Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Litmus Tests. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Litmus Tests. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday 11 March 2021

The 2020 Litmus Tests are a measure of discernment - and of the centrality of discernment in these times

The Litmus Tests of serious Christianity* I described in 2020 certainly seem to work in practice; yet it is a striking and obvious fact that none of the tests have anything to do with Christianity as such, but are instead 'about' the dominant socio-political issues of recent years and especially the past year. 

How is it that secular tests - directed at such ephemeral matters of 'policy' - can have such a role in identifying a real Christian?

Identifying, that is, a self-identified Christian who is on the side of God in the ongoing global spiritual war, one has not (yet!) been seduced to working on the side of Satan

Firstly (something obvious that - yet - several people failed to notice) is that the tests apply only to self-identified Christians. 

Someone who passed all the Litmus Tests yet is Not self-identified as a Christian remains... Not a Christian. 

The Litmus Tests are Not directed at Not-Christians.  

So, to return to the main point; why do the Litmus Tests work so well?

The simple answer is that these are tests of spiritual discernment, applied at points where spiritual discernment is currently vital.  

We live in a world where there is a de facto world government that dominate all bureaucratic political and social institutions (including church leadership) and the mass/ social media. These are the agents of a supernatural demonic agenda directed against God, The Good and divine creation. 

Therefore - since The System is evil, and well all depend-upon and interact-with The System - unless Christians have sufficient discernment to identify and spiritually reject the official and pervasive agenda of evil - Christians will-have-been recruited to the side of the devil... As a simple matter of fact, and whether they know it or not.

Although repentance has infinite power; a Christian must first repent - and when a Christian has failed to identify sin as such, he will not repent. And not to repent is to embrace damnation.  

Therefore discernment is mandatory for salvation. 

Nowadays; anyone who is unconscious or passive about what he believes, is believing what The System tells him, will thus believe that evil is Good - and will not repent: will choose damnation.

And That is why the 2020 Litmus Tests are indeed valid - for 2020 and still; despite their secular-materialist content.  

*To remind you; the 2020 Litmus Tests are about attitudes to the birdemic, antiracism (e.g. MLB), and 'climate change'; with a running-through theme of the sexual revolution especially the currently dominant themes such as the trans agenda

Friday 22 September 2023

The Litmus Tests revisited - or, what do we need to know about some-one/ some-institution?

The Litmus Tests* may seem crude and formulaic as a way of discernment applied to a person or institutions; but in reality they are almost the opposite. 

The Litmus Tests include the birdemic-peck 'healthism' agenda; support of the opponents of the Fire Nation in the ongoing war; antiracism; pro-sexual revolution; CO2 Climate-change/ warming; and any other form of leftism such as socialism, environmentalism, equality, diversity, libertarianism etc. 

The Litmus Tests refer not so much to specific beliefs, but to the core agenda items of the global totalitarian System, which - properly understood, from a Christian perspective - is evil in its intent -- i.e. the dominant System ultimately seeks the damnation of souls; which requires that (in the end) each soul desires and chooses to be damned. 

Therefore, to fail a Litmus Test means to be subordinated - in at least one major aspect, although typically many or most of the tests are failed - to the external ideology of evil

When somebody, or some institution, supports one of the Litmus test agenda items; this is evidence of value-inversion; which is evidence that they are self-subordinated to the dominant external agenda. 

In a sense, from the perspective of making an overall evaluation of somebody's (or some organization's) affiliation in the spiritual war of this world; this affiliation tells us all we need to know: Are they on the side of God/ divine creation/ The Good -- or are they opposed? 

Anyone who accepts, defends, follows, actively advances any of the Litmus Tests - has placed his motivations, thinking and actions under external control from those powers who oppose The Good.

This matter of external control is very significant. 

Because the world (here, now) is so pervasively and top-down corrupted by evil; all powerful external influences are evil. 

Therefore; to be externally-motivated - including by any large or mainstream church, of any denomination) is to be a part of the agenda of evil.  

(This is evil. Evil is Not about niceness or good works or devoutness... Evil is about taking the side of Satan against God. Simple as that. One on-the-side-of Good is Good; no matter what his personal sins - because anyone on the side of Good will/ must have repented his sins; will know, acknowledge, and reject his sins. That is what it means to "be Good".)

Such is the nature of Litmus Tests: they function as an index of whether some person or group has chosen subordination to fundamental, ultimate, external control

As of here-and-now; only one who seriously seeks to detach himself from external control can be on the side of God, divine creation and The Good. 

Such a detached person may Not be on the Good side - because he might choose evil from his own inner motivations; but only a detached person can affiliate to Good. 

In our totalitarian and media-saturated world; only inner evaluation and motivation can be a source of commitment to the motivation of Goodness. 

We are Good as individuals - from our inner choices - or not-at-all. 

Affiliation to any external authority is to subscribe to one, more, or many of the negative, incoherent, and oppositional Litmus Tests; and this represents a decisive affiliation to the work of Satan. 

Note added: It should not really be necessary to say so; but maybe it needs saying anyway: that the state of someone's soul now - e.g. affiliation to the Satanic agenda, as evidenced by Litmus Test failure - does not mean that they will choose damnation at the last. Indeed; I think it almost certain that an individual person is only sustained alive for as long as he is judged capable of repentance; which means that where there is life there is hope. However; the same does not necessarily apply to institutions/ groups/ corporations - including churches. Whereas there are many (including recent) examples of individual persons (and, presumably, other Beings) who seem very likely to have repented and chosen salvation despite previous servitude to evil - and done so very late, very near to death; there seem to be none among recent institutions. This may be because the kind of corruption that afflicts most modern institutions is one that excludes the ultimacy of the kind of "presiding spiritual Being" that used-to stand-behind traditional institutions (variously conceptualized as patron saints, angels, and the like). I would guess that so long as there is a presiding spiritual Being, then repentance is possible. But when there has been a hollowing-out, bureaucritization, self-subordination of an institution to external influences, then there can be no basis for repentance. 

Thursday 18 November 2021

The un-naturalness of belief in the Litmus Test issues signifies allegiance with the side who are against divine creation

I have often mentioned the 2020-21 Litmus Tests - belief in/ support for any one of which, by a person or institution - is strong evidence of affiliation with those who oppose, God, The Good and Divine Creation in this global spiritual war. 

The four tests are probably the core aspects of the Leftist agenda as it has become here-and-now; which recognizes Leftism as having been the major and most successful demonic strategy against Christianity:


CO2 climate 


Sexual revolution (especially 'trans', also 'homo') 

It is striking that all of these are characterized by unnaturalness - that none of them are a consequence of normal human commonsense operating on personal experience. 

Belief in the major health significance of the birdemic is not a result of individual persons observing the perceptible world. It is an outcome of official and media selection, distortion and lies - amplified by the multiple and severe real problems that have secondarily been caused by the 'response' to the constructed birdemic. In sum the birdemic is a System construct made from 'information' - it is not an entity which could or would have been noticed by any individual person.  

Likewise the CO2 climate agenda. It makes a shallow pretense of environmentalism; yet 'climate' has displaced concern for the environment - and causes obvious and significant environmental damage. This is because environmental degradation can be observed by any individual - but CO2 concentrations cannot. The link between (for instance) a waste pipe spewing rancid toxins and dead fish floating downstream is commonsense and observable. But 'global' discourse concerning CO2 measurements and claims about how these will affect future world conditions are hypothetical in the most extreme way imaginable: layers upon layers of selection, modelling, inference... 

Antiracism and the sexual revolution are example of inversion of the natural, spontaneous and humanly universal. The reality of male and female sex, and the superiority of reproductively viable sexual behaviour were naturally taken for granted in all times and places until very recently and in just a few places. All known past societies have naturally (obviously!) regarded their own race and 'nation' as deserving of consideration above others. To think otherwise (as is now praised, rewarded and mandatory) is a stunning inversion of the natural - and could only become normalized in the context of a system that was itself intentionally anti-natural. 

In sum, the Litmus Test issues - which form the current core of the mainstream, universal, global strategy for the totalitarian Establishment - are unnatural such that none could plausibly be a consequence of common sense reasoning applied to personal experience and observation. 

In other words; belief in any (or all) of the Litmus Test issues cannot arise spontaneously but only be a consequence of choice...

And that choice has been to accept the 'good-ness', truth, validity of the Leftist ideological system - which is the only source of those 'facts' and 'concepts which lead to belief in the Litmus Tests - and thereby the choice was made to ally oneself with the aims and plans of that ideological system. 

This explains why the Litmus Tests work so well as a way of detecting allegiance in the spiritual war: God or Satan. 

Many people are self-deceived concerning which side they serve (i.e. wrongly believing themselves to be on God's side); and many more are attempting to deceive others (e.g. 'liberal Christian' bishops) - but exactly because the Litmus Tests are unnatural, the tests discriminate between the sides, whatever claims may be. 

That which is unnatural is not supported by reality; and that which cannot be discovered from personal experience and common sense must be generated by external systems. 

Validity then depends on the validity of the system from which the unnatural is derived. When that system does not see truth, beauty and virtue but inverts these - when it instead depends on lies and propaganda, is ugly and destructive of beauty and overthrows all natural, spontaneous and traditional virtue - then we are confronted by the dishonest and evil-seeking ideology of Leftism.

Those who live in accordance with a dishonest ideology Just Are against Divine Creation - they are participating in the destruction of creation and its replacement with a fake anti-creation; just as they are supporting Satan against God, and Antichrist against Christ. 

It is all a package; and that someone self-identifies as 'A Christian' or is the devout member of 'A Christian Church' makes no real difference. 

The Litmus Tests are a more accurate guide to spiritual reality than names, because these issues are what are of prime importance to the Establishment, Now

To be A Christian in every belief except those issues which most matter to Satan and which best serve the Satanic agenda, is not to be a Christian. 

Tuesday 20 September 2022

The death of QEII - yet another litmus test for Christians

The litmus tests arrive thick and fast with accelerating speed; for the simple reason that this Western world is controlled by those who follow a demonic agenda; and They will use all the weapons at their disposal - which include nearly-all the power, wealth, status and fame in the public arena. 

The litmus tests have long since divided Western Christians from the rest; and now are functioning to divide among Christians.

Those who fail litmus tests have chosen to ally with one or other of the major agenda items by which the totalitarian globalists have chosen to corrupt the world, and to invert our values. This is, quite simply, choosing the side of Satan in the spiritual war against God and creation. 

Unless repented, such a person has de facto ceased to be Christian; however he may self-identify. 

This self-separation happens naturally, as our culture and society - our civilization - becomes further advanced in corruption. 

All major institutions, including those that were net-good, are now net-bad (i.e. overall affiliated with the demonic powers of purposive evil); and the residual good that was in them is being driven out incrementally. 

The death of Queen Elizabeth II is a case in point. The whole process of 'national mourning' leading up to the funeral was a top-down dictated operation; controlled by exactly the same powers and principalities who have devised, administered and propagandized the birdemic-peck, climate emergency suicide, Fire Nation hating/ WWIII-driving/ self-annihilation, antiracism-driven national destruction by mass immigration, and the world-historic evils of the transagenda and its sexual revolution origins. 

The Exact Same People who do all that stuff, have been managing the 'national mourning' process for the past dozen days

That is all we need to know

This, therefore, should be just another easy-peasy test of our discernment; and yet it is a test that vast swathes of self-styled traditionalists and 'conservative' Christians have failed spectacularly; sometimes under the lying pretense that the world of 2022 is fundamentally the same as it was forty, fifty, sixty years ago - often in the grip of a nostalgia that has been manipulated to serve the strategy of Satan. 

Evil can only enter where it is invited; and the fact that we have a situation of top-down global totalitarian evil has only arisen and can only progress because hundreds of millions of people have invited this evil into their hearts - in defiance of the simple and obvious dictates of conscience. 

We must therefore discern and identify and reject evil - which we can identify by its provenance, and by the tenacity and vigor with which it is pursued. 

This really is not difficult; therefore failure to do it, is commensurately lethal. 


Monday 12 October 2020

What if you fail the 2020 Litmus Tests?

A couple of days ago I listed what I consider to be the three Satanic Litmus Test issues that are dominant in 2020: these are the birdemic, antiracism and global warming. 

I think it is worth reiterating that what these Tests do is detect and identify those who are objectively on the side of Satan in the current spiritual war. 

The question of whether you are (overall) a nice person, or what is regarded as a 'good' person is irrelevant; whether you are a pious and observant church member is a separate issue; whether you live by Christian ethics to a higher degree than many or most people makes no difference at all. 

If you fail the litmus tests you are working-for Satan's triumph in this world, you are aiding his agenda - know it or not, like it or not, deny it or not. 

This ought to be very obvious to you, since the evidence is truly collosal and indeed overwhelming - and the fact that it is not obvious to you shows the depth of your unrepented sin. 

And it is unrepented sin that is decisive - as Christians ought to know.  

Note: Failing one (and if one, usually all) of these tests identifies a person as actively against God; but passing the test does Not (of course!) mean that one is a real Christian. To be a real Christian is a positive and voluntary committment; one must want and decide to follow Jesus to resurrected eternal life. Being a Christian doesn't happen (nowadays) without you knowing it (although it could happen after death).

Saturday 9 January 2021

The spiritual war, and the material war, in the USA

There is, of course, a relationship between the spiritual and the material - they are aspects of creation; they are distinguishable but not divisible. 

The spiritual came first, includes the material, and is primary; but the resurrection demonstrates that the material is vital to God's plan of salvation and theosis

Thus earthly material events may be a visible manifestation of larger and underlying spiritual movements and conflicts.


From the global demonic coup of early 2020, the spiritual has been rapidly and very-completely excluded from public discourse. 

But - for those who discern the primacy of the spirit - there has been a convergence of the spiritual war with the material

That is why the 2020 Litmus Tests - which discern 'merely' on the basis of political opinions - are also extremely effective tools of spiritual discernment.  

The conflict over the US election is apparently the last, and most decisive, of these Litmus Tests. 


Things have 'come to a point' - institutions and discourse have converged onto a single, official-bureaucratic-media permitted and supported, ideology. 

This ideology is characterised by foundational and systemic untruthfulness about 'facts'; and accelerating value-inversion in concepts - hence is easily identifiable to Christians as a product of Satan (the father of lies).

Whole value systems (for God, creation and The Good - or against these) are separating, further and further, with less and less overlap

Therefore; there are now many material correlates of spiritual allegiance; and the correlation is a consequence of the material being a consequence of the spiritual. 

This is why I regard the current political events of the USA as being (more and more evidently, as days go by) a focused and key instance of the spiritual war of mankind. 

Since the middle of the 19th century, the USA have become the Christian and spiritual focus of Man - taking over from Britain, and as a development of the British spirit. It is not an accident that the US president identifies with his British descent. 

America has been, for about 200 years, the main arena of creative and renewing Christian developments - most notably the Mormons; but also Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventists, Southern Baptists, Pentecostals - and the many varieties of Evangelicals. 

Despite that all the major churches have now collapsed (willingly, mostly), and Christian church leaders have taken the wrong (i.e. demonic) side in the current spiritual war (as evidenced by failing one/ more/ all of the Litmus Tests); this historical perspective demonstrates why the US is the place for what seems to be the decisive, and perhaps even final, material battle between Good and evil.


This is a battle for the material aspect of the spiritual - a battle about whether the material world is to be a part of the spiritual - or whether the material world will be cut-off altogether (and, it is planned, irrevocably) from the divine.  

All other parts of the world (certainly Britain) have surrendered to the powers of darkness without a fight, indeed without any significant resistance of any kind. 

But the US has not surrendered; and - indeed - for the past weeks seems to be in the grip of a massive (probably tens of millions) awakening and clarification - which is increasingly and explicitly Christian; which has had the usual observable effect of faith: which is an increase of courage and cohesion. 

I have a hunch that - in these End Times - God's choice concerning the fate of the world has been delayed because of this positive development; which is perhaps the first sign of significant spiritual resurgence in The West, in Christendom, after several decades of accelerating decline and corruption.


The events of the US, although we cannot know them in detail, seem more and more obviously to be the decisive spiritual crux of our time; and for a long time.  

And, although the proximate battle is being fought by US Christians; the fate of the world is at stake - precisely because the sides are so clearly differentiated, and (over the past weeks and days) have reached a greater degree of conscious awareness of what is at stake.

Those on the side of evil, are more and more aware of exactly what it is they are fighting for; more and more aware of the depth and degree of lying, distortion, and intimidation being used. 

The evil side are increasingly composed of the bribed and the blackmailed, the terrorized and the psychopathic - of traitors and oath-breakers. 


That this evil side is a 'secret combination', a 'conspiracy' is firstly a daily-fact to the hundreds of thousands of people who have-been and are actively participating in wholesale and expanding lying on a scale never before seen on earth

Each of these manyfold individuals knows the sinful nature of his own motivations for doing such devil's work. 

And on the other side - that side fighting for Good* - all this get clearer and more evident; and they increasingly realise the vast scope of what is truly at stake in this local and specific battle.


To be precise: the current local battle over US election fraud is the material focus of the much-wider spiritual war over the future of the world. 

The material focus is not everything - and the true scope of that focus may not be exactly what we think; yet it is indeed the focus; and the outcome will - in some way or another - be decisive.

For whatever reason; the USA, Now is where It Is Happening - where it is being-decided; and the election is the proximate issue about-which it is happening.

This situation is broadly analogous to Frodo, Sam and Gollum in the cracks of doom; when the rest of the world holds its breath, and many strands of fate and choice wind-together to a decisive conclusion.

We who are not directly involved are, nonetheless, needed; in our prayers, meditations and Good Will - since (as Christians know) Men are not ultimately divided; and are in fact spiritually linked. 

(That is (of course) exactly what is at issue in this battle. Spiritual 'back-up' materially assists those engaged in the material fight.)


A final reckoning? Yes, in this war. 

Decisive? Indeed. 

Yet, not, of course a final conclusion - since life goes-on; one way or another, somewhere or other...     


Note: The above was written after reading John C Wright's wonderful and inspiring meditation on this subject, which was linked by WmJas Tychonievich. (In passing, JCW's writing is, in itself, further evidence from this past year of the spiritual vitality that remains among members of the Roman Catholic Church; to set against the treachery of its leadership.)

*Note. It is absolutely vital to recognise that the sides of Good and evil are Not composed of what are usually termed 'Good people' and 'Bad People'; nor even of better and worse people. The essence of the two sides concerns whether a person gives their allegiance to Good (i.e. to God and creation); or joins the 'evil' side which opposes The Good (God and creation)

It is about there being only two sides, and a person's choice of which side he identifies-with. Matters of individual behaviour are a separate issue; so that some (or perhaps most) of the people on the side of evil will be better behaved, 'nicer' people than some (or perhaps most) of those on the side of Good. However, over time, those on the evil side will certainly become corrupted by their primary choice - as is currently very evident indeed.   

Monday 2 August 2021

Is mortal life a test, or an education?

Most Christians tend to regard this mortal life as a test - or rather as a series of tests. This is upside-down; because life is actually an education. 

Of course, an education will involve passing tests - but the over-arching reason for a (real) education is to learn new stuff, to develop abilities - to learn from experiences and thereby be raised to a higher level in the subject being studied. 

That is the purpose of mortal life - of living, developing, growing, and having the experiences which God brings to us by his arrangement of ongoing creation. Some of these experiences take the form of tests that we should overcome; but many other aspects of life are experiences from-which we may learn. 

Here is an analogy: I was at medical school and studied to pass tough exams; and I needed to pass these exams to qualify as a doctor. 

However, the educational aspect was primary. For example; spending the morning interviewing and examining patients, and then presenting a summary and conclusions to a more senior doctor. Or assisting with medical procedures or surgical operations. Or sitting next to doctors in clinics, watching what was done, asking and being asked questions. 

In other words; most of medical education was about having experiences and learning from them - and that was the real and positive purpose of the education. And the exams (the tests) were one type of experience; yet of a double-negative kind: I must not fail them. 

In sum - the first job of a good medical school is to provide students with experiences from-which they can learn to be a doctor if they take the opportunities offered. Also, in the end, it was necessary to pass the tests in order to proceed. 

Christians often fall-into a way of talking that seems to frame mortal life in the exam-like way: as tests that must not be failed. So, these end times were are going through, where apparently supernatural purposive evil dominates a world government, which rules all major social institutions aiming to make society a machine of damnation - may be described as testing-times; and a test which God has set us his children. It is said that we must pass this test to be allowed into Heaven.

I have myself described four Litmus Tests, by which we can discern which side a person or institution has taken in the spiritual war. This might be taken to imply that such Tests are 'set' by God; and that these times of trial are to be conceptualized as like exams for admission to Heaven.

Ultimately, this way of thinking leads to what I have called the double-negative theology which is all too common in Christianity, historically - with the idea that life is about avoiding damnation.

But the truth of our life situation is more more like the whole of education than a set of exams. An alternative and positive idea, is that of life as a chance for theosis; that God engineers our personal experiences such that we can learn from them - and this learning will be of value in our post-mortal eternal life in Heaven.  

So, these 'testing times of trial' should also be seen in the broader context of providing each of us - individually - with the personally-tailored experiences we could most benefit from - if we take the opportunities offered, and learn from them. 

And at the end of this life; it is also necessary to pass the 'test' of salvation - of being able to make an eternal commitment to Love and follow Jesus Christ - in order to proceed to Heaven. 

Note added: William Wildblood's new book Earth is a School is now available for pre-order. It looks in more detail at the idea of life as education. 

Saturday 20 April 2024

Aiming for worldly success and popularity is maybe the worst Litmus Test failure

I have often written about the Litmus Test issues of our time; those thin-end-of-wedges, those slippery slopes, those tips of evil-icebergs.  

A Litmus Test is an issue that is linked to the agenda of evil; the strategy of Satan and the demons. The issue itself may seem to be minor, subjective, or in principle not worse than a partial truth or distortion of some-thing valid - but the fact is that the issue links to a whole vast and systematic program of corruption. 

Therefore to fail even a single Litmus Test, and to join with the program that is attached to it, to lend support in social discourse, to become a propagandist or an activist; just a single Litmus Test fail is by-itself sufficient to corrupt a Christian to take the opposite side in the spiritual war. 

This can be confirmed by observation. For instance, all of the major Christian churches in The West have failed one or more Litmus Tests - and, although they may stand firm on other Test issues, this is never sufficient to prevent these churches becoming assimilated to The System and its evil-controllers. 

Partial Good is no defence against taking the wrong side, and becoming net-evil. 

Many of these Litmus Tests can be understood as linked to various types of worldly success, and (particularly among women) to social popularity. So, perhaps it is the striving for worldly success that is the underlying and master corruption. 

This is why the most extreme corruption of value-inversion is worst among the professional and leadership classes. Those who are most wealthy, educated, high status and influential. 

As of 2024 in The West, nobody can attain and remain in a high socio-economic position without publicly professing evil. 

Now, this does not - of course - mean that such people are inevitably damned; because repentance has (in principle) infinite power.  

We are all sinners, without exception - that is we cannot cease from sinning; but Jesus came to save sinners. 

But repentance is necessary. 

And repentance means knowing that sin is indeed sin; knowing and acknowledging to oneself and God that one is indeed sinning by failing that over-arching Litmus Test - by striving for worldly success.

So far as one can infer, this repentance seems rare - very rare; indeed there is not the slightest sign of repentance in most worldly self-styled Christians. 

No sign - even - that worldly success, even personal popularity, is nowadays something that requires repentance. 


Note added: An important first step is to cease being proud-of, and boasting-about (even indirectly, even humble-bragging), our own worldly success, and that of others. 

Or, at least, repenting when we do so!

Tuesday 26 January 2021

How Bad Politics kills Christianity

Supposing you believe you are a Christian, but just fail just one of the 2020 Litmus Tests - for example the commonest failure, which is the birdemic

(But an analogous argument applies to all the other Tests, mutatis mutandis.)

But surely (you say) if I self-identify as a Christian, and I want to stay a Christian - why shouldn't I be able to do this? Surely Christianity is one thing and politics is another thing?

Well, in an abstract, reductionist and theoretical way - yes you can do this; in the sense that it is not rationally-impossible. 

But here and now, as of 2021, you won't do this. If you accept the birdemic narrative, you will not stay Christian. 

Firstly because in believing-in the birdemic, you are believing in The System: you are buying-into the narrative of the Global Establishment, officialdom and the mass media. 

You are passively-accepting your dominant world view from Them

Therefore you have already surrendered your conscience and your discernment. 

But even if you somehow manage to negotiate this; the birdemic is tightly-integrated into - is indeed the primary rationale and justification-for, the totalitarian coup of early 2020 and its strategy of Big Lies, omni-surveillance, micro-control; its fake-response of lock-down-social-distancing-masking; its PSYOPS of fuelling compulsory untruthfulness, fear, resentment and despair; its (rotating) single issue mode of thinking where anything and everything can-and-should be sacrificed to the (Establishment defined and propagated) birdemic project. 

Therefore, in actual practice (never mind the abstract logic), if you were a Christian before the birdemic; you will not be a Christian if you fail that Litmus Test. 

You will not be motivated to oppose the permanent prohibition and eradication of all Christian social activities. 

You will not even be able to resist supporting purposive strategic evil in your own mind - since you have placed the choice of following Jesus Christ as a lower priority than the birdemic; you have subordinated Jesus to the Establishment; and the Establishment is evil. ... 

The Establishment is evil in the precise sense of being on the side of Satan against God - indeed, being dominated by Satan and the demons.

(And if you can't perceive this staggeringly obvious and explicit reality - then you are already on the dark side.) 

Hence, by making the wrong political choices, by failing one or more Litmus Tests, you have already made your choice against Him. 

However it may have been in the past or in other places; as of 2021 Bad Politics kills Christianity. 

Friday 24 November 2023

Is AI (Artificial Intelligence) another Litmus Test issue?

I have previously described what I regard as the major Litmus Test issues for discerning which side a person has chosen in the spiritual war of the world (i.e. the sides for- and against-divine creation) - things like climate change, feminism, the birdemic/ peck, antiracism, and hostility to the autonomous existence of the Fire Nation.

I wonder whether a positive attitude towards AI (Artificial Intelligence) is another of these Litmus Tests? I am inclined to think so. 

Others might suggest that AI is merely neutral in its values, and what matters is the specific application - and, to some extent this is bound to be true: it is trivially correct that there are always exceptions to even the most valid of generalizations. 

There is also the confusion about "what AI means" - because the term has been around for many decades; and probably some usages that were commoner in the past may be less discerning as to spiritual attitudes. 

But, like all the Litmus Tests: What matters in 2023 is how that term is used in 2023. 

And the biggest evidence concerning the spiritual valence of any term in 2023, is the agenda to which the term is attached - and who is pushing that agenda.  

Thus, while some theoretical usages of "racism" are indeed sinful for Christians; in actual 2023 practical usage - "racism" is not any kind of a sin.  

By this criterion it is completely obvious that - whatever theories and exceptions we might imagine or manufacture - actually-happening AI is attached to an agenda that is being pushed by the global totalitarians. 

And that is all we really need to know. 

Because even if we personally have theories about potential benefits of AI, and even if we cannot understand or guess the nature of the harm that AI will actually be used to do -- we can nonetheless be sure that AI as it actually gets implemented, will be used on the side of Satan and against God. 

Monday 9 November 2020

Okay - Let's apply the three 2020 Satanic Litmus Tests...

Just in case you have forgotten the three 2020 Litmus Tests for being objectively against God, creation and Christianity - that is, actively on the side of Satan - they are belief in: 1. The Birdemic, 2. Antiracism, 3. Climate change. 

OK, no surprises or anything - it was just striking to see the three marks of evil in the same headline(s)*, as the major policy priorities; plain, upfront, explicit. 

Evil strutting the global stage (well, not exactly strutting...), endorsed by the totality of The Establishent: evil proud and confident.

Evil with the gloves-off. 


*Note: Actual headline may differ slightly from that above, due to settling of contents during transit...