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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query the system. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday 1 January 2021

The paradox of so-called "science" in 2021

We lived in a constructed, 'virtual' world - a world of untruthfulness and inverted values; which the masses receive passively from the global mass-media-bureaucracy System (passively and mostly unconsciously in the form of structuring assumptions).  

Furthermore, The System by 2021 encompasses all the major social sub-systems - such as government, law, religion, military and police, health, arts... and 'science'. 


(Note: The System is not 'everywhere. It does, now, encompasses all of mainstream, big money, high status public discourse; but it does Not encompass all of interpersonal discourse, does Not encompass all marriage and family life; does Not encompass the real and divine Self of each individual person - in so far as that Self is active in a life.)


(Further note: The actual functionality of 'science' makes clear that it goes beyond the 'hard sciences' of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology; and extends to the 'social sciences' and academia in general - especially history. The German term Wissenschaft (which refers to all systematically-organised knowledge) is better descriptive of this social function than is 'science'. Nonetheless, I will use 'science' here - dropping the 'scare quotes' henceforth.) 


Science is part of The System because it has become a career bureaucracy; and is connected hierarchically and horizontally with the other bureaucracies. Of course, hierarchically, science comes under all the many top-down government initiatives. In addition; science nowadays is almost-wholly based on research funding, and funding comes from government and corporations (especially Big Pharma). Science is subject to the mass media, like everything else. Science is tightly constrained by law - for example employment and workplace laws, racial laws etc. Science works through publishing, and publishing is an oligarchy of a few multinational corporations; who enforce the usual System globalist, leftist, imperatives on all high impact outputs - via their bureucracies which extend into the selectoral and editorial processes.  


I could go on - but this will suffice to indicate that science, as of 2021, is simply one component in The System+, and that System is now (since early 2020) revealed as a single, international one; that includes a covert totalitarian 'world government' able to enforce simultaneous changes in nearly-all nations.

OK, science is part of The System and The System is global. 

Because science is indeed a part of the The System - science serves The System. 

What this means is that, science cannot formally be separated-from The System: science is caused-by The System.  

This means that when we hear of some or other of the conclusions of science; these conclusions are generated by The System - the conclusions of science are downstream consequences of a web of influences that have led-up-to them. 

On top; the very fact that we hear about certain conclusions of science, rather than others; is also a consequence of The System.  

In simple terms The System both generates the scientific activity that leads to the conclusions; and then another aspect of The System - the mass media - makes sure that the masses are informed of those conclusions in a way which serve the interests of The System. 

Science, so-called- is merely a phase in the pathway leading from one part of The System to another. 

What this means is that science cannot lead The System; indeed, science cannot ever be a 'reason' for The System doing one thing rather than another. The System constructs, interprets, disseminates and enforces...

In so far as The System goes (and in 2021 The System is everywhere there is power/ money/ status/ influence); everything goes in cycles and epicycles - round and round The System.  

We cannot 'follow the science' - because that would be circular. 

All of which leads onto the Big Question. If the System is indeed a massive circularity; whence derives its purpose, its direction - which is so evident over the decades - with The System trending always towards atheist, materialist leftism? 

And the answer is that The System As-A-Whole is directed by those outside of The System - the powers of evil, Satan and other demons. These, being spirits, stand outside The System, but are able to influence it.* 


We can, as Christians, now perceive that the great Strategy of evil, has been to construct a System of intrinsic evil: that is a System characterised by untruthfulness, by lies; and by the inversion of values. 

Such a System is therefore, innately, against God, the Good and organised against divine creation. 

Mainstream, official, high status science is - here-and-now - just a sub-part of that evil strategy.


+There still is such a thing as Real Science, but it is outside of The System, amateur and unofficial; and happens at the inter-personal, 'private' level; between those who are motivated diligently to seek and speak truth on a particular matter. 

*Note added: The spiritual war of these times is between those who stand outside The System: that is between those aligned with God/ Good/ Creation - and those aligned against these. Those who are inside The System are fighting on the side of evil, but are Not waging the the war. 

Saturday 20 November 2021

Will we be forewarned about the imminence of catastrophic global collapse? Consequences of dealing with System contradiction and incoherence by System capture of evaluation mechanisms

It is striking to read thoughtful cultural commentators from the 1950s-70s, who are confident that The System - based on materialism and motivated by Leftism - will certainly collapse due to its incoherence and contradictions. 

The assumption was that soon many or most people will recognize that 'it isn't working' and will abandon The System for something else. 

Of course, The System did not collapse - but instead expanded in power and scope; and has now taken-over the world. Yet The System is indeed incoherent and self-contradictory - so how was this survival possible? Why did and do people fail to perceive the incoherence and self-contradiction when it has been obvious for many decades? 

The short answer is that The System captured the procedures and dissemination of evaluation: it captured the 'knowledge-making' processes. Therefore, The System now conceals from itself its own incoherence - and its own colossal failures. 

This evaluation-capture by The System did not happen fully until the approach of the millennium; although it can be detected growing from the middle 20th century (given extra impetus by WW II) and expanded rapidly from the middle 1960s. Until it was captured; System policy and analysis was able to be evaluated by (substantially) independent systems of analysis, measurement and interpretation (e.g. research, scholarship and science). 

But now the evaluation sub-system will provide whatever 'knowledge' The System-as-a-whole regards as necessary for its own perpetuation, expansion and increase of power.  

Therefore; The System is always coherent to itself; and when The System is global and self-evaluates - then there can be no incoherence or negative feedback from 'reality' - because 'reality' is only what The System defines as real; and reality in the public domain (i.e. 'objective' reality) comes only from The System.

Anything else than public discourse is System-defined as merely subjective, personal opinion.

(Because here-and-now only the subjectivity of persons stands fully outside The System.)

The survival of The System far beyond expectation means only that The System has, so far, survived. 

Survival means nothing else, than survival - and, since The System recognizes no other reality than that revealed by its own evaluation systems; The System may be so extremely disarticulated from the reality of God's creation that the totality could collapse at any moment - of which moment there would be no warning whatsoever in public discourse.

The System only knows that it survives now; and not that it is representing outside-System 'reality' with any degree of validity whatsoever

The System might (for instance, from a perspective located outside The System) be surviving by destroying everything that sustains itself: might be destroying every-thing from social order and competence to the capacity to grow food and transport goods. 

In other words; The System may have survived up to this moment not only by encouraging long-term damaging parasitic behaviour for immediate gain; The System may have survived by actual cannibalism: by consuming itself; as if a starving man were to satiate hunger by eating his own flesh.   

All this could be happening - could already have-happened. And yet - because The System has captured evaluation and knowledge production - there would be zero knowledge of the fact in public discourse. 

The global and totalitarian expansion of power and scope of The System means that when it does fail and collapse - that failure and collapse must be globally and totally catastrophic (at the institutional level); but even the actuality such a failure cannot ever be seen by The System as evidence of its incoherence or wrongness.

Therefore, when the world-System actually collapses around us...

Detection and recognition of such a situation Happening Now will still continue to be regarded in mainstream, official, 'objective' public discourse as "just a matter of subjective, personal opinion".

There will be no warning; because - after evaluation-capture - there can be no warning.   

Saturday 13 November 2021

Stay With The System! 'Science' and subjective consciousness in 2021

We live in a post-modern, post-scientific age of incoherence; where we demand two simultaneous incompatibles: 

1. That reality ought to be subordinated to subjective consciousness - i.e. that reality conforms to the prevalent, official, mainstream, global leftist ideology. 

If apparent-reality does not conform to ideology - it is re-defined as not-reality.  

 2. That reality is independent of what we think about it: therefore science is (continues to be) dominant. 

As in I/We follow The Science! 

The apparent contradiction is removed because 'The Science' - that is, the kind of science which is agreed by The System to define reality - is now wholly a part of The System

And The System is also the source of ideology. 

The System, on the one hand, claims to be derived-from and driven-by The Science - while continually (and at every level) shaping The Science. 

The System is reality, it is truth (The Science) and it is virtue (the official ideology).

When 'objective reality' (as defined by official science) is part of the same System that regards ideology as primary - then there can be no conflict between science and ideology. 

The System is itself reality - because it defines both the ideology and The Science from which that ideology claims to be derived. This 'works' because it is The System which continually creates agreement/ non-contradiction between the ideology and the science; and this is done (done on an almost daily basis in recent months) by continually re-shaping what counts as science into compatibility with ideology.   

But because The System is bigger than science, and includes science; it is the 'dog' of ideology which is 'wagging the tail' of science.    

However we, as individuals, continue to be subjective. That is; we continue to experience The System as external to our-selves. 

Our consciousness is not within The System - and never can be. 

We can deny or suppress this knowledge - but the fact remains that this separateness is implicit in the experienced fact that we our-selves are required to conform to The System; which requirement is experienced as the need to be changing; the requirement frequently and rapidly to be changing our consciousness.

(Variously called 'consciousness raising', or addressing of 'implicit bias' - meaning that individual consciousness is recurrently falling out-of-step with the 'reality' of The System.) 

Thus we are frequently aware of a 'need' - a demand - to change our-selves in line with The System: and indeed this need/demand is increasingly pressed upon us; with propaganda and manipulations coming from all sides in the world of public discourse; and by requirements to subject ourselves to explicit indoctrination based on the assumption that We All (as individuals) Need To Change. 

From the perspective of The System it is We - as individuals - that are The Problem. 

It is We, as individuals, who have-to change our thinking: for instance in relation to the birdemic-peck, climate, antiracism, sexuality etc. We need to keep-up!

This flows from the base assumption that it is The System which is true reality (because of The Science) - and it is our personal subjectivity (outside The System, as our subjectivity necessarily is) which is unreal, false; and - if subjectivity fails to conform itself to The System - evil; because evil is that which opposes The System.

Opposing The System is evil because The System is the source of ideology-morality. 

The System tells us that our thinking and decision-making ought-to-be ('must' be) within The System - and, since this can only be chosen; we are each called-upon to make that overall choice: the choice of Yes to The System - or No. 

As of 2021 - Yes or No to The System is the foundational choice upon which all other choices depend. 

It is a choice

Therefore the great externally-imposed imperative - the only moral/ ethical imperative of these times, one that we all experience here-and-now, as of 2021; is that it is your job and my job and everybody's job - now and for evermore, over and again - to keep making that choice. 

We must: Stay With The System!

Thursday 26 January 2023

Why do most people respond so willingly and cheerfully to "scare tactics, emotional blackmail, shifting goal posts and gaslightning"?

Commenter AnteB made a very incisive point in discussing William Wildblood's fascinating account of his conversation with a peck enthusiast. 

The most difficult thing for me is to understand how so few people, Christian or not, resisted a campaign that was so clearly manipulative and coercive. A whole battery of scare tactics, emotional blackmail, shifting goal posts and gaslightning were employed but few seemed to care or even register that something was out of place.

This expresses exactly my own incredulity and disgust at the behaviour of... well, nearly everybody in The West! 

Clearly this behaviour was not limited to the issue of the birdemic-peck; but reflects a fixed mental and psychological habit of The West

We have reached a point where the mass of people - including especially the intellectual middle classes (who are the most passively credulous of all population sectors) - will believe and act-upon any-thing that is monolithically presented by bureaucratic officialdom and the mass media.


Anything about-which The System has consensus today - here-and-now - will be believed and acted upon; and the same will apply to the System-consensus tomorrow. 

The fact that the System-consensus is incoherent and extremely labile (sometimes literally reversing in a matter of days) - is irrelevant. 

That the System-consensus is evil and/or insane - as, currently, with engineering and escalating World War Three - is irrelevant. 

The cognitive time-horizon has been (all but) closed-up to the present-moment; because past and future are defined and redefined - without limit - by the present-consensus. 

It seems clear that 'morality', reason, and political expedience have simultaneously been reduced to 'today's consensus'.

And this further implies that the crucial constraint on human bahaviour - almost its sole determinant, is now System-consensus. 

Proof of this can be observed by the immense efforts at manufacturing such consensus - for example the blatantly monolithic propaganda (clearly emanating from a single central source); and the blatant suppression ('censorship') of more, and ever-more, even slightly dissenting perspectives and sources. 

So; on the one hand, They can make Us believe anything at all that they wish us to believe; on the other hand, They can only make Us believe what They agree to agree-upon

We can only be made to believe that which is susceptible to System-consensus. 

The System has closed-in upon itself; and its main activity is now to to ensure its own current-consensus. 

Within The System - all serious effort is directed at alignment with other aspects of The System (bureaucrats servicing bureaucrats - and other synergies between sub-systems; in a web of mutual-influence, mutual adjustment, mutual manipulations).  

While those-who-stand-outside The System, and who control The System; are mainly concerned to create serial current-consensuses that will advance their overall agenda

The point being that The System has Us under control; and System problems nowadays come only from power games ('office politics') within The System. 

To this picture need be added that there is (of course!) a reality outside-of, and all-but unrelated to - the System-defined current-consensus; and this reality is always constraining The System - but imperceptibly to The System.

(The System cannot understand reality - but only itself; therefore when reality affects The System, the effects will always be explained as having been caused by The System, from within The System - not by reality. This is one deep cause for the 'doubling-down' phenomenon which has been noted as characteristic of the System ideology: i.e. atheistic-materialistic-leftism.)

And furthermore that "those who control The System" are ultimately demonic, plus the servants of demons (humans who may, remember, be more evil-motivated than actual demons). 

Therefore the ultimate goal of this System-control and serial-consensus-formation; is the damnation of Men and the destruction of divine creation and all that is Good.  

This explains why The System is indifferent to its own coherence - whether linearly (through time) or cross-sectionally (here-and-now). Its deep nature is oppositional - so coherence is not required. 

Coherence is irrelevant - consensus is all - and consensus defines reality for those who accept The System's current-consensus - which clearly includes most of the masses, most of Us, in The West.

For so long as We overwhelmingly regard obedient conformity to System-consensus as our highest value; for so long will this continue. 


Sunday 11 October 2020

Values are a product of System - but which System?

It is a plank of the post-modern mood that values are a product of System; and that there are no values outside of System. 

If someone asserts values that are not part of System, then these are essentially private, delusional, psychotic - an arbitrary, personal and unshared morality; and such an individual is, of course, potentially dangerous to those who participate in the System morality (dangerous to the extent he or she has power). 

And values also include the standards of truth and beauty; so that System defines what is beautiful or ugly, what is fact or lie.  

All valuations, in other words, come from System. 

This is true; but what is disputable is that there is only one System; and that is the one System of mortal human society in this world - including its cultural and technological elaborations. 


The mainstream assertion that governs life in the modern world is that life is material (there is no 'spiritual' domain, no soul, no god/s, nothing 'supernatural'); and that life is (therefore) bounded by biological conception-birth at one end and by death at the other end. 

A more recent development of the concept of System is that the cultural and technological elaborations are more real, more objective - because more powerful and widely-known, potentially more stable and longer-lasting, than the human beings of the world.  

Thus System has become abstract: impersonal, and indeed increasingly anti-personal. 


Because values derive-from System, and the worldly-System is increasingly abstract and with increasing not-human elements (computers, technologies, statistics...); the System can and does generate values that benefit the System considered as an abstract-whole, but not the human beings

Thus the modern world; in which we increasingly relate to the System only via bureaucracy (systemised humans) and electronic mass-social media. The question of whether this is good for humans does not even arise; because values come from the System, and only one worldly System is acknowledged.

It is either the System or psychosis - and therefore neutralisation, hospital or prison. There can be no exile, no independence; because nowhere is outside or beyond the System. 

And, because non-System values are dangerous to the System; anyone with values outside is necessarily selfish and mad - thus will be sought, labelled, and their threat eliminated. 


And Yet - the worldly System is arbitrary. It does not have purpose, it does not have meaning: it Just Is. 

Thus, modern reality is a mandatory morality, a compulsory and inescapable system of values - that is, at the same time, arbitrary; without foundation, going-nowhere, and meaning-nothing. 

Our choice is mandatory meaninglessness or de facto death. 

This reality is dawning upon more and more people, because the compulsory System is changing so rapidly, is so obviously incoherent, is so increasingly either indifferent or hostile to actual human happiness or suffering. 

Yet, if the System assumptions are accepted - and they mostly are accepted (whether unconsciously or consciously); then There Is No Alternative. 

Modern life = slavery to the arbitrary System, with no hope of anything else; becuase there Is nothing else.

All this follows with apparent inevitability, until it is recognised that there is a System beyond 'the System', and which includes and transcends the worldly system. 

We then recognise that the wordly System has been and is made by exclusions; especially of God the Creator - and we recognise that there is a transcendent world beyond and containing the material.

We recognise that the supposedly monopolistic worldly System is actually within, and subordinate to, the Divine System.


Once that larger Divine System is recognised; all the above crumbles to dust. 

Once we recognise that life extends back before conception and forward beyond biological death...

Once we recognise that this material reality was made by God, from spirit...

Once we recognise that this worldly System is a part of Creation; and may be judged by the values of Creation...

Once we recognise that there is an escape from this worldly System into God's greater reality of Creation - and that most of our lives lies beyond biological death...

...Then we are free.  


Monday 26 April 2021

Living in the End Times - recognizing the reality, understanding the implications

I have been solidly convinced that these are the End Times for about a decade; but since the global coup of early last year - and with its continued invisibility - this is an everyday reality.

My understanding of the End Times is that it references the time when evil dominates the world, and when further decline becomes inevitable. The self-correcting possibilities of negative feedback (e.g. the 'pendulum swings' of history) has failed; and positive feedback (whereby each adverse change creates further adverse changes) has set-in. 

The evils of the world have become irreversible mainly because they are invisible to the mass of people and the totality of the Establishment. The incrementally-increasing value inversion of recent decades in The West has reached such a degree and compass that a world of evil rampant is regarded as a beneficial development. 

The System built on Big Lies and elaborated from a web of dishonesty and propaganda-manipulation, has a totalizing quality such that all worldly considerations are encompassed. Every apparent this-worldly (i.e. social-political-psychological) 'dissent' or 'escape' turns-out to be a loop-back into The System. 

All apparent 'conflict' (between capital and province, political parties, media, nations...) turns-out to be stage-managed; with both sides operating as part of The System. 

For a Christian who recognizes the reality that The System is a machine for evil; there is no way of engaging with those inside The System. 

The modern world is materialist (denying the reality of God and the spirit); and The System identifies, interprets and explains all material things. Those who accept the material assumptions, cannot get outside of The System - not even in imagination; they cannot escape - even in principle. 

In these End Times there is only the material, and The System is the material; and therefore The System includes all minds, all thinking - as well as all action. 

So, any thinking outside The System is simply incomprehensible: stupid, insane and/ or evil.  

And this is how a material system ends-up by controlling the spirit: how a material-system can become (in effect) a spiritual-process leading to damnation.   

Nearly all self-identified Christians are inside The System - and their 'Christianity' operates in The System - because all institutions, organizations, corporations are (they Just Are) parts of The System because they must be in order to function. 

All actually-existing churches are System Churches; because they are a part of the economy, receive subsidies and pay taxes, have legal identities, are employers, deploy Public Relations and interact with the media, are part of the education system... Nearly-all churches sustain one, several or all of the current strategic socio-political agendas (e.g. birdemic, climate, antiracism, sexual revolution).

Thus All actual churches are components of The System. 

Therefore all 'Christians' who are 'spiritually' led-by churches are in The System; are part of System-evil; hence on the opposite side than God the creator and Jesus Christ.  

And this situation is (by now) irreversible - because invisible, because denied (even as a possibility). 

Millions upon million of ex-Christians have-been, are-being, led into The System by their churches; each endorsed by the dogma that resistance is futile, because there is no alternative because we must be part-of a System (church) and Now there is Only One System

This is what happens in the End Times. The principle of value inversion means that what was Good becomes evil; the churches - which were once sole-agents of Christianity, have become agents of Antichrist. 

Unless, that is... we live from a spiritual source outside of The System (including The Churches). 

The System is, in fact, a tiny and self-circumscribed part of the real world. Outside The System there is God and creation, spiritual beings, living and conscious nature; and there is each Man in his divine self.

...Man's divine self in the direct, intuitive knowing of heart-thinking.

Yet all of these are individually-known; all requires conscious knowledge of reality; all require free agency and acting by-choice; deliberately, explicitly, from the-self. 

To live this way, rooted outside The System and in the divine, is very simple. It is within the capacity of anybody who wants to do it...

But of course, hardly anybody wants to do it - and indeed most Christians regard it as evil, and Anti-Christian, to do it...

This is the nature of the End Times; and what makes them the End. 

Lies are asserted as mandatory Truth; that which is obvious is invisible; that which is Good becomes regarded as evil - and evil is the only existent 'good'. 

That which must be done to affirm God and Jesus Christ becomes regarded as self-evidently (without need for proof or refutation) crazy, dumb, nonsensical. Thus what must be done becomes regarded as precisely that which cannot and should-not be done. 

The answer to the End Time lies in our own hands, requires nobody else's permission, cannot be stopped by any power, and may be commenced immediately...

But because these are indeed the End Times: what is necessary and do-able is exactly that which will not be done. 

Tuesday 13 July 2021

A life of self-'exclusion', or Living outside the System? Is it possible? How?

WmJas Tychonievich clarifies that the invented 'ethical' imperative against 'ex-clusion' masks the fact of coercive and mandatory in-clusion of all individuals within the global totalitarian System ('the Matrix'); also that, increasingly, self-exclusion (that is, anybody choosing to live outside of the System and its tightly-controlled ideology) is forbidden

But does forbidden mean impossible? Well... not exactly. Because the System is - by design - a machine of damnation - Therefore They want everybody to want to live inside it. This is why They invited the fake positive morality of inclusion, and manufactured abhorrence of exclusion. The built-in covert assumption behind-which is that everybody, necessarily and always, wants to be on the inside.  

Because the crucially damning (i.e. salvation-rejecting) effect of the System is when people embrace and endorse the System - think by it. To regard the System as Good is a demonic value-inversion; which entails regarding Heaven as bad. 

However, the System ceases to be an effective instrument of evil when someone knows the nature of evil (i.e. opposition to God, divine creation, The Good), has recognized the System as being evil, and has rejected the System for that reason

The global totalitarian System is a material one, which excludes the spiritual (denies the reality of the spiritual) - because only the material realm is controllable. The System now includes all of public discourse, and all major institutions (including the churches); and its grip increases daily. 

Of course, those demonic Beings who control the System are not themselves material - and They know perfectly well the reality of God, creation and The Good (which they oppose). It is this larger perspective of the demons that enables them to control the System and to make it served the goals of damnation - while their human servants and dupes are mostly oblivious. 

The strategy of totalitarian evil is to induce an habitual, passive, unconscious materialism among all humans; thus to confine them completely within the System - hence to be able fully to monitor and control them.   

So, it is not - after all - difficult to escape the System; because the spiritual realm lies beyond. But escape is not in the physical realm - not in the realm of society or culture - not in any institution (including not in a church - when church is functioning in the public realm) - since all of these are by-now net-absorbed-into the System (corrupted, converged); and the System is evil. 

The spiritual real is explicitly known only in the realm of thinking; and within thinking in that kind of thinking that could be called direct knowing, conscious intuition or heart-thinking: in other words the spiritual is to be found in thinking that comes from our real (and divine) self

Such thinking is undetectable and uncontrollable by the System. 

And such thinking participates in a realm of primary thinking that is shared by, contributed-to, accessed-by - all other Beings who are engaged in intuitive direct knowing. So, we are not alone. 

Yet, heart-thinking and direct knowing are only temporary and partial states in this mortal life - which is instituted for our experience and learning - for our 'education'. We who live in this era of global totalitarianism have each, personally, much to learn from the experiences (which is indeed why we are alive, now).  

And we may - if we have made the right choices and have the right values - also have a life outside of the System in addition to the spiritual realm of primary thinking; I mean the realm of love: love of family, spouse, children, real-friends - and including (for some people) love that crosses the portal and encompasses some of the 'so-called-dead'.

So there is life outside the System; life which always and necessarily escapes the System and is free! Yet, as the System increases its scope and grip, this free and loving life is a more-and-more completely a spiritual life, which we may consciously know almost wholly in the realm of (primary) thinking.  

Wednesday 2 October 2019

The System is the terminus of all false assumptions - including the Alt-Right (But recognising this depends on understanding what The System wants.)

This was apparent - in a diagnostic sense - to increasing numbers of people from the end of the Second World War. In writings of the nineteen-fifties, and more so in the sixties, there is an awareness of the fact that all the usual lines of escape - whether radicalism, rebellion, revolution on the Left - or tradition, conservatism, reaction on the Right - seem to terminate in The System, 'The Matrix'.

The System captured all groups, organisations, institutions - sooner or later. People would set-up some group, on whatever radical new lines, on whatever reactionary lines - and it would be drawn into The System, assimilated.

However, the lesson was never learned, has not been learned; the mistake is made by every new generation, every new version of trying to make a new and better System, every attempt to reform and improve The System - each and all the 'realistic', 'pragmatic', 'sensible' movement of socio-politics.

Because all such attempts are actually trying to fight The System using a fragment of The System

Indeed, it is not just assimilation but a process by which each absorption strengthens the system, makes it larger and more inclusive, more powerful. For example in recent years we can see how the "Alt-Right" has become absorbed, and how this has strengthened The System.

The System is totalitarian and bureaucratic, however people lazily assume that this implies that The System aims at a stable society of docile and obedient slaves; as depicted in so many fictional dystopias.

Stable tyranny might well be the aim of human-type evil - based on gratifying the self-ishness of people. But the modern System has become, is continuing to become, more demonic than human in its nature.

This means that the goal of The System is damnation, not control. And damnation is about psychological manipulation; about inducing certain states of mind: about inducing damning assumptions, attitudes, behaviours, motivations...

And this is why assimilation of the opposition is undetected. Mainstream, modern, materialistic people assume that when a new movement leads to argument, conflict, attempted censorship and suppression etc; that this implies the movement is a threat to the system.

Not so, because The System can - and does - use any and all group-level institutional opposition, reform, take-over attempt, purge, coup... to evoke the kind of damning psychological states that are its ultimate goal.

How this happens is very simple indeed:

Anything that is institutional is Already part of The System

...Because institutions just-are systems; just are abstract and impersonal attempts to circumvent the human and the divine...

Just-are materialist in assumption and form, and therefore intrinsically and already (even before assimilation) part-of the dominant demonic scheme (which is to deny the real-reality of God, virtue, beauty, creation, the spiritual, the soul etc).

In trying to create abstract forms of power that do not depend upon individuals, do not depend upon love, faith, hope - we have already joined The System, and already joined the side of purposive evil.

As I said recently; there is a world outside The System, there is a real opposition, there is a side of God and Good - and it is in fact the real world (whereas as The System is unreal, a virtuality.

So the situation is that everything we do to attain impersonal, abstract power and influence on The System is entering the realm of virtuality. In other words, in trying to be realistic, we engage in the false; in trying to be practical and pragmatic, we have already made the assumption that the unreal is real. We have lost even before we have begun.

The only true resistance is of the individual and those who are joined by love. Any attempt to upscale this by forming abstract, impersonal institutions has already destroyed itself. If we want to join the side of God, our 'method' is that of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel - which is... no method at all.

Wednesday 22 December 2021

The imperative to 'belong'

Belonging is an imperative - we must belong.

But what-it-is to which we belong varies through life, and by choice.  

As young children we belong in a larger world, we are part-of-things; and that belonging is the family. The family is centre of our belonging; which stretches-out from family to the world. 

As young children, we are not aware of 'communications' that need to be interpreted - rather, knowledge comes to us direct. Rather the knowledge is already-there: we just know all kinds of stuff about all kinds of things. 

We know we belong, but implicitly, passively - belonging is given to us.  

Spirits are real, dreams are real, we know the thoughts of others and they know our thoughts. The world may vary between benign and hostile - but our background knowledge is that we are not alone, we are part of the world.  

Adolescence brings - eventually - a complete separation from that passive immersion in the family and world. 

We find that we now longer experience Just Knowing but must choose from our-selves; and we become aware that we dwell in an ocean of communications: messages, images, sounds and human relationships.

We must belong - and there is a choice of what we belong-to. 

Usually that is the 'peer group'. In traditional society, the peer group is a given, and there is no choice about whether to join it or something else; but in modern society there is a variety of potential peer groups, and allegiance is chosen. 

Thus, from adolescence, we relate to the world via chosen peer groups - and until recent generations this meant that the belonging of a stereotypical doctor was different from that of a farm worker, this-village was different from that-town; churches were different 'peer groups' - because there provided a distinct peer groups via which an individual belonged to the wider world. 

What has happened over recent decades could be termed a convergence of peer groups into a single System.  

Peer groups are chosen; but whatever chosen peer group you relate to the world via - whether that be a local circle of relatives or friends, a school or college, a 'profession' such as law or medicine, or the bureaucracy of a corporation of state institution... Whatever your choice, as of no all peer groups are linked hierarchically and horizontally, have converged-into a single and global ideology and power structure.

Nearly all peer groups - and nearly all families, which are nowadays also consciously chosen - are therefore parts of one system: The System (the 'Matrix'). Not all peer groups are equally a part of the system, some have greater partial and relative distinction from The System - but ultimately all are linked-into-one.

Therefore we find our existential situation is that we must belong - belonging is an imperative; yet all possible peer groups that might give a sense of belonging are part of The System. 

Thus, apparently, we must belong to The System! - There seems to be no alternative, if we are to belong.

And we must belong. 

The above is, I think, the mechanism of compliance and obedience; the mechanism by which the great mass of people choose to opt-in and self-police their own subordination. 

People must belong - and there is only one entity to which they can belong; therefore, people willingly want, think and do whatever it takes to belong to The System.   

This means that people believe - they Must believe - System-communications; because it is these with which they belong. 

If any incoming communication clashes with System-communications - if it dissents; if it tends to push the individual out from The System (if expulsion is what he experiences on encountering that communication) - then that 'anti-System' communication will be regarded as invalid, and threatening, and excluded. 

My point is that - especially since early 2020 and the successful global totalitarian coup, there is but one world, one system - and all social belonging based upon 'normal' communications is increasingly (and more-and-more obviously) a part of that System

Since each Man must belong, there seems only the choice of belonging to The System, since there is -  apparently - nothing else to belong-to

Anyone who tries to choose a different peer group (eg. a particular church) is finding that that peer group is also being absorbed-into The Single System. 

All the interpersonal and within organization communications are becoming System-aligned - all potential contradictions are being eliminated. 

If the material world of communications, the 'public world' is the only world; and if a Man must belong; then it makes sense that all men simply believe whatever The System is telling them today, do whatever The System is telling them to do today, hold whatever attitudes that best sustain The System...

And this is what we find. 

If it really is The System or not-belonging - then there is no choice but to join The System; and do... whatever-it-takes to stay within The System. 

Such is the primary question of these times: When 'everybody' (and it may actually be everybody, so far as we know) believes that the only choice is System versus not-belonging; and on that basis has chosen The System - then each Man finds himself compelled to confront that core question of human existence: God or Man

In other words; when Man has chosen The System - and The System excludes God; then to choose God instead of System means to reject what the mainstream person regards as every-thing.  

And, for the one who chooses God, the imperative to belong remains. The God-believer must belong - yet perhaps all the worldly-world of communications rejects him! 

His belonging can only be to the divine, to the spiritual, to the other-worldly: and this belonging he absolutely Must Have since belonging is imperative.  

This 'not-of-this-world' path used to be the preserve of a tiny minority of 'mystics'! Yet I am saying here that what was the preserve of mystics, must be the path of everyone who wants to choose God instead of System

To believe in God - here and now - it seems that we must personally know, and 'belong' in - on an everyday basis, 'the Company of Heaven'. We must belong, therefore our daily lives must substantially be among that company

It seems a Huge ask; yet if it Must, then Must it is... 

And since our God is our loving creator and parent - if it must be, it must be possible: and possible for Every-One.  

Sunday 6 December 2020

How does The System impose detailed surveillance and control despite being so inefficient?

The answer is related to the fact that The System is evil (by its strategic, top-down, demonic nature); and evil is defined as oppositional to God and creation; and because the fact that The System is oppositional means that The System is always changing; always becoming more extreme


The modern System is more fully evil, more fully negative, spiteful, resentful (Sorathic) than in the past, which means that it does not even pretend to be leading towards a stable utopia (as was the case early socialists and communists, early feminists or antiracists). 

Instead, The System (now firmly in-place since the global totalitarian coup of early 2020) it is continually 'fighting-against' some-thing or another (currently mainly the birdemic, 'racism', 'climate change'; and both Christian and biologically-functional sexuality). 

And there are always new things for The System to fight - because ultimately it will fight any-thing that is Good (true, beautiful or virtuous - or indeed any-entity that is alive and conscious hence exemplifies divine creation). 


(The ultimate goal of evil is chaos - the elimination of love, the war of each against all - and the destruction of all that is divinely-created.) 


Always oppositional means always changing - changing, worsening, not by accident but by design; thus when The System is winning (as in 2020) it is rapidly becoming more-extreme on a timescale of weeks. 

It is this increasing extremity that enables The System to be effective in its work of surveillance and control; despite that The System is all-the-time undermining its own efficiency by the same means it pursues evil. 


Thus, due to poor quality manpower and bad design, The System is very bad at achieving anything near to 100 percent reliability and validity in its work of omni-surveillance and micro-control of human behaviour. 

But, when the power and scope of The System are expanding week-by-week; and when opposition to The System from the masses crumbles week-by-week - then The System is always Good Enough to achieve its purpose. 

So The System, never bothers to wait for its new systemic surveillance and control systems to be fully implemented nor to achieve effectiveness - but is always and frequently introducing new and ever-more-severe systems of surveillance and control. 


Punishments for non-compliance - including punishments disguised as rewards for compliance (as with loss of 'privileges' required for basic physical and social survival) are escalated again and again; too fast to comprehend or even know about accurately. 

The individual only knows that he lives, more and more, only at the grace and favour of The System; which has an ever-increasing arsenal of methods for detecting 'wrong-doing' (i.e. fulfilling basic human needs and Christian duties); and an ever-increasingly severe armoury of punishments. 

Currently these scale up to long term solitary confinement, de facto compulsory injections with some-thing deemed necessary by The System; and having unconstrained (and unpunished) mob violence set upon us by The System. 

But next month, or the month after, these will surely be superseded by more extreme measures; because The System is always changing, always becoming more extreme...


We live only at the grace and favour of The System; The System gets larger, more pervasive and more powerful every few weeks - so its extent now and in the future is not known. And this grace and favour can be withdrawn at any moment; for good reason or bad - or none at all.  


Evil is dynamic and insatiable - what was unnoticed a few months ago, here-and-now stands-out from the ever-more-wicked average like a beacon, shining brighter and brighter, more and more obviously. 

We cannot for long hide any Christian living, any goodness of any kind, under a bushel; when the fires of evil are burning away all that stands around us and that bushel stands-out ever-more starkly from the always-worsening devastation.   

This is how a ramshackle System, full of holes and corruptions, less and less capable; is nonetheless able effectively to control more-and-more of the whole world with each passing month.

NOTE: Comments are hidden for a while - back again soonish...

Monday 14 March 2022

Christians who are primarily loyal to their churches are being assimilated into The (Satanic) System

A Christian cannot for long stay a Christian nowadays; if he regards loyalty/ obedience to his church as primary. 

In a world where The System is evil in motivation and net-activity, anyone whose primary loyalty is to any institution will be vulnerable to being drawn to support The System - whenever their institution is threatened. 

And anyone who is drawn to support The System cannot for long be Christian; because The System serves Satan. 


And this conflict between Christ and Church will happen, is happening, as often as the powers of evil can contrive it. 

For instance; it seems apparent than many devout traditionalists Christians have chosen to support The System over the past few weeks; apparently because they perceive an existential threat to their church. 

But the fact is that The System can contrive events such that any church can be acutely threatened at almost any time; and indeed all churches, because they are institutions, are dependent on The System for their survival and sustaining. 

Churches are linked by many ties with The System bureaucracies and mass media - economics, finance, laws (employment law, workplace regulation, laws to do with buildings and utilities etc), with educational provision and may other links. 

Any church can therefore (in principle - if 'necessary) be subjected to a coordinated international official-media destructive hate-fest of lies, misinformation, fake news, hostile propaganda and PSYOPS such as we have seen for the birdemic-peck, antiracism, climate and the current Oceana-Eurasia frenzy. 

Whether at this extreme, or by a more attritional process; sooner or later, every serious Christian church has-been or will-be faced by an immediate threat to its survival - unless it complies with one or another (eventually all) of the priorities of The System. 

The church will then either orientate to The System, or acutely be destroyed as an institution

In other words; all that is worldly about churches will be assimilated or destroyed, along with those adherents who are loyal to it; and only that which is 'not of this world' will remain Christian. 

The adherents of that church will then face the choice between God and Church, Jesus Christ and Church, being a Christian and Church. 

Indeed, this has already happened, and is in the past for many Christians in many churches. Those who remain in these churches, and remain primarily loyal to the church, are in The System - and being led ever deeper. 

Some traditionalist Christians who survived the birdemic-peck have succumbed to System assimilation in the past few weeks - as they decide to support their church's here-and-now survival as first priority. 

All will come to this crux sooner or later, and the pace increases; as something that we personally love - yet which depends upon The System - is threatened. 

But church survival - the survival of any institution we love, is only acute and short-term. 

In the end, everything of this world depends on The System; can be destroyed by The System - and The System is destroying itself - and with increasing rapidity.

So survival of any institutional church is in fact only a stay of execution, a delay from destruction.  

Which means that those who accepted The System into their hearts in order that their church would survive; will see their churches be destroyed - and be left with nothing but The System.  

This we should expect; should regard as eventually inevitable. Christ's kingdom is not of this world, because this world is mortal, and resurrection comes after death. 

The kingdom of this world is Satan's - more and more obviously so; and insofar as any church is of this world, that church will be part of the Satanic System.

Thus, Christians cannot primarily be loyal to any church. Faith must be rooted in the next world, or perish. 

Thursday 17 December 2020

From my paper: Auditing as a tool of public policy

This is excerpted from: BG Charlton and P Andras. Auditing as a tool of public policy - The misuse of quality assurance techniques in the UK university expansion. European Political Science 2002; 2: 24-35.  

It comes from the time before I was a Christian, when I was pro-modernisation, and a kind of centre-right, mainstream-libertarian, but-actually-leftist. 

Nonetheless; the excerpted section on the nature of auditing, and of 'quality assurance' in particular, may be of some continued interest - considering that this technology has spread to include just about every institution of any size in the West. 

As such QA auditing has been a primary tool of global bureaucratic takeover.


Over the past decade and a half, UK universities have been required to teach many more students than before, but for broadly the same cost to the government (and universities have so far been prevented from raising significantly more money by capped fees). Naturally, this will tend substantially to reduce educational standards relative to the preceding ‘boom’ era of the 1960s and 70s, because poorly-resourced systems will typically produce a lower quality output than well-resourced systems. 

But the primary cause of reduced standards is the truly enormous expansion in intake. From after the second world war, the percentage of the age group participating in degree-level higher education in England climbed from less than 5 percent in the 1940s, to c.17 percent in 1987, up to c.32 percent in 1995 with the trend having continued (Trow, 1991; Smith and Webster 1997).

In itself, such expansion will inevitably inflate the value of a degree certificate, which depends on its relative rarity. Furthermore a mass system contains a majority of students who are less able and less motivated than those in a highly selective elite educational system, and this also would contribute to a lower average level of examination attainment. For all these reasons it can be seen that the UK university expansion entails a significant reduction in degree standards - in the sense that the average university graduate will have a lower educational attainment after expansion than before. 

The role of a national teaching inspectorate 

Accepting that the academic standard of an average university degree was intended to fall, the rationale of a national system of university inspection would be to monitor and control this reduction in standards. The function of a national inspectorate can be understood in terms of controlling degree inflation. 

Given the inevitability of inflation of the degree (ie. a progressive reduction in its career-enhancing value to the individual - or a drop in the 'purchasing power' of a degree qualification) an effective system of inspection might aim to prevent this inevitable inflation from proceeding to a 'hyper-inflation', or total collapse of academic standards. 

The proper aim of a national teaching inspectorate was therefore to prevent a situation in which a university would admit almost anyone, teach them almost nothing, then give them a degree. This problem of degree hyper-inflation would be most likely to occur in those parts of the system where per capita funding and selectivity was lowest prior to expansion - in other words the ex-polytechnics that were from 1992 re-named universities. 

The proper main function of a national system of teaching inspection in the context of a deliberate reduction in degree standards would then be to guarantee a minimum standard of teaching - especially ensuring that the low-funded, low-selectivity institutions did not make their degrees too easy to attain. 

The proper function of a teaching inspectorate would be to guarantee a minimum degree of necessary selectivity (eg. in admissions and in examination standards) and a minimum level of educational provision (e.g. of supervision in the form of lectures, seminars, practicals, coursework etc.). The implicit proper function of a national teaching inspectorate such as the QAA was in fact to ensure a minimum standard of selection and provision.

Auditing universities 

The choice of quality assurance technologies as a basis for inspection of university teaching was rational to the extent that university teaching is done by an explicit and objective system. If QAA had constructed its audits on the basis of ensuring that each teaching unit was 'delivering' an educational system of minimum acceptable standard, then it would probably have succeeded, and its audits would have been simple, swift and cheap. 

The nature of quality assurance auditing is shown most clearly by examining the origins of the practice (Power, 1997). Auditing was originally financial auditing, and the principal purpose of financial auditing is to detect and deter error and fraud in the handling of money within a closed system. 

A closed system is necessary because only within a closed system may it be expected that all money flows will balance. Indeed, financial audit defines the units of closed finance, the units of 'accountability'. There are legal requirements for certain individuals and organisations to be auditable, and this requirement enforces the monetarily-closed nature of such systems. 

Within a closed system, audit detects errors and fraud through sampling information and cross-checking it for inconsistencies when compared with established organisational and practice criteria (Flint, 1988). Independent sources of information should be consistent with each other when checked every-which-way. 

Since a complex organisation has so many strands making up a web of cash flows, the number of potential cross-checks is almost infinite. Anyone wishing to ‘cook the books’ has a great deal to fake if they are to ensure that every possible inconsistency between independent sources has been ironed-out. 

Financial accounting (usually) works in its job of deterring and detecting fraud because it is (usually) easier, cheaper and more efficient to be honest than to prepare internally-consistent fake accounts which can stand-up to skilled cross-checking. True accounts automatically balance when cross-checked because they are a reflection of reality, while it takes a great deal of work to create audit-proof false accounts. 

Managerial audit 

The relationship between auditing and the management function derives from a formal similarity in the information processing involved. 

Auditing involves setting up ‘second-order’ system-referential systems, in a manner closely analogous to the function of management - ie. both audit and management sample information from organisations, model the activity of organisations, and make predictions on the basis of these models which can be checked against further samples (Luhmann, 1995). 

Of course, auditing has traditionally been done by external accountancy firms, while management has been done by sub-systems of the organisation being managed - but these conventions are not formally necessary. In principle, management could be out-sourced, while auditing is increasingly an internal activity of subsystems ('quality units') within organisations. 

Given this similarity, the potential for using audit-generated information for modelling and controlling the organisation was obvious. This led to the development of Quality Assurance auditing as a generic managerial technology (Stebbing, 1993; Mills, 1993). 

QA auditing has many analogies with financial auditing. But instead of monitoring money flows in a closed system to detect financial fraud, quality assurance auditing samples information in order to monitor compliance to a system (Power, 1997). So an organisation explicitly defines the system by which they are supposed to be operating, and quality assurance auditing monitors whether that system is, in fact, being complied with. 

In this context, the word quality has come to mean something like 'reliability of outcome'. A 'quality' system has the operational meaning of a system that predictably delivers a pre-specified outcome (Power, 1997). 

For example, the quality assurance management systems of a fast-food franchise are designed to achieve a consistent product - so long as the system is complied-with, you get the same standard of hamburger (within pre-defined limits) every day and everywhere in the world. The outcome is therefore a product of the system, and so long as the system is functional then the outcome is predictable. 

In other words, the quality of the product may be 'assured' simply by checking that the system is indeed functioning - in a sense the actual hamburger need not be sampled or tasted. This is what it means to say that quality auditing monitors systems and processes, rather than outcomes (Feigenbaum, 1991). 

A quality audit operates by sampling what is happening in different strands of the system, and checking the mutual consistency and compatibility with the system blueprint (which is usually provided in the form of a flow chart). Given the validity of its assumption that a given system results in a given outcome (which assumption needs to be empirically tested), in a variety of competitive economic contexts quality assurance auditing has proved itself capable of delivering consistent outcomes with relatively low transaction costs. 

Quality assurance in universities 

Properly speaking, when QA is applied to university education it would require prior validation in terms of outcomes, to answer the question 'does this system lead to a reliable and satisfactory outcome?' Just as you need first to taste the hamburgers before concluding that your quality assured system is reliably producing good ones, so you need to test that students coming out of a quality assured education systems are indeed reaching a minimal educational standard. Only after the system has been empirically proven to produce predictably tasty burgers (or skilled students) can you neglect this empirical check. 

But with QAA there was no attempt made to test the assumption that any specific teaching system led to any specific outcome. Instead it was simply assumed that the existence of an explicit and self-consistent system of teaching was synonymous with excellence. By this omission, university teaching quality assurance lost any meaningful link to educational outcomes. 

By ignoring the connection between processes and outcomes, QAA implicitly chose the criterion of pure, abstract 'auditability' as its benchmark. 'High quality' teaching was defined as that which was comprehensively and self-consistently documented in a closed system. 

This meant that QAA definition of high quality teaching was an explicit system characterised by Mission Statements, aims and objectives, flow-charts, monitoring, feedback and formal procedures for all imaginable contingencies. 

By itself, this definition of quality is neutral in evaluative terms - however the public relations 'spin' of QAA equated this technical definition of teaching quality with the general language usage of 'high quality' which has to do with excellent outcome measures, not system properties (Charlton, 2002). 

Failure of QAA 

The root of QAA failure can be traced back to a very early stage in the policy implementation. Failure can be blamed upon the way that the legitimate goals of university inspection were first subverted and finally defeated by the public relations aspects of the policy. 

In other words, the political expediency and media spin concerning the advertised role of QAA, pushed QAA into outright misrepresentation of their function and dishonesty as to what they were doing. In the end, QAA was using a system of quality assurance auditing to try and perform a function which was alien to the capability of the technology. 

1. Minimum standards versus continuous improvement 

Quality assurance is really about enforcing minimum standards and predictable outcomes, and certainly this was what was required by the UK university system in a time of rapid degree inflation. The function of a national quality assurance scheme should have been to oversee this reduction in standards, and to ensure that inflation did not go further than was necessary to achieve the objective of much higher rates of university graduation. 

But the QAA advertised their role as increasing academic standards, explicitly by improving teaching, and this meant that there was a fundamental dishonesty involved in the QAA mission. 

One lie usually leads to more lies, and the claim to be improving standards could only be made plausible by further dishonesties such as the claim that QA auditable systems of teaching were intrinsically superior to non-auditable teaching methods, hence that the post-QAA teaching was by its own definition superior. 

A further problem was obfuscation. The sheer complexity of procedures and measures, and their non-comparability between institutions, meant that it became impossible to understand what was going-on in the university system. 

Instead of measuring and publishing simple, clear-cut and comprehensible proxy measures of selectivity and provision, such as average A-level grades and staff-student ratios, the QAA published numerical scores derived from the aggregation of multiple non-transparent (and non-rational) variables (QAA, 1998). This effectively obscured the bald facts of degree inflation and diminished per capita educational provision, and contributed to the prevailing atmosphere of dishonest evasiveness. 

2. Pass-fail versus league table 

Like financial auditing, quality assurance auditing (when properly used) classifies systems in a binary fashion as pass or fail, satisfactory or not. By contrast, QAA used auditing to generate grades on a scale - this is evidence of a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of auditing. 

It would seem both strange and suspicious if a financial audit was to award an institution a grade on a scale such as excellent, good, average or poor. Such an audit would be regarded as failing to achieve its objective of checking financial probity. A completed financial audit will either be satisfactory ('pass' - within acceptable levels of tolerance for the system) or unsatisfactory and 'fail'. Either the institution is using a proper accounting system and the books balance - or not. 

It was a methodological error to use audit technologies to award grades to British universities. The fault presumably arose from the initial dishonesty of announcing that quality assurance would be used to raise standards, which implies a quantitative system of grading. A proper quality assurance system would maintain minimum consistent standards, but it is not of itself a system for continually cranking-up standards. 

3. Objective versus subjective measures 

Auditing works most straightforwardly when the information sampled is stable, objective and quantifiable and the system being audited is simple. Indeed, objectivity of information and evaluation is a core requirement of auditing (Boynton et al, 2001). By contrast, the QAA tried to measure variables that were inflating, subjective and qualitative; in systems that were highly complex. 

Money (for example) is usually a highly suitable informational measure for auditing, since it is objectively quantifiable and stable throughout the period being audited (but even money becomes un-auditable in periods of hyper-inflation). And financial audit works best when the system is relatively simple - very complex money flows may become virtually un-auditable (as seems to have happened with Enron). 

In principle, it would be possible to construct an auditable system of university teaching by sampling only information that reached a high standard of objective quantifiability. Trow (1993) has remarked that teaching cannot really be assessed in the short term, but that not teaching can. 

For example, there might be a national standard for a degree which stated minimum criteria in relation to factors such as entry qualifications, staff-student ratio, contact hours, class size, number and type of examinations, distribution of degree classification - and so on. A quality assurance audit could then ensure that all such criteria were being met. 

(Indeed, exactly this kind of objective, user-orientated and comparative information is freely available for the US higher education system - e.g.. 

Instead, the QAA measured all kinds of intangible and subjective factors. Marks were awarded in relation to six categories of activity on a scale of four (QAA, 1998). Most marks related to completeness and consistency of an un-checkably vast amount of paper documentation (for instance there were 17 headings and 64 separate documentation demands relating just to student assessment; QAA, 2000 ), some marks were awarded for an evaluation of non-randomly selected and pre-warned demonstrations of classroom teaching, some marks were awarded following interviews with non-randomly selected groups of graduates, and so on. All these variables were weighted and combined in a unvalidated fashion. 

The outcome was the QAA grades were non-transparent and non-objective. 

Dependence upon inspectorial subjectivity also contributed to the strikingly intimidating and humiliating nature of QAA visitations (Charlton, 1999). Many auditees felt that they were being evaluated more in terms of demonstrating a suitably subservient attitude, more than for the objective facts concerning their educational selectivity and provision. 

This contrasts sharply with the realities of an objective financial audit, which may be hard work for the auditee - but is a process from which the honest and competent organisation has nothing to fear. 

Expediency versus strategy 

The QAA forms a fascinating case study of how an apparently straightforward and readily-attainable policy of maintaining minimum standards while expanding the University system became muddied and eventually defeated by dishonesty and short-termism. The failure of QAA may be interpreted as an example of the way in which political expediency may unintentionally damage long-term strategy. The unwillingness of the UK government to acknowledge the downside of university expansion, and to explain and argue the case that the overall benefits of their policies would outweigh their specific disadvantages, has led to policies built upon reassuring lies (Andras & Charlton, 2002)...

References Andras P, Charlton B. (2002). Hype and spin in the universities. Oxford Magazine. 202: 5-6. Andras P, Charlton BG. (2002a). Democratic deficit and communication hyper-inflation in health care systems. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 8: 291-297. Baty P. (2001). Russell elite go for jugular of ailing QAA. Times Higher Education Supplement. 21 September. Boynton WC, Johnson RN, Kell WG. (2001). Modern auditing 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons: New York. Cagan P. (1956) The monetary dynamics of hyperinflation. In (Ed) Friedman M. Studies in the quantity theory of money. University of Chicago Press: Chicago. Pp 25 -117. Charlton B. (1999). QAA: why we should not collaborate. Oxford Magazine. 182: 1-3. Charlton BG. (2002). Audit, accountability, quality and all that: the growth of managerial technologies in UK universities. In (Eds.) Prickett S, Erskine-Hill P. Education! Education! Education! : Managerial ethics and the law of unintended consequences. Imprint Academic: Thorverton, UK. Feigenbaum AV. (1991). Total quality control 3rd edition revised. McGraw-Hill: New York. Flint D. (1988). Philosophy and principles of auditing. Macmillan: London. Gellner E (1983). Nations and nationalism. Blackwell: Oxford. Gellner E. (1988). Plough, sword and book: the structure of human history. Collins Harvill: London. Gellner E. (1994) Conditions of liberty: civil society and its rivals. Hamish Hamilton: London. Habermas J. (1989). The structural transformation of the public sphere: an enquiry into a category of the bourgeois society. Cambridge: Polity Press. Kindler J, Kiss I. (Eds) (1969). Systems theory (in Hungarian). Kozgazdasagi es Jogi Konyvkiado. Budapest. Luhmann N. (1995). Social Systems. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. Luhmann N. The reality of the mass media. Polity Press: Cambridge, UK. Maturana HM, Varlea FJ. (1980) Autopoiesis and cognition. Reidel: Dordrecht, Netherlands. Mills D. (1993) Quality auditing. Chapman & Hall: London Pokol B. (1991) The theory of professional institution systems (in Hungarian). Felsooktatasi Koordinacious Iroda: Budapest. Power M. (1997) The audit society. Oxford University Press: Oxford. QAA. (1998). Annual Report 97-98. QAA: Gloucester QAA. (2000). Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher eduation. Section 6: Assessment of students. QAA: Gloucester. Sargent TJ. (1982). The ends of four big inflations. In (Ed) Hall RE. Inflation: causes and effects. University of Chicago Press: Chicago. Pp 41 - 97. Siedentop L. (2000) Democracy in Europe. Allen Lane, Penguin: London Smith A, Webster F. (1997). The postmodern university? Open University Press: Buckingham, UK. Stebbing L. (1993). Quality assurance 3rd edition. Ellis Horwood: Chichester, UK. THES Leader. (2001). There is quality assurance, then there is the QAA. Times Higher Education Supplement. 15 August. Trow M. (1991). The exceptionalism of American Higher Education. In (Ed.) Trow M & Nybom T. University and society. Jessica Kingsley: London. Trow M. (1993). Managerialism and the academic profession: the case of England. Weber M. (1978). Economy and society: an outline of interpretative sociology. University of California Press: Berkeley. Williams R. (1997). Quality assurance and diversity. In (Eds.) Brennan J, de Vries P, Williams R. Standards and quality in higher education. Jessica Kingsley: London. Wright R. (2000) Nonzero: the logic of human destiny. Pantheon: New York. E-mail HOME also by Bruce Charlton Quality Assurance Auditing The Malaise Theory of Depression Public Health and Personal Freedom Psychiatry and the Human Condition Pharmacology and Personal Fulfillment Awareness, Consciousness and Language Injustice, Inequality and Evolutionary Psychology Peak Experiences, Creativity and the Colonel Flastratus Phenomenon


Tuesday 7 November 2017

Life outside The System?

In 1986 I read a book by Don Cupitt called Life Lines - which purports to provide a complete typology, a map, of possible spiritual lives. It failed to do so, because its assumptions were wholly reductionist, materialist and positivist.

(The book's, the author's assumption were indeed, covertly typical of modern intellectuals, and perhaps especially those like Cupitt engaged in what they suppose to be Radical Theology; in that for them the bottom line of reality - that which was assumed but not argued-for - was the Leftist agenda. In other words; the moral concerns and impulses of then-current-Leftism are the only assumptions that are Not subverted - everything else is up-for-grabs.) 

Life Lines was, indeed, a typical 'postmodern' book of that era - critiqueing The System, but - because its critique was based on System assumptions, in-the-end arguing that it was incoherent to suppose that there was anything but The System - there could be no escape, no opt-out - because there was nowhere (no coherent thought-space) to opt-out-into...

At any rate, this was a work representative of the assumptions and mood among mainstream humanities intellectuals over recent generations.

Its error was that it excluded the divine; and the divine is that place and space which is outside The System. That which is divine in Man is beyond The System; and that is why and how we can (almost all of us) be dissatisfied by The System - because we do not always-and-inevitably view The System from inside-it; instead we are able (and sometimes compelled) to view The System from outside - when we are thinking from our Real Self, which is our divine self.

So it is neither unusual nor paradoxical to view The System from outside, to dwell outside The System, to yearn for a better life outside The System.

No matter how large, complex, pervasive The System becomes; we know what it is like to live differently. Of course, for much/ most of the time we are being propagandised, exploited, pandered, numbed and compelled by The System. But - unless we choose otherwise - we know with intuitive and experiential certainty - that there is more.

The role and function of modern intellectuals such as Don Cupitt and the other mainstream Postmodernists (such as Derrida, Foucault, Rorty, and the hegemonic theorists of liberalism, feminism, antiracism, postcolonialism etc.) has been to persuade us that what we know by intuition and experience is actually delusional. That the only reality is The System, and it is incoherent, ignorant, exploitative to assert otherwise.

The surface plausibility of this idea comes from the fact that The System controls communication and interpretation - so any writer, artist, musician (etc.) can (and will) be interpreted within-system - at least by 'authoritiative' and mass communications. The System assumes it is everything, and everything considered by The System thereby becomes a part of it.

As usual, the fault lies in metaphysics - postmodernists were/ are merely restating their own assumptions; they make assumptions, forget them, then rediscover them wherever they look - and take this as evidence proving their original (forgotten) assumptions...

Meanwhile, we - each of us - know differently. What is needed is (merely) a metaphysics that explains the validity of what we already-know.

Sunday 20 October 2019

Is The System inherently evil, or merely corrupted - by Francis Berger

My penfriend Frank Berger has posted an outstandingly clarifying blog post today - short, punchy, exactly what is needed: 

People who perceive the evil gripping the West can generally be divided in two distinct groups.

The first group believes the system has been corrupted, and they advocate for the removal of the evil forces and elements that have caused the corruption. Put another way, people in this camp believe the system is inherently good, or at least was inherently good before dark interests debased it. Purge the evil from the system, the first group argues, and the system can be saved.

The second group, on the other hand, sees the system as purposefully corrupt and evil. People in this group believe the system has been designed by evil for the purpose of creating chaos and promoting damnation. Evil cannot be purged from the system because the system itself is evil embodied. Purging evil from the system would result in the elimination of the system (which is exactly what most in the second group believe should / needs to happen).

So where do you land? Do you see evil in a corrupted but otherwise good system? Or do you see only an evil system?

My comment: I see an evil system - but I am afraid of the implications of such an insight, and so I resisted it for a very long time.

Acknowledging that the system is itself designed for evil implies it needs to be destroyed - and the system is almost everywhere now. Destroying the evil system probably means disruption (and presumably, suffering, disease, death) on a scale never before seen.

I see that as a kind of death grip that evil now has upon the world - evil holds us to ransom - at least so far as this-worldly aspects are concerned. We have a situation in which the destruction of evil will almost certainly mean triggering the destruction of our civilisation - and therefore (almost certainly) our-selves and those we love.

More accurately, I think it means making this happen earlier rather than later - because evil is parasitic and un-sustainable - so such a 'crash and burn' will happen whatever we do; but by supporting the evil system, this inevitable collapse can be delayed.

But the price of doing so escalates. It gets harder and harder to delay collapse, and we would have to give more and more to sustaining the evil system for this to happen.

The only 'answer' - which would ensure we 'did the right thing' (rather than being drawn into ever-greater evil, as is currently the situation) is a really solid and motivating belief in the Heavenly Life Everlasting beyond death, attained through following Jesus with love.

This is why I try to emphasise the teaching of the Fourth Gospel - it is the Christian understanding that we most need now and in the days to come.

Monday 22 August 2022

Destroy evil By Doing Good: So long as The System survives (i.e. does not collapse) things will keep getting more-evil

The nature of our situation is that The System - which, albeit with ever-decreasing effectiveness - keeps alive the unprecedented world population of about eight billion - is now un-reformably evil. 

All of the major functional sub-systems are orientated towards evil (including major Christian churches), and these subsystems maintain each other in the evil purpose. 

Thus The System acts as a powerful, multi-pronged and continuous means of corruption of 'the masses' of individual men and women.

The System is also purposively self-destructing, overall - again by many means. 

Therefore The System is certainly going to collapse. 

Yet, at the same time - because it is "a system", and this is what systems do and are - The System has an intrinsic tendency to sustain itself, and to grow. 

Thus The System is continually trying to extend into the interstices of all aspects of society (e.g. to bring the family and voluntary relationships into The System), and to extend its penetration into less-systematized nations of the world. 

Also, The System acts to crush dissent and resistance to itself: again both within nations, and also by setting core-System nations to invade (physically and ideologically) the less-systematized nations  (e.g. in the many recent revolutions and wars, initiated and sustained by the Western powers). 

So, the situation is that The System is irredeemably evil; and the longer it continues to exist, the more evil The System will inflict-upon the all-too-easily corruptible (because materialistic, God-rejecting, Christ-rejecting) masses. 

And The System is destroying itself - so that this situation cannot continue indefinitely. 

From which I infer that the longer The System lasts, the worse this will be for the souls of Men

This would seem to imply a need actively to destroy The System - and there is some truth in this; so long as the motivation for destruction is Good: i.e. on the side of God and divine creation. 

But the end does not justify the means; so that System destruction can only do good when its methods are good. 

Therefore we need to destroy the system by-means-of doing Good - every step of the way

Destroy evil By Doing Good in all our actions. 

That is the ideal. That is how Christians  must proceed. 

It's obvious once stated!

Monday 15 June 2020

"Western Civilization" = Bureaucracy and the Mass Media

This equation expresses the problem. Western Civilization has been largely (but not wholly) replaced with bureaucracy and the mass media.

Bureaucracy because all institutions, organisations, corprations, professions of significant size and power have become primarily bureaucracies of a generic type - linked-with other bureacracies to make The System.

Now almost everybody depends on The System for their livelihood, to keep them alive - yet The System is an Evil Liar.

And culture has become assimilated to the Mass Media; Media values have displaced others. Wherever we look, from fiction to science, from medicine to fine arts; we see the same, inverted, value system emanating-from the Mass Media, policed and enforced by the mass media (i.e. 'convergence').

The System and the Media are in synergy; the Media embodies the morality that the System implements (albeit that the morality is one of opposition - a negative morality). The Media provides the evolving and fluctuating goals and motivations (feminism, antiracism, sexual revolution etc) which the System embodies.

Media and Bureaucracy are Good Cop; Bad Cop - frenemies working-together to pursue the aganda of Evil Lies.

The System always and intrinsically lags-behind the Media. So, the Media - using instant mobs (whether virtual or physical) - constantly harangues and 'attacks' the System for being reactionary. The System responds by constantly evolving-towards the 'ideals' expressed in the Media.  

The real Western Civilization has been substantially colonised and displaced by the System and the Media. It exists mostly under the radar, among individuals in spoken and personal contact (since even clubs and hobbies have become largely assimilated and repurposed).

Western Civilzation cannot truly be defended in public discourse, in the public realm - exactly because it has been assimilated to The System.

Typically, an attempt at defence merely amounts to defending The System against The Media (and its instant mobs); when The System does not even want to be defended - since System legitimacy and purpose derive from the Media. 

The System does not want to be defended against the Media; it merely wants to be helped (especially funded) towards meeting the latest, always-changing, never satisfied demands of the Media.

Thus the System grows in size and power.

Christians cannot publicly defend Western Civilization without supporting that which is anti-Christian (not wholly, but Root and Branch Antichristian).

Since we cannot defend WC, without (sooner or later) ceasing to be Christian; we should not even try to do it.

We should resist the temptation...

Wednesday 6 January 2021

'They' focus on outcomes; We should focus on motivations

For the materialist-atheist mind; it is measurable outcomes that matter. 'Outcomes' are what gets monitored, measured and controlled. For example, human behaviour is an outcome - it can be observed, and increasingly is observed. 

Power can substantially control outcomes - by means of incentives and deterrents. And what cannot be controlled can be faked - because, when the focus is on observation and measurement, then the desired observations and measurements can be generated from within The System (this is one of the main roles of 'science').   


If some-thing is Not observed by The System, then - from The System's point of view - it has Not happened and does Not exist; thus it cannot be a problem (even when it affects many individuals, even if it kills many individuals). 

Contrariwise; if The System observes a thing, and defines that thing as a problem - then it is a problem (even when the thing does not exist to individual observation).


What about motivations? Well, for the materialist mind, motivations are something than can be imputed as is expedient. What is the significance of an observation made by The System? The System will tell us...

(The System does not discover the motivation, instead The System defines the motivation - according to Syetm expedience.)

For instance; one person dies in one situation; The System observes this death, tells us the motivations of the individuals involved, and classifies the death as an instance of a global, systemic problem. The System describes how to address that problem, implements the solution; observes and measures the response... 

Another person dies in another situation; but The System does not observe it. Or it tells us that this death  has no general meaning, is an accident; and nothing systemic can - or should - be done about it. This other death is not classified as a problem, it is just the deletion of a personnel unit. This death is excluded from The System.

My point is that The System (which is the product and tool of purposive supernatural evil: of Satan and demons and their servants) is focused on materialistic 'facts' - on outcomes.  Motivations are secondarily manufactured as fake-explanations for the primary observations.

But as Christians - as specifically Romantic Christians, who seek authority outwith The System - that is from the Holy Ghost directly by intuitive prayer and meditation, and from our innate divinity as sons and daughters of God... 

As Romantic Christians we know that outcomes have been captured by The System. Therefore we focus upon motivations; and motivations are either for God, divine creation and The Good; or against these.   

We focus upon motivations - and these are Not inferred from 'outcomes'; but are known directly

And, because God always makes it possible for every person to know The Good; the necessary knowledge of motivations is here-and-now very easy to attain; and is getting easier, as evil gaims more and more dominance over the 'observations'; of this world.


This is Their weakness: That They mistake their own power to dictate outcomes with the actuality of motivation. 

'They' can indeed (pretty much) dictate outcomes; but they cannot direct motivations: They cannot - in particular - direct a person's affilitation for, or against, God. 


Motivation is a choice, but more than a choice: it is a commitment. Motivation is, ultimately, a judgment of truth, and an attitude to that truth.   

If an individual has detached from the power-dominated world of System-endorsed outcomes; including a detachment from his own 'outcomes'/ observable behaviours; then his motivation, commitment, way of thinking (his divine-affiliation) can be free of The System. 

This is the ultimate nature of Man's agency: Because Man is a god (albeit in a temporary and corrupt form); his true self is divine, and cannot be compelled. 

Indeed; Man's true self cannot be compelled even by God; much less by Satan. 


We do not have much power to control our own behavioural outcomes. But, we have the inalienable power - hence the absolute responsibility - to choose our affiliation and motivations.  

Therefore, I suggest that we resist all attempts to induce us onto the grounds of mainstream demonic materialism with its manufactured 'facts' and contrived pseudo-explanatory imputed 'motivations' ; and instead we should seek discover, encourage, strengthen our awareness of that indomitable divine self within. 

Our divine self knows true facts without observations, knows motivations without being told. What it knows may well be very simple, and apparently dysfunctional ('dysfunctional' in terms of immediate adaptation to this System-created virtual world)... 

But so long as we have both chosen to commit to the side of God, and are also motivated towards the resurrected eternal life in Heaven; then no worldly facts and considerations can make any difference - if we do not 'invite them in'. 


(And even if we do, in a moment of weakness, invite evil to cross our mental threshold; evil can always be expelled by the infinite power of repentance; that is, by recognising and affirming the Truth.)


We cannot lose, ultimately; so long as we know Good and our motivation is to win salvation. We can only lose salvation if we personally make that decision.