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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query spiritual war. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday 7 July 2016

The culture war is not the same as spiritual warfare - by winning the first, the Enemy may lose the second

Because it is visible, measurable, shared - the culture war is easy to discuss - and Christians have lost the culture war. Christianity is not just excluded from the public realm - it is under prolonged siege.

But that is not the crux - it is the spiritual war which matter. Christians are losing that too - so far as can be measured; but it is much harder for the Enemy to win the spiritual war than the culture war. The reason is that if the culture war becomes to obvious, then the spiritual war will re-ignite.

If the culture war leads to a more primal, direct form of human experience; if people are brought face to face with the human condition (instead of experiencing it mainly via the mass media); if conflict becomes genuine rather than sham, manipulated; if dissent and protest becomes heart-felt rather than media-generated, AstroTurf-contrived, and a lifestyle expression... any and all such things will bring the spiritual war into the open - and the position of the Enemy will be exposed.

The Enemy does not merely want to make people miserable; the intention is to induce people to actively to reject salvation and chose damnation. So far, in this virtual world of sullen comfort, they are winning - and have probably gone further towards victory than at any time in human history.

But if the Enemy goes too far, or too fast, or comes into the open - then they will lose ground.

In winning the culture war, they may lose the spiritual war.

Whatever has happened in culture; we must keep fighting the spiritual war; and be ready to counter attack. 

Sunday 10 October 2021

Why aren't things even worse? Negative evidence that the global totalitarian project is primarily spiritual, and fought spiritually

Things are bad in the world! Satan's side in the spiritual war of this world had a great victory in early 2020, successfully achieving a global coup by its possessed agents and obedient servants; which hardly anyone noticed. 

Indeed - by my estimate - the world is worse now, more extremely-evil (in terms of value-inversion), than at any time in history. 

But... things are not as bad now, as I confidently expected they would be 18 months ago

Despite winning the political war of this mortal world - at least, on the level of observable material phenomena - the Global Establishment have not been able to pursue their strategy as far or as fast as I had anticipated. Indeed, there have been some significant easings; some retreats, here and there. 

My understanding is that this is 'negative evidence' that the primary war is spiritual, not political; and that the spiritual war is being fought harder and more effectively than the material war. 

On the basis of observable material phenomena there seems no reason why The Enemy should not press on as fast and as far as they want, because - where is there any powerful opposition? All the nations of the world have been brought in line and the major multi-national organizations were long since captured. 

Leadership of all the major social institutions are overall strongly On Side with the program of explicit evil: all mainstream political parties, multinational corporations, international finance, the civil service, police and military. legal system, health services, education, science, sports, mass media etc; and the major Christian denominations and churches.  

So what is stopping them? Why are they waiting? Why do they not simply push-through as fast as humanly possible to the hell-on-earth they intend for the masses? 

There are, I think, at least three reasons. One is that my knowledge, anybody's knowledge' is partial and distorted even when it is true. There are facts and contexts missing - so that the correct degree of pessimism cannot be established (i.e. the Palantir Problem).  

Secondly - the primary purpose of the Global Establishment is spiritual, not political; so we would not expect Them to work towards maximizing political control. 

Instead, they will tend to adjust their political objectives to optimize spiritual damage - rather than optimizing their subordinate goals of economic damage, mass enslavement, torment and killings from disease, violence and starvation etc. 

(Although low level demons delight in destruction; their primary goal is damnation; and there will be more strategic and high level demonic leaders who will try to delay the gratifications of immediate and indiscriminate destruction of life, in order to promote the large scale plan of mass damnation.)

And thirdly; while observable, measurable physical and material resistance to the strategy of Satan -  seems almost ineffectual (being infrequent, scattered and apparently feeble) - this is not, after all, the most important kind of resistance

The most important resistance to evil is in Men's hearts. 

The spiritual war is always and necessarily affected-by change in the material world, because the material is a sub-division of the spiritual realm. Nonetheless, the major arena of spiritual war is in The Spirit. 

And, since there is a significant gap between expectations and actuality based on observable and material conflict; my inference is that the major conflict is happening in the 'invisible' (but know-able) realm of the spirit. 

More exactly; I believe that They have Not been able to pursue Their evil plans as far and as fast as would have been expected given their near-monopoly of worldly power; because there is significant spiritual resistance from a sufficient number and spiritual strength of ordinary (not leadership) people around the world.

The Establishment may have all-but won the war over bodies and minds; but there is still significant and effective resistance in Men's hearts.    

This should be taken as strong encouragement. We should know that 'in theory' our own personal and individual spiritual state and commitment will make a difference to the world spiritual war; because God works through Men, and by our choices we may make ourselves an instrument of God - who is, after all, The Creator! 

By our deliberate and conscious choices, we may each become an Instrument of Divine Creation.

Therefore, God may change the world, re-create the world, both through us and also by our own sub-creative acts (mental and physical) being sustained and amplified by God's ongoing create-ing.  

As I say, Christians should know that this is true 'in theory'. But also I believe we can (as of this moment in time - things may change, of course) also observe the truth of it 'in practice'.

This, by noting the 'significant gap' between how bad things actually are at present and how bad we might reasonably have expected them to be 18 months ago; when Satan's political power first began to rule the world without significant institutional opposition - and with the major 'Christian' churches taking Satan's side. 

Thus, the 'negative material evidence' and the evil of institutions, seem to point-at positive spiritual power for Good residing in the hearts of individual Men. 

Wednesday 18 September 2019

How Not to be afraid of living inside the demonic electronic web

If we live in fear we have lost.

On the other hand, we already live inside an inescapable Global system of evil, administered by demonic powers and their servants and dupes - and the meshes of this web are tightening.

The good news is that we can win this battle, whatever the odds may be; and maybe even enjoy the process. 

The situation resembles one of those horror movies in which the vampires cannot enter unless invited. But this applies to our souls rather than our houses; which means we can live well in the midst of evil, so long as we don't invite it in...

Of course, sooner or later, we will invite-evil-in; given the pervasiveness of temptation. What then?

In the vampire movies, that would be the end of the matter; but in real life, people can fail and fall; but then repent and win.

We live in a spiritual war. That is the first and most important insight.

And the spiritual war is won in the end by repentance, not by indomitable strength in resistance. There is no limit to the number of defeats, of lost battles; so long as each loss is recognised, and repented the war will be won.

Repentance has unlimited power, and unlimited battery life...

So we should focus on what enables a person to repent. And that is having something better to live for.

To repent, the person must have within them (as a lived experience) something better than what is being pushed onto them from outside, by the demonic web.

The first and vital battle is over whether there really is a spiritual war.

The spiritual war was initiated by the demonic powers with the objective of denying that there is a war.

When a person becomes convinced that there is not a spiritual war, the demons have won a soul; because that person will not repent - because he regards himself as having nothing to repent.

The victory of evil will only be achieved when this outcome is regarded as a victory of Good

The point is therefore not to live a life of 100% successful resistance against overwhelming odds; but simply to know when we have been beaten.

The danger here - in the spiritual war - is not the matter of being beaten in a specific battle, but in not realising that there has-been a battle, not realising that one has-been defeated. Because on the one hand, defeats are inevitable; on the other hand, no defeat is decisive so long as it is repented. 

What is required to live in conditions of overwhelming adversity - under massively successful demonic influence - is to recognise Good and evil, and to take the side of Good. So long as that is the situation, then the individual can win any battle in an instant - and he will always be safe.

Indeed, so long as the individual knows Good from evil and recognises that it is easy to win any spiritual battle by repentance, then he is safe. He can get-on-with living, can appreciate life as best he may. He can enjoy the process of living, experiencing, learning...

Resisting evil is only the half of it, and without the other half it will fail. The other half is knowing and wanting Good.

And knowing Good is knowing God, as a person.  

Faith, Hope and Charity - these are the positive virtues; the essence of a joyful life. The life of Faith is one of Hope based upon total confidence in the power of repentance to win against any odds; and the Love of God expressed in the choice of Good.

There is no need to live in fear; and if we are living in fear - we need to think again; because our faith is defective... something needs repenting.

Saturday 9 January 2021

The spiritual war, and the material war, in the USA

There is, of course, a relationship between the spiritual and the material - they are aspects of creation; they are distinguishable but not divisible. 

The spiritual came first, includes the material, and is primary; but the resurrection demonstrates that the material is vital to God's plan of salvation and theosis

Thus earthly material events may be a visible manifestation of larger and underlying spiritual movements and conflicts.


From the global demonic coup of early 2020, the spiritual has been rapidly and very-completely excluded from public discourse. 

But - for those who discern the primacy of the spirit - there has been a convergence of the spiritual war with the material

That is why the 2020 Litmus Tests - which discern 'merely' on the basis of political opinions - are also extremely effective tools of spiritual discernment.  

The conflict over the US election is apparently the last, and most decisive, of these Litmus Tests. 


Things have 'come to a point' - institutions and discourse have converged onto a single, official-bureaucratic-media permitted and supported, ideology. 

This ideology is characterised by foundational and systemic untruthfulness about 'facts'; and accelerating value-inversion in concepts - hence is easily identifiable to Christians as a product of Satan (the father of lies).

Whole value systems (for God, creation and The Good - or against these) are separating, further and further, with less and less overlap

Therefore; there are now many material correlates of spiritual allegiance; and the correlation is a consequence of the material being a consequence of the spiritual. 

This is why I regard the current political events of the USA as being (more and more evidently, as days go by) a focused and key instance of the spiritual war of mankind. 

Since the middle of the 19th century, the USA have become the Christian and spiritual focus of Man - taking over from Britain, and as a development of the British spirit. It is not an accident that the US president identifies with his British descent. 

America has been, for about 200 years, the main arena of creative and renewing Christian developments - most notably the Mormons; but also Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventists, Southern Baptists, Pentecostals - and the many varieties of Evangelicals. 

Despite that all the major churches have now collapsed (willingly, mostly), and Christian church leaders have taken the wrong (i.e. demonic) side in the current spiritual war (as evidenced by failing one/ more/ all of the Litmus Tests); this historical perspective demonstrates why the US is the place for what seems to be the decisive, and perhaps even final, material battle between Good and evil.


This is a battle for the material aspect of the spiritual - a battle about whether the material world is to be a part of the spiritual - or whether the material world will be cut-off altogether (and, it is planned, irrevocably) from the divine.  

All other parts of the world (certainly Britain) have surrendered to the powers of darkness without a fight, indeed without any significant resistance of any kind. 

But the US has not surrendered; and - indeed - for the past weeks seems to be in the grip of a massive (probably tens of millions) awakening and clarification - which is increasingly and explicitly Christian; which has had the usual observable effect of faith: which is an increase of courage and cohesion. 

I have a hunch that - in these End Times - God's choice concerning the fate of the world has been delayed because of this positive development; which is perhaps the first sign of significant spiritual resurgence in The West, in Christendom, after several decades of accelerating decline and corruption.


The events of the US, although we cannot know them in detail, seem more and more obviously to be the decisive spiritual crux of our time; and for a long time.  

And, although the proximate battle is being fought by US Christians; the fate of the world is at stake - precisely because the sides are so clearly differentiated, and (over the past weeks and days) have reached a greater degree of conscious awareness of what is at stake.

Those on the side of evil, are more and more aware of exactly what it is they are fighting for; more and more aware of the depth and degree of lying, distortion, and intimidation being used. 

The evil side are increasingly composed of the bribed and the blackmailed, the terrorized and the psychopathic - of traitors and oath-breakers. 


That this evil side is a 'secret combination', a 'conspiracy' is firstly a daily-fact to the hundreds of thousands of people who have-been and are actively participating in wholesale and expanding lying on a scale never before seen on earth

Each of these manyfold individuals knows the sinful nature of his own motivations for doing such devil's work. 

And on the other side - that side fighting for Good* - all this get clearer and more evident; and they increasingly realise the vast scope of what is truly at stake in this local and specific battle.


To be precise: the current local battle over US election fraud is the material focus of the much-wider spiritual war over the future of the world. 

The material focus is not everything - and the true scope of that focus may not be exactly what we think; yet it is indeed the focus; and the outcome will - in some way or another - be decisive.

For whatever reason; the USA, Now is where It Is Happening - where it is being-decided; and the election is the proximate issue about-which it is happening.

This situation is broadly analogous to Frodo, Sam and Gollum in the cracks of doom; when the rest of the world holds its breath, and many strands of fate and choice wind-together to a decisive conclusion.

We who are not directly involved are, nonetheless, needed; in our prayers, meditations and Good Will - since (as Christians know) Men are not ultimately divided; and are in fact spiritually linked. 

(That is (of course) exactly what is at issue in this battle. Spiritual 'back-up' materially assists those engaged in the material fight.)


A final reckoning? Yes, in this war. 

Decisive? Indeed. 

Yet, not, of course a final conclusion - since life goes-on; one way or another, somewhere or other...     


Note: The above was written after reading John C Wright's wonderful and inspiring meditation on this subject, which was linked by WmJas Tychonievich. (In passing, JCW's writing is, in itself, further evidence from this past year of the spiritual vitality that remains among members of the Roman Catholic Church; to set against the treachery of its leadership.)

*Note. It is absolutely vital to recognise that the sides of Good and evil are Not composed of what are usually termed 'Good people' and 'Bad People'; nor even of better and worse people. The essence of the two sides concerns whether a person gives their allegiance to Good (i.e. to God and creation); or joins the 'evil' side which opposes The Good (God and creation)

It is about there being only two sides, and a person's choice of which side he identifies-with. Matters of individual behaviour are a separate issue; so that some (or perhaps most) of the people on the side of evil will be better behaved, 'nicer' people than some (or perhaps most) of those on the side of Good. However, over time, those on the evil side will certainly become corrupted by their primary choice - as is currently very evident indeed.   

Tuesday 23 June 2020

The Boromir Strategy revisited: or, the spiritual war is primarily spiritual (not political)

Assertions of spiritual war against the truth of Christianity and the Heavenly resurrection that Jesus offers; will inevitably be regarded as sick, paranoid, persecutory delusions by the dominant, mainstream, secular-materialist majority. That, or regarded as dishonest manipulation, insanity, or sheer foolishness.

Since the spiritual realm is denied reality in all power-full public discourse, since Christianity is seen as Nothing But a socio-political phenomenon - then any damage to Christianity from the totalitarian Global Establishment will only be regarded by the mainstream as collateral damage, accidental to some other prime purpose...

But if spiritual war is real, and if The Enemy is indeed behind the successful 2020 international coup and current-escalating systematic subversion of social cohesion (e.g. Project Fear, Project Resentment, Project Despair) -- then Christianity will be the true (albeit deniable) focus of all major political change. 

By this analysis; the Main Thing about the past few months has been the closure of the Christian churches, the cessation of their core activities. This has been a devastating blow against actual Christians.

This strategy has been most effective against the Catholic churches that were historically the most interwoven with 'the State'; churches which are built around the priesthood, ritual, symbolism and specific consecrated buildings (churches, cathedrals, monasteries, temples etc); since it is the material side which is easiest to suppress.

But even if you are a low church Protestant or unaffiliated Christian; you should bear in mind that the three largest international denominations are Episcopal (i.e. administered by Bishops): The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Anglican. So, if not an actual majority, still a very large proportion of the world's serious Christians have-been and are severely affected by the recent suppression.

And even the most low church/ home church Protestants are severely affected by the rules against gathering, and the physical separation of all (middling, respectable) people; because of course, there are many exemptions. No Christians are to be exempted, in the end. It's just that the Powers of Evil have to start somewhere; and the converged Establishment leaderships of Episcopal churches make them an easier target.

There it is pretty much a case of Job Done. The Christian churches are here-and-now at the lowest ebb in their history. Next, the Powers of Evil will move on to suppressing the other social manifestations of Christianity: meeting, Bibles, prayer, teaching, theology. Wedges will be inserted; divisions made and widened; Christian set-against Christian... 

In a nutshell, if you agree with me that serious Christians are to be found spread across many denominations (including, I assert, many of those regarded as 'heretical' or 'cultish' or in some way unsound by the mainstream - distinctions which I believe mainly served the corrupt, now utterly discredited, church leaderships); then serious Christians should not let Them drive a spiritual wedge between Us.

At the spiritual level, it really is Us against Them: Us being all serious Christians of all kinds; Them being Satan, the demons, the Global Establishment who serve them, and the mass Godless majority who obey them, and believe whatever they are being told today...

(Some souls have been sold, the majority surrendered.)

And the war is spiritual.

We must therefore discern Good from evil (because the mass majority as well as leadership are on the wrong side). But, on the one hand, Christians should Not discern on the basis of those Political Categories by which They are dividing Us (class, sex, race, sexuality)...

While, on the other hand, we should not be manipulated into supporting evil by the fact that our discernment is spiritual rather than political.

The refusal of serious Christians to be spiritually divided from brothers and sisters in Christ on the basis of spiritual categories means opposing any political agenda based on these categories.

Do not get drawn into the Boromir Strategy!

You cannot use the One Ring to fight the Dark Lord, who made it. You cannot use political categories such as aristocracy, patriarchy, nationalism or race/ism to fight the Left; because ultimately all primary politics is of-the-Left: on the side of the Dark Lords. 

Again: all those who discern primarily by Political categories, are on the side of the Enemy - even when they favour those categories that are (apparently) against the Leftist Establishment.

The primary battle of the spiritual war is to assert the primacy of the spiritual.

Saturday 18 September 2021

Fighting demonic evil in the spiritual war

There is a certain island called Farne, in the middle of the sea, not made an island, like Lindisfarne, by the flow of the tide, which the Greeks call rheuma, and then restored to the mainland at its ebb, but lying off several miles to the East, and, consequently, surrounded on all sides by the deep and boundless ocean. No one, before God's servant Cuthbert, had ever dared to inhabit this island alone, on account of the evil spirits which reside there: but when this servant of Christ came, armed with the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, all the fiery darts of the wicked were extinguished, and that wicked enemy, with all his followers, were put to flight.

From Bede's Life of Cuthbert

Just where does the spiritual war take place? The answer is that it is an inner war. 

At the time of Cuthbert, Men's inner lives were also outward; so that devils or demons were perceived - seen, heard, smelled - objectively and externally: in public space. Men's thinking was (to a significant extent) a shared and communal thing, rather as we moderns imagine telepathy. And conversely, Men were not 'individuals' to the same extent - could not (and did not want to) separate themselves from the group (family, tribe).

Modern Men are necessarily individuals now - we look out from our inner subjectivity onto an external objectivity which seems utterly separate and alien; and about which we may feel so unsure as to lapse into the solipsism of thinking that only we our-selves are actually real (and everything else a deluded product of our imagination). This became mainstream in the middle 20th century, and (for example) James Joyce got global fame and Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter got  Nobel Prizes for depictions of exactly this aspect of the modern condition.  

But Men's minds have changed since then. According to God's plan, different souls (with different needs) are born into different historical places and eras, and armed with different aptitudes - and facing different problems. 

Adult mainstream Modern Man perceives neither the demonic nor the divine. He is not just capable of autonomy from the group - but cursed by it. It is a fact of his life. 

Modern Man co-creates reality, and needs to become consciously aware that he does so. His choice is whether to co-create worldly and mortal Satanic 'reality'; or to join with God in co-creating that divine creation within which we dwell.

Either we work with God; or against him.  

Therefore, what was once only a partial individual responsibility for faith is now all-but complete. Because we just-are autonomous agents, we are responsible for what we believe. And if we subordinate our autonomy to a group (any group) then that is our responsibility as well. 

Modern Man does not, therefore, battle with publicly-visible devils or demons ('evil spirits'), like those defeated by Cuthbert on Farne island; the spiritual war takes place within him

Where then are the demons, and how do they 'get at' modern Men? The answer is that all location depends on consciousness - all knowledge involves thinking; therefore the reality of demons is both objective and also dependent on the minds of Men. 

Evils spirits exist in men and their products - when conceptualized by Men. Therefore, demons live (nowadays) in forms of 'communication' - including the spoken word (as experienced and 'reported'), in pictures and moving images, in music, and in computers and the internet

Evil spirits are sustained in this existence in the minds of Men (and of demons) and enter our minds when we attend to such stimuli and know them. Demonic thoughts appear in our thinking by such means - co-created by those who originated the stimuli and by ours-elves. 

Thus, every temptation is also the result of an invitation - we 'invite evil by co-creating it in and by our minds. 

In other words; the main battlefield of the spiritual war is in our own minds; where evil is frequently appearing; and our job is to recognize evil as evil, and to align with Good. 

That is how evil is defeated. If we do not recognize evil, it has won, If we recognize evil and accept it, it has won. If we recognize evil and say it is Good, it has won. 

And if we ourselves participate in public discourse on the assumption that evil is Good - we have doubled-down on evil, and are doubly self-damned. 

So, each of us is responsible for fighting the spiritual war in our own thinking, our own hearts; where evil 'stimuli' will seek out and discover our own weaknesses, and our own thinking will betray us to Their knowledge. 

But every such onslaught - being partially self-created - can always be self-defeated by the act of repentance; by inwardly recognizing and rejecting evil - by affirming our commitment to Good. 

There will be periods of respite from such onslaught of evil; but so long as we live the war will never cease because this is why we are here, why we remain alive. Every triumph against an evil temptation is some-thing learned, an extra strength - from which those who choose to follow Jesus to resurrected life in Heaven will benefit eternally. 

All of those who choose Heaven will benefit from their lifelong spiritual warfare; but only those who choose Heaven. This world is for those who choose to follow Jesus. And for everyone else, it really is (as asserted by the above-mentioned Samuel Beckett, for example) that meaningless and miserable waste of time which modern 'culture' supposes it to be.  

But for those who shall follow Jesus (no matter how small and obscure they may seem to be); mortal life will be known in retrospect to be an endlessly challenging, exciting and heroic business.  

Friday 15 April 2022

We live in a demon-dominated world - so, how come we are not Already in a global war?

For the last couple of years since the coordinated birdemic-peck program was launched, it has become obvious that we live in a totalitarian world - therefore an evil world; and the nature of this evil is increasingly extreme (as must and will happen when evil dominates - evil feeds-upon itself).

Why, then, do not the world-ruling evil powers not just get-on-with-it and launch a world war? ...Considering that so many of the political, media, bureaucratic and corporate leaders are obviously so very keen on the idea. 

The Global Establishment could easily start a war at any time, if they really wanted. So why don't they? 

Of course, it may well happen, and may happen today; given the way that the large and strong elements within the Western powers are incrementally provoking and escalating the situation - indeed, there is already more than sufficient reason, and has been for several weeks. 

But this merely emphasizes that we need to understand why it has not already happened. Given the evil of the Global Establishment; why are we still at a stage of restrained and localized conflict, of proxy war - of remote and deniable actions rather than explicit, direct unrestrained aggressive interventions? 

Surely - we may think - a world war would be the best possible way to promote evil and the damnation of Men in vast numbers? If so; why the restraint? 

The global leadership class are not at all 'restrained' in their other coercive behaviors - so why should they be restrained when it comes to war? 


The outline answer is, I believe, given in that wise book by CS Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Screwtape, an experienced chief devil, writes to a junior demon concerning the outbreak of the Second World War (the following excerpt has been edited by me). 

Notice that Screwtape exemplifies the inverted-value system that are shared by our current world leadership - what Screwtape regards as positive and desirable, Christians regard as evil - and vice versa

You say you are “delirious with joy” because the European humans have started another of their wars. I see very well what has happened to you. You are not delirious; you are only drunk. 

For the first time in your career you have tasted that wine which is the reward of all our labours—the anguish and bewilderment of a human soul—and it has gone to your head...

I must warn you not to hope too much from a war. Of course a war is entertaining. The immediate fear and suffering of the humans is a legitimate and pleasing refreshment for our myriads of toiling workers. 

But what permanent good does it do us unless we make use of it for bringing souls to Our Father Below? The Enemy [God], true to His barbarous methods of warfare, allows us to see the short misery of His favourites only to tantalise and torment us. 

Because, war has certain tendencies inherent in it which are, in themselves, by no means in our favour. 

We may hope for a good deal of cruelty and unchastity. 

But, if we are not careful, we shall see thousands turning in this tribulation to the Enemy [God], while tens of thousands who do not go so far as that will nevertheless have their attention diverted from themselves to values and causes which they believe to be higher than the self. 

I know that the Enemy [God] disapproves many of these causes. But that is where He is so unfair. He often makes prizes of humans who have given their lives for causes He thinks bad on the monstrously sophistical ground that the humans thought them good and were following the best they knew. 

Consider too what undesirable deaths occur in wartime. Men are killed in places where they knew they might be killed and to which they go, if they are at all of God's party, prepared. 

How much better for us if all humans died in costly nursing homes amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, friends who lie, as we have trained them, promising life to the dying, encouraging the belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even, if our workers know their job, withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition! 

And how disastrous for us is the continual remembrance of death which war enforces. One of our best weapons, contented worldliness, is rendered useless. 

In wartime not even a human can believe that he is going to live forever. 

God’s human partisans have all been plainly told by Him that suffering is an essential part of what He calls Redemption; so that a faith which is destroyed by a war or a pestilence cannot really have been worth the trouble of destroying. 

So, Lewis's impersonation of the devil Screwtape provides an insight as to why (probably, plausibly) the evil strategists of the Global Establishment have, so far, reined-in the impatient and lustful clamour of lower-level demons and sadistic humans among national politicians and in the mass media - those who see no further than gratifying their own state of delirious delight at the prospect of massive human aggression and misery. 

After all, the real and causal war is spiritual - not physical - as the senior devils well-know; and the cause of evil in the spiritual war may (as Screwtape explains) substantially be set back by a global and physical war. War may encourage net spiritual Good. 

It is likely that the high-level strategists of evil greatly prefer the current faked, proxy, manipulated media-war - promoted to The West as infotainment, and a novelty 'crusade'; an opportunity for spitefulness to masquerade as principle, virtue-signalling to pretend to boldness, and servile credulity to suppose itself wise. 

High-level Strategists of evil therefore prefer to avoid, if possible, the spiritual dangers of a war in which courage is en-couraged, and where personal experience of existential (not virtual) realities might awaken masses of people to the truths of this world, and the next. 

As Screwtape said: In war not even a human can believe he is going to live forever. 

Yet the demonic strategists are themselves very keen on inflicting extreme and widespread human misery; and at any point may prove unable to resist for longer the pressing temptations of short-term, selfish indulgence attainable from unleashing chaotic evil. 

In the long-term; the short-term will sooner-or-later prevail

Sunday 19 June 2022

Angels, demons, exorcism and the mass media

It is interesting that there are plenty of mass media, indeed Hellmouth-Hollywood, products that depict the spiritual war of this world - in terms of angels and demons, and including what might be termed 'spiritual technologies' such as exorcism. And such matters have been the subject of best-selling novels for many decades. 

The provenance of these stories should alert us to the probability that many are evil-intentioned in one way or another (and, since it is negative by nature, there are numberless ways in which evil can oppose Good). 

But there is perhaps a deeper and more devious misleading going-on in terms of the basic quality of these depictions - which is nearly always of a 'medieval' nature. What I mean is that in these stories symbols have objective effectiveness in a quasi-technological fashion. 

The media spiritual world is one in which demons possess good people against their will; and when corrupted they can be saved (again, without consent) by physical objects such as Holy Water, Consecrated Host; or by expert exorcisms using specific Latin prayers and which must be performed by consecrated priests.   

Such aspects make spirituality into an almost materialist technology and down-play (or eliminate altogether) what is actually the core role of human freedom and choice in spiritual matters. 

I believe that human consciousness has changed since the medieval era, and therefore the 'objective' world as we know it - has also changed. 

In the middle ages, Men lived in a mental-world that we would experience as communal - they had not fully dissociated their consciousness from the group; and (to a significant extent) meanings and effects were taken-in with perceptions.  

What this meant was that symbols and language had an objective reality - perceived symbols affected the material world; because the material world was not separable from them. For example, a physical cross, or a picture or a vision of the cross; had reliable and powerful spiritual effects - on unbelievers, animals, disease - causally potent much as we would expect from a laser beam. 

Thus, demons could attack men who resisted them, because Men could not fully resist them due to their (partial but significant) absorption into the communal spiritual mind. And/ but these demons could be exorcised even without the consent of the possessed - for the same reason. 

Exorcism, done by those with authority and in the proper form of words and actions, therefore had the kind of objective efficacy we moderns might associate with penicillin or surgery.  

As the modern era dawned from around 1500 in Europe; these symbols began to lose their objective effect and the Reformation was a major result. This focused on whether the consecrated host was objectively spiritually-effectual - or whether there needed to be an inner 'subjective' act on the part of the believer. 

I believe this dispute arose exactly because the Eucharist began to lose the unquestioned and reliable objective effects it had possessed for many centuries.

My understanding is that the root cause of this change was a change in human consciousness - with the separating-out of the individual 'self' from the communal mind. Men no longer took in meaning with their perceptions, but also required that the outer symbol be met with a voluntary inner assent. 

And I believe this process has continued until now; when once-sacred and objectively-effective symbolism has become completely ineffectual and irrelevant for many modern people.  

The other side of this coin is that individuals are now responsible for their own spirituality. On the one hand (as I understand it, as a rule); nowadays demons cannot possess men unless they are invited, and can only stay in possession with consent... 

On the other hand, exorcism has lost its objective and reliable effectiveness. 

Nowadays an exorcism would not be something done-to a possessed person; but would need to be more like an attempt to persuade and encourage a possessed person to resist and repent - to withdraw consent and make an inward decision to refuse demonic control. 

The basic nature and conduct of the spiritual war has therefore changed since medieval times - and both the power and responsibility of the individual have increased greatly

Thus individuals are personally to blame for their own spiritual plight. And also, for the same reasons, people must do for-themselves what could once be done for-them.  

What I am saying is that in their depictions of angels, demons, and spiritual technologies; the mass media are encouraging a false understanding of the spiritual war as it (nearly always) applies here-and-now.  

They are encouraging an atavistic, obsolete spirituality - which is not true for these times; and therefore does not work

This has two kinds of bad effects: 

In the first place it absolves individuals of responsibility of their own spiritual corruption, and encourages a spiritual passivity that looks to other people, external actions and physical objects for their salvation. 

Yet none of this actually works. (Or, only seldom, and incompletely.)

In the second place; this atavistic spirituality is so alien to the actuality of modern life (and so ineffective) as to seem utterly absurd; and to encourage the rejection of spiritual belief altogether. 

When the depictions are so sensational, medieval and untrue to experience; naturally most people regard the whole subject as mere make-believe.  

Meanwhile, the real spiritual war proceeds and thrives unnoticed, denied; and unimpeded by that correct-understanding, acknowledged responsibility, and free-individual-choice - which are the demons only truly-powerful opponents.  

Note: The above perspective, especially on the developmental (evolutionary) changes in human consciousness through history - and causally-driving that history - is heavily indebted to Owen Barfield - in books such as Romanticism Comes of AgeSaving the Appearances and Worlds Apart - and also a selective reading from the vast (and uneven) corpus of Rudolf Steiner.

Monday 24 May 2021

Rumours of war - more Sorathic subversion?

On the one hand; we have the first ever global government; which has imposed the same mass oppression all over the world - disguised as birdemic sanctions  and based on nothing but lies, and impervious to knowledge/ facts/ evidence.

On the other hand; there is more talk of superpower war than I can remember for several decades. 

Could it really be possible that a world war would tear-apart all the carefully planned and elaborately constructed 'consensus' which has agreed upon a single ideology to be implemented by a coordinated, multi-agency plan?

How or why would there be a threat of war when the world has been 'unified' under a single totalitarian bureaucracy that encompasses all the functional social institutions? It seems irrational to build a world government, only to have it torn apart so soon after completion... Surely 'wiser heads would prevail'?

Yet we have this talk of war in high places, and with a casual quality about it all; as if nothing ore were being contemplated than a product marketing scheme. Does this mean that it is 'just talk' or that - for the people who now run things - war seems no different from their routine scams and lies. 

To me, this all looks like another Sorathic phenomenon, such as I have inferred before. As all the nations, major institutions, corporations and churches of the world have been conquered by The System of atheist-materialist-leftism - so evil evolves to a further and more extreme type which aims at destruction. 

And when destruction is the intent, and the only big thing there is to destroy is the global System - then it is the global System that will be destroyed. What else is there, after all other significant social institutions have already been destroyed or assimilated? 

...Destruction of as much as possible, as soon as possible - for which purpose a world war (or at least a superpower war) would be the surest route.

W.W. III would be primarily a spiritual war of a new type; even though it might be rationalized by the promise of material gain. Historical wars often evoked great human virtues (courage, love, loyalty, self-sacrifice...), and sometimes led to major religious revivals. So the further-sighted among the powers of evil were wary of wars for that reason

But such benefits of war seem very unlikely in 2021; because we have experienced several generations of mass religious apostasy and atheist public discourse; and the birdemic response imposed the largest/ most-rapid abandonment of religious practice in human history, which was eagerly implemented by the world religious leadership. 

So the world of 2021 has just demonstrated that spiritual and religious considerations mean almost nothing to modern Man - are, at any rate, utterly swamped by one-eyed irrational fears of illness and death... 

Therefore as of 2021 - it is unlikely that war will lead to courage or self-sacrifice. Therefore there is little to hold back those demonic powers who have become tired of the dull, strategic, long-termism of the prevalent bureaucratic/ Ahrimanic evil. 

By contrast, the ground has been prepared for those who are most motivated by immediate resentment and urgent destructive spite directed against first those they hate; then absolutely any-thing that is beautiful, true and virtuous. 

Ultimately against all that is divinely created. 

War, then, becomes a distinct possibility. Not war for any 'good reason' - although it could and would falsely be rationalized by what counts as good reasons in today's debased and incoherent world of media hype and corporate corruption. 

Instead war for bad reason - that is, war for no reason except the personal gratification of those who would be satisfied to see the destruction of that which they hate. 

After all, the populace have been trained by decades of political and media encouragement of resentment-based ideologies such as socialism, feminism, and antiracism - and these ideologies are now subsidized and enforced on an international scale. 

My guess is that the ground is prepared for war - whether this was intended or no. 

And if (or when) enough individual people with enough power or influence want to start a war, for whatever personal reason - then I don't see who or what would stop them. 

If it was at all risky or costly to stand personally against war - then who have we seen among the powerful of this world, that would have the higher principles and the courage to take risks or experience costs in order to 'do the right thing'? I know of none.    

When Men are motivated by little but fear, expediency and spite - and are (literally) incapable of consecutive thinking; it is easy for spite to get the better of fear and expediency; and then there will be a war; and one thing could easily lead to another until war encompasses the world. 

Once under way; a war based on vengeful resentment on all sides would not have any reason to cease until a very complete level of destruction had been reached - and could reach no stable end-point. 

In sum - although there is no good reason for war, that doesn't mean a thing. There was no good reason for smashing the world economy and destroying basic human interaction (forever?); yet it happened last year. 

There is no good reason for most of what happens in the world, now- yet it happens, with ever greater frequency and severity.  

Why, then, not war? It it, after all, far easier to destroy than to create: anyone can do it. 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Evil at work: people Just Don't Get-It


In the coverage of mainstream news, with its unrelenting and aggressive search-and-destroy attitude to marriage, family, Christianity; with its upfront and explicit and covert and strategic promotion of ugliness, moral inversion and dishonesty... I am continually surprised at the attitude adopted by traditionalists and reactionaries who persist and persist in regarding the forces ranged against them as well-meaning but misguided.


The fact is that we are at war: we are under attack: we are being harassed, bombed, invaded.

The enemy know what they are doing, they are engaged in genocide: and they know it at many levels from the implicit and taken-for-granted to the battle plan.

To survive (let alone win) real Christians simply must recognize the reality of what is euphemistically caused the Culture Wars - but which is actually Spiritual Warfare.


This is the battle between Good and Evil, God and Satan - it is not a battle between good and evil people, but between good and evil spiritual forces with people variously aligned and nobody wholly on one side.

At times the fight between good and evil has resembled a melee, collections of more-or-less-good individuals on various sides, mixed together, hacking and brawling.

Yet in these modern times, the sides in the battle are becoming sorted more clearly. The evil alliance is becoming larger and larger, more and more coherent, and it should be becoming more and more obvious. 


The nature of this modern spiritual war is the assembling of such a vast coalition of evil that it seems only scattered individuals stand outside it. In our world there is no Gondor or Lothlorien, nor even an Edoras or Lonely Mountain.

The odds in the Culture Wars are so unbalanced that they become almost incomprehensible - in order to guard against despair, those on the side of good are tempted to explain-away the evil alliance, to think to themselves that maybe they are not so evil after all... to believe that good can eventuate from this evil by some natural process of reaction: a pendulum swing.

The odds in the Culture Wars are indeed so adverse that we are tempted to deny that there is a war - and therefore we guarantee that we not only lose the war (which may be what happens either way), but lose our souls in the process.


What we ought to be doing is to acknowledge the War, acknowledge the catastrophic prospects, but continue to fight and remain hopeful of victory by divine assistance of some unforeseen kind.

Acknowledgement of our own essential helplessness could, itself, be the greatest boon of our modern situation.

But it can only happen if we acknowledge our situation - if we recognize the enemy as the enemy.


We need to recognize that keeping up a pretense that the enemy is only a misinformed-friend, is not an act of kindness nor goodness: it is in fact dishonest, a denial of reality: it is indeed sinful, a snare of the enemy.

The failure to recognize the reality and seriousness of the Culture Wars, the failure to recognize that hidden behind Cultural War is the perennial Spiritual War in its modern form, is not therefore merely to lose the war by failing to defend - but to align with the wrong side: actually ourselves to join the forces of evil.


Wednesday 23 June 2021

How do modern people choose evil? (Why can't/ won't people believe in the reality of the spiritual war?)

It is becoming more and more evident that (as of now) one must believe-in the spiritual war of God versus the demons, Good versus evil, if one is to  avoid being tempted into damnation. 

Yet this belief is an impossibility for most modern people, for the plain reason that they are already in thrall to the demonic agenda; a major plank of which is (in the early stages) to deny the reality of evil and the reality of the spiritual war.

People have mostly already picked sides in the spiritual war, even though they deny it; because in the lives they are working for the evil telos (i.e. aim, purpose). In a nutshell: many/ most people have already chosen evil. 

This happens by participation in modern society; which is evil both structurally and by intent. 

1. Evil structure: bureaucracy and the mass media

The two characteristic forms of the world in recent decades are bureaucracy and the mass media. These share the exclusion of God and the spirit; and the reduction of all entities to an instrumental level. The bureaucracy works by rules that exclude God and the spirit; and also the human. the human is broken down into sub-functions; and made subject to algorithms and other abstract processes - and there is an innate tendency to make these abstractions quantifiable, numerical. 

The mass media is directed at manipulation of mass-scale emotions and motivation by attracting and holding attention, and shaping (entraining) attitudes, thoughts, actions by means of mechanisms both explicit (hard sell, Big Lies) and implicit (soft sell, tendentious reasoning on the basis of hidden and denied assumptions). 

For the past 50 years this has mainly taken the form of Leftist Convergence. All the mass media, by now (insofar as they are 'mass') operate within many or all the current and prevalent Leftist assumptions. 

By engaging with the mass (and social) media for many hours per day; by taking attitudes, information, morality and the focus of conversations from the mass media - by such participation human thinking is necessarily trained into habits that conform to those of the media. 

And by participating in employment, and in any institutions that are large or powerful enough to require engagement with the One Global Bureaucracy (i.e. The System, The Matrix) - for example by compliance with law, employment/ workplace/ union/ environmental regulations, health & safety, taxes and subsidies... 

By such participation the mind is trained in habits of excluding (ignoring, denying, down-rating) everything except The Material. 

Success and status in work: getting employed and promoted; having 'a good name; money, fame - indeed simple job-retention; now all all depend upon mastery of this materialist, anti-divine, anti-human, intrinsically-Left assuming discourse. 


2. Evil intent: evil telos/ aims/ overall purpose. 

This happens because The System as a whole is converged into the One Bureaucracy, with all its many sub-systems - national and by purported function - components of the overall aim: which is evil. 

We do not know the exact names of the humans (and perhaps demonic entities) that ultimately control the world; but it is obvious that the higher one goes up the hierarchy; the greater the conformity to the evil agenda...

Until at the highest known levels of personnel and their organization (e.g. the multi-billionaire financiers, wealth-owners, and the richest and most powerful multi-national corporations and global institutions) the explicit agenda is objectively net-evil: totalitarian and Leftist; anti-God, anti-spiritual, anti-Christian, anti-human - and indeed anti-planet. 

This agenda is now (2021) projected downwards into all sub-systems by mandatory aims that are monitored and regulated; for example relating to inclusivity/ the sexual revolution and anti-racism; 'environmentalism' - in particular the CO2 climate emergency; 'social justice', and - since 2020 - the birdemic. 

All this means that - here and now - All participation in All sub-systems (including churches) is orientated towards the evil telos

And All participation in all sub-systems entrains the mind in assumptions, attitudes and habits that are themselves evil. 

So, this is why modern people choose evil - by default; by simply following the modes of The World. 

By default - yes; but not without choice; because every Man has within him something of God; and every Man has the capacity to learn from the Holy Ghost; thus every Man will to some significant extent and at some point, discern and recognize evil - and know it as evil. 

However, that initial discernment and choice may very soon be lost - when he makes a choice to join the side of Satan against God. 

When Men have chosen evil, they may soon lose the capacity to discern evil; they lose much of what would be regarded as free will or personal agency. 

Indeed, modern Man characteristically strenuously-denies (e.g. regards as 'unscientific', or 'judgmental', or 'victim-blaming') his own innate and ineradicable capacity for free choice. By choosing not to be free; modern man renders himself a mental slave of The Evil System - all the more thoroughly in thrall because of his inability to recognize the face. 

Such is exactly the situation as it appears here and now; probably everywhere but certainly in the Western World. 

And it is probably a major reason why people cannot and will not believe the reality of the spiritual war of this world. 

Note: The above was triggered and stimulated by a short video from Chris Langan. He has a very different metaphysical basis than me - but it clearly serves him very well; and his moral discernments are strong and valid. 

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Does the fake birdemic prove the truth of Spiritual War; or does the reality of Spiritual War enable us to perceive the fakeness of the birdemic?

In commenting at Francis Berger's blog, I became aware of how often I had done exactly what I perceived that a chap called Edward Curtin had done - which was to infer from the fakeness of the birdemic - which is proved by exposing its multiple, top-to-bottom lies - that we are, indeed, engaged in a spiritual war (a war between God and Satan, good and evil) in which the birdemic is a major tool of the demons. 

But the proper way to proceed is starting-from the metaphysical knowledge that this world is the forum of a spiritual war; one side seeking the salvation of Men, and the other side their damnation. 

Someone who regards the world in this way is sensitized to discerning the presence in this world of people and institutions who have (usually unwittingly) chosen to serve the side of evil. 

Having make such a discernment, it is not at all difficult to see demonic fingerprints all over the birdemic. 

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Having a "Romantic" (mystical, spiritual, magical) perspective on life in 2022

This may seem the least 'romantic' of times - and certainly it is the intention of those with power and wealth to make it so. They intend to make life a purely 'material' thing; with all that may be considered mystical, spiritual or magical excluded from significant discourse as being unreal, ridiculous and dangerous. 

But this very fact makes these times potentially of the greatest possible romantic significance. If we can put aside preconceptions of a romantic life derived from aspirations of the past, and take account of the situation here-and-now, it readily becomes clear that the 'setting' of our lives - of each and every person's life - is now one of unavoidable spiritual conflict.

...Because there is a universal war being waged by the agents of purposive evil (who include those with the greatest power and wealth): a war against God, divine creation, Jesus Christ and indeed -ultimately - all that is good. 

Everybody is under attack, nearly all the time; so we need not seek the battle. The war is come to us, wave after wave, day after day - and we must fight it or succumb. 

It is a deceptive war; a war of evil pretending to be good; and a war of the inversion of true values. 

Since it is deceptive; our weapons in this war are firstly discernment and understanding. To know the enemy and what he is attempting has significant value of itself - so see clearly ('clairvoyance') is our defence.   

Yet we are not restricted to reactive defence - we can also attack, proactively. 

Just as a single Man can take the side of evil - and can defy and reject God the creator and the salvation of Jesus Christ; so, on the other side; a single Man can reject, defy, and even inflict permanent damage upon, the forces of evil. 

Whenever we think consciously and actively from our true and divine selves; we are participating in divine creation and change reality for the better: forever!

We can resist Hell; and we can also add-to Heaven. 

The spiritual battle is real; and our defeats are just as real - and more frequent - than victories. 

Winning is difficult because destruction is easier than creation; fear and despair are therefore among the worst and most frequent of our foes. 

Every day we fail. Every day we need to recognize and repent our failures - and then keep fighting. 

And sometimes we will succeed; although success is always temporary, judged by the standards of this mortal world... What we need to re-grasp every time is that - judged instead by the standards of eternal life; it is our successes that are permanent, and our failures which are temporary. 

This possibility for modern living is open to anyone who perceives the nature of this world as a spiritual war, and himself chooses to take up the fight. 

What could possibly be more romantic?

Saturday 21 August 2021

This spiritual war is to be fought by thinking, primarily

The primacy of primary thinking! - To argue and clarify this counter-intuitive yet vital fact of reality was surely the great achievement of Rudolf Steiner

There is nothing more important than our thinking - so long as that thinking is of the most important kind... 

The obvious difficulties are first that almost-everything in our culture and habits tells us that thinking is trivial, is merely an epiphenomenon to the 'real' stuff which is all about action, material things - the perceived and measured world. 

And yet... Why is it that 'thought crime' became a phenomenon in the evil totalitarian dictatorships? And why is it that this crime has returned to dominate 21st century life. After all, what is a 'hate crime' (which can get you sacked, mobbed and imprisoned) except a crime of thinking. 

Even if you don't believe that your thinking matters in the modern world, even if you believe that thinking is just something that goes on inside your head - the Establishment, the Authorities disagree. They believe that thinking what they regard as the 'wrong' thing is a serious crime, and the legal system (and employment law) has been reshaped to accommodate this. 

So - officially - thinking affects reality; and it is assumed that specific kinds of thinking can be inferred or imputed.

But a Christian will recognize that the Establishment/ Authorities/ Officialdom/ Media are evil; and are imposing a system of increasingly inverted values - where lies are truth and truth is 'fake news', where vile ugliness and mutilation is beauty and beauty is oppressive, where purposive evil rewrites morality so that marriage, family and Christianity are presented as breeding grounds for racism and terrorism. 

What They say is good is always evil (in implemented practice, if not theoretically), and what they excoriate most systematically and over the long-term is the genuine good.  

So, when They create (or reintroduce) the concept of thought crime; they are acknowledging the primacy of spiritual warfare; but taking the side of evil. 

Christians, on the other hand, all-too-often ignore or deny that we live in a state of spiritual war - and especially that the side of evil in this war rules the world, including all the major social institutions, including the major Christian churches. 

Such are the End Times, and Christians cannot claim we were not warned. Although the prophecies turned-out very differently than expected - they have turned-out exactly as claimed in the sense that almost all the world has taken the side of Satan, including most (almost all) self-identified-Christians! 

The inverted-fake-Christians (who follow the ideology of The World) persecute the few remaining real followers of Christ, in the name of Jesus!

But how to fight our side in the spiritual war? Primarily by thinking. By primary thinking

Most of thinking is passive and shallow and Of The World; either being mere habits of association - drilled by socialization and propaganda, or externally imposed concepts and 'facts'. Small wonder that so many people regard thinking as unimportant and actions as the only 'real' activity. 

That is exactly what They want you to believe! 

While They regarding Your thinking as of ultimate importance, They want You to regard Your thinking as merely trivial, subjective, internal.  

It is a strange aspect of these ultra-materialistic, globally-bureaucratic, corporate-dominated times - that real, primary thinking is probably the single most valuable force for good in the world, now. 

Because such thinking is not 'in the head' or cut-off-from reality; but actual participation in the ultimate reality of divine creation and create-ing. 

It turns-out to be a good deal more difficult to think properly, primarily, intuitively, from our true (and divine) selves, from the heart (rather than intellect or instinct) - yet that is what we most need to do to fight the hourly and daily spiritual battles in the war of good and evil, now and tomorrow.  

Friday 18 November 2022

The root ethic of taking sides - to whom or what should we be loyal?

I find that very few people can hold in their minds the scale of lying that is afoot in the world today. It is a fact that the major "Litmus Test" strategies and policies that dominate the world are founded upon lies, and constructed of lies.

And, for a Christian, the evident purpose of this wholesale narrative of lies, is to sustain a system of value-inversion, which - if adopted - will lead Men actively to choose damnation and reject salvation

So why do so many people who describe themselves as Christian, so strongly believe these narratives of evil-motivated lies?

One of the current major Litmus Tests issues is the war between the Fire Nation and The West; a war that has been created and sustained by a narrative of lies from The West. 

This is already World War III - in terms of the totality of conflict, but so far the specifically military aspect has a relatively restricted scope (albeit far bigger than any Europe-adjacent conflict since WWII). 

But major players in the Western-dominated Global Establishment - both in politics and the mass media - are repeatedly using violent provocations supported by gross and systematic lies, in the attempt to escalate and spread the fighting war, and to trigger a nuclear exchange (which would almost certainly and rapidly escalate to full-on). 

By my understanding, this is a very real, continuing, and intermittently acute threat. Those in high places - and there seem to be many of them, perhaps especially in control positions of the mass media - who do everything possible to prepare an irreversible momentum towards global nuclear destruction; have not given-up their attempts, and these attempts grow bolder and shriller, the manipulative lies more reckless and blatant... 

Yet many people continue to believe them; and by believing supporting their agenda. 

So far as I can tell, most people believe official-media lies - either in whole, as an overall framework of understanding; or at least they believe each specific lie initially - only to be abandoned much later, and reluctantly. 

Even when blatant, and blatantly-evil, lies are propagated by the entirety of the Western politicians and media and then exposed as lies the next day; basic trust in the system is not demolished. 

The next set of coordinated evil lies will be believed over and again, month after month and year after year - regardless of how many and how big the previous known lies of the same people. 

What we are dealing with here is a root-ethic of loyalty and obedience; as implicitly the primary value of a person's life. 

When someone is ruled by loyalty; then he will always take his chosen side in any dispute, and will believe his side; until conclusively proven otherwise - and even then he will regard lies as specific rather than evidence of an evil disposition. 

The loyal individual will put the best possible slant on dishonesty; and will explain lies as being well-motivated; or, at least, for-the-best overall, ultimately. 

This seems to be a deep human disposition. 

We all take sides, and the choice of sides then shapes all further discourse

Thus the discernment of sides, and between sides, becomes crucial; and the evaluation of good and evil between sides will define which side we ourselves will take in the spiritual war of this world. 

For the mainstream, secular materialist left; this is easy. Such a person (whatever mainstream 'party' he sides with - because all the mainstream is on the same side in the spiritual war) will overall be on the side of the globalist establishment; and will therefore operate on an assumption of belief in their narrative of lies - whether that be with respect to the Fire Nation war, Climate Emergency/ Green-environmentalism, transagenda and other sexual issues, antiracism, mass immigration, the birdemic-peck - or whatever major Establishment strategy is being pushed. 

(Even when someone dissents from one or two of the major agenda items - so long as he agrees with even one of them, he is recruited a member of team-evil - expanding his participation from this wedge issue.)

Christians are in the same position. As of 2022; a Christian must take sides, and try to discern the side of Good. Even if he believes that he rejects the Globalist-Left agenda - he may still be ensnared by loyalty to his Church. 

In practice, for many Christians, their primary Christian identity entails loyalty to his chosen Church, and an ethic of obedience to that Church. 

And when his chosen Church is itself 'converged' (as evidenced by de facto institutional support of one or more of the Litmus Test policies), that Church is a part-of the global system of evil...

Then the 'Christian' will find himself on the side of evil. 

And this is why So Very Many "Christians" believe So Much of the narratives of lies. 

Since the overall ethic of loyalty/ obedience is dominant in our natures; this means that the institutionally-loyal Christian will be loyal and obedient to the side of evil

This explains how it is that so many Christians reflexly believe the systemic-lies of politicians, the mass media, and the major social institutions (law, science, medicine, police/military, education etc). And when they (typically reluctantly) discover and acknowledge lies; regard the lies as exceptions - or justified by Good Intentions...

In these End Times, and characteristic of them; Christian loyalty and obedience to Churches - to any Church - will lead Christians to self-chosen damnation. It's happening all around us, all the time. 

But if not, then what? 

If not churches, and if we accept that the primary ethic is one of taking sides; then to what should Christians be loyal and obedient? 

The answer to that lies in the individual Christian's power of discernment, and willingness to use that power; to discover the two sides in the spiritual war, and to discover who serves each of the sides - and only to be loyal to those Men and other Beings on the side of Good. 

If the Christian lives in The West; using such discernment, he will discover that all institutions are corrupted substantially and increasingly, and that he should not, therefore, be loyal to any institution; including not loyal to any Church. 

In practice; this means that the Western Christian's primary loyalty and obedience must reach beyond this world and mortal life. 

The answer to "then what?" is as simple as that - the difficult thing is to act upon it; and against centuries of contrary convictions that - until these End Times - served Christians pretty-well. 

But That was Then; This is Now.

Tuesday 14 December 2021

The age of the Great Apostasy! This-worldly Christianity has failed catastrophically - in All its manifestations

The age of the Great Apostasy - a rapid, wholesale and self-imposed abandonment of Church Christianity worldwide - has-happened; and the results are currently working-through the lives of every remaining serious and real Christian.   

The astonishing and unprecedented global spiritual catastrophe of 2020 has been ignored by the Christian churches as much as by the masses everywhere; yet it marks - or should mark - a decisive change in what it means to be a Christian.

The lesson of 2020 is that All the different Christian denominations failed to discern the world-wide imposition of a totalitarian (that is, necessarily evil) system of governance; and by failing to discern and reject this reality; the Christian Churches joined-themselves with that demonically-led agenda for the corruption and damnation of Men. 

In a nutshell; 2020 was a decisive battle in the spiritual war of this world; and All the major Christian churches failed to recognize that there was a battle, and thereby surrendered (without fighting) to the powers of evil; and therefore now serve those evil powers

It seems that All of the major Christian churches (those large churches - with numbers, power, wealth, influence etc) have joined with one or more of the core agenda-drivers of evil: the birdemic-peck, climate-change, antiracism, sexual revolution, socialism generally... And adopting even just one of these goals is evidently sufficient to tie an institution to the agenda of evil; and ensure its incremental corruption unto complete obedience.  

So individual real Christians have been witness to The Great Apostasy - a truly colossal and world-wide, all-denominational abandonment of Christianity, by far the largest set-back of Christianity in two millennia; yet so deep in corruption are the mass of church-dominated self-identified Christians that they have not even noticed! 

What I find striking is that all the different types of Church Christianity have collapsed - and that none of the principles have sufficed to prevent this. 

The Roman Catholic Church - with its emphasis on priestly authority and the sacraments, its tradition of rigorous theology - especially the Mass; immediately aligned with the evil agenda at the top level and has consolidated this, incrementally and bureaucratically. 

The Eastern Orthodox Church, with its emphasis on tradition, the Church Fathers, asceticism and a life permeated by ritual - likewise took the side of the world government; and willingly closed itself down at their pleasure. 

The 'Bible-based' Protestant Churches; who take Scripture as their primary guide to personal conscience - all suddenly found that Scripture was telling them to comply with any and all dictates of secular government and the media; including dictates that put (their definitions of...) health as the primary human value (transcending any and all spiritual considerations). 

Likewise the Mormon (CJCLDS) Church (a large but mostly 'amateur' institution, with very few full-time pastors; that had developed a membership with high personal standards of obedience to commandments and rigorous adherence to strict rules of living); this very-different Christian church, with its very different theology, nonetheless behaved exactly like the traditional-orthodox Christian institutions in 2020; willingly shut its chapels and temples, and explicitly embraced and expounded the new totalitarianism that made primary the principles of 'health' and antiracism.  

(I realize that there have been individual, personal exceptions who recognized what was happening and continue to fight the spiritual war - and that the exceptions, like the rules, are cross-denominational; coming from many of the variants of Christianity. But not from those already 'liberal' - hence converged - churches. The 'liberal Christians' enthusiastically embraced 2020 evil almost to a Man; having already embraced the principles which justified this evil. And I recognize that a more substantial minority of lower level, non-leadership, lay church members of all denominations have remained faithful to Jesus Christ. But the above point remains. There surely has been an unmistakable abandonment of Christianity of a world-historical scale and suddenness - and made all the worse for being invisible, denied or unacknowledged.)

I could go on - but the fact that the leadership class of four such distinct denominations/ churches, each with such extremely different ideas of 'the Christian life', and each with a very different core and focus to that life; all apostatized almost simultaneously and very completely. 

And this apostasy went beyond mere obedience to a power that was regarded as overwhelming; because there is in these churches an official and enthusiastic embrace of the secular, materialist and anti-Christian principles of the New World Order. In these churches the fluctuating dictates of an evil-motivated totalitarianism have all been made - somehow - a Christian duty!

The rulers and officials of these churches do not merely comply with the secular-Left rules; additionally they praise and celebrate the motivations of the secular-Left rules, and the primacy of living by secular-Left rules - and conversely suppress and discipline those who dissent and push-back against the new regime. 

The first step is to acknowledge what has already happened; the second step it is try and understand its implications; only at the third step can people decide what to do about it

This is something that - surely? - all Christians need to do, and ought to be-doing? 

And that fact that they are neither being led nor encouraged to do this; is itself a factor in understanding the present situation of a real Christian who finds-himself in a world where (almost certainly) 'his' church has become an apologist for evil; has enthusiastically joined with the legions of Satan. 

What specifically to do about it will - probably - vary according to the Christian's denominational and church background. 

But in the mean time, all real Christians who have taken the side of God, divine creation and Jesus Christ as against The World; can be united in their recognition of the reality of The Great Apostasy - of this catastrophic loss in the spiritual war of this world. 

All Christians can be joined by their realistic recognition of what has (already) happened, and by their discernment that it has been a great evil. 

I think this has-created a genuine (and new) sense of fellowship among many very-different types of Christians; who might, until recently, instead have regarded each other primarily as heretics and threats. Now, they instead see - first and foremost - comrades in the spiritual war.  

So, in deciding what best to do, starting from here - there will surely be many and distinct ideas among the many types of real Christians; because none of us know what is The Best counter-revolutionary strategy; and the best answer may well differ in different parts of the world, and among different individuals each with an unique context.  

But it is possible, and desirable, that those minority of real Christians who remain Christian after this Great Apostasy, may achieve an unprecedented alliance.

Because the two sides in the spiritual war have since 2020 become clear and distinct. It is now very obvious who is fighting on our side; and who is not

And the opposed sides of Good and evil do not, it turns-out, map onto specific Christian denominations or churches. 


Sunday 19 September 2021

What does it mean that Satan has 'already lost' the spiritual war with God?

It is often said that Satan has 'already lost' the war with God; and this is certainly true in one sense, but not in another. 

The sense in which Satan has already lost is that since Jesus Christ established Heaven and opened it to anyone who genuinely wants to go there after death; there is an eternal realm where Satan has no influence. 

So - after death and eternally, Satan has lost.

But Satan keeps fighting the spiritual war because there are billions of individual souls who may choose to reject the gift of resurrection to eternal life; and in the billions of individual battles of that war of salvation - the outcome remains undecided. 

For those souls who have rejected Heaven - there are presumably short-term satisfactions (spiteful pleasures) to be attained in the work of tormenting and damning other souls in the realms outside of Heaven, including this earth. And it seems quite likely that - on this temporary earth and among mortals subject to entropy - the Satanic powers are winning (or have won) the spiritual war, overall. 

But, again, in the other direction; these gratifications are temporary; because at some point the mortal life on earth 'school' will come to an end; and then the damned souls will face a bleak prospect of inevitable decline towards some kind of solitary state of resentful misery, eternally. 

Therefore, Satan has probably won the war for earth, overall; but the battles continue for the fate of each individual soul; while in Heaven, Satan has already been defeated finally and forever. 

It is the complexity of this situation - with different answers from preferences for different timescales, and priorities relating to different locations - which is why some people have chosen (and still choose, in apparently increasing numbers) to ally with Satan.

Saturday 21 January 2023

All in The West must take the side of evil (Nobody is allowed to be neutral - not even a bit)

True neutrality with respect to any question concerning values is not a possibility, and never has been; yet degrees of 'official' neutrality used to be conceded, and commonplace - as pragmatic realities in public life. 

While every person and nation will almost-inevitably take sides over any particular question - at least overall, and to some degree - it used to be allowed that people and nations could stand-apart from conflicts, and remain un-declared. 

Even during the massive conflict of World War II, there were several neutral counties in the heart of the conflict (Switzerland) or on its border (Spain, Sweden). 

And, as recently as a couple of decades ago; it used to be quite normal for people or nations to opt-out of taking sides on questions of value in public life. 

This is no longer allowed in The West; because the powers on the side of evil are now dominant, their evil is more advanced; and They have forbidden neutrality. 

Each and every person (with no allowed exceptions) must now - publicly and with a display of enthusiasm - actively participate in celebration and promotion of Litmus Test issues relating to sex, sexuality, antiracism and so forth. 

All must take the side of evil (called good, in the official system of Western inverted-values) - or be attacked as an enemy. 

Anyone - any single individual - who opts-out and tries to be neutral in any of the Litmus Test issues; may be punished by the full force of global media and public opinion mobilized against them; exclusion from work, removal of financial services, demonization of status - and many other possible punishments (officially imposed, and unoffically allowed and encouraged), without limit to severity or duration.  

We are seeing the same phenomenon in relation to the Fire Nation* war. No Western nation has been allowed to remain neutral on this issue - even Switzerland and Sweden have been compelled to abandon long term principles of neutrality. 

Furthermore, active participation in the war is also being compelled - until recently by participation in war-sanctions. And currently by mandatory military participation through sending weapons to the battlefront. 

And this military participation must be done publicly, proudly; and backed with explicit aggressive statements. 

Presumably the next step will be sending military personnel from all nations - with no opt-out allowed. 

This is not about military effectiveness - because from such a perspective it makes no sense. It is about ideological - hence spiritual - allegiance. 

Western nations are being compelled into active support for an open-ended campaign aimed at existential annihilation of the Fire Nation; either its destruction, fragmentation, or vassalage. 

Nations are being forced (by their puppet-'leaders') into making themselves existential enemies - not only of the FN, but of an alliance that (increasing month by month) includes the two most populous nations in the world, and indeed most of the world's population and land mass. 

Those who do not paint a target on their own backs by choice (like the UK did thanks to its cravenly-servile US-obedient leadership); will have it done for them, at the point of a sword.

In other words; the ideology of annihilation of the Fire Nation serves as yet-another factor in the suicidal self-destruction of The West - and all its (compelled-) allies, such as the North East Asian vassal-states of the USA, who are now actively and rapidly being prepared to operate as agents of their own destruction. 

In sum, underneath the cover of fake Geopolitical reasoning and led by the dominant Western power; the whole world is being set-up for an all-inclusive world war - the first ever - which will be sustained for as long as possible, and with as much all-round destruction as possible. 

Such a war will (if it happens) serve the dual purpose of lethally damaging Western civilization, and doing something similar to all those who - in any way - dissent from the Western-leftist-atheist-materialist ideology of the globalists. 


For a Christian; the vital matter is to recognize and remember that this is primarily 'just' the latest and biggest material manifestation of the long-established spiritual war; and that we need to discern and understand what is really going-on in terms of ultimate spiritual values. 

Not, therefore, to become distracted by merely proximate, materialist explanations of the war in terms of Geopolitics, economics, or even of ideology. 

These are merely means to an end; because evil is about damnation, that is about spiritual and eternal death - therefore not only, nor mostly, about physical death.

Note: Anyone confused by any of the terminology I use, here or elsewhere, should do a word-search on this blog (i.e. using the Search box on the upper left extreme corner).  

Saturday 17 March 2012

The reality of Unseen Warfare - Excerpted from God at War by Greg Boyd


Excerpted and edited for emphasis from the Introduction to God at War by Gregory A Boyd, 1997.

The fact that we live in a world of unseen spiritual warfare between Good and evil was undeniably obvious to traditionalist Christians, and indeed to almost everybody outside the bubble of the modern West - despite that modern people routinely fail to notice it when we read Scripture. 

I would urge readers to print-out and ponder the following:


...Modern Westerners... are culturally conditioned to dismiss talk about nonphysical conscious beings (angels) as superstition. Such concepts seem to be on the same level as science fiction.

Even for modern Christians, who on the authority of Scripture theoretically accept the existence of such invisible beings, this account, for other reasons, sounds incredible.

[Yet] from a crosscultural perspective, the insight that the cosmos is teeming with spiritual beings whose behavior can and does benefit or harm us is simply common sense. It is we modern Westerners who are the oddballs for thinking that the only free agents who influence other people and things are humans.


The worldview of the Shuar (Amerindians from Ecuador) is one in which everything on the physical plane is understood against the backdrop of a highly influential, intricate and remarkably detailed spiritual world in which forces are at war with each other and through which people wage war against each other; the Shuar do not clearly differentiate these two spheres.

While this worldview... sounds bizarre to many modern Westerners, it is hardly exceptional by historical and global standards. To the contrary, it was apparently self-evident to the vast majority of ancient people, and still is to primitive people today, that the world is not all physical, not even primarily physical, and certainly not all right.

It was, rather, a world that was populated with influential spiritual beings, some of whom were evil, and most of whom were at war with one another.

I call this basic understanding of the cosmos a warfare worldview.


Stated most broadly, this worldview is that perspective on reality which centers on the conviction that the good and evil, fortunate or unfortunate, aspects of life are to be interpreted largely as the result of good and evil, friendly or hostile, spirits warring against each other and against us.

... this warfare worldview is in one form or another the basic worldview of biblical authors, both in the Old Testament and even more so in the New.


This is not to suggest that the biblical authors (or any ancient people-group for that matter) deny that evil is also a reality of the human heart and of human society. To the contrary, biblical authors consistently demonstrate a passionate concern for confronting evil in all the individual and societal forms it takes. Therefore no biblical author suggests that warfare prayers or exorcisms are cure-alls for all that is wrong in the world.

I do suggest that biblical authors generally understood all evil in the context of spiritual war, however.


For biblical authors, to wage war against such things as injustice, oppression, greed and apathy toward the needy was to participate directly or indirectly in a cosmic war that had engulfed the earth...

The ultimate canvas against which the unfolding drama of world history is played out is, for biblical authors, a warfare worldview. In this regard these authors share a great deal with most other ancient peoples.

The prevalence of the warfare worldview is revealed not only in the similar practices of ancient and contemporary primitive peoples but also in the similar mythologies these various cultures possess. Their mythologies reveal the nearly universal conviction that the battlefield appearance of the world is the result of a real battle that once took place, or is still taking place, in "nonordinary" reality.

It is all too easy for modern western people, Christian and non-Christian alike, to dismiss mythologies and religious practices such as those we have been examining as amounting to nothing more than ignorant, primitive superstition. The warfare worldview that comes through in these mythologies and practices simply does not square with either our modern Western materialistic view of the world or many traditional Christian assumptions about God...


...The very prevalence of the warfare worldview among so many different people-groups, in such radically different times and unrelated locations, should itself be enough to inspire us to take this worldview seriously.

If we modern Westerners cannot "see" what nearly everyone else outside the little oasis of Western rationalism the last several centuries has seen, then perhaps there is something amiss with our way of seeing.


It is just possible that the intensely materialistic and rationalistic orientation of the Enlightenment has blinded us to certain otherwise obvious realities.

It is just possible that our chronocentrism - our tendency to assume that the worldview we hold at the present time is the ultimately true worldview--is preventing us from seeing significant features of reality.


But even if the nearly universal intuition of cosmic conflict is not enough to call our own naturalism into question, the fact that this warfare worldview constitutes a central component of Scripture's understanding of God and the cosmos should surely inspire us to do so.

At least for those of us for whom this collection of canonical books is no mere collection but rather constitutes the inspired Word of God, not seriously considering the warfare worldview can hardly be said to be an option, however much such a view may conflict with our own naturalistic cultural presuppositions. ... the thematic unity of Christ's ministry (as well as that of his disciples and the early post-apostolic church) becomes fully intelligible only against the backdrop of a warfare worldview...

The nearly universal myth of our world being largely shaped by warfare among various cosmic forces and spirits is here incarnated as the one true God-man warrior of God enters our real war zone and wages war against God's real foes.


In sum, then, the truth to which all these mythologies point, and indeed the truth to which the mythological warfare dimensions of the Old Testament itself point... is the truth that God's good creation has in fact been seized by hostile, evil, cosmic forces that are seeking to destroy God's beneficent plan for the cosmos.

God wages war against these forces, however, and through the person of Jesus Christ has now secured the overthrow of this evil cosmic army. The church as the body of Christ has been called to be a decisive means by which this final overthrow is to be carried ...

This is the truth to which the nearly universal intuition of spiritual warfare points.

Thus from the perspective of Scripture, all the so-called primitive stories of cosmic conflict, and all the supposedly primitive techniques for waging war against evil spirits, must be judged as being far more true to reality than the Western "enlightened" worldview, which presumptuously holds that the cosmos is strictly material, that noncorporeal beings do not exist, and that humans are the highest form of life in the cosmos.


A second reason why I believe that the warfare worldview needs to be taken seriously is that it provides a remarkably different, and a remarkably better, understanding of evil than does the classical-philosophical Christian (or any other) approach to this problem.


In a nutshell, the way in which classical-philosophical Christian theists have approached the problem of evil has generally been to frame evil as a problem of God's providence and thus of God's character.

Assuming (rightly) that God is perfectly loving and good, and assuming (wrongly, I hold) that divine omnipotence entails meticulous control, the problem of evil has been formulated within the classical-philosophical theistic tradition as the problem of locating a loving and good purpose behind evil events.

This, I later argue, represents an impossible task, and hence the problem of evil becomes simply unsolvable within this framework.


By contrast, the warfare worldview is predicated on the assumption that divine goodness does not completely control or in any sense will evil; rather, good and evil are at war with one another.

This assumption obviously entails that God is not now exercising exhaustive, meticulous control over the world.

In this worldview, God must work with, and battle against, other created beings. While none of these beings can ever match God's own power, each has some degree of genuine influence within the cosmos.


In other words, a warfare worldview is inherently pluralistic.

There is no single, all-determinative divine will that coercively steers all things, and hence there is here no supposition that evil agents and events have a secret divine motive behind them.

Hence too, one need not agonize over what ultimately good, transcendent divine purpose might be served by any particular evil event.


If the world is indeed caught up in the middle of a real war between good and evil forces, evil is to be expected - including evil that serves no higher end. For in any state of war, gratuitous evil is normative.

Only when it is assumed that the world is meticulously controlled by an all-loving God does each particular evil event need a higher, all-loving explanation. For only then is evil not expected, hence only then is it intellectually problematic at a concrete level.


In other words, only when we reject the view that the cosmos is something like a society of free beings, most of whom are invisible, and all of whom have some small degree of influence on the whole - in short, only when we reject the warfare worldview in favor of a monistic one in which one sovereign will governs all - are we saddled with an understanding of God and his relationship with the world in which evil becomes impenetrably mysterious on a concrete level.


Now, on the biblical assumption that God is the sole Creator of all that is, there is still the ultimately metaphysical question of why God would create a world in which cosmic war could break out.

In this sense the problem of theodicy remains, even within a warfare worldview. 

ut unlike the futile quest for the elusive good divine motive for any particular evil within the world, this metaphysical question is answerable.


Instead of futilely trying to locate a particular loving divine reason for a particular evil event, we are now attempting to conceptualize God's most general reason for creating a societal cosmos in which a multiplicity of creatures share power, and in which moral conflict (and thus suffering) can therefore occur.

But as was said, in contrast to the problem of evil within the classical-philosophical tradition, this question is not impossible to address.

...Once the intelligibility of the war itself is accepted, no other particular evils require explanation. Hence Scripture gives none. This shift away from the classical-philosophical monistic perspective is empowering in terms of confronting evil, and this represents the third reason why I believe that Christians today need to take Scripture's warfare worldview seriously.


Put succinctly, the classical-philosophical assumption that a mysterious, loving, sovereign, divine plan lies behind even evil events in our world encourages an approach to evil that defines it as an intellectual problem to be solved rather than a spiritual opponent to be overcome.

If all evil is believed to serve a higher divine purpose, then clearly one's sense of urgency in fighting it is compromised, while one's ability to render it intelligible is diminished.


This is precisely what has tended to happen within the Christian tradition since at least the time of Augustine.

I believe it largely explains the Western church's long-standing propensity to theologize so much about evil while being relatively impotent in waging war against it.

Whereas the New Testament exhibits a church that is not intellectually baffled by evil but is spiritually empowered in vanquishing it, the Western tradition has more frequently exhibited a church that is perpetually baffled by evil but significantly ineffective in and largely apathetic toward combating it.


Within a warfare worldview, however, particular evils are their own ultimate explanation: they flow from the wills of creatures, hence there need be no higher "good" divine reason for their occurring.

Thus evil must be understood as being what God is unequivocally against, and thus what God's people must also be unequivocally against.

Whereas the classical-philosophical theology of sovereignty encourages a theology of resignation, a theology rooted in a warfare worldview inspires, and requires, a theology of revolt: revolt against all that God revolts against.


This is the only understanding that squares with Jesus' ministry and the whole of the New Testament, on the one hand.

On the other hand, it is the only theology that is going to reappropriate for the contemporary church the power of the New Testament church to confront and overcome the evils in our present world.

It is, as such, a theology that the church today must take seriously, despite the significant difficulties such a theology may create with our culture's naturalistic assumptions and with some of the church's traditional theology.


Above from the Introduction to Gregory Boyd's God at War.
