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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query litmus test. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday 20 April 2024

Aiming for worldly success and popularity is maybe the worst Litmus Test failure

I have often written about the Litmus Test issues of our time; those thin-end-of-wedges, those slippery slopes, those tips of evil-icebergs.  

A Litmus Test is an issue that is linked to the agenda of evil; the strategy of Satan and the demons. The issue itself may seem to be minor, subjective, or in principle not worse than a partial truth or distortion of some-thing valid - but the fact is that the issue links to a whole vast and systematic program of corruption. 

Therefore to fail even a single Litmus Test, and to join with the program that is attached to it, to lend support in social discourse, to become a propagandist or an activist; just a single Litmus Test fail is by-itself sufficient to corrupt a Christian to take the opposite side in the spiritual war. 

This can be confirmed by observation. For instance, all of the major Christian churches in The West have failed one or more Litmus Tests - and, although they may stand firm on other Test issues, this is never sufficient to prevent these churches becoming assimilated to The System and its evil-controllers. 

Partial Good is no defence against taking the wrong side, and becoming net-evil. 

Many of these Litmus Tests can be understood as linked to various types of worldly success, and (particularly among women) to social popularity. So, perhaps it is the striving for worldly success that is the underlying and master corruption. 

This is why the most extreme corruption of value-inversion is worst among the professional and leadership classes. Those who are most wealthy, educated, high status and influential. 

As of 2024 in The West, nobody can attain and remain in a high socio-economic position without publicly professing evil. 

Now, this does not - of course - mean that such people are inevitably damned; because repentance has (in principle) infinite power.  

We are all sinners, without exception - that is we cannot cease from sinning; but Jesus came to save sinners. 

But repentance is necessary. 

And repentance means knowing that sin is indeed sin; knowing and acknowledging to oneself and God that one is indeed sinning by failing that over-arching Litmus Test - by striving for worldly success.

So far as one can infer, this repentance seems rare - very rare; indeed there is not the slightest sign of repentance in most worldly self-styled Christians. 

No sign - even - that worldly success, even personal popularity, is nowadays something that requires repentance. 


Note added: An important first step is to cease being proud-of, and boasting-about (even indirectly, even humble-bragging), our own worldly success, and that of others. 

Or, at least, repenting when we do so!

Monday 23 January 2023

Tame radicals (more on "controlled opposition")

I am struck again and again by the fact that people who are famous, or notorious, for their extreme, wild, no-hold-barred radicalism; invariably take the Establishment line when it comes to the Litmus Test issues

This is the phenomenon sometimes called controlled opposition; although that term in misleading, since these radicals are not externally-'controlled' so much as self-controlled (both by personal disposition and by incentives). 

Yesterday I was reading about a typical phenomenon of this sort called 'chaos magic' - which was/is a self-styled radical, extreme, no-holds-barred (i.e. encouraging drugs and sex) group of magic practitioners; who were almost unknown to the mainstream public*, but who hold a kind of fascination and glamour for mainstream writers and commenters on the occult. 

(*The well-known comic book author Grant Morrison is perhaps the most famous chaos magician.)  

I discovered a blog maintained by one of the leaders and founders of these chaos magicians and - sure enough - this wild radical had made sure to include Establishment-approved, mass-media-harmonious, utterly-mainstream, virtue-signaling stuff about the current major Litmus Test: the Fire Nation war...

In other words; there is an implicit deal between the radicals and the Establishment

Radicals are allowed to be wild and extreme about anything... that does not matter for the Establishment. 

(Especially those things of which the Establishment covertly approves - e.g. any non-procreative sex/uality that tends to destroy real marriage and the family.)

And if radicals stick to this kind of radicalism, their transgressive (and often illegal) behaviours are tolerated; and individuals may also reap the rewards of that kind of fame called 'notoriety'. For instance, notoriety may lead to greater sexual opportunities. 

But radicals must support those strategic issues that really matter to the Establishment.

And radicals - just like everyone else - must track any changes in these core policies, and hold fast to the Establishment's current line; even though this will be incoherent, self-contradictory, and in opposition to the radicals own espoused principles. 

That is the implicit deal. 

The Establishment say, in effect: Do whatever you like and we will leave you alone; except for the Litmus Test issues - about which you must follow the guidance of mainstream media and totalitarian officialdom

Why do radicals go along with this? After all, if they really were radical and anti-Establishment - as they affect and often believe-themselves to be - they would rebel against the need to take the approved, conventional, mass mainstream views on exactly the most dominant and important issues of the time. 

They would surely insist on dissenting from exactly "whatever 'everybody' (all 'decent' people) is being compelled to believe (- or else!)". 

And when the current narrative is solidly, monolithically, espoused by all government ministers (even when led by a 'Conservative' government), when it is espoused by all senior spokesmen for industry and finance, by all major bureaucrats and officials (and even by school teachers!). When the narrative is espoused by the entirety of the mainstream mass media... And when this standard-approved-narrative is actively enforced by explicit censorship... 

Well, it would seem as obvious as anything ever could be, that any radical worth-his-salt would automatically oppose any such Conventional Collusion.  

But in practice; they do Not oppose, but instead support. And indeed there is seldom evidence even of any desire to dissent from the terms of what they must do in terms of 'the deal'. 

This is because radicalism is very seldom sincere or deeply motivated; but most often a pose (an excuse/ rationalization/ disguise) adopted as a means to some other end - often of a sexual nature

Therefore - to return to the 'chaos magic' people, or their spiritual mentor Aleister Crowley - we encounter the claim to be using sex and drugs as a means to the end of more powerful magic; whereas it seems clear (from revealed preferences) that the truth is the opposite: such magical rituals were/are a means to the end of sex and drugs. 

Such false consciousness permeates the entirety of radicalism - and indeed nearly-all of mainstream intellectual discourse; which is why the nature and focus of radicalism moves like a weather-vane in response to changes in Establishment strategy, when it comes to the core (Litmus Test) issues. 

We see this by the Establishment onslaught unleashed on once-approved radicals whenever they publicly dissent from any of the Litmus Test issues of the day. 

Such individuals may be 99% Establishment-approved in their views - but when one-percent contradicts a Litmus Test question (e.g. the transagenda, antiracism, CO2 global warming, Fire Nation war etc) , then the individual may have have his income and reputation rapidly destroyed. 

Such disgraced radicals are very seldom on the side of Good. Usually they are 99% evil-aligned; but they cannot be allowed to oppose Establishment core values and still retain their status and influence. 

They have made a deal with the devil; and have reneged on their side of the agreement. Obvously they must be socially-annihilated pour encourager les autres. 

Luckily for the Tame Radicals; they seldom care enough about their radicalism enough to get into hot water by transgressing on these restricted areas. They self-police quite spontaneously, often unconsciously; because in their hearts 'extreme' radicals serve the same master as does the Establishment.   

Friday 22 September 2023

The Litmus Tests revisited - or, what do we need to know about some-one/ some-institution?

The Litmus Tests* may seem crude and formulaic as a way of discernment applied to a person or institutions; but in reality they are almost the opposite. 

The Litmus Tests include the birdemic-peck 'healthism' agenda; support of the opponents of the Fire Nation in the ongoing war; antiracism; pro-sexual revolution; CO2 Climate-change/ warming; and any other form of leftism such as socialism, environmentalism, equality, diversity, libertarianism etc. 

The Litmus Tests refer not so much to specific beliefs, but to the core agenda items of the global totalitarian System, which - properly understood, from a Christian perspective - is evil in its intent -- i.e. the dominant System ultimately seeks the damnation of souls; which requires that (in the end) each soul desires and chooses to be damned. 

Therefore, to fail a Litmus Test means to be subordinated - in at least one major aspect, although typically many or most of the tests are failed - to the external ideology of evil

When somebody, or some institution, supports one of the Litmus test agenda items; this is evidence of value-inversion; which is evidence that they are self-subordinated to the dominant external agenda. 

In a sense, from the perspective of making an overall evaluation of somebody's (or some organization's) affiliation in the spiritual war of this world; this affiliation tells us all we need to know: Are they on the side of God/ divine creation/ The Good -- or are they opposed? 

Anyone who accepts, defends, follows, actively advances any of the Litmus Tests - has placed his motivations, thinking and actions under external control from those powers who oppose The Good.

This matter of external control is very significant. 

Because the world (here, now) is so pervasively and top-down corrupted by evil; all powerful external influences are evil. 

Therefore; to be externally-motivated - including by any large or mainstream church, of any denomination) is to be a part of the agenda of evil.  

(This is evil. Evil is Not about niceness or good works or devoutness... Evil is about taking the side of Satan against God. Simple as that. One on-the-side-of Good is Good; no matter what his personal sins - because anyone on the side of Good will/ must have repented his sins; will know, acknowledge, and reject his sins. That is what it means to "be Good".)

Such is the nature of Litmus Tests: they function as an index of whether some person or group has chosen subordination to fundamental, ultimate, external control

As of here-and-now; only one who seriously seeks to detach himself from external control can be on the side of God, divine creation and The Good. 

Such a detached person may Not be on the Good side - because he might choose evil from his own inner motivations; but only a detached person can affiliate to Good. 

In our totalitarian and media-saturated world; only inner evaluation and motivation can be a source of commitment to the motivation of Goodness. 

We are Good as individuals - from our inner choices - or not-at-all. 

Affiliation to any external authority is to subscribe to one, more, or many of the negative, incoherent, and oppositional Litmus Tests; and this represents a decisive affiliation to the work of Satan. 

Note added: It should not really be necessary to say so; but maybe it needs saying anyway: that the state of someone's soul now - e.g. affiliation to the Satanic agenda, as evidenced by Litmus Test failure - does not mean that they will choose damnation at the last. Indeed; I think it almost certain that an individual person is only sustained alive for as long as he is judged capable of repentance; which means that where there is life there is hope. However; the same does not necessarily apply to institutions/ groups/ corporations - including churches. Whereas there are many (including recent) examples of individual persons (and, presumably, other Beings) who seem very likely to have repented and chosen salvation despite previous servitude to evil - and done so very late, very near to death; there seem to be none among recent institutions. This may be because the kind of corruption that afflicts most modern institutions is one that excludes the ultimacy of the kind of "presiding spiritual Being" that used-to stand-behind traditional institutions (variously conceptualized as patron saints, angels, and the like). I would guess that so long as there is a presiding spiritual Being, then repentance is possible. But when there has been a hollowing-out, bureaucritization, self-subordination of an institution to external influences, then there can be no basis for repentance. 

Saturday 17 August 2013

IQ research, the sexual revolution and traditionalist Christians - another litmus test


There is a link, a strong link, between the post-1965 demonization of IQ research and the sexual revolution - and therefore with traditionalist Christianity (that is, Christianity which sees itself in continuity with the Christianity of the past 2000 years).

First there is timing - intelligence research, and specifically the ideas of group differences in intelligence and hereditary intelligence, is merely a quantification of universal common sense among humans.

Yet this universal common sense was denied and then inverted from the mid-sixties, exactly in parallel with the sexual revolution.


Everybody had always known that - for example - men and women have significantly different abilities and natures, and that these differences are intrinsic (inborn).

Everybody had always known  that children - on the whole, on average - resemble-their parents in terms of abilities and personality - as well as appearance.

Research into intelligence and personality differences simply tries to put numbers to this stuff which everybody already knows and always has known

- yet in putting numbers to it, and making this knowledge thereby suitable for public discourse - there is inevitably a selectivity and distortion, as there is with all science.


There is a trade off, always, to getting greater precision - it comes at a cost.

The cost can be and should be discussed - the distortions and incompleteness need to be kept in awareness.

But the underlying reality remains.


What about the sexual revolution?

Well, just at the time when IQ research was being demonized, punished, vilified - so was traditional sexual morality.

This, again, was a matter of taking what everybody had always known and problematizing it.

In the first place,traditional sexual wisdom was not 100 percent correct - this was taken to mean that it was complete nonsense.

Secondly, it could be shown (sometimes honestly, often dishonestly) that different sexual traditions existed in different times and places.

But, instead of looking of common underlying features behind superficial differences, difference was instead taken to mean that sexual morality was purely arbitrary, and could be reinvented at will. 


A whole style of evaluation thus developed - which now rules the public domain.

This involves pseudo-scientific micro-methodological critique of whatever disagrees with the prevailing anti-traditionalist, New Left, politically correct consensus.

100 percent perfection or outright rejection is the evaluation rule for opposed ideologies - meanwhile the prevailing ideology is judged by its expressed aspirations and intentions, and gross incoherence thereby excused.

Since the mid-60s discourse on sexual morality involves highlighting the individual exceptions, creating thought experiments which showed that abandoning traditional ideas/ knowledge would not necessarily lead to disaster, at least not to instant disaster - it was possible to imagine, at any rate, situations in which a complete sexual free-for-all and abolition of all previous distinctions was a part of a kind of euphoric bliss...


That was what much of late 60s popular culture was about - imagining this state of sexually free bliss; and thereby rejecting all of human history, knowledge, wisdom up to that point.

And the evaluation style which made this possible is precisely the evaluation style which made possible the suppression/ rejection of all traditional human knowledge relating to ability (IQ) and human nature (personality) - to the point of denying that there was any such knowledge at all, and that the whole domain of hereditary differences was one created and sustained wholly by evil motivations (thus providing yet another reason for rejecting traditional wisdom - closing the loop, sealing the fly bottle).


This is why an acknowledgement of hereditary differences in abilities and personality has become a litmus test not just of political seriousness and honesty, but a litmus test of traditional religion.

What I mean is that traditional Christian denominations and there adherents will, sooner or later, be confronted with decisions which either affirm the reality of traditional knowledge concerning hereditary human differences - or else, in rejecting this traditional knowledge, they will find that they have also rejected the evaluation mechanisms which enable them to reject the sexual revolution - at which point they will inexorably move towards 'liberalism'/ secularization.

Alternatively, if traditional denominations adhere to the evaluation methods by which the sexual revolution may be rejected, they will sooner or later find that these same evaluations will lead them to accept the reality of significant hereditary differences in ability and character (including between sexes and any relatively genetically separated human groups) - and this will bring them into head-on conflict with prevailing public morality.


This ought not to be a surprise nor a challenge for Christians who see themselves as adherents of traditional standards; but in fact it often is a very big challenge - since this aspect of dishonest New Leftism has seeped almost everywhere and assumed the appearance of scientific skepticism and informed common sense.

But that is precisely why it is a litmus test - sooner or later traditional Christians will have to choose between the traditional understanding of human differences which also enables and underpins traditional sexual morality; and the New Left relativism and cultural constructivism about personality and intelligence which will swiftly lead to embrace of the sexual revolution.


Thursday 18 November 2021

The un-naturalness of belief in the Litmus Test issues signifies allegiance with the side who are against divine creation

I have often mentioned the 2020-21 Litmus Tests - belief in/ support for any one of which, by a person or institution - is strong evidence of affiliation with those who oppose, God, The Good and Divine Creation in this global spiritual war. 

The four tests are probably the core aspects of the Leftist agenda as it has become here-and-now; which recognizes Leftism as having been the major and most successful demonic strategy against Christianity:


CO2 climate 


Sexual revolution (especially 'trans', also 'homo') 

It is striking that all of these are characterized by unnaturalness - that none of them are a consequence of normal human commonsense operating on personal experience. 

Belief in the major health significance of the birdemic is not a result of individual persons observing the perceptible world. It is an outcome of official and media selection, distortion and lies - amplified by the multiple and severe real problems that have secondarily been caused by the 'response' to the constructed birdemic. In sum the birdemic is a System construct made from 'information' - it is not an entity which could or would have been noticed by any individual person.  

Likewise the CO2 climate agenda. It makes a shallow pretense of environmentalism; yet 'climate' has displaced concern for the environment - and causes obvious and significant environmental damage. This is because environmental degradation can be observed by any individual - but CO2 concentrations cannot. The link between (for instance) a waste pipe spewing rancid toxins and dead fish floating downstream is commonsense and observable. But 'global' discourse concerning CO2 measurements and claims about how these will affect future world conditions are hypothetical in the most extreme way imaginable: layers upon layers of selection, modelling, inference... 

Antiracism and the sexual revolution are example of inversion of the natural, spontaneous and humanly universal. The reality of male and female sex, and the superiority of reproductively viable sexual behaviour were naturally taken for granted in all times and places until very recently and in just a few places. All known past societies have naturally (obviously!) regarded their own race and 'nation' as deserving of consideration above others. To think otherwise (as is now praised, rewarded and mandatory) is a stunning inversion of the natural - and could only become normalized in the context of a system that was itself intentionally anti-natural. 

In sum, the Litmus Test issues - which form the current core of the mainstream, universal, global strategy for the totalitarian Establishment - are unnatural such that none could plausibly be a consequence of common sense reasoning applied to personal experience and observation. 

In other words; belief in any (or all) of the Litmus Test issues cannot arise spontaneously but only be a consequence of choice...

And that choice has been to accept the 'good-ness', truth, validity of the Leftist ideological system - which is the only source of those 'facts' and 'concepts which lead to belief in the Litmus Tests - and thereby the choice was made to ally oneself with the aims and plans of that ideological system. 

This explains why the Litmus Tests work so well as a way of detecting allegiance in the spiritual war: God or Satan. 

Many people are self-deceived concerning which side they serve (i.e. wrongly believing themselves to be on God's side); and many more are attempting to deceive others (e.g. 'liberal Christian' bishops) - but exactly because the Litmus Tests are unnatural, the tests discriminate between the sides, whatever claims may be. 

That which is unnatural is not supported by reality; and that which cannot be discovered from personal experience and common sense must be generated by external systems. 

Validity then depends on the validity of the system from which the unnatural is derived. When that system does not see truth, beauty and virtue but inverts these - when it instead depends on lies and propaganda, is ugly and destructive of beauty and overthrows all natural, spontaneous and traditional virtue - then we are confronted by the dishonest and evil-seeking ideology of Leftism.

Those who live in accordance with a dishonest ideology Just Are against Divine Creation - they are participating in the destruction of creation and its replacement with a fake anti-creation; just as they are supporting Satan against God, and Antichrist against Christ. 

It is all a package; and that someone self-identifies as 'A Christian' or is the devout member of 'A Christian Church' makes no real difference. 

The Litmus Tests are a more accurate guide to spiritual reality than names, because these issues are what are of prime importance to the Establishment, Now

To be A Christian in every belief except those issues which most matter to Satan and which best serve the Satanic agenda, is not to be a Christian. 

Monday 21 March 2022

The Fire Nation Litmus Test: Negativism and the Mass Media revisited

From the Introduction to Avatar: The Last Airbender: "Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked."

A decade ago I suggested that negativism was the proper attitude towards the Mass Media when it came to the major 'stories' - and this just becomes truer and truer, by the month. 

The idea of negativism is that it is not sufficient to 'disbelieve' the Mass Media - because nature abhors a vacuum, and one must believe something.

The idea of negativism is based upon the following:

The major output of the modern international Mass Media is always value-inverted by intent; and consists of only four categories:

1. Good presented as bad 

2. Bad presented as Good 

(That is to say simple inversion

3. Good presented as Good for a bad reason 

4. Bad presented as bad for a bad reason 

(That is to say explanatory inversion)

Therefore, while the entire Western global and public world is God-excluding and therefore evil; we can be sure that anything actively promoted by the Mass Media will be a greater-evil; and anything opposed that is systematically ignored, demonized or suppressed will be a lesser-evil. 

This becomes more obvious as the Mass Media becomes more unified, and as it excludes dissenting views more effectively and aggressively. 

From two years ago; there was an international totalitarian coup by means of which the global Mass Media achieved an unprecedented uniformity and censorship with respect to the fake-emergency of the birdemic - this time propagandizing the inversion of a monomaniacal view of healthism. 

(Totalitarianism - capture and coordination of all major social systems - was necessary to give the media extra dimensions of physical enforcement; such as the many types of deplatforming, defunding, exclusion from services; as well as legal and police compulsion and sactions based on catch-all/ selectively-enforced concepts such as 'hate crime', 'workplace hostility', 'terrorism' and other deliberately-vague 'isms'/ 'hates'/ 'phobias'.)

This uniformity and aggression has since been ramped-up by stages to include all the core Global Establishment policies and strategies while ignoring the fact of the international totalitarian coup and systematic destruction of the world economy and civilization.

We had extra waves of control implemented successfully for the 'MLB' antiracism scam, then the birdemic-peck fake, and continual ramping-up of narrative-control with respect to climate and the transagenda (and the decade's long sexual revolution which it currently spearheads).      


We can see the results from a few weeks ago after everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.  

There has never been anything to approach the degree of uniformity and extremity of propaganda that was mobilized by the global totalitarian system immediately after the Fire Nation attacked. 

The Mass Media now completely eclipses what happened with the birdemic - if you can cast you mind back across those two long years. At the time the international coordination of Media was obvious and unprecedented; but it was measured, gradual and diverse compared with what happened when the Fire Nation attacked on 24/2. 

With our experience of wave after wave of propaganda for evil over the past two years; one might have supposed that this astonishing rapidity, uniformity and extremity of the Mass Media response to the Fire Nation would have made it very obvious which was the greater, and which the lesser, evil.

And maybe that is exactly what it did...

Maybe this new Fire Nation Litmus Test is just that; I mean, not of-itself a cause of transferring Men's allegiance from God to the demonic; but instead simply a 'test' or indicator that reveals the truth about each Man

Because anyone who knows that the world is ruled by evil Men in league with Satan (and if they don't recognize this fact by-now, then no proof will ever be sufficient) - who then sees in the Mass Media all of these evil Men (without exception) advocating a particular narrative - then knows that that view, that agenda must itself be evil by motivation. And more evil than the views which they oppose, suppress, demonize and punish (in a characteristically demonic frenzy - without limit or restraint). 

Therefore we should not strive for neutrality - which is, anyway, impossible; but may quickly and simply make a choice to reject the greater evil. And indifference may also be impossible; in face of a expansile totalitarian (thus pan-social-system) campaign to make this Litmus Test issue unavoidable in public discourse and life.  

But we should not, in our hearts, lose our grip upon what is, in fact, a facile discrimination.   

That does Not mean that we ought to support the lesser evil; because that too is a demonic snare. Yet it does mean being clear about the greater and lesser evils; which is part of avoiding getting sucked-into value-inversion - which is a primary tool of Christian subversion and mass damnation. 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Why is it in practice impossible to have sensible policies about immigration? (Because, from where we are, 'good' reforms must necessarily be preceded by repentance and religious revival)


I have noticed that on the secular Right/ Reactosphere/ Alt Right/ Manosphere blogs, immigration policy is used as the major Litmus test, to evaluate whether or not a person or party is support-worthy.

(Whereas on the religious right the Litmus tests are related to the sexual revolution.)

Now it is trivially easy, mere common sense, to know for sure that mass immigration (e.g. of the order of one percent growth/ change per year) is lethal to any social order in the medium to long term; so it seems only sensible that massive population migrations must be prevented and the process must be controlled.

This is non-optional for any society - yet it keeps on and on not happening.



Because from where we are now in the situation we are; common sense policy is precisely what is impossible.

Open-ended mass migration is a problem because the Left has been in charge for many decades (and whatever the name of the party, the Left has won - all mainstream 'right wing' parties are in practice Leftist).

And minimally-restricted (in practice unregulated, mostly unrecorded) mass migration is a major plank of Leftism: such that positivity to long term and open-ended mass 'immigration' is a Litmus test for what they call 'racism' - which is widely taught to be the ultimate sin.


So THIS WORLD we live in is one where sensible immigration reform IS racism, and racism IS the worst of all possible evils.

And believers will RESIST ultimate evil (i.e. racism) to the maximum extent of their strength and will. 

And THIS is our starting place for any future change. 


Thus, from where are are now, 'sensible' changes to immigration policy are impossible.

Impossible, that is, in practice: if sensible reform to immigration policy was possible, it would have happened, long ago.

The fact that sensible reform did not happen, and there is zero sign of it happening, and instead matters are getting worse, is just that - a fact; and what that fact means is that making sensible immigration reform policy into a Litmus test is not as straightforward as it seems.

Not at all.


When the resistance against sensible reform of an obviously-suicidal policy is so strong - that is, resistance is strong enough to overcome simple logic and obvious common sense - this means that common sense reforms become desirable only on the other side of mass repentance and a religious revival.

Because (however sensible or desirable) if immigration restriction became the major priority of a political movement, if it became the 'single issue' for a party which hoped to attain political power sufficient to overturn a half-century of Leftism, such a party would need to overcome massive, powerful, unyielding, entrenched resistance from The Left - which is the party in power, and controls all the major social institutions (especially the mass media - indeed the Left is the mass media).

So, in practice, sensible reform would need to be massively-motivated - viscerally-motivated, (dare I say it) fanatically-motivated, in order to overcome the entrenched resistance of Leftism.

And this level of motivation could (probably) only happen by unleashing, encouraging and organizing the emotion of hatred.

Organized-hatred met by entrenched resistance equals serious civil strife, probably civil war; which is usually the worst kind of war; and once started this kind of thing can be very difficult/ impossible to stop.


This is why immigration is such a desperately fraught question.

And one which it is impossible to solve by secular politics without a high risk of making matters much worse - because in the modern world as it is now secular politics can only generate power by mobilizing wicked motivations such as hatred. 

In sum, the Left have created an impossible and suicidal immigration policy, yet this suicidal policy is so deeply embedded and so recklessly defended, that to stop it and and turn around could/ would produce horrific overall effects. The specific problem or issue of mass migration might be solved, but only at terrible cost.


At root, suicidal mass immigration is a product (just one of many products) of the psychotic and self-destructive mind set of secularism, a disease that can only be cured by religion. 

If the (apparently sensible) treatment is introduced without prior religious cure, then this would necessarily and merely be swapping one kind of psychotic self-destruction for another. It would be like 'curing' society's brain cancer by cutting-off its head.

The real 'answer', the good answer, the only answer we would want is that the first step must be religious revival (i.e. a real-Christian Great Awakening).

Only after the insanity of secularism has been recognized and repented, and the necessity of religion embraced, can 'normal service be resumed' - with sane, common sense, non-suicidal, sensible policies.


There is no short cut to victory against hedonic-suicidal secular Leftism.

The enemy is too strong for short cuts; but the desire for a short cut is a snare, and could easily make things much worse.

We must go the longer way round - via repentance.


Thursday 18 January 2018

What is the Big Issue, the Litmus Test? Mass Immigration versus the Sexual Revolution - Secular-Alt-Right versus Christian Revivalists

It strikes me that there is a distinct division between the secular and religious anti-Leftists (groups who often get bracketed-together due to their sharing an enemy).

The secular 'Right'* (including most of the Alt-Right) regard mass immigration to The West as the most important current issue; that issue which needs to be addressed first and with the greatest urgency.

In contrast, Christian anti-Leftists (such as myself) regard the sexual revolution as the most important current issue.

(Although I also argue that this is an issue that cannot be effectively addressed until after there has-been a Christian revival - thus a religious awakening is the issue that needs to be addressed first and with the greatest urgency.)

So the seculars and Christians are applying a different Litmus Test.

The secular Right often judge Christians to be soft on immigration, hence covertly Leftist; while the Christians regard the secular Right as wobbly on the sexual revolution - often advocating extra-marital promiscuity - and therefore as in-essence Leftist.

Since there can only be a single priority; Immigration versus the Sexual revolution makes a useful Litmus Test to evaluate the true status of an anti-Leftist.

*I use scare quotes around the word Right, because I regard the secular Right as being in fact a variant of The Left - since their ultimate judgment is in terms of hedonic satisfactions. Both are materialists/ positivists; and the only significant difference between the Secular 'Right' and the mainstream Left is a disagreement concerning the best or most effective ways to maximise happiness or minimise suffering during mortal human life. Whereas the Religious have a different ultimate evaluative reference that goes beyond the gratifications of mortal human life: i.e. for Christians the salvation of the soul and its progress towards greater divinity.

Monday 17 July 2023

If this world is ruled by evil Men, affiliated with Satan - what does this tell us about God? (Concerning negative versus positive Christians)

It is important for people to realize, to acknowledge, that the global leadership class of 2023 - especially those of The West - are affiliated to evil; i.e. are allied with Satan and against God and divine creation

But making this acknowledgement is not sufficient to be Christian, because the Christian God is Good - and Good by (the best and highest) human standards  of Good - as exemplified and taught by Jesus Christ. 

In other words; to be Christian, we must also correctly understand how it is that God, the creator, who is wholly-Good - makes things, such that this world is ruled by evil Men who serve the agenda of Satan. 

In other words; we need to understand enough about the nature and motivations of God to make sense of the current fact of things-now being substantially under evil leadership. 

And there are (from a Christian perspective) right and wrong ways of understanding this.

As so often nowadays; this line of reflection almost immediately gets-down to fundamental assumptions concerning the nature of reality - especially the nature of God (in other words - to metaphysics). 

And as so often nowadays; such reflections operate as a stress test on some of the historical incoherences of Christianity - in this instance, the dogma that the Christian God is an Omni-God (omnipotent, omniscient, and creating everything from nothing).

When the Omni-God concept is made primary - then there is no real Good or evil; because everything is of-God. 

Our human ideas of Good and evil are then merely the delusions of Beings who have been made depraved and weak, and forced (for incomprehensible reasons) to dwell in the realm of an evil dictator - with the only goal the negative one of acknowledging our own depravity and that evil of our situation. 

Somehow; this acknowledgement of evil is supposed to be the only path to our personal salvation. And yet this (we must believe) was the only and best way that we (who are supposed to be completely made by God, in complete accordance with God's designs, and having experiences completely dictated by God or God's servants) can escape eternal torment.    

I have noticed that some of the Christians who pass the Litmus Tests of our time - and who therefore appear to be 'good Christians' - are doing so negatively rather than positively. In other words - such Christians recognize the evil of the Litmus Test issues - but only because they regard this whole world as essentially evil

Such negative Christians regard Men as essentially depraved creatures who inhabit a world that God has given to the rulership of Satan; and which Satan - who is a sadistic, lying tyrant - operates as a prison of torment.   

In other words; such negative Christians regard God as Good (in some ultimate and abstract sense) but one whose Goodness is morally-incomprehensible - because God (as an Omni-God, qualitatively utterly distinct from men) operates by values that are beyond human comprehension and empathy. 

Because if a Man were to treat his children in this way, he would be regarded as a moral monster! 

An analogy might be parents who deliberately choose to send their son to a boarding school whose headmaster is a sadistic tyrant, and who employs sadistic tyrants as teachers; and these teachers ensure that the most sadistic and tyrannical of the boys are praised and rewarded, and encouraged to torment the children at the school and expunge anything in them that is Good or joyful. 

Even more extremely; since these parents are 'omnipotent and omniscient' - we must assume that they might not have sent their son to boarding school at all, but chose to. And they might instead have picked a better Headmaster who had some Good motivations and employed a better staff and encouraged Goodness in the boys... 

But no! These parents chose to force their kid to inhabit torture-school...

And further - these parents must be regarded as having made their son such that he was by nature depraved, that he was corruptible by evil; he is set-up (by his creation-from-nothing) such that he cannot resist corruption.  

Such choices are de facto imputed to the Omni-God - and belief in Omni-God is then made mandatory for Christians... 

Negative Christians are driven to such extremes by their dogmatic adherence to the Omni-God. 

In the past, it was possible, indeed not unusual, for Christians who believed in an Omni-God to operate in a way that was inconsistent with their belief - and which instead focused on the nature, example and teachings of Jesus. 

But nowadays, because of the stresses of these times - the contradictions of mainstream, orthodox Christian theology have been brought to the surface, and confronted by a more evil world than ever before - a world in which the organized institutional 'Christian' churches have (almost-) all chosen to obey the totalitarian agenda of evil, and who actively-support many or most of the globalist-leftist Litmus Test issues. 

Yet to regard this world and Men as essentially evil is to reject that which is specifically Christian, and to adopt a Judaic/ Old Testament/ Islamic - or even quasi-Gnostic - view of God; as incomprehensible or even apparently evil by even the best human standards. 

(The Gnostics believed, in essence, that this world - and all 'matter' - was created and operated by 'the devil'; and was therefore wholly negative, operating only as a test to elicit a spiritual and other worldly desire. For the Gnostics, we Men could not learn anything positive from our experience in this world - we could only learn the negative lesson of its evil, and experience the desire to escape from matter into pure spirit. Meanwhile - for Gnostics - knowledge of God could only be negative ('negative theology') - we could say what God was not; but could state nothing positive and substantive about God. In other words; this is a double-negative theology - in which 'Good' is only the negation of evil. While there are no modern day Gnostics - it can be seen that this negative metaphysical attitude has been, and still is, a feature of many religions and spiritualities. This is also revealed by the commonly-expressed double-negative conception of salvation; which is so often described as as an escape from default-torment - e.g. "Jesus came to save Men from Hell".) 

It seems obvious to me that Christians - i.e. those who follow Jesus Christ - cannot (and should not) follow this path of regarding this world as created by God as a prison ruled by a tormenter; and of God's nature as utterly unlike even the best aspects of the best of of Men.

The test of these times involves both accepting that this world is indeed ruled by evil men who serve Satan; and also understanding that God is Good - and Good by the best standards of the best of Men in this actual world. 

This means that (in 2023) Christians are being compelled explicitly to reject the old error of the Omni-God in Christianity - failure to do so is pushing Christians towards a kind of double-negative pseudo-Christianity, in which God and the ultimates have more in common with the world-view of Judaism, Islam, or even the Gnostic...

In other words; we are called-upon explicitly to reject a type of 'Christianity' that demands (above all else) complete obedience to the incomprehensible and (to us ultimately depraved humans) apparently-immoral demands of all-powerful and abstractly inhuman deity.

Such a Christianity has no essential role for Jesus Christ as such - its theology and demands are wholly-derivable from God as-was before the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ: Jesus has been wholly-absorbed-into the Omni-God (as must all of creation be absorbed into an Omni-God). 

Such a pseudo-Christianity is an Old Testament religion (plus/ minus various Greek and Roman philosophical assumptions) - and such remains the case no matter what lip-service is paid to the importance of Jesus.  

In one version; Jesus has been absorbed into an already-existing Old Testament project, without any qualitative break or inflexion; in another version Jesus is just treated as-if he was simply God the Creator.  

To be a positive Christian in 2023 therefore entails more than just rejecting the temptations of the Litmus Tests on the basis that the world world is evil and God made it this way. 

We cannot negative our way out of trouble! 

Good comes from Good, not from a vast piling of evil upon evil. When Christians find themselves talking as if Good could come from evils, they ought to regard this as a reductio ad absurdum - and examine their assumptions that led to this non-sense! 

Christians need to be led by Jesus Christ, not by a pre-Christian conception of an Omni-God. 

A Christian in 2023 needs to detect and reject evil - yes!

But only as a means to the end of pursuing positive Good. 


Note added: The reader may notice that I emphasized 2023 throughout. Negative Christianity often worked well in practice in earlier eras - and this is also useful to understand. Firstly, Men had a different and more group-ish (immersive, passive, un-conscious) form of consciousness in the pre-modern era; and this resulted in society-wide forms of religion. The positive aspects of even the most negative theologies were therefore sometimes ameliorated by positive social practices - particularly those handed-down by tradition. One example would be that of Eastern Orthodox Christianity as found in the Byzantine Empire, or Holy Russia. As well as an ascetic and meditative monasticism rooted in negative theology; there were all kinds of ritual and symbolic practices that were part of everyday life and provided a counterbalancing of warmth, aesthetic satisfaction, colour, energy - often the veneration of Mary, the Mother of God was a particular route for this. Something analogous can be seen in some Medieval Roman Catholic societies of Western Europe. But things have changed - modern Men's consciousness is more autonomous and individualistic and consciously aware of things once taken-for-granted so that we must choose much that was previously spontaneous; automatically absorbed from society. Now (2023) there are no Christian societies that provide that kind of communal and primarily-motivating religious life. Each Christian is, in an existential sense, "on his own". Therefore the long-standing flaws of mainstream Christian theology have been unmasked. Thus life in 2023 is always and everywhere a testing-time for Christians; in ways that 1223, 1523, or even 1823 - were not (or not always).  

Tuesday 16 May 2023

When politicians and other leaders do evil Deliberately - How come people cannot even Comprehend it?

This is very evident, on a daily basis: we have reached a point when deliberate evil destruction can work almost unimpeded, because most people have lost the ability to comprehend it. 

When there is no conceptual place for destructive evil; then - obviously! - such evil can't be recognized. 

This goes beyond a failure to recognize 'evil' in a general sense. 

Those who analyze - and try to explain and predict - politics, nearly always do so on the basis of self-interest; which is what they understand evil to be. 

They are keen to point the finger at politicians, parties, pressure groups, organizations who do evil in order to get power, make money, gain status, or indulge their personal desires for sex, drugs, or whatever.

This understanding of evil is one that sees it as pursuing private gain, rather than public good; and sometimes as immediate gain rather than long term benefit. Implicitly, by this view; leaders ought to be altruistic; and pursue long-term public good as their priority (even when, as usual, they can do better for themselves by doing otherwise).

But I am talking about the inability even to understand that there is an extreme kind of evil that is primarily destructive rather than self-seeking.

This I have called Sorathic evil (adapting the term from Rudolf Steiner). The point of Sorathic evil being that a spiteful desire to immiserate, harm, and destroy; is stronger than the selfish, self-interested urge.

Harm will be done by a Sorathic Being, even when the self-interested consequence is sub-optimal. Indeed, an individual Sorathic-dominated Being will harm himself, if this is expected to result in sufficient harm to those he hates*. 

My contention is that this kind of evil is currently very powerful and increasingly dominant in Western powers; and it is very effective for two reasons. 

1. Because it is much, much easier to destroy than to create; easier to break than to mend, to wreck than to build. 

2. Because people cannot understand it; Sorathic evil can operate undetected, unimpeded. 

This second reason - the 'invisibility' of Sorathic evil - is very important in its power. It means that a very obvious pattern of purposive destruction, breaking, wrecking is concealed - because it is broken down into a multitude of presumed self-interests. 

It also cripples opposition to those who wish to destroy, because opposition to destruction is always fragmented and fighting across multiple fronts - across many single-issues; whereas those who are doing the evil are continually opening-up new fronts. 

If we consider the Litmus Test issues: While sensible but uncomprehending people are laboriously building public resistance to 'the excesses" of birdemic measures, an antiracism crusade was introduced. When resistance to this latest insanity begins to accumulate, then the trans-agenda is wheeled forward, then the birdemic peck, then a climate emergency, then a war is started etc etc - in 'random' recombinations and cycles, without any obvious limit. 

Those leaders with the greatest power can keep-up this whack-a-mole game indefinitely, due to their control of The System of money/ law/ coercive force etc; and those who oppose specifics never can never get anywhere in stopping 'the game'. 

Even the rare successful specific resistances; leaves the basic power structure intact, and the Sorathic leadership in place. 

And what is the Sorathic nature of these Litmus Test interventions? 

Simply that - at the highest level - they need to be understood as destructive in their ultimate purpose

So that while the birdemic indeed gave some national politicians totalitarian power, and made uncountable trillions of dollars for various parties; its real purpose was destruction: destruction of many kinds and at multiple levels - of social cohesion, the money system, economics, trade, transport... 

And ultimately the destruction of Men's souls; by a system of totalitarian/ bureaucratic materialism with the aimed-at effect that Men choose to disbelieve/ reject Heaven and (implicitly) to embrace some version of Hell. 

Because when Men agree to live by fear, resentment and despair; they have already rejected God, divine creation, and resurrected eternal life in Heaven. 

The same principle applies to all the other major policies of evil. 

Everywhere in modern culture where there are institutions has been brought within 

And that spiritual basis of motivation is exactly why most people cannot understand Sorathic evil. 

At a materialistic level, Sorathic evil makes no sense. Indeed it is not even conceivable - because the built-in assumption is that all 'evil' just-is a kind of short-termist self-interest. 

That is how motivations are understood; so a primary motivation to destroy is simply incomprehensible. 

Despite that we are all capable of spitefulness, and it is all around us - and people will even admit to it and boast of it; nonetheless our own spitefulness is typically denied, or subject to self-blinding - and that of others explained-away in terms of self-interest that everyone understands.  

Sorathic evil therefore seems 'irrational', bizarre, far-fetched; incomprehensible - therefore invisible. 

The idea that there might really and truly be a group of people (perhaps of demonic beings controlling people) who have (for instance) deliberately planned and incrementally implemented a world war, and then are now doing all in their power to escalate it as widely and as fast as possible... 

The idea that such people would be delighted if (when?) such a conflict became the ultimate conflagration of tens of millions, of cites, that the good earth be poisoned...

And the idea that this mass destruction would be done for its own sake... 

Not for power/ money/ status or from lustful desires; but done exactly because more-and-more of their primary Litmus Test policies means increasingly massive destruction, starving, fighting, maiming/ disease/ poisoning, killing...

The idea that (for instance) an state of total - no-holds-barred - world war might be for its engineers an end in itself - and not merely a means to some other end...

Such concepts are apparently beyond the scope of comprehension. They seem just silly, impossible, they 'make no sense'. 

And that incomprehension is, proximately, exactly how and why such evils happen, and continue to happen. 

But the reason people cannot understand is deeper, and lethal. It is ultimately a failure to understand evil at all; which comes from a failure to acknowledge the reality of this world - the ultimate nature and purpose of our lives in divine creation. 

Such a deep deficit in understanding is not fixable by any conceivable actual external pressure; each must do it for himself, or it won't be done. 

*Note added: The current problem seems partly to be an inability - or inner resistance - to imagining Sorathic evil. Yet, external observation suggests that almost everybody is prone to this, to some extent. What seems to be required, therefore, is that people look within themselves and reflect on their own propensity to the most negative of evil impulses. Only then may they be convinced of the reality and power of Sorathic evil, and able to recognize its fingerprints all over the Western world today

Sunday 11 December 2022

How culpable is ignorance (aka accepting mainstream misinformation) on Litmus Test issues?

It is normal for most people to have strong convictions concerning issues about which they have passively absorbed these convictions entirely from the mainstream media and officialdom. 

For instance, the most recent of the major, world-agenda-shaping Litmus Test issues of 2022 has been the Fire Nation versus Evil Empire proxy war. 

Most people in my corner of the world have aggressively/ sentimentally adopted a stance 100% in line with that propagated by the Western Establishment; and are both completely ignorant of the causes of this conflict, and completely wrong about the Fire Nation's motivation and conduct. 

How culpable are such people for having chosen to support the side of evil in this great conflict of our time? 

There are various views on this matter. 

One is that people are not to blame, because all their information and analysis (whether from TV, newspapers, official announcements, or PR from large corporations) is consistent and internally coherent (at least, on a day-by-day basis - which is all that the masses ever notice). 

Such sources all confidently state the same things, often in the same words and with identical images; and provide 'evidence' to support this conviction; while contrary information is not available (is indeed aggressively excluded). 

This would suggest that the support of the wrong side is simply mindless, non-responsible; and therefore innocent and not-culpable - in much the way that young children are innocent and cannot be blamed for their expressed opinions on matters they take secondhand.

This interpretation has it that the masses are closely analogous to young children in terms of innately trusting of authority. This is regarded as a fact-of-life, so that the masses are non-responsible for whatever authority tells them - and if the ignorant do preen themselves on their moral stances, and boast of their own Goodness; then this is merely the forgivable bravado of a youngster obediently mimicking his elders. 

But such a view takes-for-granted that it is natural and reasonable for people passively to accept whatever view is propagated vigorously and monolithically by The Establishment. 

That, in other words - here-and-now, in 2022 - when Western authorities are unified in pushing a point-of-view; then it is a reasonable and morally innocent default to accept this point-of-view; and adopt the recommended attitudes.

"After all," it is said, in effect; "we can hardly expect ordinary people to look behind the mass-media-official view, and each-for-himself discover that covert reality which so starkly contradicts the propagated fake-narrative."

Well, this matter of what we ought-to expect from people, before adopting an opinion - is itself a thing that divides opinion. 

It has become accepted that it is OK for someone to spend (say...) two hours a day marinating-himself in official/ mass media propaganda, plus another couple of hours reinforcing this on social media; yet never even for five minutes checking anything by looking at 'alternative' sources, or even by five minutes of rigorous and critical thinking and remembering.

Yet, by now it now seems clear that - whatever people ought to do in terms of checking - they will Not do it. And it is therefore just so much wasted breath, or ink or pixels, to assert that they should be doing it! 

Any complex or effort-entailing answer to the problem of passive mind-manipulation is therefore a non-starter. 


What, then, is the real crux of this matter? 

It is, simply: one's attitude to Litmus Test issues as such

When the world of officialdom, corporate propaganda and the mass/ social media are pushing some-thing; do we - as individuals - assume that this means what is being pushed is good and true? 

Or - do we - as individuals - assume the exact opposite: that the fact of such an onslaught of opinion and 'fact' means that what is being pushed is instead an evil lie? 

And this crux-decision, in turn, depends on our value-discernment first about whether or not the dominant Western Establishment institutions comprise a single and controlled System

Among those who recognize a controlled System; there is then the question of whether the System is net-Good, or is net-evil. 

This matter of the System, then, is the Big Issue of the West in 2022; upon which all matters of public policy can be seen to hinge. 

The two questions are whether there is indeed such a System, and if there is a System, whether it is aiming at Good?

The decision about whether or not there is a System is decided by a person's prior assumptions as to whether it is possible that there could be a System. 

If it is pre-decided that there cannot be a System, and anyone who supposes there could-be is a 'conspiracy theorist', then there cannot be a System: so it will not be recognized, regardless of 'evidence'. 

If, instead, it is regarded as a real possibility that there might be a System - then the interpretation that there is indeed a System will instantly be obvious; because a vast and growing mass of supporting evidence will be clear and unambiguous. 


Among those who do recognize a System, the evaluation of that System will largely depend upon whether a person is spiritual-Christian or instead a materialist-leftist.

(Because there are few, and ever fewer, people who do not inhabit one of these two categories.) 

For the large-majority who are materialist-leftists; the System is obviously Good, overall. 

For the small-minority who are spiritual-Christian; the System is obviously evil. 

I think this is where the original question leads us. I asked whether those who, for instance, support the side of evil in its war against the Fire Nation, are culpable or innocent. And my answer - from a spiritual-Christian perspective - is that they are culpable and therefore evil...

But they are evilly-culpable not in this specific decision, but in their having chosen to affiliate with the System - which is evil. 

Naturally, such a person will believe... whatever the System is telling them; and the more forceful and sustained is the System messaging - the more strongly the System will be believed. 

But, for someone like myself; if the System is saying any-thing in a forceful, sustained and coherent fashion, then that thing must be an evil lie  - or else the System would not be saying it. 

Tuesday 20 September 2022

The death of QEII - yet another litmus test for Christians

The litmus tests arrive thick and fast with accelerating speed; for the simple reason that this Western world is controlled by those who follow a demonic agenda; and They will use all the weapons at their disposal - which include nearly-all the power, wealth, status and fame in the public arena. 

The litmus tests have long since divided Western Christians from the rest; and now are functioning to divide among Christians.

Those who fail litmus tests have chosen to ally with one or other of the major agenda items by which the totalitarian globalists have chosen to corrupt the world, and to invert our values. This is, quite simply, choosing the side of Satan in the spiritual war against God and creation. 

Unless repented, such a person has de facto ceased to be Christian; however he may self-identify. 

This self-separation happens naturally, as our culture and society - our civilization - becomes further advanced in corruption. 

All major institutions, including those that were net-good, are now net-bad (i.e. overall affiliated with the demonic powers of purposive evil); and the residual good that was in them is being driven out incrementally. 

The death of Queen Elizabeth II is a case in point. The whole process of 'national mourning' leading up to the funeral was a top-down dictated operation; controlled by exactly the same powers and principalities who have devised, administered and propagandized the birdemic-peck, climate emergency suicide, Fire Nation hating/ WWIII-driving/ self-annihilation, antiracism-driven national destruction by mass immigration, and the world-historic evils of the transagenda and its sexual revolution origins. 

The Exact Same People who do all that stuff, have been managing the 'national mourning' process for the past dozen days

That is all we need to know

This, therefore, should be just another easy-peasy test of our discernment; and yet it is a test that vast swathes of self-styled traditionalists and 'conservative' Christians have failed spectacularly; sometimes under the lying pretense that the world of 2022 is fundamentally the same as it was forty, fifty, sixty years ago - often in the grip of a nostalgia that has been manipulated to serve the strategy of Satan. 

Evil can only enter where it is invited; and the fact that we have a situation of top-down global totalitarian evil has only arisen and can only progress because hundreds of millions of people have invited this evil into their hearts - in defiance of the simple and obvious dictates of conscience. 

We must therefore discern and identify and reject evil - which we can identify by its provenance, and by the tenacity and vigor with which it is pursued. 

This really is not difficult; therefore failure to do it, is commensurately lethal. 


Thursday 18 June 2020

The 2020 annihilation of Christianity by social-distancing and now CLE*

CLE* is not a religion - it is anti-religion. 

The term religion is a problem. It was devised so as to have a single term under which to lump-together Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and the types of ancient paganism - amongst others.

In other words, the definition of religion is intrinsically sociological - and necessarily based-upon the superficial, inter-culturally observable, measurable aspects of major... what? 'Belief systems'?

So as to include such a wide range of 'belief systems' the resulting definitions needed to include multiple factors, rather like a syndrome in medicine; and religion became loosely defined in terms of some features from a shopping list such as rituals, processions, ceremonies, a cosmology, god/ gods/ abstract deity, scriptures/ holy texts, and so forth.

At the end of that line; we get the academic discipline of Religious Studies which treats religions comparatively by making the assumption that all are false. hence all can equally be explained using sociological, political, psychological, anthropological and other (secular, materialistic) systems. In fact - religions are treated as beliefs and practices; and therefore any system of belief and/or practice is counted-as A Religion.

At the end of that line; we get the conviction - especially non-religious people - that Leftism (and other political ideologies) are religions essentially like Christianity or Hinduism.  'Religion' has been conflated with 'Ideology'.

Yet to regard Leftism as 'a religion' like Christianity is a reductio ad absurdum.

While the traditional Christian-type 'belief systems' function to give coherence to a community; Leftism functions to fracture communities into interest groups ('minorities') which are then turned against each other in a kind of chaotic rotation - each minority taking turns as favoured or scapegoat.

Ultimately this is because Leftism (which term includes all the mainstream political parties; including supposedly 'Right Wing' parties like conservative, republican, libertarian, nationalist etc) is anti-Christian - that is anti Christian, specifically.

In the end, the positivist, materialist, scientistic-bureaucratic, pro-chaotic aspect of Leftism will swallow up all belief systems that act to create coherence or stability (including the not-Christian religions); because Leftism is intrinsically against All Such. But the origin and deep-motivation of Leftism (which is a Western phenomenon) is anti-Christian. 

We must distinguish real from fake Christians. Because Leftism does not mind the fake-Christian variants of Leftism that use Christian language to endorse Leftist tactics and strategies - such as the current leadership of all the mainstream Western Christian Churches.

(In a nutshell: Leftism is a Christian apostasy - a leaving of Christianity, a decline of faith; which has at some times masqueraded as a Christian heresy (ie. it pretended to be an unconventional brand of Christianity itself. Now Leftism has recently progressed to the point that it seldom mentions Christianity; but the deep motivation of Leftism ensures that it singles Christianity out for special, harsh, eradicative treatment.) 

Sot let's stick to Christianity, which is what the whole thing is really all-about...

We have a new top-down cult of CLE* sweeping the Western world (and maybe other places, for all I know). This is a cult of (at present occult, hidden) demonic devotion that has borrowed superficial symbols and rituals of worship and submission from traditional Christianity; a cult that is being endorsed in reckless and unrestrained language by (it seems) all Western institutions, great and small.

With CLE-mania sweeping the world we have another litmus test to distinguish real from fake Christians; antiracism to add to many other Leftist manifestations such as socialist egalitarianism, and the various sequential campaigns of the sexual revolution: divorce, extra-marital sex, feminism etc.; up to (covert child abuse, castration and mutilation-justifying) same sex marriage and the trans- agenda.

And it is a litmus test which (apparently) every organisation - including churches - has failed. And all those loyal to institutions have failed it as well.

By this test, there are very few Christians remaining - since all loyal church people have now joined, are now fighting actively, on the side of demonic evil and against God.

2020 has therefore seen the all-but annihilation of Christianity. 

The churches all closed and ceased their core activities (on the risible excuse of hypothetical, unvalidated epidemic models prescribing lock-down and social-distancing+); and the church leadership agreed to, indeed positively-endorsed, such closures - and without time limit. 

Now the remnant churchians are embracing and advocating the obviously demonic, inverted-Christian cult of CLE. 

So; Christians are, here-and-now, just scattered individuals.

Exactly as was prophesied...

These are indeed the End Times.

*CLE stands for the Cult of Lying Evil; named because it is evil-motivated (devised and propagated by the demonically-controlled Global Establishment); and because it is based-upon, rooted-in multiple and layered factual lies. It is CLE that we are being asked to observe by such 'Black Mass' inverted Christian rituals such as genuflection and foot-washing, and distortions of the cleansing confession that precedes Eucharist. All this in just one month! Doubtless further elaborations of ritual and symbolism will follow. Doubtless the underpinning Devil-worship and value-reversal will become even clearer and more explicit - but only for those with eyes to see.

+The term social-distancing is an example of the 'law' by which evil apparently must state in-advance what it will do to us, before actually doing it. By accepting social distancing as an antiviral fake-precaution, we tacitly-consented to the principle of human beings compelled to live at a prescribed distance; so that now SD may be retained or imposed whenever They regard it as justified by Their criteria for as long as They say-so - or forever...

Friday 24 November 2023

Is AI (Artificial Intelligence) another Litmus Test issue?

I have previously described what I regard as the major Litmus Test issues for discerning which side a person has chosen in the spiritual war of the world (i.e. the sides for- and against-divine creation) - things like climate change, feminism, the birdemic/ peck, antiracism, and hostility to the autonomous existence of the Fire Nation.

I wonder whether a positive attitude towards AI (Artificial Intelligence) is another of these Litmus Tests? I am inclined to think so. 

Others might suggest that AI is merely neutral in its values, and what matters is the specific application - and, to some extent this is bound to be true: it is trivially correct that there are always exceptions to even the most valid of generalizations. 

There is also the confusion about "what AI means" - because the term has been around for many decades; and probably some usages that were commoner in the past may be less discerning as to spiritual attitudes. 

But, like all the Litmus Tests: What matters in 2023 is how that term is used in 2023. 

And the biggest evidence concerning the spiritual valence of any term in 2023, is the agenda to which the term is attached - and who is pushing that agenda.  

Thus, while some theoretical usages of "racism" are indeed sinful for Christians; in actual 2023 practical usage - "racism" is not any kind of a sin.  

By this criterion it is completely obvious that - whatever theories and exceptions we might imagine or manufacture - actually-happening AI is attached to an agenda that is being pushed by the global totalitarians. 

And that is all we really need to know. 

Because even if we personally have theories about potential benefits of AI, and even if we cannot understand or guess the nature of the harm that AI will actually be used to do -- we can nonetheless be sure that AI as it actually gets implemented, will be used on the side of Satan and against God. 

Saturday 19 June 2021

What has changed about discernment since the birdemic?

Francis Berger has taken the idea of Litmus Tests (used to determine sides in the spiritual war) further in a recent post; in particular clarifying the effect that the birdemic has had on his own discernment. I recommend that you read the whole thing - including comments, where FB brings out this point explicitly.

I have noticed that one way of Not learning from the birdemic is to say that nothing has really changed as a result...  

Of course, this has an element of truth; in that there had been decades (or generations) of apostasy and corruption leading up to the global totalitarian coup of early 2020 - rationalized and disguised (as it was) as a necessary response to a novel plague of unprecedented scale and deadliness. In other words, the claim is that 2020 was merely a quantitative continuation of long-term trends. 

But rapid, global and un-reversed quantitative change - such as happened over a space of weeks with the international birdemic fake-response - counts as qualitative when the nature and basis of life is transformed. 

As so often, intellectual over-think operates as a failure of discernment, and an excuse for cowardice and expediency. Mostly - in our hyper-complex virtual world of Matrix lies - what is obvious to common sense and personal experience is also what is true: In 2020 - the world changed. 

Francis B describes how, since the birdemic, and reflecting on the Litmus Test idea he has realized that there are only two sides in the spiritual war of the world (God or Satan, good or evil) - and that people and institutions who had before seemed to be 'intermediate', or forces of partial good, were actually on the side of evil. 

In other words; that to be 'partially' leftist was actually to be fully leftist. To embrace even one of the Big Lies of the left-agenda, to fail even one Litmus Test - was de facto (in the world as is) to have chosen the side of Satan.

This was demonstrated clearly (and, I would have thought, unambiguously) by the way that the birdemic Big Lie was accepted and embraced by all nations, all powerful social institutions, all large churches. None rejected it as an evil-motivated falsehood. 

And this is another aspect of the birdemic revelations; that one must either reject the birdemic Big Lie completely*; recognizing it as dishonest and deliberately misleading top-to-bottom, by intent, from conception to execution -- or else one will have accepted it. 

A partial/ nuanced response to the birdemic is de facto accepting/ embracing the lie: choosing the demonic side.

In sum; what has changed since the birdemic is precisely this simplification - whereby the fact that there are only two sides, and the clear division between these sides, has become apparent. 

From the spiritual perspective - this simplification and clarification is, indeed, the main benefit of the birdemic. 

So; when we fail to recognize the qualitative transformation of the birdemic; we have failed as Christians to learn from the biggest disaster to befall the churches since the time of Jesus; and failed, furthermore, to equip ourselves with the most powerful weapon against evil rampant: which is our own power of spiritual discernment (backed by the infinite power of repentance). 

*To endorse a complete rejection of the Big Lie of the birdemic and its response is not Of Course to believe that every single fact and aspect of it is untrue; any more than completely to reject Soviet Communism, German National Socialism or Chinese Maoism entails that every single thing about them was evil. Effective evil is always and necessarily seeded with some true facts and some good impulses, or else it can have no traction and no rationale. It is the overall intent and motivation (to oppose God, to reject divine creation) that is completely evil and a Big Lie; and the embedded truths and virtues merely serve to make the Big Evil Lie more persuasive and effective. 

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Are Litmus Test traps difficult to avoid? Not really, not so far...

It has been noticed in this corner of the blogosphere; that the Litmus Test issue of the current Arrakis war has flipped some people (both Christian and 'based') to the Establishment side. 

The observation is that a significant number of individuals who had seen-through the birdemic, antiracism, climate energy etc. and stayed on the right side of the spiritual war - have fallen for the aggressively pro-CHOAM Western Establishment line (with anyone who fails to toe this line branded racist). These people have, in effect, changed sides in the spiritual war - at least on this major issue; and, unless they repent, we can expect them to 'converge' increasingly from now onwards. 

Less remarked is that those who have taken the side of the Fremen in the Arrakis conflict are doing exactly the same thing, but less obviously! 

Because, on this issue, the mainstream media and political institutions are, in fact, divided between a pro-CHOAM majority and a pro-Fremen minority - but both are included within the mainstream narrative, both have significant Establishment support: both are part of The Narrative. 

This may sound fiendishly clever, implying that it is therefore difficult (impossible?) for anyone to navigate such Litmus Tests - where, apparently, people are caught by whatever their choice. 

But really this isn't difficult! The rule is that anything which features strongly in the mainstream media, and major point-of-view - whether presented as pro- or contra- is significantly and decisively wrong. The very fact of major and sustained media coverage shows this. 

Whenever the mass media makes a big story, and whenever that story is presented as having two sides; we can be sure that we are being played and the side of real Good is not being mentioned

Both presented choices of mainstream sides are surely wrong; because Establishment-endorsed. 

As I say, this isn't difficult - so far; although it may be more difficult to learn where the concealed, un-mentioned Good choice actually lies - if there is one

If there is one... because with some major mainstream issues, there is no Good position that can be adopted; the whole issue is rotten. When both sides are wrong, the whole issue is tainted. 

The Fremen war is an example of this: it represents a black hole for true values. It insatiably sucks-up attention, learning, evaluation, opinions; and triggers participants to engage in prognostication and policy-mongering. 

Another example is electoral politics: the entire discourse of 'parties'. 'leaders' and 'elections' is itself a corruption; and participation is itself a choice of taking the wrong side. 

Whatever it is that the evil-liars of the Establishment want us to attend-to and discuss: we know that must be wrong - and the rule applies to (supposed) minority and unpopular attitudes and ideologies (e.g. pro-Fremen, pro-Trump, sensible environmentalism, 'free speech', meritocracy...) as much as to the mass- and leadership-endorsed opinions.


Friday 18 November 2022

The root ethic of taking sides - to whom or what should we be loyal?

I find that very few people can hold in their minds the scale of lying that is afoot in the world today. It is a fact that the major "Litmus Test" strategies and policies that dominate the world are founded upon lies, and constructed of lies.

And, for a Christian, the evident purpose of this wholesale narrative of lies, is to sustain a system of value-inversion, which - if adopted - will lead Men actively to choose damnation and reject salvation

So why do so many people who describe themselves as Christian, so strongly believe these narratives of evil-motivated lies?

One of the current major Litmus Tests issues is the war between the Fire Nation and The West; a war that has been created and sustained by a narrative of lies from The West. 

This is already World War III - in terms of the totality of conflict, but so far the specifically military aspect has a relatively restricted scope (albeit far bigger than any Europe-adjacent conflict since WWII). 

But major players in the Western-dominated Global Establishment - both in politics and the mass media - are repeatedly using violent provocations supported by gross and systematic lies, in the attempt to escalate and spread the fighting war, and to trigger a nuclear exchange (which would almost certainly and rapidly escalate to full-on). 

By my understanding, this is a very real, continuing, and intermittently acute threat. Those in high places - and there seem to be many of them, perhaps especially in control positions of the mass media - who do everything possible to prepare an irreversible momentum towards global nuclear destruction; have not given-up their attempts, and these attempts grow bolder and shriller, the manipulative lies more reckless and blatant... 

Yet many people continue to believe them; and by believing supporting their agenda. 

So far as I can tell, most people believe official-media lies - either in whole, as an overall framework of understanding; or at least they believe each specific lie initially - only to be abandoned much later, and reluctantly. 

Even when blatant, and blatantly-evil, lies are propagated by the entirety of the Western politicians and media and then exposed as lies the next day; basic trust in the system is not demolished. 

The next set of coordinated evil lies will be believed over and again, month after month and year after year - regardless of how many and how big the previous known lies of the same people. 

What we are dealing with here is a root-ethic of loyalty and obedience; as implicitly the primary value of a person's life. 

When someone is ruled by loyalty; then he will always take his chosen side in any dispute, and will believe his side; until conclusively proven otherwise - and even then he will regard lies as specific rather than evidence of an evil disposition. 

The loyal individual will put the best possible slant on dishonesty; and will explain lies as being well-motivated; or, at least, for-the-best overall, ultimately. 

This seems to be a deep human disposition. 

We all take sides, and the choice of sides then shapes all further discourse

Thus the discernment of sides, and between sides, becomes crucial; and the evaluation of good and evil between sides will define which side we ourselves will take in the spiritual war of this world. 

For the mainstream, secular materialist left; this is easy. Such a person (whatever mainstream 'party' he sides with - because all the mainstream is on the same side in the spiritual war) will overall be on the side of the globalist establishment; and will therefore operate on an assumption of belief in their narrative of lies - whether that be with respect to the Fire Nation war, Climate Emergency/ Green-environmentalism, transagenda and other sexual issues, antiracism, mass immigration, the birdemic-peck - or whatever major Establishment strategy is being pushed. 

(Even when someone dissents from one or two of the major agenda items - so long as he agrees with even one of them, he is recruited a member of team-evil - expanding his participation from this wedge issue.)

Christians are in the same position. As of 2022; a Christian must take sides, and try to discern the side of Good. Even if he believes that he rejects the Globalist-Left agenda - he may still be ensnared by loyalty to his Church. 

In practice, for many Christians, their primary Christian identity entails loyalty to his chosen Church, and an ethic of obedience to that Church. 

And when his chosen Church is itself 'converged' (as evidenced by de facto institutional support of one or more of the Litmus Test policies), that Church is a part-of the global system of evil...

Then the 'Christian' will find himself on the side of evil. 

And this is why So Very Many "Christians" believe So Much of the narratives of lies. 

Since the overall ethic of loyalty/ obedience is dominant in our natures; this means that the institutionally-loyal Christian will be loyal and obedient to the side of evil

This explains how it is that so many Christians reflexly believe the systemic-lies of politicians, the mass media, and the major social institutions (law, science, medicine, police/military, education etc). And when they (typically reluctantly) discover and acknowledge lies; regard the lies as exceptions - or justified by Good Intentions...

In these End Times, and characteristic of them; Christian loyalty and obedience to Churches - to any Church - will lead Christians to self-chosen damnation. It's happening all around us, all the time. 

But if not, then what? 

If not churches, and if we accept that the primary ethic is one of taking sides; then to what should Christians be loyal and obedient? 

The answer to that lies in the individual Christian's power of discernment, and willingness to use that power; to discover the two sides in the spiritual war, and to discover who serves each of the sides - and only to be loyal to those Men and other Beings on the side of Good. 

If the Christian lives in The West; using such discernment, he will discover that all institutions are corrupted substantially and increasingly, and that he should not, therefore, be loyal to any institution; including not loyal to any Church. 

In practice; this means that the Western Christian's primary loyalty and obedience must reach beyond this world and mortal life. 

The answer to "then what?" is as simple as that - the difficult thing is to act upon it; and against centuries of contrary convictions that - until these End Times - served Christians pretty-well. 

But That was Then; This is Now.

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Is voting another Litmus Test?

I think it is likely that voting - I mean, the participation in voting - has become (although it was not always thus) a Litmus Test of these times: evidence of de facto affiliation to the wrong side in the spiritual war. 

If you don't already understand why voting is immoral hence an evil activity, then you may like to consider some of the reasons

The fact that these evils are not instantly obvious, is evidence only of the degree of complicity in the corruption of our society - a society that has habituated us to all kinds of evil; including the idea that when we are not personally psychologically disturbed by some-thing, then that thing cannot be of significant importance. 

We argue from the numbing of our own capacity for moral discernment, to conclude that there is nothing important to discern! 

One clue to the evil of voting is that it is discussed (by all sides) purely in 'pragmatic' terms, as a means to an end. Among Christians and also conservatives, the discussion is how 'we' might vote in order to achieve Christian or conservative goals. The practice of voting is also defended using arguments of how much worse things would-be/ might-have-been had Christians/ conservatives Not voted. 

No matter how bad have become (I mean the actual results of decades of voting), no matter how adverse the societal and political trends (especially since 2020); it is always argued that things would have been even worse without Christian/ conservative votes. 

Voting is experience-proof. 

Regardless of outcomes; the assertion is that not to participate personally and willingly in whatever farce of legitimation is set in front of us by the Evil Establishment, is evidence of some kind of existential despair and refusal of responsibility! 

No matter how utterly corrupt are the actual processes of voting, and no matter how purposively-evil the persons and institutions that we are allowed to vote-for; the inference is always that we must just vote even harder - that voting will somehow, eventually, overcome all obstacles of systemic corruption - or at least will put-a-brake-on the rate of deterioration.

As if voting were the normal, responsible, and natural thing; and Not to vote was some kind of weirdly obtuse dereliction of duty! 

But (almost-always) voting is not an isolated act - voting constitutes part of a pattern of harmful attitudes and behaviours; including attention to the mainstream official process of lies and manipulations... candidate profiles, opinion polls, manifestos and speeches, pseudo-discussions of fake implications, conversations and debates about voting etc.  

In sum: participation in voting is the tip of an iceberg of increased immersion-in materialism, materialist explanations, and materialist hopes for betterment.  

Of course, merely Not voting does nothing. 

But if we refrain from voting for the right reasons, it will also be part of a pattern; Not-voting can be part of a recognition of the absolute requirement mentally to break-out-from the present System.  

Not-voting ought to be act of faith in the primacy and power of the spiritual; rooted in a recognition that all forms of continued cooperation with the System, validate and operate to sustain the System. 

Faith is needed because what will happen instead of voting will not be known until after voting has lost its legitimacy in our hearts. 

Only after ceasing to vote, and repudiating the pattern of attitudes and behaviours that sustains voting; will we come to recognize what we ought to be doing instead.   

Saturday 21 January 2023

All in The West must take the side of evil (Nobody is allowed to be neutral - not even a bit)

True neutrality with respect to any question concerning values is not a possibility, and never has been; yet degrees of 'official' neutrality used to be conceded, and commonplace - as pragmatic realities in public life. 

While every person and nation will almost-inevitably take sides over any particular question - at least overall, and to some degree - it used to be allowed that people and nations could stand-apart from conflicts, and remain un-declared. 

Even during the massive conflict of World War II, there were several neutral counties in the heart of the conflict (Switzerland) or on its border (Spain, Sweden). 

And, as recently as a couple of decades ago; it used to be quite normal for people or nations to opt-out of taking sides on questions of value in public life. 

This is no longer allowed in The West; because the powers on the side of evil are now dominant, their evil is more advanced; and They have forbidden neutrality. 

Each and every person (with no allowed exceptions) must now - publicly and with a display of enthusiasm - actively participate in celebration and promotion of Litmus Test issues relating to sex, sexuality, antiracism and so forth. 

All must take the side of evil (called good, in the official system of Western inverted-values) - or be attacked as an enemy. 

Anyone - any single individual - who opts-out and tries to be neutral in any of the Litmus Test issues; may be punished by the full force of global media and public opinion mobilized against them; exclusion from work, removal of financial services, demonization of status - and many other possible punishments (officially imposed, and unoffically allowed and encouraged), without limit to severity or duration.  

We are seeing the same phenomenon in relation to the Fire Nation* war. No Western nation has been allowed to remain neutral on this issue - even Switzerland and Sweden have been compelled to abandon long term principles of neutrality. 

Furthermore, active participation in the war is also being compelled - until recently by participation in war-sanctions. And currently by mandatory military participation through sending weapons to the battlefront. 

And this military participation must be done publicly, proudly; and backed with explicit aggressive statements. 

Presumably the next step will be sending military personnel from all nations - with no opt-out allowed. 

This is not about military effectiveness - because from such a perspective it makes no sense. It is about ideological - hence spiritual - allegiance. 

Western nations are being compelled into active support for an open-ended campaign aimed at existential annihilation of the Fire Nation; either its destruction, fragmentation, or vassalage. 

Nations are being forced (by their puppet-'leaders') into making themselves existential enemies - not only of the FN, but of an alliance that (increasing month by month) includes the two most populous nations in the world, and indeed most of the world's population and land mass. 

Those who do not paint a target on their own backs by choice (like the UK did thanks to its cravenly-servile US-obedient leadership); will have it done for them, at the point of a sword.

In other words; the ideology of annihilation of the Fire Nation serves as yet-another factor in the suicidal self-destruction of The West - and all its (compelled-) allies, such as the North East Asian vassal-states of the USA, who are now actively and rapidly being prepared to operate as agents of their own destruction. 

In sum, underneath the cover of fake Geopolitical reasoning and led by the dominant Western power; the whole world is being set-up for an all-inclusive world war - the first ever - which will be sustained for as long as possible, and with as much all-round destruction as possible. 

Such a war will (if it happens) serve the dual purpose of lethally damaging Western civilization, and doing something similar to all those who - in any way - dissent from the Western-leftist-atheist-materialist ideology of the globalists. 


For a Christian; the vital matter is to recognize and remember that this is primarily 'just' the latest and biggest material manifestation of the long-established spiritual war; and that we need to discern and understand what is really going-on in terms of ultimate spiritual values. 

Not, therefore, to become distracted by merely proximate, materialist explanations of the war in terms of Geopolitics, economics, or even of ideology. 

These are merely means to an end; because evil is about damnation, that is about spiritual and eternal death - therefore not only, nor mostly, about physical death.

Note: Anyone confused by any of the terminology I use, here or elsewhere, should do a word-search on this blog (i.e. using the Search box on the upper left extreme corner).