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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query virtuality. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday 21 March 2022

Not polarization but two separate realities

Society is not 'becoming increasingly polarized' - what we are witnessing is far deeper, and amounts to two separate and rapidly diverging realities between-which most people have already-chosen; and over time the few remaining 'undecided' are being compelled to choose. 

These two realities are the mainstream, global, secular-left, official-public-media Virtuality; and the reality rooted in God. 

By now, these two realities hardly overlap at the level of public discourse, and are getting to be more-and-more opposed - which is natural and inevitable in that the Virtuality is based upon systematic value-inversion of the God-derived system.  

An important point to recognize is that the choice of realities really is a choice - because neither can disprove the other, and either can be sustained as true, after one has made the choice - and entered-into System-reality or Religious-reality. 

This is (briefly) because - increasingly over the past centuries, and especially since around the millennium - each Man co-creates his reality by means of the fundamental (metaphysical) concepts he assumes

'Facts' are neutral, indeed meaningless; so that it is our concepts (our religion or ideology) that make our world. 

This was not always the case; because in the past Men did not choose, but unconsciously and habitually used the concepts they had been raised-in. The 'common sense' of all Men was therefore very similar, and all religions had taken-for-granted broad similarities behind their detailed differences.

But now - this is not the case. 

Men can and do choose to believe anything or nothing; according to their allegiance to one of the two realities. 

To put it another way; the two camps divide upon whether they believe or reject the Virtuality: The System

Now, it is 'theoretically' possible for someone to reject The System without adopting a System based on God; but in practice this is happening less and less. In practice, it seems that the only sufficiently-powerful motivation to reject the Virtuality is God

And, for The West - sufficiently-powerful faith in God means (again in practice) Christianity. 

This seems to apply to a large majority of the population. By far the largest group accept the Virtuality; and believe and live by... whatever the Virtuality is currently telling them. 

The largest group who reject the Virtuality are those who have God at the centre of their beliefs. 

But there are a few still remaining who are neither wholly one nor the other; and what we have seen over the past couple of years is wave-after-wave of mass-propaganda - each of which sorts these 'stragglers' one way, or the other. 

So we have the leftist or liberal-sympathetic Christians - who, if they continue to put their faith in The System (even in one single respect - such as a Litmus Test issue of birdemic, climate, antiracism, sexuality or the Fire Nation) are getting sorted-into the Virtuality. 

And on the other side, there are a few 'secular Right' and not-Christian religious who - if they continue to reject The System, are getting sorted-into the reality of theism, then Christianity. 

At some point, almost everybody will either be whole-hearted believers in The System ideology (because whole-heartedness is mandatory); or else genuine Christians.

They will choose one or another reality - and those realties will continue to diverge; because the Virtuality is rooted in opposition to God.  

And once the choice is made; complexities and confusion falls-away, and everything becomes easy!  

(Living life does not become easy: of course not! But sustaining belief in one's reality becomes easy. Thus it has probably never been easier for a committed Christian to discern and reject evil than it is now. Therefore, those self-identified Christians who fail in discernment are - simply - revealed as having-been Not Really Christian.) 

Monday 22 July 2019

Virtuality versus Reality

We need a single world for the fake, virtual reality which The System of totalitarian media-bureaucracy is imposing and enforcing on us - and virtuality seems like a good word to hijack for the purpose, since it explains itself - being a condensation of virtual-reality: that manufactured and illusory world that is passively accepted by our senses as reality, familiar from the modern mass media.

The nature of our modern spiritual war is therefore one of Virtuality versus Reality. Our task in life is to distinguish the dominant, official, fashionable, and increasingly compulsory Virtuality which is lived-in by all institutions; from the eternal and universal reality that we can access as individuals who are each potentially in touch with the divine.

Reality is, in other words, nowadays only accessible by the individual prepared to stand apart, and prepared to acknowledge the reality of a divine and spiritual world. Whereas Virtuality is what modern Western people will passively absorb simply by being raised and working and functioning in society.

The great advantage of reality is that it only requires a minority of one, because each may know it directly and for himself; its great disadvantage that under current conditions it must be held despite being a minority of one, and in the teeth of universal worldly denial and condemnation - since so few are choosing it, so many and so powerful opposing it.

And the word 'choose' is accurate, because under current conditions and with Man's mind as it is; choice is mandatory - even when choice is denied. On the one hand passivity and unconsciousness lead to Virtuality, on the other hand reality is the spontaneous product of conscious and active living from one's true self - but both are chosen.

It is a feature of the modern condition that every possibility presents itself as a choice - matters that used to be regarded as brute facts - such as psychological and physical differences between men and women, or the impossibility of changing from one to the other - are now matters of choice. Matters of survival and sustained life were once regarded as fundamental, now a manufactured ephemeral virtuality of fake news, fake fashions and fake morality occupies the centre stage in the world and in most private lives.

Modern Man chooses; and has-chosen to reject facts and live by his choices: and this, multipled millionfold, is the basis of virtuality.

Anyone can choose reality at any time; but to do this he must recognise the basis and possibility of choice; and he must choose to stand alone in a very basic sense; alone in 'the world' of senses and publicly shared concepts; but in reality (which is spiritual) he is with God, and with all those who have also made the choice against virtuality and for reality.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

"First impair the minds of Men"... How to make a convincing Virtual Reality/ Totalitarian System

My brother once reported to me something insightful he had heard from a friend: If you wanted to make a truly convincing computerized virtual reality system - you would also need to impair the consciousness of the user. 

In other words; there are two sides to a convincing virtual reality. 

On the one side there is the coherence of the virtual simulation; and on the other side there is the perceiving and interpreting mind of the 'user'. 

The insight was that no complex, real-time simulation can be fully, self-consistent when an alert and insightful mind is using it. 

But - if the mind of the user can be simultaneously impaired; then he can be totally convinced by an imperfect simulation. 

When the perceiving mind is unimpaired, then the deception is detected from the inevitable incoherence of any complex virtual world. 

Yet why is complex-virtuality necessarily incoherent? Ultimately, because it is a lie, and all lies are incoherent with reality. 

(Which is why one lie always leads to more lies. And why a 'cover-up' is always needed, and will itself always ramify.)  

This is maybe a deep explanation of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem. The only coherent truth is reality, therefore all models of reality are not true; therefore all models will be incoherent as experienced by the real human mind.  

To conceal the incoherence of virtual reality requires that the inhabiting-mind be simplified-down to the same level as the virtual world, and this simplification itself must be concealed... This is achieved by impairing the inhabiting-mind. 

The lesson is that if you want to make someone believe he really is dwelling in a virtual world; you must first impair his mind. One that is achieved, then he will live inside a simplified and incoherent model of reality without 'noticing' its simplification or incoherence; he will accept the model as reality.  

All of us now inhabit a virtual world, not reality. If minds were unimpaired, this would be obvious because the virtual world is grossly incoherent when measured against the reality of which the human mind is an exemplar. 

But in practice people inhabit this virtual world without realizing the fact, because they are mentally impaired. When, as inevitably happens, discrepancies are noticed - and the difference between virtuality and reality becomes evident; then these give-aways are rapidly ignored, denied or forgotten. 

In any case of disagreement: virtuality is regarded as primary. 

We can regard the socio-cultural changes of the past few generations as building upon the core deficit of atheism (or so feeble and superficial a religious conviction as to be de facto atheism) an incremental and multi-facteted mental impairment. 

The religions and churches integration into The System was necessary for this to work - and this integration happened incrementally, progressively, and very fully; so that by 2020 the churches served to reinforce, not contradict, the virtuality.  

This was apparently a demonic-strategy for preparing the world population to inhabit a fake, and evil, virtual world - without noticing the fact, and accepting the virtuality as reality. 

So, if we imagine ourselves to be collectively in the position of Ragle Gumm in Philip K Dick's novel Time out of Joint, or Truman in The Truman Show movie. But whereas Ragle and Truman had the mental capacity to take notice of the discrepancies and gross simplifications of their virtual worlds; Man in 2020-1 is too mentally impaired to suffer more than fleeting doubts and recognitions.

Every day, everybody is experiencing multiple moments when he sees-through holes in the virtuality; when the virtual world peels-back to reveal the real, when the real world pokes-itself-through the illusion. 

But because modern Man has no root outside the virtuality (and neither do any of the institutions to which he might look for external guidance - not even the Christian churches); Man has therefore no power of discernment. 

The multiple, frequent give-aways of fakery are experienced as just meaningless 'noise'; as evidence merely of the 'randomness' of a Godless universe without purpose. 

Thus, nearly the whole world is being deceived into self-damnation by an astonishingly crude, grossly incoherent, fake-reality!

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Bureaucratic virtuality synergizes with the mass media

I think it is pretty well understood by now that the mass media can and do manufacture a virtual reality (i.e. virtuality); and that as the media have increased in quantity and addictiveness (especially since the invention of 'smartphones' and social media) - this has de facto replaced reality for most people. 

In particular, the mass media virtuality effectively imposes a scale of priorities about life: what things are most important, that has absolutely Nothing to do with our actual individual lives of personal experience and common sense. 

Thus, here and now, the major global priority is a birdemic which would be invisible if it were not for the 'response' to it; warming climate change which would be imperceptible (if it even exists to a significant degree) if it were not drip-fed by propaganda, an antiracist agenda which is the inversion of reality, and a sexual revolution that claims 'equality' (in practice, superiority of esteem) for practices that everyone knows are not qualitatively 'the same as' biological sex and sexuality. 

But while the mass media role in creating a Matrix-world is fairly well appreciated; the role of the bureaucracy in doing the same is probably more important - and much less noticed and understood. Yet bureaucracy and the mass media, together, are the dominant (and growing) fact about modern life.


By The bureaucracy, singular, I refer to the fact that the bureaucracies of individual social-systems - government, law, the military and police, health, education, religion, science etc) are now all horizontally cross-linked to make a single bureaucracy - which indeed extends across the world. 

This is how it was possible to implement a global coup in early 2020. 

And the fact that the mass media is itself a part of this single bureaucracy is how the coup was concealed.

The way in which a bureaucracy creates a virtual reality was first made clear to me in 1994, when I was a lecturer in Epidemiology and Public Health, and worked in the Regional Health Authority as a research assistant to the man who went on to become the Chief Medical Officer for the UK. 

As part of my duties; I organised a conference on 'inequality' in health; and my public health boss gave a talk which stuck in my mind. The subject was how a subject like equality could (and should) be pursued through the bureaucracy. 

He described (as I remember it - I don't have notes) how the general conceptual area of 'equality' was first made into a strategic priority, by securing the necessary votes. But at that point approving of 'equality' was just a platitude without content. 

At first, he said - the subject of equality was made a recurring agenda item; which meant that every meeting would include some discussion of how 'equality' might be pursued - and this was a formal, mandatory discussion. I suppose this was the phase of raising 'awareness'.  


By this point, the strategic 'desirability' of 'increasing equality' has already been established as 'settled'. Yet at no point has there necessarily (or probably) been any broad, philosophical or moral discussion of 'Why' equality, what 'equality' means... whether the concept is even coherent?

Therefore 'equality' has already been made a strategic imperative before most people will even have noticed, and before the 'in practice' meaning of equality has been established

From this point onwards, all discussion is at the lower level of How? to increase equality; there is no longer any place for revisiting whether equality really is always a Good Thing, or 'how much?' equality is wanted, or how equality should be balanced against other strategic Goods*... 

From this point onwards the bureaucratic process is just a matter of defining operational measures and imposing them.

The next step in the bureaucratic process was therefore to operationalise the concept of equality - preferably in terms of specific, numerical measures that could be monitored, made the subject of 'targets'; and implemented in rules and laws. 


Thus is constructed the bureaucratic virtual reality - which we could formally consider a conjectural model of reality, created in terms of definitions and procedures that fit within bureaucratic imperatives; and we can see how exactly this has spread across the world over the past quarter century - but with a variety of strategic priorities. There is a virtuality of equality, others of human rights, climate change, QERTY sexual liberation (of various, often incompatible, kinds). 

There are many many such... 

And of course in 2020 we have seen the real-time development of a global bureaucratic birdemic virtual reality; which, like the others, has almost no relationship to real life; and where it does, this relationship has itself been manufactured by the virtuality. 

In other words, any apparent relationship between birdemic and experience (such as personally observable diseases and deaths) is mediated and constructed by the 'response' to the birdemic - by the definitions and classifications generated by the various bureaucracies; which in fact came-before, and and were only conjecturally related-to, any actual biological/ medical effects** of the birdemic.


What was never discussed in this lecture - and is outwith the scope of the bureaucratic perspective - is the Truth of bureaucratic reality. Because 'bureaucratic reality' is a selective, simplifed 'model' of reality, and all models (being selective and simplified) are necessarily incomplete, often biased, and may be almost-wholly false...

Hence, when bureaucratic-reality is enforced as real-reality - we have a 'virtuality' that is at least misleading, but in practice is manipulative. As can be seen all around us, now. 

And because the System controls production, validation and dissemination of information; we are not permitted to ask (in mainstream public discourse) whether what The System ends-up doing after all this bureaucratic development is good overall; or whether the operational definitions of 'equality' actually reflect the original common sense idea of equality. 

And 25 years later we know the answers - that there is no relationship between bureaucratic measures of equality, and real-life equality; and that bureaucratic equality is pursued without any regard at all for whether 'things overall', in real experience, are improved by it.  


The bureaucratic virtuality is indeed a demonic recipe for corruption and destruction; and when you add its synergy with the mass media - the process of evil is greatly accelerated. 

This is our world - now. 

* For example - research into 'health inequalities' was entirely focused upon (e.g.) health measures/ lifespan/ mortality differentials (i.e ratios) between social classes, sexes, races etc. The research took essentially zero account of (often) massive improvements in absolute levels of health/ lifespan/ mortality through time. This is important because many effective measures that improve health tend also to 'worsen' 'inequality' - as does mass immigration. As usual, leftism tends towards levelling down, on the one hand; and on the other, it perpetuates the same (supposed-) injustices upon which it then feeds as grounds for group resentment.

** In so far as there are any real effects - e.g. some places like Taiwan have been shut-down despite/ because-of zero detectable biological/ medical effects. Thus we see the single, global bureaucracy at work.  

Thursday 16 February 2023

Establishment Systematic Big Lies - such as apparently-delusional victory optimism - have a covert meaning

There is far too much 'gotcha!' smugness in the anti-totalitarian commentariat, about noticing and exposing the gross and monolithic lies of the global totalitarian Establishment. 

Yes, of course They lie grossly, and of course They have constructed an entire system of lies - a fake-virtual-reality, or virtuality as I've termed it. 

But They have reasons for doing this - in particular, each major theme of the virtuality is strategic

People are much too ready to accuse Them of being stupid, or of engaging in random PSYOPS - as if any lie would suffice for their purposes. 

Yes, They are stupid; and yes They are engaging in PSYOPS by getting people to believe and affirm incoherent falsehoods - but that is not the whole explanation; and we need to look behind the specific lies that They have chosen to make the long-term and coordinated focus of their plans. 

Because each of these Establishment Systematic Big Lies has a covert reason, that contributes to progression of the agenda of evil. 

Topically; there us a system of lies relating to the Fire Nation conflict, whereby a fake narrative of imminent victory for the West is being pushed and pushed - regardless of realities. This has now reached such an extremity of ludicrousness that it is vital we try to understand what is its function. 

I think I know its function; and if I am correct it is very evil indeed. 

First of all; although you and I realize that this imminent victory narrative is a Big Lie - the passive and ignorant masses (broadly) swallow it; and the intellectual class functionaries whole-heartedly believe its truth. 

Consequently, I think the function of the imminent victory virtuality is to depict the FN as desperate cornered beasts, who will do anything to escape their fate; and this is intended to provide cover for covert staging of a "fake-pennant" incident -- which will actually be performed by the West, on the West - and will probably use what might be called "Armaments of Large-Scale Wrecking" of one sort or another (probably the obvious kind). 

Given that the realities of the situation are opposite from the virtuality, and the imminence of defeat is the opposite of what Western officialdom and media say - the real-life "cornered beasts" are apparently urgently desperate to escalate their efforts; and (given the natural reluctance of most people when it comes to rapid annihilation) 

...They need a plausible excuse for instant, all-out, and no-holds-barred conflict.   

Therefore I am expecting, imminently, exactly such a "fake-pennant" ALSW on one or more of the Western (so-called-) allies; blamed (by the monolithic media-bureaucracy) on the FN. 

I cannot help hoping this does not happen - even though it would be (as some say) karmic; yet, I think it probably will happen - unless a powerful counter-group arises to expel and discredit the currently most-powerful world leadership class. 

Which seems very unlikely - albeit not impossible. 

But even if the fake-pennant plan does get stopped; this will not do Mankind overall and eventual Good unless the stoppers are well-motivated. 

If the stoppers are just the omni-surveillance/ total-control 'Reset' totalitarians - who want to avoid world war only so as to impose a global slave state and controlled-extermination System; then what eventuates will be merely a frying-pan to fire swap.  

Good outcomes absolutely need Good motivations dominantly driving the actions. And nowadays, Good motivations need to be upfront and explicit...

We should keep that in mind.

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Virtuality and the Millennium - what if we really can and do choose what we believe?

I keep recurring to the idea that, starting around the millennium, there was a progressive change in human consciousness that led to our present situation in which people choose what they believe

This means that people no longer believe what they perceive - and therefore personal experience and common sense have disappeared. 

Instead (to put it crudely) people perceive what they believe - and this is inevitable and unavoidable

Tis can be explained on the basis that perceptions get meaning from the concepts by which we understand them. If we suppose that past Men had mostly innate, instinctive and unconscious concepts, then their beliefs seemed to be determined by perceptions, by external facts. 

In other words; concepts always drive perceptions - but when concepts are innate, instinctive, unconscious - then 'the facts' seem to be dictated by the outside world. 

Because we will 'automatically' understand by means of concepts we are not aware of - so the facts alone seem to contain understanding. (This error is the basis of 'empiricism.)

But as men - through history - became more aware (more conscious) of the concepts by which they understood reality - then the time came - around the millennium - that Men needed to choose these concepts.

And when a new concept was adopted, then the facts and perceptions changed in light of that concept.  

This situation of Men choosing their own reality has been obscured by the fact that most people simply, passively, believe what they are told by a vast apparatus of bureaucracy and the mass media - and what they are told is essentially uniform. 

So that, although each person is passively choosing what he believes in accordance with whatever concepts are prevalent and most strong emphasized and incentivized. 

And, in the end, almost everyone chooses to believe the same thing - while being largely unaware of having made that choice.

What almost everyone believes I have termed the Virtuality - which is the 'official' reality created and endorsed by a bureaucracy and media that have since the 2020 coup become ever more monolithic, and coercive. 

This is why people believe whatever they are told, no matter how many lies, how incoherent, and how evil the motivations of the 'programmers'. 

But once someone has realized the above situation - he instantly escapes from the Virtuality. 

The millennium made a change such that we are just-are responsible for what we believe - in each and every respect; and to believe The Establishment rather than taking personal responsibility is itself a choice. 

The possibilities for personal influence in the direction of Good or evil are therefore greater than ever before. (As was prophesied by Rudolf Steiner and Owen Barfield.) 

It is a really exciting and hopeful time - albeit shot-through with tragedy - when this 'reality' is grasped and has been embraced!

Tuesday 10 December 2019

What is the Real 'red pill'? What does it do? What would we awaken to?

The 'red pill' in The Matrix movie has become a trope for awakening someone from a world of illusions, a Virtuality; but the movie - being a mainstream product - gets the effect significantly wrong.

In the The Matrix the red pill taker awakens from normal, modern, everyday reality to a nightmarish physical situation in which humans are used as 'batteries' - which makes little sense. But the original idea was that that the red-piller would realise that his human brain was one of millions interconnected to form a vast living computer - which makes a lot more sense. Anyway, the sequence goes from a pleasant but false imagined fake-reality; to an horrific physical reality.

We certainly live already and increasingly in a fake and manipulative Matrix world of Virtuality; but the real waking-up is to a mental horror; not a physical horror. It is awakening to recognise that what we have being believing and wanting and striving-for is evil.

...Waking to discover that we have been actively arguing and working-for the implementation of a totalitarian world of humans under omni-surveillance and micro-control with the objective of persuading us to hate virtue, beauty and truth and love their opposite; persuading us to reject God, Good and Heaven and instead actively to desire our own damnation.

To live in the Matrix is to live wholly within The System - which is, increasingly The World; and therefore to live by the values of The System.

To awaken is to recognise and to experience another world beyond The System, outside Virtuality; and to recognise that it is the Real World.

But this awakened-to Real World is not physical, but Christian and 'spiritual; however, it is not just spiritual - nor is it 'oridinary' Christianity as externally instantiated in Book, Institution, Behaviours: rather the awakening is to the here-and-now experience of chosen-conscious-active participation in the divine work of loving creation.

I have called this Real World: Romantic Christianity.

It is not a world that we can dwell-in on a lasting basis, this side of the portal that is death; but it is more than a mere 'glimpse' or 'taste' of Heaven to come (if we want Heaven); it is a mild and brief experience of what it is to be in Heaven.

So (contra the movie); the real red pill experience of wakening out-from the Matrix is not just pleasant, nor just happy: it is literally Heavenly.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

The wisdom of PKD (Philip K Dick): The Maze (i.e. the Matrix, or Virtuality)

I am continuing to read-/ listen-through Philip K Dick's journal Exegesis (2011); and continuing to find it just what I need, just now. Indeed, of its kind (a private document of spiritual examination and speculation) I can only compare it with Pascal's Pensees, or Wittgenstein's notebooks.

Especially in its first four years; the Exegesis has the advantage and disadvantage of being genuinely private notations, for personal consumption - whereas Pascal and Wittgenstein were writing with an eye on future publication - this means the Exegesis is honest to the point of being embarrassing (like watching somebody else's dreams).

I am struck by the fact that PKD was (and is) surrounded by non-religious, non-Christians - who have consistently failed to take seriously the Christian revelations of his last eight years (described by author Brian Aldiss as that God and Madness 'got him'); while orthodox Christians are (understandably!) repelled by Dick's record as five-times married, drug abuser and addict, parasuicide and mental patient etc.

Anyway, the outcome is that PKD was working alone, and that his post-mortem admirers and critics explain Exegesis by (essentially) explaining-it-away - or at least never taking his revelatory experiences as qualitatively how Dick himself regarded them. 

In section 22:24 - about 44% through the volume, and in 1978) PKD is speculating on the covert significance of his novel A Maze of Death (1970); which I happened to finish yesterday. Here he uses the word Maze to refer to what we might term the Matrix, or (my term) Virtuality - which is the man-made world of images, ideas, propaganda, officialdom and bureaucracy and (in general) mass/ social media. I've added explanatory links and emphases; my cuts are indicated thus...


[22:24] It is the nature of the maze, which is quasi-alive, to thwart knowledge. Maze and knowledge are antithetical; also maze and reality are antithetical. Out of this I derive: knowledge and reality are interrelated. 

So we can expect the active deceptivity of the maze to interfere with our ability to know, which means that it will perpetually occlude us in every way possible... Further, that we are occluded will be a fact occluded off from us...

Yaldabaoth is the quasi-mind of the maze, not its creator—since in fact it does not really exist; it is a condition or state we’ve been put in, not a world or place at all; all it really consists of is info fired by the two info-processing sources. 

The quasi-mind of the maze is as if insane, senselessly generating and destroying: it is like a wizard generating illusion upon illusion which shift and change constantly (thus giving rise to the spurious impression of the passage of time). 

It is the plan of the maze to establish and maintain disorder, because out of disorder arises the senseless—a condition which promotes intellectual confusion on our part, which aids in defeating our attempt to understand—which is to say, possess knowledge: the essential thing we must have if we are to triumph over the maze. Thus maze equals disorder or anti-Gnosis. 

No system of thought derived through our senses or a priori is going to be correct due to the calculated noise or inexplicability generated by the maze—only revealed Gnosis emanating from outside the maze—i.e., by/through Zebra—will be of any use. 

What is required of us is that we abandon both our reasoning power (as occluded or impaired) and our percept-system results (likewise) and try to hear the “low, murmuring voice” from outside the maze. This requires the ordeal of terror and destruction of our false self...

“Outward” explicability and inner occlusion are the twin weapons of the maze: that [process] which makes no sense, is fed to that percept and cognitive system which is (unknown to itself) impaired. 

The result is hopeless confusion, the antithesis of Gnosis. You have a deliberately damaged mind trying hopelessly to make sense out of a reality (and process) which adds up to nothing anyhow: a lethal combination, but quite in keeping with the purpose and nature of the maze and its quasi-mind; this is why we should speak of it as a maze—and a good one! 

Every hypostasis, intellectual or moral, is doomed to prove a failure; events will defeat it and expose its inaccuracy. Even nihilism and pessimism don’t always accurately depict the real situation: calculated runs of moral and intellectual order are introduced to cause us to keep trying to make sense out of what we are compelled to live through. Irony and paradox abound, and a constant calculated frustration of expectation and hope, a purposeful ruin of plans. 

The maze’s quasi-mind acts in a perverse way, but it is not malignant or malicious, just “insane”—which is to say irrational. This is why virtually every system of human thought simultaneously works and does not quite (perfectly) work. 

Until finally you get into ultimate absurdities, as “the theory alters the reality it describes,”... which, when you uncover this, you are faced with the obvious impossibility of ever correctly formulating a workable world view—without knowing why you can’t!


This strikes me as a brilliant prefiguring of what has become much more obvious in the past forty years - the public/ media/ bureaucratic 'Matrix' world as we now experience it.

Elsewhere, PKD describes how we brilliantly constructed the Maze so that it would be realer-than-real and could fool us, and then we voluntarily entered the Maze with the hubristic conviction that 'I' am too smart to be fooled by it; then unsurprisingly, once inside we took it for real - and were trapped. Trapped, until or if there is some outside intervention that will take us out from the Maze - i.e. Jesus Christ.    

I would add that the Maze is only half the story; and the other half is that - having reduced the populations of The West to the state of chronic stunned perplexity and angst; the same System that has made the virtuality then offers an arbitrary but mandatory structure of order: international laws, micro-regulations and coercive enforcements; underpinned by methods of onmi-surveillance - leading to the modern form of totalitarianism that we see unfolding on a daily basis.

And that is the mainstream dominant-culture choice: live in permanently confusing chaos, or accept arbitrary tyranny (or some combination of chaos and tyranny - which , indeed, seems to work best).

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Clutching at straws versus hope; Benefit of the doubt versus abetting evil

I am now sure that our 'civilisation' is going to end soon; and also that this is a necessary thing because of the great evil that we are attempting (satanic transhumanist totalitarianism).

There is not the critical mass of well-motivated and courageous people necessary to salvage society - indeed, there are not enough such to be called a 'mass' - which is another way of saying that very nearly everybody is on the wrong side.

There isn't much awareness of this; partly due to two sins masquerading as virtues: these are clutching at straws and giving the benefit of the doubt to the powers of evil.

An example of clutching at straws is the pathetic belief that people who are on the 'moderate' wing of the wrong side will somehow 'save us' - even though these people do not even want to save us. Examples would be Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.

All Christians know that Hope is a virtue; and fake Christians may use this to defend their own delusional refusal to acknowledge what they, deep down, know to be the case. Consequently, they embrace the lie of virtuality - which is just about the worst and most anti-Christian thing that they could do. 

This also links to 'the benefit of the doubt' - which is the justification for failing to acknowledge the reality of purposive evil, even as it stares you in the face - often because evil dishonestly, and however incoherently or implausibly, claims good motivations.

This is most evident when a new leader arrives at an institution or in a bureaucracy. Despite that all leaders of all significant social institutions are actively evil and that bureaucracy is intrinsically evil; there is always a call to give the new bass 'the benefit of the doubt', and 'a chance'.

But there is no doubt (or no grounds for reasonable doubt). So, what this means in practice is to collaborate in evil under the pretence that it might actually be good. 

Even worse, nowadays, even when agents of evil state exactly what evils they are intending to do, and make clear their own wicked reasons for doing it; too many people nevertheless excuse their own compliance with such evil will - on the grounds that 'They don't really mean it...'.

At root; such excuses are merely thinning disguises either for moral cowardice, or for sharing the objectives of the virtuality.

And its about time that serious Christians recognised them as such. In such times we need to know our enemy - even, or especially, when that enemy is almost-everybody-else, and when the enemy is treacherously pretending to be a friend.

Note: I suppose that it behoeves me to state what - if not clutching at straws nor giving the B. of the D. to servants of evil - I suppose that Hope really is... My answer is that Hope is ultimately the faith, belief and trust that we will (by love) personally attain to eternal resurrected life in Heaven, as promised by Jesus Christ; and (inextricably related to that), that this world is God's creation, with all that entails.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

The System is the terminus of all false assumptions - including the Alt-Right (But recognising this depends on understanding what The System wants.)

This was apparent - in a diagnostic sense - to increasing numbers of people from the end of the Second World War. In writings of the nineteen-fifties, and more so in the sixties, there is an awareness of the fact that all the usual lines of escape - whether radicalism, rebellion, revolution on the Left - or tradition, conservatism, reaction on the Right - seem to terminate in The System, 'The Matrix'.

The System captured all groups, organisations, institutions - sooner or later. People would set-up some group, on whatever radical new lines, on whatever reactionary lines - and it would be drawn into The System, assimilated.

However, the lesson was never learned, has not been learned; the mistake is made by every new generation, every new version of trying to make a new and better System, every attempt to reform and improve The System - each and all the 'realistic', 'pragmatic', 'sensible' movement of socio-politics.

Because all such attempts are actually trying to fight The System using a fragment of The System

Indeed, it is not just assimilation but a process by which each absorption strengthens the system, makes it larger and more inclusive, more powerful. For example in recent years we can see how the "Alt-Right" has become absorbed, and how this has strengthened The System.

The System is totalitarian and bureaucratic, however people lazily assume that this implies that The System aims at a stable society of docile and obedient slaves; as depicted in so many fictional dystopias.

Stable tyranny might well be the aim of human-type evil - based on gratifying the self-ishness of people. But the modern System has become, is continuing to become, more demonic than human in its nature.

This means that the goal of The System is damnation, not control. And damnation is about psychological manipulation; about inducing certain states of mind: about inducing damning assumptions, attitudes, behaviours, motivations...

And this is why assimilation of the opposition is undetected. Mainstream, modern, materialistic people assume that when a new movement leads to argument, conflict, attempted censorship and suppression etc; that this implies the movement is a threat to the system.

Not so, because The System can - and does - use any and all group-level institutional opposition, reform, take-over attempt, purge, coup... to evoke the kind of damning psychological states that are its ultimate goal.

How this happens is very simple indeed:

Anything that is institutional is Already part of The System

...Because institutions just-are systems; just are abstract and impersonal attempts to circumvent the human and the divine...

Just-are materialist in assumption and form, and therefore intrinsically and already (even before assimilation) part-of the dominant demonic scheme (which is to deny the real-reality of God, virtue, beauty, creation, the spiritual, the soul etc).

In trying to create abstract forms of power that do not depend upon individuals, do not depend upon love, faith, hope - we have already joined The System, and already joined the side of purposive evil.

As I said recently; there is a world outside The System, there is a real opposition, there is a side of God and Good - and it is in fact the real world (whereas as The System is unreal, a virtuality.

So the situation is that everything we do to attain impersonal, abstract power and influence on The System is entering the realm of virtuality. In other words, in trying to be realistic, we engage in the false; in trying to be practical and pragmatic, we have already made the assumption that the unreal is real. We have lost even before we have begun.

The only true resistance is of the individual and those who are joined by love. Any attempt to upscale this by forming abstract, impersonal institutions has already destroyed itself. If we want to join the side of God, our 'method' is that of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel - which is... no method at all.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Reform or collapse: Does it matter what people say (or write) or what they do?

A detailed comment from 'whitestone' yesterday suggested that we are currently seeing the beginnings of an awakening from the sleep of materialistic Leftism - although I'm not sure whether he meant a Christian revival or (merely) a backlash against the long term trend towards Leftism.

I quite often get comments or correspondence saying that I am too pessimistic, and that there are signs of change. They've been wrong so far, but maybe they will be right now, or soon? After all, if change ever happened (they say) it would probably (?) happen in small ways at first; detectable by someone on the lookout. Right?

In general, I don't take much notice of what people say, only what they do. Some things that people say are significant enough to count as actions, but most are not. Most people do not take seriously what they say, do not feel bound by previous utterances - regard statement as merely a temporary expedient tactic en route to some other, quite different purpose.

Then again, even actions may be so regarded - and can effectively be deniable and denied; especially with the help of mass media framing. It is pretty easy to reverse the perceived meaning of actions.

So maybe neither words nor actions are of much significance. So, what am I looking-for? What would I regard as a significant change of tide?

The answer is that any genuine change of direction would be very obvious indeed, happening on a timescale of days.

Yes, astute observers might see signs a few days earlier than everybody else; but if the great steamroller of the evil agenda really was shuddering to a halt and then reversing - or if a new impulse had arisen in the souls of Men, and they began to live on a different (and religious) basis; this would not be something we would need to go looking-for...

The reaction of the Global Establishment would be Absolutely Massive, far beyond anything we have ever seen. All the major social institutions would be activated - because they are all led by secular Leftists who have subscribed to the agenda of evil.

We would see large and impossible to ignore reactions from the mass media, in state propaganda systems; from our employers, schools, and major corporations - and the mainstream Christian churches.

All Hell would (literally) Break Loose.

Change would, in other words, be rapid or not at all. This I regard as a property of large complex systems; and our virtuality - the single, globally linked bureaucracy - is a very large and very complex system.

It is, I believe, a property of large and complex systems that they are effective at maintaining themselves against many kinds of small scale threats. They simply 'heal over' the damage from a multitude of manageable problems and pathologies - as does the human body.

But when there is System Failure (which is what we are talking about) there is a very rapid and accelerating (positive feedback) domino-effect; by which failure in one part causes failure in others - rather like overwhelming septicaemia.

If the global bureaucracy of virtuality is stressed beyond its capacity to heal; the system will collapse very rapidly indeed; with change spreading out like a worldwide, accelerating and growing tsunami. It will affect everybody on the planet.

Nothing on the scale will have been seen in history, because there are now seven billion people plus - whereas for most of history there was max one billion; often a lot less. The whole world is linked and interdependent now; whereas in the past it was divided into self-sufficient segments.

In the past you could (and people, diseases and starvation did) wipe-out any segment - town, region, nation, continent - and the others would continue all-but untroubled.

(Old societies were more like a tree; which can lose branches, roots, half the trunk - indeed almost everything can be destroyed; and yet the tree may regrow from what remains.)

Now, everybody depends on everybody else; every system is specialised - none can survive alone, coordination is essential.

Small percentage losses are worked around; but when the System is stressed too much; with too great or too many failures - the whole System will collapse and die. 

That is what reversing Leftism would be like; or else Leftism would not really be reversed, but would simply heal and recommence its previous growth (as happened so many times in the past).

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Virtual reality and the mass media

Virtual reality is the incarceration and insightless-ignorance of the really real.

Virtual reality is thus the world of the mass media; because for virtuality to convince, it must be confirmed by all available sources - so that, wherever we choose to turn, that 'reality' is confirmed; and it also is confirmed over time.

(Confirmed, that is, so far as we can tell.)


The mass media achieves this by its vast scale, its easy accessibility (indeed, the difficulty of avoiding it), its exclusive privileging of itself - and by its cognitive distortions.

The cognitive distortions of the mass media include a dream-like immunity to reality-testing. Mass media content never is tested against real-reality.

Instead, participants are addicted to distraction, and distraction displaces experience and evaluation.  Any menace to virtuality from reality is thwarted and dissolved by a continual throughput of attention-grabbing stimulation.


Participation in the mass media is a state of continuous delirious intoxication - any momentary awareness of real-reality is rendered first unstable, then impossible - to live in virtual reality is a permanent psychosis.


Sunday 27 December 2020

Suppose that Mankind crossed a threshold of consciousness from around the millennium... (Steiner and Barfield)

Rudolf Steiner and his 'disciple' Owen Barfield wrote about their conviction that - from around the year 2000 - Mankind would inevitably go-through a progressive process of transformation of consciousness. This had two aspects: 

First the inevitable transformation of consciousness, which meant that Men would create their own 'reality'. 

Second, the open question (which neither Steiner nor Barfield lived to see answered) of whether this transformation would merely happen-to Men - who would remain passively unconscious of it; or else whether Men would consciously and by choice participate in the co-creation of 'reality'. 

This transition is desirable (and part of God's plan) because it brings Men closer to the divine - as free agents who can potentially contrinute to the ongoing of creation. But such a more-divine consciousness could either be angelic (true, and working with God) or demonic (untruthful, and in opposition to the reality of divine creation) 


To recapitulate, this approximately-millennial transformation of consciousness would represent the culmination of a centuries-long transition from a time (back in the middle ages) when Men understood objective reality to be 'out there' - something which was perceived by the senses...

To a situation where Men would no longer find objective reality 'out there' and would need to take up the job of consciously being co-creators of reality; by means of their own thinking. 

A transition, that is, between reality being present in The World, and being present in thinking. 


It is vital to recognise that while the transformation of consciousness is inevitable - something that just 'unfolds' as part of the development of the species (according to divine destiny); what situation this threshold-crossing leads-us-to; is a contingency that hinges-upon whether the transition is conscious and chosen, or whether it is unconscious and passive. Whether we 'make it happen, or whether it just happens-to-us. 

Both Steiner and Barfield prophesied what kind of thing lay in store for Mankind if Man did not consciously and voluntarily embrace the trasition, through the choice of developing our spiritual knowledge (based on a kind of intuitive thinking, or direct knowing). 

Steiner (for instance) set out the consequences in a 1918 lecture The Work of the Angels in Man's Astral Body; while Barfield wrote about it philosophically in Saving the Appearances and in a more explicit, science-fiction sexual dystopian form in Night Operation


Let us assume (as I believe is true) that Mankind did indeed cross just such a threshold of consciousness gradually and over the past several decades - then we can see that the Steiner/ Barfield model can make sense of where we are now; and what we ought to do about it. 

We can easily see that modern Man in 2020 is living in a self-contructed reality; a 'virtuality' in which the masses passively imbibe Man-made lies and inverted-values from The System - emanating from a global bureaucracy including governments, the mass-media and official sources such as the legal, health and educational sub-systems. 

And Christians can easily see that this 2020 virtuality is demonic in nature: such that, in choosing to remain unconscious and passive, Mankind as taken the demonic path described prophetically by Stainer and Barfield. 


So Men no longer root their knowledge in personal experience and common sense. Due to the development of consciousness, these have become regarded as merely subjective, too labile; and are therefore too weak and unmotivating to overcome the imposed virtual world. 

Modern Man in 2020 instead passively and unconsciously accepts a 'made'-reality which is imposed-upon him, top-down

Indeed, so far has this process reached - that in here-and-now we can see that the masses do not even check the claims of The System - but will accept, internalise and defend blatant falsehoods and contradictions asif reality. 

And, because Men remain unconscious and passive and rejecting of the spiritual; we remain also spiritually-isolated and alienated from a world which we perceive as dead, meaningless and without purpose. 

A world of inverted values, compulsory falsehoods, crushing inhumanity; and the near universal prevalence and increasing dominance of fear, denial, resentment and despair - is the natural, inevitable, consequence. 


The answer to the current horrors of our post-threshold-crossing virtual world is also provided by Steiner and Barfield; which is that Men need consciously to accept their active role in the co-creation of reality with God

(In other words, what I have termed Romantic Christianity, based upon intuitive direct knowing.)

This can, in principle, be begun by anybody at any time - however, the fact that this active, conscious, Christian spirituality has been so delayed (since it first became possible in the late 1700s) means that in the first place Men are living under a weight of false metaphysical assumptions that have been uncosnciously absorbed and passively accepted. 

Also that there has been a tremendous amount of accumulated societal damage over 250 years; which must be overcome but cannot be fully reversed - and which will lead to severely sub-optimal outcomes, compared with what 'might have been'. 


Nonetheless, what we need to do is clear - and the rewards for doing it are immediate...

We can experience participation in God's ongoing creation - that is, we can experience the universe as alive, conscious and purposive; and ourselves as unique individuals with a special destiny even in this mortal life* 

And who may also (if we accept the offer of Jesus Christ) lead to an harmonious world of relationships with those who also accepted Christ's offer (i.e. Heaven). 


*Albeit the rewards and accomplishments will be, like everything in mortal life, incomplete and temporary - needing to be done and redone, over and again, as long as our mortal lives continue.  

Friday 17 January 2020

What is the most important sin (and virtue) of these times?

Is there a particular sin, or class of sins, that characterise our times in The West? The most obvious is in relation to sex and sexuality; where moral inversion is most obvious and severe: what was good is now evil; what were sins are now virtues - lauded and rewarded to the skies!

Sex is a powerful human drive; but inversion is a different matter. The modern inversion is a qualitatively different thing from the 1960s style 'sexual liberation' - which was about dismantling restrictions on 'normal' sexuality. Where does inversion come from?

In an ultimate sense, in terms of the spiritual war that is mortal life; it comes from the ascendant power of demons. The primary goal of the powers of purposive evil is opposition to God, to Good, to divine creation. So, inversion is the face of opposition - inversion tells us the major targets of the enemies of God.

So much for ultimates; but that is not how matters impinge-upon the vast majority of modern Western people; who are materialists that deny the reality of the spiritual and divine. The question arises how value-inversion is propagated to the great mass of men - and especially women. Because - on average - women are much more prone to moral inversion specifically, and the maladaptive effects of modernity in general.

And the mediator of moral inversion is The System - which has developed to become a unified thing. In the past, the mass media was smaller and often in opposition to the state bureaucracy and legal system - and state institutions, professions (schools, colleges, medicine etc), trades unions, and corporations were often largely independent and with different and specific goals.

But now all of these groupings have converged, have now become aspects of a single System; are all serving the same agenda; and that agenda is secular, materialist, and Leftist - and this is the primary tool of the demonic side in the spiritual war.

Thus it is The System - in all its various aspects - that imposes value inversion on the mass of people. The System creates a self-consistent, mutually-reinforcing fake world (a virtual-reality or virtuality) which (as the mass media expands, as education expands, as bureaucracy in the workplace expands) encompasses ever more of waking life. 

People live mostly in this fake world of The System; and the virtuality is the medium by which inversion is made to seem natural and true.

Therefore, when I ask 'what is the most important sin?', a good answer is to accept the truth and reality of The System -the major sin is to regard The System as Good.

And it follows that the greatest virtue (and one upon which all other virtues depends) is to know The System as evil; to see-through The System to the truth, reality and Goodness beyond; to develop a direct and personal awareness of God and divine creation as different-from, often opposed-to, the public world we so-much inhabit.

Since The System is so large and expanding, since The System is incorporating more and more of the social groupings of The West; this needs to be an individual and personal activity; since The System controls our access-to and interpretation-of so many media - this knowing needs to be direct: Man to Divine, unmediated.

We get to the most important sin and virtue: The current situation is that anyone who believes The System is Good and real, is himself actually in service of the demonic agenda. And only those who recognise The System as evil and fake are able to become Good; are able to join with the meaning and purpose of God's creation and plan.

Thursday 25 July 2019

How to tell if somebody in public life is a liar; and the mental mutilation of compulsory dishonesty

This is not difficult nowadays, in the modern West - because all of Them, everybody, without any exceptions; are constant, habitual, practised liars. The interesting aspect is what this means; how it affects us.

I find it astonishing when somebody or another in public life is accused of being A Liar. Such are always somebody on the so-called Right - but actually the moderate-Left, because there are zero people in public life who aren't on the Left.

But they All lie, all the time; the people making the accusation, the people reporting it, the people trying to refute it; the people discussing the issue: it is a community of liars. If they were not liars, if they were honest, they would not be in public life.

Lying-to-order is nowadays an absolute pre-requisite of being given a position of high power, wealth or status.

Of course they don't lie equally - some tell bigger lies than others, some tell lies more frequently than others; and of course some are better at concealing their dishonesty than others (e.g. psychopaths, who lack empathy and deeply regard all other people as subjects for manipulation, are usually the most convincing liars; the best con artists).

The thing about honesty is that it is one of the virtues which is actually possible to do for considerable periods of time - and almost anybody can achieve it (if they want to, and if they are prepared to take the consequences). Most people can be honest; at least, to such a level that the occasional lie stands-out (and can therefore, in principle, be acknowledged and/ or repented).

The possibility of sustained 'perfection' does not (for the majority of people) apply to all of the virtues (e.g. love, courage, humility); but it does apply to honesty. We can genuinely aspire to be perfectly honest; and to know whenever we fail to attain that idea. 

I know this because when I began as a scientist most of the scientists I met were completely honest about their science. (Those who were not were mostly famous and powerful US scientists, in medical research.) Nowadays, almost no (self-styled) scientists are completely honest - and most are habitually and increasingly dishonest; so I saw the transition, which happened within a generation.

I know the possibility of perfect honesty, and the consequences of abandoning the ideal.

Scientists were probably the last group in The West to adhere to an ethic of honesty; so since science was corrupted we now live in a world of pervasive and escalating dishonesty - in which liars incessantly (and dishonestly) accuse each other of lying.

Some of these liars are so deeply, habitually, professionally dishonest that they do not know the differencetruth and lie. There are all sorts of defence mechanisms and projection at work; some of them are engaged in strategically planned deceptions.

But we don't have the time or the information to distinguish between them, nor or to make quantitative evaluations of the relative degrees to which any specific individual is lying. However, in an ultimate sense, we don't need to know any more than that a person or institution is A Liar - at which point we ought to stop listening to them and ignore what they say; and certainly we should stop trusting them.

Yet the awareness of this situation is minuscule. People don't merely believe the liars, the systematic misleaders, the propagandists and hypers; they actually enforce an ethic that such people must be believed.

Anyone who refuses to believe the pronouncements of known liars in government, the media, the churches or elsewhere is accused of being evasive, of cherry picking - and of course, in a world of liars, they may indeed be engaged in simply reinforcing their own prejudices.

This especially applies to atrocity stories - of war, disaster, crimes, victimisation, fraud, good-works or spitefulness... the basic bread and butter of modern gossip. When some powerful group states that some atrocity has happened, we are expected to believe it or else be regarded as evil - indeed dangerous.

In sum, we know for sure that all official and influential sources are always liars; but belief in their lies has become the usual mechanism by which in-group identity is established.  

Belief in lies is our modern initiation ceremony; and this initiation never stops, we repeat it every day, many times per day.

Instead of accepting (for example) some kind of trial of courage or infliction of pain as a coming of age - or else be outcast; we moderns must accept the mental mutilation of believing lies (like pervasive sexism/ racism, CO2 climate change, or the reality of sex change) - Or Else Be Outcast.   

This is part of the highly-effective and evil system of totalitarian control.

To know that someone lies, to nonetheless believe those lies, and to know that one is believing lies - is one important reason why almost the entire populations of the UK and other Western nations are literally psychotic.

And this is what enables the evil totalitarian system of virtuality that we all, to a greater or lesser extant, inhabit.

Thursday 6 May 2021

Virtual-Closure, the birdemic, and its peck

The ideal was, presumably, that the virtual world created and propagated by the Global Establishment should be completely disarticulated from reality. 

This could be termed Virtual Closure; because it amounts to the ideologies of the official-media-corporate world becoming self-sealing, circular, self-generating. 

The virtuality no longer needs reality, is no longer affected by reality; there is no way-in for reality; reality cannot refute it. 

Perhaps the ideology of birdemic and its peck are best illustrative of Virtual Closure; since none of the major elements depends on reality in the slightest degree. Nothing about the situation could be affected by any 'revelation' of truth concerning how things really are; because none of it depends on truth - none of it has ever depended on truth. 

To start-with the most fundamental fact - it would not matter if the birdemic virus did not actually exist as a distinct biological entity- but was merely a new label for a collection of pre-existing respiratory illnesses. That may or may not be true - but even if it was certainly-true - it would make no difference. 

It would make no difference if the birdemic was real and had been genetically manufactured as an attempted (and, apparently, botched) biowep - and it would not make any difference whether the biowep escaped by accident or was deliberately released. 

Nothing would be affected if it was true that the official death numbers were strongly, or even grossly, inflated by the inclusion of other causes of death - nor would things be affected if (as official sources claims) the 'real' numbers were underestimates. The rates might be ten times greater or ten times less than stated - and who would care enough to alter our situation?  

The situation would not change if it was acknowledged that the birdemic 'test' is unfit for purpose and not-valid; nor if it was admitted that there are large numbers of false positives - even if it was confirmed that FPs are 100% in some situations...

What about lockdownsocialdistincingmasking policies? What if it turned-out that these were deliberate made-up lies? What if it turned out that everything is ineffective? No change. What if it turned-out that all the above are harmful (physically, psychologically)... very harmful for very large numbers - and what if this was demonstrated 'for sure'? Still no change

And the peck? Policies and attitudes would not change if/ when it turned out that the peck was an inert placebo, feebly effective with worse side effects - or even if it did no good but considerable harm. Even if it was documented to be the greatest health-destroyer in the history of the world; the basic state of things would be unaffected

Nobody cares if the whole birdemic stuff was stage managed by global leaders; nobody cares if these leaders grabbed historically-unprecedented power via the birdemic; nobody cares if they consequently became much richer than anybody ever from the power grab; nobody even cares if the world-rulers are Satan-worshippers who abuse their power to engage in the vilest sins, preying upon the masses, tormenting millions and billions for their own gratification... 

In other words; anything or everything might be real and true; and it be 'proved' with whatever 'evidence' anybody might ask-for - anything might be actual but still the virtual would survive and continue to dominate. 

Perhaps if all-the-above were simultaneously revealed?... 

But no, because 'proof and evidence' for any one thing depends on the validity of other-things; and the other things are (in this instance) all free-floating fabrications.  

So we are stuck with it - stuck with The System; it is un-reform-able, un-improve-able overall. A self-healing, self-propagating web of untruth...

What we can, should and must do (for the sake of our immortal souls) is to recognize and acknowledge reality - because reality is God's creation but Virtual Closure is an instrument of the devil.

Sunday 4 October 2020

Same payment for (much) less goods or services - the New Normal economics

This is my best guess for how things are currently working. We still pay people just the same or almost as much, but we get less or nothing for that money. Almost the same amount of virtual-money is circulating, but people are getting much less for it*. 

The cost is experienced in the fact of a massively reduced standard of living: people are still 'buying' (whether directly in fees, or through subscriptions, or via taxes) almost as much as they used to; but people simply can't do much. Often they are locked-in, to a greater or lesser degree; but even if they are not (not yet); still almost everything is either closed or very restricted; and everything that is not closed or restricted is much lower in quality.

While people are paying the same, they are getting much less. 

People continue to pay-out; but don't get-back. 


The function of the birdemic scam (and the climate change scam) is to reduce expectations, make people feel 'grateful' for any little thing they get-back (more accurately, for anything they are allowed) - and thereby to 'bridge the gap' between same output, but reduced input.

(Fear of being-allowed nothing-at-all, makes people grateful to pay more for... something - anything...)


Can it go-on? I don't know. Maybe. Probably - given the cowardly materialism of the masses, and the Satanic affiliations of all our ruling Establishment. 

It's a PSYOPS strategy, essentially; and enforcement success feeds-upon itself. 

When people are compulsorily confined to their rooms and unable to meet other humans (for obviously fake reasons, imposed arbitrarily and without appeal) - there is (or soon will be) no 'Real Life'. 

The virtuality becomes the only available option. 

Then people can be fed the necessary data and interpretations to sustain the New Normal via the (censored and controlled) social and mass media that are their only means of survival.   

*Note: What I find needs explaining is that previous significant economic depressions have been associated either with inflation - money rapidly losing value, unpredictably, with rising prices and wages; or else the opposite of de-flation - with mass unemployment, dropping wages and falling prices. Here we have not very much of either and (de facto) negative interest rates - which have been enforced by the near abolition of cash (so that - for the first time - people are compelled to pay banks for holding their money).

Sunday 15 September 2019

Could demons inhabit the omni-surveillance micro-control electronic system?

You can't say we weren't warned... from an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

A fascinating post called Computers and Demons from William Wildblood . He opens up a discussion on whether demonic spirits may, in some way, be using the electromagnetic mass media as a way of influencing the world.

I think that the computer revolution has been driven by demons. It has certainly been captured by them but it was probably instigated by them too... If the IT revolution is demonically inspired the question is why? The immediate answer might be to distract people from the spiritual and make them more susceptible to evil using that word in its broadest sense to mean anti-spiritual...

But is there more? It seems to be the case that the demons cannot take physical form except under certain very particular circumstances and for brief periods... Demons would probably like to incarnate directly on Earth because this would give them greater power over us. There might also be something about being in a body that they covet. 

Might the drive towards artificial intelligence, quantum computing and developing computers that are carbon-based actually be all about enabling demons to incarnate? ... What if the true purpose of the computer revolution, the end game so to speak, was to enable the incarnation of demons in this world? Is this a possibility we should start taking seriously?

This looks like an important insight. For example, it seems to fit with the frantic urgency with which the global Establishment are pushing ahead with 5G. Perhaps the aim is that 5G, potentially via the network of interconnected, externally-controlled and -monitored 'smart' devices that has infiltrated and been forced-upon so many homes and workplaces, is to be subject to some relatively direct demonic influence?...

I am unclear about the mechanism with which this might work; indeed I don't think we need to know such details. However, (according to the historical delvings of Jeremy Naydler) there has been a traditional understanding of electricity (going back millennia) which regards it as an inhuman and sinister phenomenon.

It is possible that such ancient wisdom had more truth in it than is apparent from a reductionistic scientistic perspective which sees electromagnetism only in terms of its potential convenience, usefulness - and as a means of amusement and the medium of virtuality

In a time when things are coming to a point, it seems likely that our choices will be stark; and the cost of avoiding damnation (after two centuries of collusion) may be extreme.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Miracles and the Global totalitarian coup - both explained-away by Modern Man

I've often heard people ask why God does not just make big miracles so that people would have no alternative but to believe. One reason is that no miracle is big enough that Modern Man can't explain it away - as the Fatima miracle makes clear.

When people assume miracles cannot happen, they become unable to notice miracles. What instead happens is that modern materialism simply develops multiple strategies for explaining-away: illusion, delusion, insanity, fraud, manipulation...

In the end; we have reached a point that if a typical person experienced a miracle, he would assume himself to have had a mental breakdown, and would seek psychiatric treatment.

Indeed, there is nothing that I can imagine which is big enough that ordinary Modern Men cannot explain it away. In the space of about a month; just about everyone in the world has been placed under house arrest and a curfew imposed - the starkest possible totalitarian takeover on a vastly greater scale then ever before. And apparently hardly anybody has noticed.

This situation varies in the degree of completeness; but is interpreted by many (and the intent for all seems to be) that everybody (except defined key workers, while at work) ought-to stay indoors and alone, until given the all-clear in weeks, or months, or a year's time - or whenever (if ever) they are permitted to emerge.

The most basic human and natural contact has been, or will be, abolished - we most not meet people, we must not experience nature. Our world has shrunk to the media...

And yet people explain it away as a rational response to a birdemic that is (if only we could see past the hundredfold lack of dead bodies, the tiny numbers and proportion of people being killed by it) worse than the Black Death on steroids.

Consequently, most of the people in the world have apparently failed to notice the biggest and fastest political change in the history of the world!

Of course this means that people will go along with it, they believe it is all for their own good (and maybe, by the prevalent demonically-inverted ideas of 'good', they are right?).

But more deeply; it means that people of many kinds, races and places have nearly-all chosen to believe the biggest and most obvious lie in the history of our species. No wonder they double-down on the ludicrous assertions that we are experiencing a (worse) re-run of the Great Plague, and that mandatory international solitary confinement is a rational response!

To do otherwise is to open understanding to the real gravity of our situation; and to the deeply shocking revelation of the extent of our corruption and active embrace of evil.

Anyway; since The Plan is for us to experience the world only vicariously, via the mass and social media, in a fake virtuality that They control - I have decided to cut down on it and spend more of my time reading, writing by hand, meditating, praying - and appreciating life day by day, hour by hour. In a nutshell, I intend to convert enforced solitary confinement to a hermit-like family-monasticism including (at its heart) direct empathic communion with the divine.

Saturday 18 April 2020

Most people agree - the virtual-media world is essentially the-same-as real life (or better)

One of the more sinister insidious assumptions brought to the fore recently, has been the repeated statement that life (or religion, or perfomance art, or education, or medical consultations) is being kept-going online.

So, people watching (or, more accurately, logging-onto) streamed (or recorded) church services on their computers is seen as a positive development - if the viewing figures exceed the numbers typically attending.

Telephoning or video conferencing contact and 'meet-ups' between family members and friends has, by order - and without any declared end-point - replaced actual proximity, conversation, and human touch.

By and large, I think people approve of this abolition of life. Maybe it provides the perfect excuse to avoid human reality?

Because that is what we have seen. The near abolition of real life for some billions of people.

Most people (by their revealed preferences) apparently don't see any qualitative difference bewteen online and real life; and online life is easier, cheaper, more convenient. 

The equivalence of virtual and real (or passive and participatory) is a typical rationalisation of the 'what's the fuss?' denialism of people in general, faced with the biggest and most rapid societal change in the history of the world.

Their primary underlying aim seems to be to deny that anything significant has been changed by the fact that real human life has been suspended, without any assurances that it will ever resume. Certainly they seem to be happy, and indeed keen, for another month, or two, or twelve-month of the same... (So long as it there are vague and dishonest assurances that this keeps people 'safe'.)

Resumption of real life is being stated to depend contingently on if, or when, the birdemic goes-away - and this means goes-away and is not replaced by some other problem declared by the Establishment to justify the end of real life.

Whoever said that people get the government they deserve was onto something. Those who regard the virtual world as equivalent to (or better than) real life will be rewarded with a virtual world and the minimum possible real life.

And they can be optimistic that virtuality will replace reality, because that looks like the goal of the Establishment...

With the proviso that when real life has been made permanently illegal or officially-controlled (to keep us 'safe'), and the virtual world is all that remains - the content and nature of the virtual world will be shaped to Their requirements, and access to it will be regulated in pursuit of Their goals.

What that means depends on what you suppose the Establishment's goals to be...