Control. War has been, is being, prepared and prosecuted mainly by 'the destroyers', the makers and promoters of chaos.

But if the totalitarian Western System-leadership come to believe that War offers their best opportunity for increasing Control - then War will happen very quickly; and the existential conflict of these times will suddenly! be obvious to everybody. 

Saturday 21 January 2023

All in The West must take the side of evil (Nobody is allowed to be neutral - not even a bit)

True neutrality with respect to any question concerning values is not a possibility, and never has been; yet degrees of 'official' neutrality used to be conceded, and commonplace - as pragmatic realities in public life. 

While every person and nation will almost-inevitably take sides over any particular question - at least overall, and to some degree - it used to be allowed that people and nations could stand-apart from conflicts, and remain un-declared. 

Even during the massive conflict of World War II, there were several neutral counties in the heart of the conflict (Switzerland) or on its border (Spain, Sweden). 

And, as recently as a couple of decades ago; it used to be quite normal for people or nations to opt-out of taking sides on questions of value in public life. 

This is no longer allowed in The West; because the powers on the side of evil are now dominant, their evil is more advanced; and They have forbidden neutrality. 

Each and every person (with no allowed exceptions) must now - publicly and with a display of enthusiasm - actively participate in celebration and promotion of Litmus Test issues relating to sex, sexuality, antiracism and so forth. 

All must take the side of evil (called good, in the official system of Western inverted-values) - or be attacked as an enemy. 

Anyone - any single individual - who opts-out and tries to be neutral in any of the Litmus Test issues; may be punished by the full force of global media and public opinion mobilized against them; exclusion from work, removal of financial services, demonization of status - and many other possible punishments (officially imposed, and unoffically allowed and encouraged), without limit to severity or duration.  

We are seeing the same phenomenon in relation to the Fire Nation* war. No Western nation has been allowed to remain neutral on this issue - even Switzerland and Sweden have been compelled to abandon long term principles of neutrality. 

Furthermore, active participation in the war is also being compelled - until recently by participation in war-sanctions. And currently by mandatory military participation through sending weapons to the battlefront. 

And this military participation must be done publicly, proudly; and backed with explicit aggressive statements. 

Presumably the next step will be sending military personnel from all nations - with no opt-out allowed. 

This is not about military effectiveness - because from such a perspective it makes no sense. It is about ideological - hence spiritual - allegiance. 

Western nations are being compelled into active support for an open-ended campaign aimed at existential annihilation of the Fire Nation; either its destruction, fragmentation, or vassalage. 

Nations are being forced (by their puppet-'leaders') into making themselves existential enemies - not only of the FN, but of an alliance that (increasing month by month) includes the two most populous nations in the world, and indeed most of the world's population and land mass. 

Those who do not paint a target on their own backs by choice (like the UK did thanks to its cravenly-servile US-obedient leadership); will have it done for them, at the point of a sword.

In other words; the ideology of annihilation of the Fire Nation serves as yet-another factor in the suicidal self-destruction of The West - and all its (compelled-) allies, such as the North East Asian vassal-states of the USA, who are now actively and rapidly being prepared to operate as agents of their own destruction. 

In sum, underneath the cover of fake Geopolitical reasoning and led by the dominant Western power; the whole world is being set-up for an all-inclusive world war - the first ever - which will be sustained for as long as possible, and with as much all-round destruction as possible. 

Such a war will (if it happens) serve the dual purpose of lethally damaging Western civilization, and doing something similar to all those who - in any way - dissent from the Western-leftist-atheist-materialist ideology of the globalists. 


For a Christian; the vital matter is to recognize and remember that this is primarily 'just' the latest and biggest material manifestation of the long-established spiritual war; and that we need to discern and understand what is really going-on in terms of ultimate spiritual values. 

Not, therefore, to become distracted by merely proximate, materialist explanations of the war in terms of Geopolitics, economics, or even of ideology. 

These are merely means to an end; because evil is about damnation, that is about spiritual and eternal death - therefore not only, nor mostly, about physical death.

Note: Anyone confused by any of the terminology I use, here or elsewhere, should do a word-search on this blog (i.e. using the Search box on the upper left extreme corner).  

Sunday 2 June 2024

Things are Much worse than military analysts assume; because the Western strategists want to Lose, not win (and maximize destruction while doing so)

While the cultivated ignorance and delusional nature of mainstream Western officials and media are predictable appalling; the supposedly alternative analyses of the West versus Fire Nation war is more deeply concerning to me. 

The military experts and analysts persist in regarding this as a modern version of the kind of wars throughout history; whereas this is a situation the world has never before experienced.

Because the leadership of the Western (i.e. globalist) world (and I mean the real leadership, those who set the Western strategy) are qualitatively different in their motivations from any group of leaders in world history

The military expert analysts assume that the West ultimately wants the West to win this war - which is Not True. 

Those who are strategically responsible for the FN war, its continuation and escalation towards totality; primarily want the West to lose

That is their core motivation. "They" mainly want the West to be destroyed * - and the FN war is one of several, simultaneously pursued, means to that end.

Destruction of the Fire Nation, Earth Nation and other places are also real motivators - but secondary, optional. 

(Other means to the end of Western destruction include other wars; but also the many long-term self-destructive strategies I call Litmus Tests: e.g. the birdemic-peck, the climate agenda, the sexual revolution, the "antiracism" agenda - and the whole raft of leftist political auto-lethalities.)


On the other side; the core and strategic motivation of the Fire Nation is easily understandable (for normal people!), conventional, and historically multi-precedented - the FN mainly wants Not to lose. Wants to preserve and strengthen its culture and people. 

So the FN War is grossly asymmetrical in terms of motivations; in a way never before seen - at least never on a sustained and global scale. 

Indeed, the FN conflict may not even qualify as a "war" in the conventional sense; because The goal of the Western leadership is an orgy of insane multi-national mutual- and self- destruction - which is not really "a war"...

But that is precisely what the Western leadership strategists are working towards...

And for as long as so many people are so utterly unaware of the fact; for so long as they continue to think of this as "just-another war", like so many wars before: for so long They will continue to progress incrementally towards their major goal of destructive chaos primarily affecting the West. 

Note added: An overall interpretative perspective on the nature of the FN war (and the world generally) does not derive from evidence, and cannot therefore be overturned by observations - it is a matter of assumptions not empirical data. (Because assumptions both select and interpret the data.) Nonetheless, the immediate action of the Western side in coercively-imposing self-destructive sanctions, and the way that the West has continued to increase these in the face of massive evidence of their self-destructive nature; plus the self-destructive act of the West destroying a major conduit for Western energy supply - could certainly be taken as consistent-with the assumption that the war is primarily aimed against the West.   

Friday 3 June 2022

Deniability is important to the strategy of evil

You may have noticed (if you have noticed anything since 2020!) that evil nearly-always wants to take a round-about and deniable route to its desired outcomes

This can get pretty complex - especially when (as I assume) different kinds of demons are engaged in misleading each-other. 

Thus - the Climate Change scam/lie is mostly about the bureaucratic totalitarian ("Ahrimanic") demons using CO2 (trade mark Gas-of-Life) as a rationale for the worldwide surveillance, monitoring and control of humankind - partly by means of creating a much smaller world economy that is susceptible of such micro-management.

But the demons of destruction ("Sorathic") approve this scheme because (in destroying 'non-sustainable' practices) it will grossly shrink and cripple the world economy; and inevitably will cause the Giga-death of billions of the masses by starvation (amplified by disease and violence).  

The totalitarian demons thus used the Fire Nation invasion as a (more-or-less) plausible excuse to accelerate their 'Green Energy' programme by inflicting severe oil-starving and trade-sabotaging 'sanctions' on their own nations (under the pretense that this would harm the Fire Nation!... ROFL). 

(Some of the stupider bureaucrats seem also to have believed that these 'sanctions', plus exclusion of leaders from the international elite club of demon-possessed snakes and zombies; would rapidly bring the militarily and raw-material mighty Fire Nation to its knees and under control of the Global Establishment; preparatory to doing the same - sometime down the line - to the productive and populous Earth Nation.)

You can see the cleavage opening between the waning totalitarian-demons and the waxing destroyers; in that (after only three months!) the totalitarians have suddenly realized that the economic-trade collapse wrought by the climate-emergency-inspired oil-sanctions will very quickly and completely disable, then destroy, the complex surveillance-monitoring-control capability of the bureaucratic states... 

(With the end of Agenda 2030/ Great Reset and all those other grandiose globalist strategies.) 

But why the roundabout route, why bother with deniability?

Partly, because people may react-against and fight overt evil. Albeit, the Godless masses are now so incapable of thought and addicted to distraction - and the intellectual classes so inverted in their values - that they might well go-along - enthusiastically! - with explicit plans for their own annihilation; as with population replacement and enslavement to 'the other' under the diversity ideal. 

But mainly because the demons want us to desire our own enslavement and/or destruction

All the evil that is done to us - up to and including starvation, disease, violence, and death - needs to be regarded by the victims as deserved, "for our own good", for the greater good; or for some other kind of abstractly 'virtuous' reason such as the QWERTY-trans/ Green/ healthist/ feminist or other leftist ideology (now widely advocated as having transcended God, and the need for God).

But, because God is merciful and desires that we are saved; only by Men desiring their own damnation - or, at the extreme of resentment, suffering and fear, by despairing and regarding God the creator as an evil tormentor... Only thus can our death be made an effective route to damnation and Hell.

By contrast; if most people were to notice, acknowledge and understand what is going-on behind the lies, deceptions and deniability - then this insight into evil will lead to an increased likelihood of salvation after death; and also a higher likelihood of people learning and developing spiritually during this mortal life. 

This is what the Beings of purposive evil seek to avoid by pursuing deliberately bad outcomes by roundabout, deniable and plausibly-'virtuous' roundabout routes

Therefore, those who remain unconscious, passive, and who refuse to see evil - actually bring down suffering upon themselves

The demons know that the mass of self-blinded folk will never blame the guilty, and will instead seek well-meaning excuses for the result of Satanic motivations. 

The more such people suffer and despair - the more assured is their damnation. 

And, contrariwise; our best possible spiritual defense against the domination by evil Beings; is to be alert, aware and honest - and strive always, wholeheartedly, to understand the truth behind the deceptions. 

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Above the nested agendas of human and group self-interest, there is the Sorathic agenda of destruction

From where I see things, it seems very clear that the powers of Sorathic evil have the whip-hand in globalist policy already and increasingly; and in nothing is this clearer than  the fact that their "friends" - those nations, entities (and persons) whom "They" support, are subject to escalating destruction. 

Thus the nation over whom The Fire Nation and NATO are at war; have been massively and monolithically supported by the Global Establishment - and that nation has been destroyed. 

In the ongoing Arrakis conflict, the CHOAM nation that is unconditionally-supported by the International Totalitarians, is in practice (surely this is obvious?) being set-up for complete annihilation. 

And the main base of operations for world-wide and multi-national evil - namely the USA - is itself being actively destroyed in a multi-pronged strategy of escalating an unwinnable world war, destruction by colossal cross-border invasion, and by the degradation then inversion of all major social institutions, encouragement of race war, and progressive elimination of sustainable native-population reproduction (social and biological). 

In other words - everywhere and always; the strategy is that nation gets pitted against nation, nations are subverted and encouraged/compelled to fight other nations, trade is inhibited/ prevented/ disrupted, socially harmful and anti-human policies are supported all-round and by many routes. 

It is facile but foolish to suppose that all this destruction can be explained by seeking to unmask self-interest; whether in terms of money or power; or by tracing the origins of evil to a particular nation or group. 

No nation is exempted from the plan of destruction, all groups are included - and the more a nation or group is supported by the Global Totalitarian Establishment*, then the more that nation-group is controlled - and the more-complete the annihilation that is planned for it.  

*Note - Whatever human beings may involved at this top-hierarchical level; the core strategy is demonic in origin - for demons the humans are disposable tools. Also; demons are immortal spirits - hence they are not-human, and indeed (for various reasons) anti-human. No matter how total the annihilation of the human world, demons will personally survive - and the lethal corruption of Men to demonic purposes is indeed their main source of pleasure, as well as energetic sustenance

Monday 1 April 2024

Made-up evil nonsense in the mass media - Just who are they trying to convince?

There are nested agendas at work in the world; a hierarchy of evil, in which each level has a different aim, and each manipulates and misleads and manipulates the level below. 

Only at the very top level (i.e. supernatural and demonic) is the ultimate agenda of spitefully-destructive Sorathic evil being consistently pursued - but all levels below are some mixture of delusional and merely-servile. 

The mainstream mass media are some levels below the apex; and their delusional servility has by now become extremely obvious to any honest observer capable of learning. 

At the level of the mass media and its controllers, there is an absolute conviction that they define reality. 

Although this belief is delusional, this is not completely false; because the mass media do indeed define reality for the leadership class and most of the mass of Western People - as was blazingly evident in 2020 with the birdemic of spring, the antiracism agenda of the summer, and the giga-peck agenda over the next months and years. 

What the media said was in imposed lock-step, and most of the world believed whatever the media was currently saying; utterly regardless of its nonsensical incoherence. 

But since early 2022 the world has diverged; and while nearly-all Westerners still believe almost everything the mass media spouts; the rest of the world does not: and ever-increasingly it is irrelevant what the West believes

Because the mass media operates inside a delusional bubble, they cannot comprehend that there are major matters on which it does not matter at all what beliefs the media can impose on the infinitely-gullible Westerners. 

The rest of the world in general, and the Fire Nation in particular, have long-since worked out that the mainstream mass media is always wrong and evil about everything than matters; and the more unified and strident their statements, the wronger and more-evil the underlying agenda will be. 

As a specific and current example, when it comes to responsibility for the recent massacre in the Fire Nation; it simply does not matter what the Western media are spouting in unison, nor what gibberish the majority of Western idiots can be made to believe: all that matters is what the Fire Nation believe

The mainstream, globalist mass media are absolutely sure that if only they can launch and sustain monolithic campaigns of malicious lies, then they have defined reality for the world - or at least everyone who matters in the world.

But the West had made itself capable only of self-destruction.  

Meanwhile anyone, anywhere-else in the world, who desires to accomplish something - is getting on with it; and the only (slight) attention paid to the globalist mass media is to learn what is for-sure 100% un-real and intentionally-evil.

Friday 6 October 2023

What's new in the Satanic agenda since 2020? War, mainly.

The greatest novelty from the Global Establishment since the totalitarian coup of 2020 is surely war, specifically engineering and escalating world war III; presented as "a good thing" or even as an absolutely essential thing. 

This is a tough sell for the totalitarians! - because the kind of war which is being pushed-for will destroy all the (albeit incoherent) aims of the existing major-core leftists issues, by which the world has been changed. All-out, everywhere, world war - will put an end to Great Reset type 'concerns' about a climate 'emergency', the transagenda, antiracism... and all the rest of that kind of thing. 

All these leftist-evil-agendas depend upon the 'rulers' and their minions accepting, and living-by, the delusion that their pet projects will incrementally be implemented in a future society dedicated to this-kind-of-stuff. 

Of course, these pet projects are all in actuality socially-destructive in effect, and therefore can never really be implemented; because the more rapidly the agendas 'succeed', the more rapidly society will crumble - so the authorities will be unable to impose them. 

That awareness of the incompatibility of world war (2023 style) with new-left-totalitarianism is, however, blocked by continual propaganda and the continual construction of a virtual-reality; a 'virtuality' existing in a closed-circle of mutually-reinforcing mass-media with bureaucratic statements and rules. 

But war? It is indeed a very tough sell to convince bureaucrats and media moguls that a long-term, unrestricted, international war will be compatible with their cherished ideologies! Because it simply isn't!

Yet, remarkably, for the past year-and-a-half; they do seem to have been convinced! 

Convinced by a combination of multiple Total Lies with increased censorship, and levels of frenzied national-demonization not seen for a century... Indeed, recent demonization and persecutions of the Fire Nation and its citizens have been in some ways (especially financial and economic) never before seen anywhere or at any time in the modern era. 

The leadership/ minion class has not even noticed that the sanctions and measures imposed ostensibly to destroy the Fire Nation have, in fact and surely quite clearly, harmed the imposing nations - and that was their intention from the very start, which is why they continue to be escalated. By such means; the war has been used to accelerate the purposive-suicide of The West (the West being Satan's prime target in recent generations - even above the Fire Nation). 

So, the stupidity and obedience of the rulers and their minions turns out to be very great indeed; and they really seem not to have noted the gross and widening discrepancy between the bureaucratic-media version of reality, and what they can observe and experience for themselves!

But the longer the situation continues, and the wider the gap in realities, the more difficult it seems to be to sell a proposed war of unprecedented destruction as being (somehow!) helpful to the attainment of the totalitarian-leftist 'utopia' of Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset!

I think that this is what is going-on behind-the-scenes of the Western Establishment at present. 

All the participants are affiliated with evil, servants of Satan; but the mostly-evil Ahrimanic totalitarians are (at last!) starting to wake-up to the incompatibility of their ultra-controlled world-view with the chaos of wreckage and killing, favoured by of the more-wholly-evil Sorathic spiteful-destroyers. 

I personally do not want either of these groups to prevail! 

Indeed, the mostly-but-partly evil totalitarians vision of a world of omni-surveillance and total mind-control is spiritually even worse than a world of total war, horrific bodily suffering, and mega-death. 

Mankind has painted itself into this Satanic corner, by many generations of wrong and evil choices and decisions - and by continuing in these falsehoods. There are no good options for The World. 

Maybe we will be faced with a choice between supporting wholesale spiritual destruction (totalitarianism) or else supporting gross physical destruction (war)... certainly that seems like the way that Satan desires us to see things. 

I hope that - when the crunch comes - I will choose neither.  

Sunday 11 December 2022

How culpable is ignorance (aka accepting mainstream misinformation) on Litmus Test issues?

It is normal for most people to have strong convictions concerning issues about which they have passively absorbed these convictions entirely from the mainstream media and officialdom. 

For instance, the most recent of the major, world-agenda-shaping Litmus Test issues of 2022 has been the Fire Nation versus Evil Empire proxy war. 

Most people in my corner of the world have aggressively/ sentimentally adopted a stance 100% in line with that propagated by the Western Establishment; and are both completely ignorant of the causes of this conflict, and completely wrong about the Fire Nation's motivation and conduct. 

How culpable are such people for having chosen to support the side of evil in this great conflict of our time? 

There are various views on this matter. 

One is that people are not to blame, because all their information and analysis (whether from TV, newspapers, official announcements, or PR from large corporations) is consistent and internally coherent (at least, on a day-by-day basis - which is all that the masses ever notice). 

Such sources all confidently state the same things, often in the same words and with identical images; and provide 'evidence' to support this conviction; while contrary information is not available (is indeed aggressively excluded). 

This would suggest that the support of the wrong side is simply mindless, non-responsible; and therefore innocent and not-culpable - in much the way that young children are innocent and cannot be blamed for their expressed opinions on matters they take secondhand.

This interpretation has it that the masses are closely analogous to young children in terms of innately trusting of authority. This is regarded as a fact-of-life, so that the masses are non-responsible for whatever authority tells them - and if the ignorant do preen themselves on their moral stances, and boast of their own Goodness; then this is merely the forgivable bravado of a youngster obediently mimicking his elders. 

But such a view takes-for-granted that it is natural and reasonable for people passively to accept whatever view is propagated vigorously and monolithically by The Establishment. 

That, in other words - here-and-now, in 2022 - when Western authorities are unified in pushing a point-of-view; then it is a reasonable and morally innocent default to accept this point-of-view; and adopt the recommended attitudes.

"After all," it is said, in effect; "we can hardly expect ordinary people to look behind the mass-media-official view, and each-for-himself discover that covert reality which so starkly contradicts the propagated fake-narrative."

Well, this matter of what we ought-to expect from people, before adopting an opinion - is itself a thing that divides opinion. 

It has become accepted that it is OK for someone to spend (say...) two hours a day marinating-himself in official/ mass media propaganda, plus another couple of hours reinforcing this on social media; yet never even for five minutes checking anything by looking at 'alternative' sources, or even by five minutes of rigorous and critical thinking and remembering.

Yet, by now it now seems clear that - whatever people ought to do in terms of checking - they will Not do it. And it is therefore just so much wasted breath, or ink or pixels, to assert that they should be doing it! 

Any complex or effort-entailing answer to the problem of passive mind-manipulation is therefore a non-starter. 


What, then, is the real crux of this matter? 

It is, simply: one's attitude to Litmus Test issues as such

When the world of officialdom, corporate propaganda and the mass/ social media are pushing some-thing; do we - as individuals - assume that this means what is being pushed is good and true? 

Or - do we - as individuals - assume the exact opposite: that the fact of such an onslaught of opinion and 'fact' means that what is being pushed is instead an evil lie? 

And this crux-decision, in turn, depends on our value-discernment first about whether or not the dominant Western Establishment institutions comprise a single and controlled System

Among those who recognize a controlled System; there is then the question of whether the System is net-Good, or is net-evil. 

This matter of the System, then, is the Big Issue of the West in 2022; upon which all matters of public policy can be seen to hinge. 

The two questions are whether there is indeed such a System, and if there is a System, whether it is aiming at Good?

The decision about whether or not there is a System is decided by a person's prior assumptions as to whether it is possible that there could be a System. 

If it is pre-decided that there cannot be a System, and anyone who supposes there could-be is a 'conspiracy theorist', then there cannot be a System: so it will not be recognized, regardless of 'evidence'. 

If, instead, it is regarded as a real possibility that there might be a System - then the interpretation that there is indeed a System will instantly be obvious; because a vast and growing mass of supporting evidence will be clear and unambiguous. 


Among those who do recognize a System, the evaluation of that System will largely depend upon whether a person is spiritual-Christian or instead a materialist-leftist.

(Because there are few, and ever fewer, people who do not inhabit one of these two categories.) 

For the large-majority who are materialist-leftists; the System is obviously Good, overall. 

For the small-minority who are spiritual-Christian; the System is obviously evil. 

I think this is where the original question leads us. I asked whether those who, for instance, support the side of evil in its war against the Fire Nation, are culpable or innocent. And my answer - from a spiritual-Christian perspective - is that they are culpable and therefore evil...

But they are evilly-culpable not in this specific decision, but in their having chosen to affiliate with the System - which is evil. 

Naturally, such a person will believe... whatever the System is telling them; and the more forceful and sustained is the System messaging - the more strongly the System will be believed. 

But, for someone like myself; if the System is saying any-thing in a forceful, sustained and coherent fashion, then that thing must be an evil lie  - or else the System would not be saying it. 

Thursday 4 January 2024

The pseudo-dilemma of being forced/ encouraged to take a side between evils; when we are being-manipulated by false-delineation of the sides

As I have often said; it seems to me that the Ahrimanic Sorathic struggle is very evident in the Arrakis war - with the Sorathic-demon servers current triggering extraordinary acts of nihilistic (and indeed suicidal) provocation; while Ahrimanic affiliates are trying to maintain control of the envelope, and daily re-applying veneers of geopolitical pseudo-logic. 

This is exactly the kind of characteristically "End Times" danger that I was brooding about a few years ago; when there are only two allowed options in public discourse - chaotic destructiveness or globalist-bureaucratic totalitarianism. 

It superficially seems obvious positively​ to take the side of Systemic evil - e.g. of favouring more "peace" instead of uncontrollable war - and then one too easily finds oneself, for example, pinning hopes on that deeply evil-motivated organization the UN!

I'm sure this kind of pseudo-dilemma (ie. trying to induce us to take one of two sides, both of which are ultimately evil in motivation and methods) is something deliberately planned and sustained.

One of "Their" tricks is to mis-describe the sides: to falsely delineate who is actually fighting whom. 

For example the Fire Nation is fighting the globalist West - and the West is merely using the nation that is the venue of conflict: using them to the point of annihilation and (currently) beyond. 

This is obscured by the suicidal complicity of those being-used; yet this is not a surprise because self-destructiveness is a standard feature of modern, Not Religious, Man. Self-destruction is the inevitable ultimate consequence of unrepented sin; and resentment is maybe the most powerful and common of unrepented sins of this era. 

False delineation of sides is also evident in the Arrakis war (where there are no good sides, and the Western Establishment is unequally split - and supports both of them). 

As in the Fire Nation war; the actual venue of conflict is not one of the two real "sides"; but is merely the location of a war between much larger powers - and thereby is currently, rapidly, being-annihilated. 

And, as with the FN war; the Western side is motivated by powerful, long-term, unrepented - indeed celebrated - resentments - fuelled by fear, which is itself deliberately fuelled. 

Something somewhat analogous applies to the other side - so that the desired outcome on both sides is annihilation of the other - but the most probable outcome is de facto annihilation of both sides: which is why I regard this as ultimately a Sorathic war. 

My point about the need for accurate delineation of sides is that the mainstream, official and media sources persistently misrepresent these conflicts as being "about" the smaller, venue-nations; whereas in reality the venue nations are actually victims (albeit, to a variable but significant extent, complicit victims) of external manipulation . 

"In a rational world" we would not personally be concerned by the doings of remote places; yet because of Western complicity, funding, intervention, geopolitical strategizing - we Just Are involved. 

Not having an opinion is hardly possible with mainstream mas and social media and official saturation coverage; as it was hardly possible with the birdemic-peck, or the antiracism of "MLB". No opinion, "neutrality" or a balanced-view is always - in practice - treated as taking a side.  

Therefore in practice; we must take a view. 

But we ought not to take a side in situations where both sides are evil (albeit evil of different types and motivations); when the choice of sides amounts to a choice between inwardly supporting either demonic chaos or demonic control - because that is precisely what They are attempting to manipulate us into doing. 

The dilemma is not, in reality, "di" - and there are other options and alternatives. By making it a choice of evils; the attempt is strategically-distraction from what we, as Christians and as dyadic direct-knowers, ought to be committing our-selves to. 

Friday 18 November 2022

The root ethic of taking sides - to whom or what should we be loyal?

I find that very few people can hold in their minds the scale of lying that is afoot in the world today. It is a fact that the major "Litmus Test" strategies and policies that dominate the world are founded upon lies, and constructed of lies.

And, for a Christian, the evident purpose of this wholesale narrative of lies, is to sustain a system of value-inversion, which - if adopted - will lead Men actively to choose damnation and reject salvation

So why do so many people who describe themselves as Christian, so strongly believe these narratives of evil-motivated lies?

One of the current major Litmus Tests issues is the war between the Fire Nation and The West; a war that has been created and sustained by a narrative of lies from The West. 

This is already World War III - in terms of the totality of conflict, but so far the specifically military aspect has a relatively restricted scope (albeit far bigger than any Europe-adjacent conflict since WWII). 

But major players in the Western-dominated Global Establishment - both in politics and the mass media - are repeatedly using violent provocations supported by gross and systematic lies, in the attempt to escalate and spread the fighting war, and to trigger a nuclear exchange (which would almost certainly and rapidly escalate to full-on). 

By my understanding, this is a very real, continuing, and intermittently acute threat. Those in high places - and there seem to be many of them, perhaps especially in control positions of the mass media - who do everything possible to prepare an irreversible momentum towards global nuclear destruction; have not given-up their attempts, and these attempts grow bolder and shriller, the manipulative lies more reckless and blatant... 

Yet many people continue to believe them; and by believing supporting their agenda. 

So far as I can tell, most people believe official-media lies - either in whole, as an overall framework of understanding; or at least they believe each specific lie initially - only to be abandoned much later, and reluctantly. 

Even when blatant, and blatantly-evil, lies are propagated by the entirety of the Western politicians and media and then exposed as lies the next day; basic trust in the system is not demolished. 

The next set of coordinated evil lies will be believed over and again, month after month and year after year - regardless of how many and how big the previous known lies of the same people. 

What we are dealing with here is a root-ethic of loyalty and obedience; as implicitly the primary value of a person's life. 

When someone is ruled by loyalty; then he will always take his chosen side in any dispute, and will believe his side; until conclusively proven otherwise - and even then he will regard lies as specific rather than evidence of an evil disposition. 

The loyal individual will put the best possible slant on dishonesty; and will explain lies as being well-motivated; or, at least, for-the-best overall, ultimately. 

This seems to be a deep human disposition. 

We all take sides, and the choice of sides then shapes all further discourse

Thus the discernment of sides, and between sides, becomes crucial; and the evaluation of good and evil between sides will define which side we ourselves will take in the spiritual war of this world. 

For the mainstream, secular materialist left; this is easy. Such a person (whatever mainstream 'party' he sides with - because all the mainstream is on the same side in the spiritual war) will overall be on the side of the globalist establishment; and will therefore operate on an assumption of belief in their narrative of lies - whether that be with respect to the Fire Nation war, Climate Emergency/ Green-environmentalism, transagenda and other sexual issues, antiracism, mass immigration, the birdemic-peck - or whatever major Establishment strategy is being pushed. 

(Even when someone dissents from one or two of the major agenda items - so long as he agrees with even one of them, he is recruited a member of team-evil - expanding his participation from this wedge issue.)

Christians are in the same position. As of 2022; a Christian must take sides, and try to discern the side of Good. Even if he believes that he rejects the Globalist-Left agenda - he may still be ensnared by loyalty to his Church. 

In practice, for many Christians, their primary Christian identity entails loyalty to his chosen Church, and an ethic of obedience to that Church. 

And when his chosen Church is itself 'converged' (as evidenced by de facto institutional support of one or more of the Litmus Test policies), that Church is a part-of the global system of evil...

Then the 'Christian' will find himself on the side of evil. 

And this is why So Very Many "Christians" believe So Much of the narratives of lies. 

Since the overall ethic of loyalty/ obedience is dominant in our natures; this means that the institutionally-loyal Christian will be loyal and obedient to the side of evil

This explains how it is that so many Christians reflexly believe the systemic-lies of politicians, the mass media, and the major social institutions (law, science, medicine, police/military, education etc). And when they (typically reluctantly) discover and acknowledge lies; regard the lies as exceptions - or justified by Good Intentions...

In these End Times, and characteristic of them; Christian loyalty and obedience to Churches - to any Church - will lead Christians to self-chosen damnation. It's happening all around us, all the time. 

But if not, then what? 

If not churches, and if we accept that the primary ethic is one of taking sides; then to what should Christians be loyal and obedient? 

The answer to that lies in the individual Christian's power of discernment, and willingness to use that power; to discover the two sides in the spiritual war, and to discover who serves each of the sides - and only to be loyal to those Men and other Beings on the side of Good. 

If the Christian lives in The West; using such discernment, he will discover that all institutions are corrupted substantially and increasingly, and that he should not, therefore, be loyal to any institution; including not loyal to any Church. 

In practice; this means that the Western Christian's primary loyalty and obedience must reach beyond this world and mortal life. 

The answer to "then what?" is as simple as that - the difficult thing is to act upon it; and against centuries of contrary convictions that - until these End Times - served Christians pretty-well. 

But That was Then; This is Now.

Saturday 15 October 2022

2020-2022 - from plausible deniability to PSYOPS

Looking back across the gulf between now and 2020, we can see how carefully the birdemic scam was planned so that its fundamental dishonesty was plausibly deniable. 

Key definitions had been changed, fake science of the necessary kind had been seeded into the literature, the peck had been pre-manufactured etc.

This was an instance of how They intended running the world: as a closed system of superficially rational bureaucracy. All policies came with a manufactured veneer of plausibility.

In 2022 and the West-engineered invasion by the Fire Nation, such efforts at manufacturing consent among the administrative class were simply discarded.

Despite that war had been caculatedly provoked over many years, the economic and financial policies that were stated to be able to destroy the Fire Nation were invented and imposed off-the-cuff, by diktat and without mobilizing consent. 

These policies are so obviously SELF-destructive, that significant portions of The Establishment have broken away from the unity of policy that characterized 2020. Indeed, the FN war is itself a massive scaling back of System ambitions from the whole world to about half of it.

Thus 2022 has been a year of disintegration, destruction, and loss of control.

The public justification has gone from carefully crafted systems of plausible dishonesty; to unconsidered, wild, incoherent and childish lies. From rational propaganda to de facto PSYOPS.

For the credulous Western masses, this marks a shift from docile obedience to a chronic state of stunned bewilderment consequent upon psychological damage.

The PSYOPS is not planned, but a result of the arrogant indifference and laziness of the imposed ruling class, combined with a desire to immiserate, harm and kill.

The world of 2020 was en route to tyranny and slow-mo degradation; but the world of 2022 is falling apart, faster and faster; into selfish, cruel warring factions - and is situated on the cusp of collapse.

Tuesday 6 December 2022

The superficiality, triviality and short-term expediency of Western Elites

Yesterday I listened to a video in which political commenters Gonzalo Lira and Alexander Mercouris were discussing the Western Elites - i.e. the leadership class: and how they had declined, across about half a century, to the current very low level of superficiality and short-termism. 

GL and AM were not able to link this symptom to its spiritual roots - although they did sense that the phenomenon was due to the Western leaders (especially) actually being not true leaders but puppets of globalists, whose loyalty was to these globalists rather than to their nations. 

(i.e. Western 'leaders' are in truth merely middle managers; in a world-wide bureaucracy of which the masses are ignorant of the identities of the genuine leaders. Their middle manegrial role is, indeed, evident in the personalities and (ahem...) capabilities of Western national leaders.)

But GL and AM did a good job of describing those symptoms; and others, such a total incapacity even to understand other world views (instead projecting their own extremely cynical selfishness onto everyone else - such that genuine patriotism, religiousness, and long-termism are utterly invisible), their dishonesty, and their complete absence of any vision or purpose for their societies. 

The division of the world nations that has been triggered by the Fire Nation war has revealed that this collapse of leadership is a mostly Western phenomenon. 

AM described the stark difference in attitudes and priorities between the two sides of the recent international divide that is evident nowadays, whenever world leaders gather to meet and plan. 

He says that the disgust and disdain of the non-Western leaders for the trivial 'showbiz' antics of their Western equivalents is plain, and increasing. 

What GL and AM both miss, as I said, is that the problem goes much deeper than incompetence, lack of empathy and covertly misplaced loyalties; and deeper also than the corruption of the Western mass populations. 

The problem is that the Western elites serve powers that are, or are themselves, actively evil

They are not merely misguided, insensible and self-deceiving; leading unintentionally to bad outcomes -- instead the Western elites actually desire and seek bad outcomes. 

Many among the elite desire to make the whole world a totalitarian uni-state of omni-surveillance and micro-controlled behaviour and thinking. 

And increasing numbers of them are personally-motivated by sheerly destructive spite directed against their (ever expanding list of) enemies.  

Indeed, the elite 'morality' (such as it is) is an inversion of reality and truth - they want a world of lies, ugliness and sin; of mass suffering, fear, resentment and despair (i.e. they want this for others). 

Thus even astute and critical secular analysts such as GL and (especially) AM; are actually blind to the most important things in the world; in the sense that they sense the surface ripples, but are unable to identify the deep currents that cause them...

Because the currents that drive material change in the world - globally, nationally, locally, personally - are themselves spiritual in their origins and purposes.

Note added: I should make clear that, so far as I can tell, all of the nations of the world are on the same downward path towards the agenda of evil; but at different rates, and some nations are much further along that path than others. 

During this past calendar year, there has apparently been a small but significant and hopeful reversal of down-sliding in the Fire Nation. This is due to three decades, and continuing, of Orthodox Christian revival; bringing movement towards the earlier Byzantine polity of (aimed-at) harmony and integration between State and Church

If so; this process has a long way to go before a stable, top-down, Christianly-led social structure is achieved... If indeed such an atavistic restoration is possible - given the evolutionary development of Man's consciousness towards individuality of agency and personal responsibility for salvation and theosis. 

Such a reversal toward 'medieval' structures is not possible in The West, I am sure. We surely need to embrace Romantic Christianity and aim at Final Participation; if we are to avoid mass spiritual damnation. However, it may be that other peoples have a different destiny.  

Sunday 22 October 2023

From a united-leftist war to a leftist civil war (Ahrimanic to Sorathic)

First: every voice in the Western mainstream sociopolitical and institutional discourse is leftist - including those who call themselves (maybe believe themselves?) to be on the right (conservatives, republicans, nationalists, libertarians etc.). 

The 2022 war of the West versus the Fire Nation had the whole the the Western establishment united and on the same side: dissent was censored, the mass media were all presenting minor variations of the same message. 

It could be seen, at least superficially, as a war of the united globalist totalitarians against those who would dissent from their agenda

On the face of it, the anti-Fire nation war was therefore an Ahrimanic war; of the materialist-totalitarians, against the only bastion of Christian civilization. 

The new war of the past couple of weeks (in the desert lands of Arrakis between the original native Fremen and the recent colonists of CHOAM) is very different. 

(With the partial exception of the USA); we can see that the Western mass media are divided between the sides; within-nations, the Western populations are divided; there is no serious censorship - and both sides are being allowed to argue and present their cases (and disseminate their propaganda, including reporting of large rallies) within mainstream Western discourse.

So the new Arrakis war is in essence, and by design, a civil war, happening within the West; and between Western parties.   

Given that this war was was deliberately triggered (by agents operation on both 'sides') we can see that this is a further development of the trend for increasingly dominant Sorathic evil in the West - evident since the summer of 2020. 

Unlike with the FN war - here there is no good side; that is, no side fighting for Christian good - and the Arrakis war's nature is (very evidently) motivated by mutual resentment and spite, and mutual desire for annihilation...

The prospect if for no national winners, and destruction all-round. 

Pure Sorath.