Showing posts sorted by relevance for query totalitarian coup. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query totalitarian coup. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday 1 March 2021

Happy Birthday Birdemic: One year into the global totalitarian coup...

It was a year ago that I noticed that the global totalitarian coup had-happened; with the excuse of the birdemic - but clearly never caused by it. 

I had been expecting something of the kind for a few months; but I had supposed the fake-rationale would be some 'climate emergency' rather than a supposed-germ. 

So... It was a bit less than a year ago that we in the UK began a three-week 'lockdown' - just to 'flatten the curve' and spread the load of cases...

Yet, of course (because this was a coup, not a disease); restrictions/ compulsions on life have never been removed and are still increasing - and this will continue. 

And, of course, a year down the line; still, almost nobody has noticed the coup

Everything has changed; yet, for the mass majority of the population; nothing has been learned. 

One can perceive this indestructible obliviousness in all kinds of human interaction. And if people have not noticed yet, they never will notice. 

The World is willingly, indeed aggressively, participating in a system of unconstrained lies and delusions, with no understanding and no end in sight (except, sooner or later, collapse and mega-death). 

These are the plain facts of our situation: now, as then. 

Therefore, there is no point is talking about "what can be done", practically, to reverse or even ameliorate the situation - because the magnitude of scale and profound depth of the global situation itself is utterly invisible and denied.

(Including by nearly-all of those who affect to address 'the crisis', when they are merely quibbling about sub-micro-issues.)

What has happened in the past year dwarfs in scope anything that has happened in human history: thus our main difficulty is in sheerly acknowledging and comprehending it.  

Happy Birthday Birdemic. 

Monday 21 March 2022

The Fire Nation Litmus Test: Negativism and the Mass Media revisited

From the Introduction to Avatar: The Last Airbender: "Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked."

A decade ago I suggested that negativism was the proper attitude towards the Mass Media when it came to the major 'stories' - and this just becomes truer and truer, by the month. 

The idea of negativism is that it is not sufficient to 'disbelieve' the Mass Media - because nature abhors a vacuum, and one must believe something.

The idea of negativism is based upon the following:

The major output of the modern international Mass Media is always value-inverted by intent; and consists of only four categories:

1. Good presented as bad 

2. Bad presented as Good 

(That is to say simple inversion

3. Good presented as Good for a bad reason 

4. Bad presented as bad for a bad reason 

(That is to say explanatory inversion)

Therefore, while the entire Western global and public world is God-excluding and therefore evil; we can be sure that anything actively promoted by the Mass Media will be a greater-evil; and anything opposed that is systematically ignored, demonized or suppressed will be a lesser-evil. 

This becomes more obvious as the Mass Media becomes more unified, and as it excludes dissenting views more effectively and aggressively. 

From two years ago; there was an international totalitarian coup by means of which the global Mass Media achieved an unprecedented uniformity and censorship with respect to the fake-emergency of the birdemic - this time propagandizing the inversion of a monomaniacal view of healthism. 

(Totalitarianism - capture and coordination of all major social systems - was necessary to give the media extra dimensions of physical enforcement; such as the many types of deplatforming, defunding, exclusion from services; as well as legal and police compulsion and sactions based on catch-all/ selectively-enforced concepts such as 'hate crime', 'workplace hostility', 'terrorism' and other deliberately-vague 'isms'/ 'hates'/ 'phobias'.)

This uniformity and aggression has since been ramped-up by stages to include all the core Global Establishment policies and strategies while ignoring the fact of the international totalitarian coup and systematic destruction of the world economy and civilization.

We had extra waves of control implemented successfully for the 'MLB' antiracism scam, then the birdemic-peck fake, and continual ramping-up of narrative-control with respect to climate and the transagenda (and the decade's long sexual revolution which it currently spearheads).      


We can see the results from a few weeks ago after everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.  

There has never been anything to approach the degree of uniformity and extremity of propaganda that was mobilized by the global totalitarian system immediately after the Fire Nation attacked. 

The Mass Media now completely eclipses what happened with the birdemic - if you can cast you mind back across those two long years. At the time the international coordination of Media was obvious and unprecedented; but it was measured, gradual and diverse compared with what happened when the Fire Nation attacked on 24/2. 

With our experience of wave after wave of propaganda for evil over the past two years; one might have supposed that this astonishing rapidity, uniformity and extremity of the Mass Media response to the Fire Nation would have made it very obvious which was the greater, and which the lesser, evil.

And maybe that is exactly what it did...

Maybe this new Fire Nation Litmus Test is just that; I mean, not of-itself a cause of transferring Men's allegiance from God to the demonic; but instead simply a 'test' or indicator that reveals the truth about each Man

Because anyone who knows that the world is ruled by evil Men in league with Satan (and if they don't recognize this fact by-now, then no proof will ever be sufficient) - who then sees in the Mass Media all of these evil Men (without exception) advocating a particular narrative - then knows that that view, that agenda must itself be evil by motivation. And more evil than the views which they oppose, suppress, demonize and punish (in a characteristically demonic frenzy - without limit or restraint). 

Therefore we should not strive for neutrality - which is, anyway, impossible; but may quickly and simply make a choice to reject the greater evil. And indifference may also be impossible; in face of a expansile totalitarian (thus pan-social-system) campaign to make this Litmus Test issue unavoidable in public discourse and life.  

But we should not, in our hearts, lose our grip upon what is, in fact, a facile discrimination.   

That does Not mean that we ought to support the lesser evil; because that too is a demonic snare. Yet it does mean being clear about the greater and lesser evils; which is part of avoiding getting sucked-into value-inversion - which is a primary tool of Christian subversion and mass damnation. 

Thursday 5 August 2021

Overcoming the vast scale of failure: recognizing your Achilles' heel

It seems clear that we are all of us raised to have at least one, but usually many, Achilles' heels - weak points in our world view, through-which evil can enter and colonize; and turn us to its side in the spiritual war.  

2020 showed us a comprehensive failure of All human institutions, of All ideologies - the failure even to to recognize the obvious fact of a global, totalitarian, leftist-materialist - hence evil - coup.  

Everybody failed - but in many different ways. 

The various causes of their various failures are what I term their Achilles' heels. 

The collection of these Achilles' heels, over several centuries, could be termed Leftism - or simply the demonic strategy. 

Some early ones were pacifism, abolition (of slavery), and socialism. Nationalism came later. Since the sixties there have been feminism, antiracism, 'environmentalism' (now reduced to 'climate change'), multi-culti-anti-nativism, and the stages of the sexual revolution culminating in the gross lies of the trans-agenda. 

These are all provide examples of the way in in which adherence to a single false - partial, distorted, simplistic - principle or idea, can serve to be the entry point of evil - from which it expands to take-over a person's perspective. 

But 2020 also showed the failure in the West of the Christian churches: the Roman Catholic church, the Anglican churches and the Protestant including Evangelical churches, the Mormon church etc. - none of which recognized the reality of the Satanic coup; all of which explicitly embraced one or more of the coup's ideologies via is weaponized Litmus Test issues. 

What we saw in 2020, on a vast scale, was the failure of every mainstream and powerful metaphysics; due to one or many Achilles' heels. For instance; we have all seen the way in which a 'lifelong' 'committed' socialist, feminist, 'civil rights' activist or whatever, is led-by-the-nose into supporting gross and obvious evil. 

It is obvious why the secular ideologies all failed; but why did the major Christian churches all fail? 

Each for different reasons, perhaps. Each had built itself on some principle which 2020 revealed to be inadequate. Roman Catholics and Mormons relied on their leadership to tell them what was right and what to do - and when these leaders became assimilated to the coup ideology, then members were drawn with them. 

Protestants began with an incoherent dependence on 'scripture' - and (mostly via the generations of corruption of Bible 'scholarship' to secular modes of reasoning) scripture translations and 'historical' interpretation have become incrementally assimilated to the coup ideology. 

It seems that now 'the Bible says' and 'the leaders say' we all ought to live in accordance with the coup agenda in part or in whole: believe the birdemic propaganda, crave the peck, take the knee/ confess our racism, welcome mass colonization/ cultural annihilation by 'refugees', clamour for a worldwide anti-carbon economy - and embrace the new world order of omni-surveillance and micro-control necessary to impose all these and more.  

There has been 'no hiding place' among the institutions, nor among the major churches. No hiding place among the ideologies, the theologies, the systems...

Faced with so many lies, so much dishonesty, such a vast and relentless propaganda, so little courage and principle from an expedient-faithless populace... almost-all social institutions simultaneously capitulated all over the world

And apparently none have repented. (Individuals - yes; but not repentant institutions.)

My understanding is that, by the evil choices of many Men, the world has become as it is; yet God can turn even these End Times to Good. We are now, each of us, confronted by a world of evil institutions - including not just the actual churches, but the principles and practices of those churches - which have been 'turned' onto the side of Satan.  

Each Man must either choose assimilation into this obviously-evil world - supported (overall) by each of the world institutions; or else he is thrown back upon him-self; upon his own personal discernment and judgment - and his capacity to take the side of God and follow Jesus Christ. 

There is no program, nor formula; no checklist nor principle - because all programs and formulae/ checklists and principles have been corrupted and re-directed towards the devil's side.  

What we each do have is the intuition, the heart-thinking, of our divine self (or soul) as internal guidance; we have the revelation of the Holy Ghost as external guidance; and we have the motivation based on hope which comes from faith. 

What this means is that Life has become very simple! 

It seems like a paradox - when the world has reached such an incredible level of complexity and interlocking deception and evil-intent. But as the world has become very-obviously too complex to explain in materialist terms - it has become spiritually simplified to mere evil-intent (in its multifarious and proliferating expressions) 

To take the side of God, solidly and against all these pressure; we absolutely must recognize and repent those Achilles' heels in ourselves - because they are always present. 

Recognize (and repent) those precious-but-vulnerable points of 'central' doctrine or principle which have rendered All of us as individuals (as well as All institutions) vulnerable to colonization by evil.

These are not the central points of Christianity - and never really have been (although in past ages, when Men implicitly assumed and knew more of the divine and spiritual than now, they could without fatal harm be regarded as core and essential). 

The central essence of being-a-Christian is not to be made dependent on any worldly thing - including not depending on the validity on any particular church institution - but come to each of us directly and unmediated from God. 

After all, God is creator and continually create-ing; God is wholly Good - and is our Heavenly Father. And just like any ideal mortal father; God will never leave any single one of his children bereft of sufficient guidance for his salvation and theosis when God can (by his ongoing work of creation) reach and shape the lives of all of us - no matter how bad 'the world' becomes. 

It is faith in this simple fact that gives indomitable hope - and an antidote to fear, despair and all other evil snares. These times can teach us this vital Christian lesson; and more powerfully than any ever before. 


Monday 16 March 2020

Don't blame the crows! It's Not About the birdemic!

It's not about the birdemic... I have found this slogan to be a useful mantra.

Converting the entire developed world to a totalitarian police state in a fortnight isn't about the crow birdemic.

The birdemic is just an excuse - and, indeed, a very inadequate excuse; since the plague of crows is nowhere near severe enough to warrant any kind of mega-reaction in The West - let alone the actual reaction.

Reasons for knowing the fakeness of the birdemic

1. Numbers of international deaths too small by c.1000-fold to assume that this is a dangerous birdemic - European deaths are even less, proportionately.

2. Severely affecting and killing almost exclusively the very-old and/or already-sick - just like dozens of other Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Apparently, zero people under age fifty have died in Europe thus far (and very few in China - and these may have had other medical conditions).

3. Severe effect is mainly seen among East Asian ethnicity, much less or not at all among Europeans. The mortality rates among the young seem much higher for China and S. Korea than in Italy - and mortality in the Italian national population may well have been disporportionately among the large East Asian immigrant/ migrant population - but these numbers are being withheld.

So the birdemic crisis is fake. Why then do we have a crisis?

Because of the response; which is not fake, and indeed amounts to the very-rapid and universal imposition of a bureaucratic totalitarian police state; run (because such are the people involved) on atheistic, leftist, anti-Christian lines.

Since the epidemic is fake, there is little reason to assume the new 'special powers' will be revoked; and at the least they will be claimed to have saved The West from imminent mass death.

Why do I infer the response is fake? 

1. The response is unlike the response to any previous crisis ever - there is no track record for its success; there is zero reason to suppose it will be more effective than other responses in the past (which fell short of a totalitarian coup).

2. The response is, indeed, precisely the same as was being asked for by the Climate Change/ Extinction Rebellion cartel of the Global Establishment: in other words omni-surveillance and micro-control of the population of The West - eventually The World; plus collapsing the world economy and international trade.

3. The response is destructive of the primary basis of survival of the world population - the 'Industrial Revolution' etc. - the international system of specialisation and trading which has increased the world population from c.1 billion in 1800 to c.7 billion now. This means that the Global Establishment are risking the death of billions of people (of all ages and health), in order to try and save thousands (almost all old and unhealthy).


We can't, as individuals, do anything to stop or ameliorate the Big Picture. But what we need to do is interpret the crisis spiritually.

The crisis is real, and it is a spiritual crisis.

It is, indeed, a spiritual battle, an example of Unseen Warfare. Specifically there has been a successful coup by the powers of evil.

This has already happened, it is too late to prevent. But it is vital to recognise that this is indeed What Has Happened.

It's not about the birdemic; it's a socio-political takeover by the powers of evil.

And most people in The West support this takeover - fanatically so! One aspect of the crisis is that things have come to a point; and nearly everybody has-taken sides; and the side that nearly everybody has taken is that of the evil (demonic) powers.

Having recognised what has happened, and that we are in a tiny minority; serious Christians need simply to continue as usual.

To continue (that is) to recognise this life - your and my actual lives - as tailred for our spiritual learning ('theosis'); and to recognise death as a portal to eternal life in Heaven for those who choose to follow Jesus.

And having said that; many Christians will find themselves pretty much alone, spiritually; and will need to develop their own resources to survive and thrive in a condition of Faith, Hope and Love.

That will be a big challenge because it is new territory, a novel situation for Christians who have been accustomed to regard themselves as primarily part of a church.

Many people will find that they are in a situation in which either they are an autonomous 'solo Christian'; or they will soon be no Christian at all.

That will be another 'coming to a point'.

Monday 29 June 2020

How the neglect/ suppression of the real nature of Communism and 'Fascism' led to our current (unrecognised) atheist totalitarianism

My high school education took place in the 1970s, and as a result I had a pretty solid understanding of Communism - and its evils. I knew about both the Russian and Chinese versions; and these were expounded alongside National Socialism in Germany as variations on the theme of totalitarianism - three ideologies with many similarities and lesser distinctions.

George Orwell has been by-far the most influential advocate of this analysis; but it was the Western norm up into the 1970s.

But in contrast, the next generations were taught very little indeed about Communism. The 'totalitarian' analytic category was not used. Instead both school and culture hammered home, again and again, an indictment of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP; in English, National Socialist Workers Party of Germany) as the unique and greatest evil of world history.

However NSDAP is nearly-always abbreviated to Nazi, presumably to de-emphasise its roots in Socialism and its Communist-like pro-worker stance. And nowadays the NSDAP is treated as an "extreme Right Wing" party.

What was not made clear - even up to the 1970s - was that these examples (Russia, Germany, China) were all among the rare instances in human history of explicitly atheist states. Because this unfying atheism was seldom mentioned, and because the post-mid-sixties generation took secularism for granted; its significance was missed. (This particular neglect has - of course - continued.)

And because atheism as the core and unifying feature of the twentieth century totalitarianisms was missed; the seeds of our current falsehood were sown.

It used to be said (from the late 1940s and until the middle 1970s) that Communism and National Socialism were examples of extremes meeting. The idea was that Communism and National Socialism were opposites, Left and Right, but at the extremes Left and Right circle around and join-up.

This is a devastating error. In fact, Communist and Nazi are merely variations on the same basic ideology, which is Leftism.

National Socialism is merely Communism moderated by Nationalism (i.e. Nazis were moderate Communists); because in the middle twentieth century Communism was ideologically inter-nationalist (as with their theme song).

More specifically, National Socialism (and indeed, also the earlier Italian Fascism under Mussolini, and the later Falangist-atheist/ Roman Catholic alliance of Franco in Spain) was a reaction-against the internationalism and socially-destructive extremity of Communism.

Because after the Russian Revolution there was a widespread (and apparently justified) fear that Communism would spread across Europe. National Socialism in Germany was a Socialist Workers party, exactly the same as Communism (and appealing to a similar proletarian base); but was nationalist and patriotic, which enabled the different classes to work together under the revolutionary new arragements.

Rather than the attempt being made, as in the USSR, to exterminate the bourgeoisie and the ex-aristocrats; instead the NSDAP imposed a new ruling class of 'lower class' party members (mostly derived from the non-gentry, 'blue-collar' middle class, in practice: e.g. Hitler had been a Non-Commissioned Officer). However, (unlike Communism) although aristocratic titles and privileges were abolished; the ex-Junker nobility, Professors, writers and artists, clerks and schoolteachers etc were all welcome to join the national ('workers') effort; so long as they endorsed the new ideology. Apparently, most of them accepted.

Thus National Socialism was far more effective and efficient than 'pure'/ extreme Communism, since it succeeded in mobilizing a far greater proportion of the population - across all classes; because it repudiated some of the insane inversions of Communism, and also because the NSDAP replaced religion with an intense, supernaturalistic, ritually and symbolically-supported cult of The Fuhrer.

The hatred of Communists for Nazis is therefore the hatred of the ideological purist for the moderate pragmatist. On the other side; the hostility of Nazis to Communism was itself the springboard of their success with both the German workers and the ruling class.

The traditional German nobility and gentry correctly perceived that (in the short/medium-term, anyway) - when the range of possible choice had been reduced to Nazi or Communist, they would be much better-off under the NSDAP than Communism.

Anyway; it can be seen that the recent global totalitarian coup was made possible by the decades of neglect and disinformation concerning Communism, and the misrepresentation of Nazis as 'extreme Right Wing' -- rather than an understanding of the nature of generic atheist totalitarianism that encompasses both.

(Part of this was also a false representation of the essence of the Nazi system as being anti-semitism; whereas this was mostly a peculiarity of Hitler himself, and not-at-all intrinsic to the NSDAP system of government.)

Furthermore, the lack of of comprehension concerning the atheist roots of totalitarianism has affected the opposition to mainstream post-middle-1960s New Leftism - because there is a false belief in 'a non-religious Right'.

Whereas there never has been, and never can be, a non-religious Right; and all purported examples of non-religious Right are actually merely (more or less) moderate forms of Leftism; just like the NSDAP.

All forms of political atheism are 1. Leftist, and 2. Totalitarian. The only thing which disguises this is social inertia; and as older (religious-reared) generations die-out, all possible secular societies will move Left towards the extreme of psychotic Communism.

Thus, since the entire West (and developed nations) have been atheist for some decades - all-without-exception are now (and for the past few months) extreme Leftist and under totalitarian rule. 

The only genuine opposition to totalitarianism is therefore from those who wish to put religion at the centre of the political system: those who regard religion as more important than politics (or anything else).

And the only legitimate dispute among those who oppose Leftism is: Which Religion?

Saturday 28 March 2020

The fact of world government: Global Coup or Black Death on Steroids?

I am still struggling to comprehend that - several weeks down the line - hardly anybody has apparently noticed that there has-been (past tense) a Global coup. We now live in a totalitarian world, in which the nation is subordinated to an international Establishment.

But really, it's not so difficult to understand; because for most people the idea of a Global coup is (like a divine miracle) beyond possibility; therefore it cannot happen - therefore it did not happen.

I think this disbelief has two main aspects. The first is that people cannot imagine any cabal of human beings planning and executing such a large scale, long-termist operation. I agree - but then I believe that the 'masterminds' behind it all are immortal spirits, not incarnate humans; that they are the powers of purposive evil: aka. demons.

But for the mass of mainstream people, that is even further beyond possibility than is an evil cabal - so, even if the coup were accepted as a reality, there is a further blockage on comprehension.

Of course, most people believe that the... what might we call it? - sudden international unity? - is a rational and necessary response to a viral plague that is - shall we say - the Black Death on Steroids (BDoS): that is, an unprecedented threat to human survival.

In a nutshell; the birdemic so potentially so terrible that (exactly in those disaster movies when earth is threatened by a comet impact or alien invasion) all the petty divisions have been set-aside, and the world has been united and mobilized to defeat the lethal threat-to-us-all.

After all - what was that old Green mantra? - international problems require international solutions.

And thus we have the spontaneous convergence of all governments (who are, after all, composed of rational Men of goodwill and basic common sense) on the necessary measures to limit the deadly threat: universal house arrest, curfew, destruction of international trade and the world economy, suppression of all (nearly all) human interaction and contact with the natural world etc.

It is all regrettable, but justified by the scale of the threat.

And the advertised hope is that it will lead to a New Age (which it surely will - we are in the first days of the fourth cultural era that follows nomadic foraging, agrarian societies and the industrial revolution); an Age characterised by a continuation of this new-found spirit of unity and peace; all men living and working together with a single purpose.

A New World Order, in actual fact (to coin a phrase beloved of the Global Establishment). 

This is perfectly sincere: All men; Single purpose. Directed entirely at saving mortal men on this earth this world, this mortal life. Based on the conviction that this is the real world, and the 'real world' is all that matters, all that is.

And so we come to the crux of it all. What comes first Man or God, this mortal life or an eternal perspective?

If Man, then that means obedience to the single agenda aimed-at the survival of the human species on this planet.

So anyone who puts God and eternity first; will be known as an enemy of the agenda; therefore an agent of eco-sabotage and species-death - and therefore dumb, deluded or evil.

This isn't fantasy - it's here already, emerging more clearly day by day: the choice between Antichrist (Man in This World); or Jesus Christ (God and Eternity).

However; for most people, there is no 'choice' because (to the masses of the world, as evidenced by their behaviour) - Antichrist (human beings and the earth) is real because material, observable, measurable...

But Christ is not real, God does not exist; and this mortal life is everything since 'eternal life' is just childish or manipulative wishful-thinking.

And that's why the global coup is invisible to most people; and will remain so.

And that's why the birdemic is necessarily (by assumption) the BDoS. 

Friday 5 July 2019

The Climate Emergency Big Lie - what it tells us about Them

All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.

From 'My Struggle' by Herr A. Hitler, painter and politician (1889-1945)

The evolving hoax of 'Climate Change', is incomparably the biggest Big Lie that has ever been perpetrated on the world. Indeed, starting with the falsehood that climate can be predicted; the Big Climate Lie is many-many lies-piled-upon-lies to reach the insane conviction that a world government can control the world climate to within a degree - if only it is given complete surveillance and micro-control over everything.

In other words - the totalitarian agenda.

Okay - that's been the last 25-plus years. A quarter century, trillions of dollars, trillions of man-hours, galactic volumes of verbal hot-air; an incomprehensibly massive drain of effort, time and resources; infliction of heavy economic damage; and immense environmental destruction - all because The Big Lie.

But now we have a state of Climate Emergency. In other words, the global Establishment is pushing very hard, everywhere, by all means at its disposal, to be given totalitarian powers as a matter of emergency

This is a Power Grab, the power grab: a coup d'etat intended to be complete and final - this is the urgent and rapid attempt at totalitarian takeover - and it is happening here and now. 

First of it, it is helpful to contemplate the sheer insanity of this situation. Truly it is hard to comprehend that so many could collaborate in fabricating such colossal untruth; and to believe the sheer impudence of such infamous distortion of reality. It beggars belief that this, of all imaginable issues, should have become the core rationale for the implementation of a totalitarian world dictatorship.

Yet here we are.

Why this? Why now?

Why this? Because this lie works - it has been tested and developed over a quarter century. Okay...

But why now? That's the interesting question. Why now, and why not sometime before or later?

My answer is that the answer is not that this time is optimal. It is not optimal. The Climate Emergency movement did not emerge from a rising groundswell of public opinion. To the contrary, the Climate Emergency came out of the blue, and after several years during which - in the mass public mind - climate change had faded in significance and was the subject of increasing doubts (as reality stubbornly failed to conform to delusion).

Yet, They (i.e. the global establishment) regard it as necessary to do this Now. Why?

My assumption is either that They regard it as either possible for the first time, or necessary because of some risk to the project.

On the one hand, the expansion of population demoralisation, surveillance and control; mass population migration and the ability to trigger deadly civil disorder etc... - these may all be in place now; such that - for the first time - centralised  dictatorship is a genuine possibility, easily graspable.

So let's get on with it... 

(They may be right or wrong about this. I am suggesting how it may look to Them in order that the Climate Emergency button was pushed.)

Or else, conversely; They are worried about something going wrong with their plans; such that They suddenly feel the need to press-ahead, despite the fact that the ground has Not been optimally prepared, and Not enough people are sufficiently ready for what is being proposed.

(They may be right or wrong about the rising risk to their plans. Again, I am simply suggesting how things may seem to Them.)

Two opposite possibilities.

The totalitarian power grab that is Climate Emergency is happening Now; either because of Their strength, or because of Their weakness.

Whatever the answer you decide does not change what you ought-to be doing; but it should be encouraging to speculate that the international attempted coup that is Climate Emergency may be product of panic, rather than the long anticipated final step of step of a decades long master plan.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

How to persuade other people of the global coup of the evil totalitarian dictatorship? You can't.

The Thing about these times, this era, is that it really is down to individuals - each person can and will decide for himself, and only for himself. 

That seems to be how God has set it up - and why. 

When there has been a global totalitarian coup to install a world government that is strategically and systemically pursuing evil under the flimsiest and most incoherent of rationales (birdemic, climate change, antiracism, sexual revolution) - Yet Most People Do Not Notice (and deny the obvious when it is pointed-out)...

When this is the situation, when someone has-accepted the mainstream modern (self-contradicting) basic premises of a universe without purpose or meaning; then persuasion, argument, reason, logic, evidence are all utterly powerless.   

I think the best we can then do, in practice, is negative... 

We can Not Encourage/ Support evil in others. 

We can Not join-in with the assumptions behind the social interactions on the birdemic and peck and other Litmus Test issues (as they arise). 

Because to encourage sin in others, to normalize sin - to make it an unconscious habit - is (surely?) the worst of sins. 

Not to do so, may be all that we can usefully do.

(And even that little is, in practice, difficult.)

Monday 20 December 2021

Archbishop Vigano - correct diagnosis, flawed prescription

Archbishop Vigano (of the Roman Catholic Church) has made a characteristically incisive intervention concerning the nature and reality of the 2020 global totalitarian coup, led by the demonic powers of evil. 

I value Vigano, because I know of nobody in public life who has done a better job of diagnosing the heart of that corruption which has so rapidly accelerated to cover the world; with the compliance of large masses of the populace.

Yet, when it comes to describing what those who agree with his diagnosis ought to do about it; the Archbishop's recommendations are inadequate. 

For a start; he envisages an 'anti-globalist alliance' as the basis for future opposition. 

But this would not be a positively-motivated movement. Instead Vigano proposes a 'double-negative' basis for alliance - i.e. a grouping of those who are Against Evil. 

Such a movement (and there are many already) would certainly be weak because diversely and feebly motivated. At best an anti-evil alliance could only slow the advance of evil; because it offers no a superior alternative basis of life. 

Evil is itself oppositional - oppositional to God/ the good/ divine creation - and ultimately oppositional Christianity with its offer to all Mankind of eternal life in Heaven. A Christian alternative to evil should not itself be oppositional! Christianity has the inestimable advantage of offering positive good - and this ought to be reflected in its aims. 

What is needed, therefore, is an alliance of those who are positively For God, good/ divine creation and salvation. In other words a Christian alliance.  

In the past this would have suggested A Church - or perhaps an alliance of Churches. However, our problem is that the churches are - overall, but decisively - on the side of the powers of evil; they fail to recognize, discern, and reject global totalitarianism - and indeed all major 'Christian' churches embraces more than one of the core strategic instruments of evil

This means that before any putative Alliance of Good could get off-the-ground and achieve anything; it would first need to reform and turn-around the major Christian churches. But this is not happening - and instead the churches are getting worse, more evil, by the month. 

Anyone Christian who hoped to join a church and fight totalitarian evil by the means of offering a positive and transcendent alternative; would immediately find himself confronted by an organization that already served exactly that evil he intended to oppose! 

Before opposing global evil, that person would need to embark on a fight against institutional evil; when the institution was embedded in an already evil world; and its evil qualities were being supported by all powers in the global totalitarianism - laws, officialdom, police, the media etc.

Anyone Christian who wanted to fight for good would be faced by inevitable - and probably prolonged - delay; before he could even begin: If he did so via a church! 

(On the other hand, if Christian found a small but uncorrupt church; a church who recognized the coup and opposed global evil - he would instead be faced by the immediate problem of growing that church to such a size that it could exert effective socio-political power.) 

So what does an individual who agrees with Vigano's diagnosis actually do? 

To my mind, any generally proposed solution should be possible for any person, anywhere; and, given the the fact that failure to resist evil leads to more and greater evil - the answer needs to be one which every individual can start to act-upon immediately

This rules-out institutional (including church) solutions, since all these regard the individual first trying to persuade other people - and we don't have time for that; nor can we afford to delay beginning our own opposition. 

If we wait until after we have attained a local majority of sufficient size, until after we have achieved sufficient institutional reform; if we put-off our own active opposition until after we can persuade enough 'other people' to join with us in some kind of significant 'movement' - then nothing will happen

Most of us are isolated, surrounded, outnumbered - thus nearly-everybody will end-up waiting for some other people to start something that they can then 'join' - so... nothing will happen. 

Once we have ruled-out what we cannot or should-not do; the answer to what we should do becomes obvious:

We should do what we personally can - starting now, not waiting for anybody else; and relying upon divine providence to amplify and organize individual activities into something greater

After all; if we are doing the right thing, then God will be on our side; and God is the creator - therefore God can and will use whatever we personally do to advance His agenda. 

We really must do the positively-right things Now - so far as we are able - and trust in God to deal with strategic considerations. 

Such a personally-focused attitude can be made to sound feeble and ineffectual compared with daydreams of a large international anti-evil alliance clashing head-to-head with the demon-controlled corporations and governments...

But the difference is that the one Will happen, starting instantly; insofar as any individual person wants it to happen...

Whereas the other is purely aspirational. 

Tuesday 16 March 2021

From open-world semi-totalitarianism; to closed-world full-totalitarianism. (From addiction to hedonism; to fear and despair)

The strategy - which in of itself reveals the System's freshly-minted totalitarian nature - is somewhat new. Before the 2020 global coup, the System - which was then probably only pseudo-totalitarian or semi-totalitarian - relied on the existence of a great degree of physical freedom to encourage spiritual enslavement and soul damnation. 

Rather than lock people down and terrorize them with fear, the semi-totalitarian System inspired people to run amok in the world and freely indulge in officially-sanctioned sins, mostly via hedonism, lust, greed, and pride.

As is the case with the System's current closed world strategy, the open world strategy sought to instill a denial of the reality of God and replace it with the misguided belief in the sole reality of the System.

The open world strategy sought damnation through misguided pleasure and hope; the closed world strategy seeks to ensure damnation through misery and despair. Both strategies encourage people to become overly preoccupied with their physical, temporal selves; both strategies promote inflated egocentricity and the belief that the purpose of life begins and ends in the physical world of the System and its necessity.

In essence, both strategies work to degrade consciousness by locking people in the objectified world, thereby diminishing people's ability to effectively relate to God and to what is god-like in themselves.

The only way to avoid the slavery consciousness the System foments - regardless of how it is fomented - is to understand that we are not wholly determined by forces external to ourselves - that what is most meaningful and beautiful about us is, in fact, determined by internal forces.

​These forces lie in the recognition of ourselves as primarily spiritual beings. This recognition also affirms the reality of God.

From Francis Berger - read the whole thing. 

Francis Berger is currently doing a great job of putting into words, and thereby clarifying, the nature of what has happened over the past year. 

When I try to put myself into God's place, and understand the broad reason for the nature of changes (and it can only be a broad reason - not one that encompasses the truth of divine purpose as it actually applies to billions of individuals considered - as God considers them - as individuals); I can see that one spiritual purpose the 2020 changes fulfil is precisely to encourage Men to make the distinction between world and spirit that FB describes

This is a tough lesson genuinely to learn, in our hearts - even among those of us who believe it theoretically. 

In the past, there were times and places when society was overall-Good, overall God-aligned; and in those situations it was probably easier for Men to suppose that by going-along-with the prevalent and officially-encouraged behaviours, they were also choosing God. 

In fact, they were perhaps merely being socially-conformist and advantage-seeking. 

Now that possibility is being closed-off by the closed-world strategy. The contrast between social conformity and God is stark, separated and clear. We cannot (without gross, conscious and self-damning self-deception!) pursue security, wealth, status, wealth and other worldly-Goods under the guise of Godliness - because security, wealth, status, wealth and other worldly-Goods only lead us ever-deeper into the closed-system of purposive evil. 

To be spiritually-free to choose God and to follow Jesus Christ to resurrected life eternal we first need to be free-from The System and its values. And if we are not able to see-through the System lies - we will have accepted the values of Satan, and will cease to want salvation. 

It is by making our options of damnation and salvation so distinct and separate, that God is helping us to learn what most people most need to learn. 

The above, as I said, is only a very broad and approximate statement to account for the broad and approximate change-in-state of the world; when is most-needed is for each of us as individuals to understand our exact situation, and the divine lessons that we personally most-need to apprehend. 

And that is what this day is bringing to you, and me. 

Saturday 1 January 2022

Accelerating chaos and evil Not-plans: wishing you a Happy (demonic fake) New Year!...

Old readers will know of my aversion to the official New Year defined as 1st January; which is defined in terms of what it is not (not astronomical, not seasonal and not Christian) rather than what it is - which is to say arbitrarily numerical... 

This means the Year is not truly new, but only demonic-fake-'New'

So, the New Year and its 'celebration' is almost-certainly Satan-spawned - as what else could it be? When we are induced to celebrate the arbitrary, it is only one step away from celebrating the actively-evil.  

Thus your cheerful and social Happy New Year! greetings with neighbours are approximately spiritually-equivalent to a Nazi salute or the clenched fist of Communism... 

(...You're welcome...)

But this is the day one of the calendar-year; and my understanding is that the demons are very keen on arbitrary numerology - on the special significance of certain arbitrary numbers (i.e. fakely-significant numbers); being super-especially fond of decimals, decades, centuries - and the metric system generally, including SI units ("Systeme International" - French, wouldn't you know). 

The lower-ranked (bureaucratic, 'Ahrimanic') demons love these systems because they are made-up by officials; and because of their abstract efficiency, and easily calculational inter-convertibility. 

SI units model the world as-if it was already the single totalitarian System that the Ahriminic demons day-dream about implementing and operating... 

The metric-SI system artificially-'unifies' the world - and achieves this abstract coherence by its indifference to the human.  

By contrast the Imperial System (feet and inches, furlongs and leagues etc) was originally based-on the human body and mind; and the usage of measures that are functionally appropriate to the actual task in hand. This was especially the case in its earlier, 'medieval' forms - e.g. when 'an acre' was the amount of land that could be ploughed in a day, locally. 

There are also sacred, 'magical' number and geometrical 'systems', apparently derived from Pythagorean-Platonic philosophy - and these are universal; but abstract, not human, not functionally-derived.

(See How the world is made: the story of creation according to sacred geometry, by John Michell, 2012.)   

But naturally, none of these genuine, good-aiming spiritualities are of interest to the demonic powers - except when they can be subverted and then inverted; because inversion is the basis of anti-Christian symbolism and ritual - just as inversion of values is the most advanced form of evil. 

It was, presumably, the middle-managers among the demons (as among humans) who chose to make 2020 the year for the global totalitarian coup

2020 is just the kind of meaningless but superficially-significant 'decimal' number which they like best, and which they believe brings them the best results. 

So - what about 2022? Anything special? 

I think not - not for the kind of Being that is engaged in the Ahrimanic programme. They are keen planners and 'strategists', and are explicitly aiming at 2030, the next decade - for the 'completion' of their current strategy of worldwide surveillance and control.  

But as of the approach to 2022; these mid-level demons have apparently lost control, and their plans are not happening to schedule. 

Why? Partly because the plans were based on falsehoods and could never have-worked. 

Partly because of unexpected resistance. 

But mostly because the 'Sorathic' demons of chaos, of sheer destruction and negation, are increasingly in control; and are using The System to inject chaos, destruction and negation into itself.

The Ahrimanic demons intended to use The System to rule the world post 2020... 

But the Sorathic demons want to use The System to destroy The System

There is no doubt that order is collapsing and chaos is increasing - locally and worldwide. 

Therefore: the most likely prediction for 2022 is... Accelerating chaos  

(...Which is actually a bit of a non-prediction - since the nature and location of chaos cannot - by definition - be predicted!) 

But this tsunami of dysfunction is not apparent to the Ahrimanic middle-managers, because they are incompetent and dishonest; self-blinded fools who live by self-serving lies - and they believe that their interests are best served by pretending to omniscience and omnipotence. 

When real knowledge and power are lacking, the adopt the Texas Sharpshooter tactic of claiming that whatever has-happened was exactly what they wanted to happen...

In the face of actual accelerating chaos; demonic middle-managers will continue 'confidently' to assert that everything is getting better... 

...All is on-track and on-schedule; tractor production continues to increase by hundreds of percent per year; and the bureaucratic utopia of own-nothing/ be-happy will be oven-ready for 2030 - all in accordance with plans... 

And this will be asserted, louder and louder, officially and by the mass media - until the world is engulfed by war and famine, disease and death, flame and flood...

At which point they will simply claim that they always meant to do that

Romantic Christians should not be misled by the collapse of the Ahrimanic-bureaucratic plans into assuming that this means the powers of Good are necessarily ascendant. 

The birdemic-peck narrative would indeed collapse because of Christian resistance - if such existed. But does it exist?

Good can only come of good (not from evil-motivations) - and unless there really is a Christian resurgence, then failures of evil planning will not imply a better overall outcome - not if those failure are due to ascendant chaos.  

All complex strategies and functionalities (both Good-motivated, and of evil-intent) that depend on organization, coordination and obedience will - sooner and sooner - be sabotaged by the waxing of Sorathic evil. 

Thus, the failure of evil-plans is not good news when they are being thwarted by evil-not-plans...

But only when evil-plans are thwarted by intentions on the side of Good. 

Thursday 26 March 2020

Miracles and the Global totalitarian coup - both explained-away by Modern Man

I've often heard people ask why God does not just make big miracles so that people would have no alternative but to believe. One reason is that no miracle is big enough that Modern Man can't explain it away - as the Fatima miracle makes clear.

When people assume miracles cannot happen, they become unable to notice miracles. What instead happens is that modern materialism simply develops multiple strategies for explaining-away: illusion, delusion, insanity, fraud, manipulation...

In the end; we have reached a point that if a typical person experienced a miracle, he would assume himself to have had a mental breakdown, and would seek psychiatric treatment.

Indeed, there is nothing that I can imagine which is big enough that ordinary Modern Men cannot explain it away. In the space of about a month; just about everyone in the world has been placed under house arrest and a curfew imposed - the starkest possible totalitarian takeover on a vastly greater scale then ever before. And apparently hardly anybody has noticed.

This situation varies in the degree of completeness; but is interpreted by many (and the intent for all seems to be) that everybody (except defined key workers, while at work) ought-to stay indoors and alone, until given the all-clear in weeks, or months, or a year's time - or whenever (if ever) they are permitted to emerge.

The most basic human and natural contact has been, or will be, abolished - we most not meet people, we must not experience nature. Our world has shrunk to the media...

And yet people explain it away as a rational response to a birdemic that is (if only we could see past the hundredfold lack of dead bodies, the tiny numbers and proportion of people being killed by it) worse than the Black Death on steroids.

Consequently, most of the people in the world have apparently failed to notice the biggest and fastest political change in the history of the world!

Of course this means that people will go along with it, they believe it is all for their own good (and maybe, by the prevalent demonically-inverted ideas of 'good', they are right?).

But more deeply; it means that people of many kinds, races and places have nearly-all chosen to believe the biggest and most obvious lie in the history of our species. No wonder they double-down on the ludicrous assertions that we are experiencing a (worse) re-run of the Great Plague, and that mandatory international solitary confinement is a rational response!

To do otherwise is to open understanding to the real gravity of our situation; and to the deeply shocking revelation of the extent of our corruption and active embrace of evil.

Anyway; since The Plan is for us to experience the world only vicariously, via the mass and social media, in a fake virtuality that They control - I have decided to cut down on it and spend more of my time reading, writing by hand, meditating, praying - and appreciating life day by day, hour by hour. In a nutshell, I intend to convert enforced solitary confinement to a hermit-like family-monasticism including (at its heart) direct empathic communion with the divine.

Friday 25 February 2022

Since 2020 there are two complementary aspects to global evil: its goals, and its totalitarianism

Since the international totalitarian coup of early 2020 and the establishment of secular materialist leftism as the official ideology; we can perceive two complementary ways in which the covert world government pursues evil. 

(Just to recapitulate - my understanding is that evil is opposition to Good; and Good is God's will and divine creation. So evil is always negative and oppositional in nature. Evil is not an alternative form of the same kind of thing as Good; evil seeks the destruction of Good.) 

The first, and perhaps most obvious, is that the global establishment is aiming at evil ends, its goals are evil. 

This involves value-inversion; that is, the values positively endorsed by international and powerful national governments, the mass media, and all major social institutions (law, religions, health services, education, arts, police, military etc) all favour significant inversions of virtue and vice, beauty and repulsiveness, truth and lies. 

Values are swapped-around - so the core positive values (which are actually negative oppositions) of the global establishment are actually evils - antiracism, birdemic-healthism, anti-climate-change, anti-normal-functional sex and sexuality etc. 

The second evil is totalitarianism itself. This is the attempt to make the ruling ideology so pervasive and such a monopoly, that the masses become unable to do, think or believe anything that is officially proscribed. 

Totalitarianism is intrinsically, necessarily, always evil - from a Christian perspective. 

One cannot have 'totalitarianism in a Good cause' because that is a contradiction in terms.  

And there cannot be a "Christian totalitarianism" - that is an oxymoron. 

The reason is that Christianity requires each individual acknowledging his own ultimate responsibility for his own spiritual fate. 

Free will/ agency is absolutely required in order to choose to follow Jesus Christ

Anything which seeks to prevent the recognition or operation of individual agency is therefore evil. 

In sum - the global establishment is evil because they are totalitarian in aspiration, and substantially in attainment - and totalitarianism is innately and always evil. 

And the global establishment is also evil because that apparatus of totalitarianism is directed towards evil (value-inverted) ends. 

Therefore, if there was any doubt before 2020 that these are the most evil, most sinful, times in the known history of this world - there is now no doubt. 

This is our situation. 

But God never leaves a single of his children bereft of the means for salvation. We can (in principle) all be saved, resurrected, follow Jesus Christ - if we wish it

Even when our situation is severely suboptimal; all that we need will provided before the end - before the decision needs to be made. 

Salvation if we wish it...

That is the big 'if' - it seems that here-and-now very few want what Jesus offers...  

However, if Christians are to attain salvation in such a context, we need to know what we are up-against. Otherwise we will be seduced by totalitarianism, and follow the universal and pervasive 'authoritative guidance' into inverting evaluations, rejecting Heaven, and choosing (what will turn-out to be) Hell.  

Friday 12 June 2020

Why we each must Love Big Brother, and how

It was a deep insight of Orwell that it is important we should love Big Brother; although Orwell did not, himself, appreciate exactly why.

We are all supposed to love Big Brother because BB is the Ahrimanic Satanic System by which Men are corrupted into evil.

And to be properly corrupted into evil means to regard evil as our-good, Satan as our God.

To love Big Brother is value-inversion.

In other words, it is not enough merely to submit to the totalitarian tyranny for reasons of fear and expediency. If Men are actively to reject Jesus's offer of Heaven, and instead to desire their own Hell, then they must regard the Godless, Christ-hating tyranny as A Good Thing.

Each person must desire and embrace his own assimilation into The Matrix.

(Philip K Dick's term for The System/ Matrix/ Single-global-bureaucracy was the Black Iron Prison (BIP) - and, I would say that he saw this reality earlier, deeper and more clearly than perhaps anyone.) 

Thus we can perhaps understand how the psuedo-health-justified, caring-sharing birdemic crisis has - in a valuation heel-turn, utterly characteristic of the demonic Left - suddenly turned-into the violent, destructive, race-justified, mob-stoking cultural-wildfire of Cultural Revolution and Struggle Session.

The global totalitarian coup of early 2020 is in-place; achieved. We are living in the Big Brother world of surveillance, control, arbitrary authority, propaganda as mandatory reality... Now, They want us to love our state, to love The Government/ Media/ Corporate/ Bureaucratic System.

With this aim, The Matrix has taken-up, and is assimilating, the mantle of the highest abstract moral value in our Godless, spirit-denying, purposeless and meaningless world: antiracism...  

The propaganda is that the BIP is now not only the saver of lives - saving our bodies from the Black Death of birdemic; but also the saviour of our minds, saving us from the malignant cancer of honesty, experience and common sense that is currently termed "racism".

The BIP has been made sacred, and a new inverted symbolic and ritual Black Mass is being constructed on the fly, day by day; to subvert the Good - and baptise fear, resentment, guilt and despair as the new virtues.

Thus (in these End Times) the Antichrist impulse borrows some of the trappings of Jesus Christ; and has directed them towards the material and perceptual aspects of our mortal lives in this-world.

Mixing scraps and twists of virtue into their Big Evil Lies; They work to turn Men against God, the Good, and Creation. And against the gifts of Jesus: denying the primacy of eternal resurrected life in Heaven; denying the (always-and-everywhere) friendship and guidance of the Holy Ghost.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

The death of Western Christian churches

On 3 March I predicted that They would be using their new powers to prevent Christians gathering.

As usual I underestimated the severity of the situation.

In fact They didn't need to use their powers!

Instead, all the major Western Christian church hierarchies have dutifully lined-up to close their doors to congregations; cancel sacraments; advise against church members meeting at all, anywhere; and in general zealously reinforce the fear-driven, materialistic, 'safety'-first, secular attitude of politicians, mass media and officialdom.

All this at exactly the time when a spiritual perspective is needed more than for many decades; at just this time the Western Christian churches have stepped-back and joined the chorus supporting the totalitarian takeover (by an anti-Christian Leftist Global Establishment) as a thing both necessary and good.

So far as I am concerned, unless there is a fairly swift repentance and reversal; this is the end of the line for Western 'Christian' Churches.

Up to now - despite the prevalence of increasingly-corrupt leadership - there was some value in some churches for some people...

Now I see the church institutions as merely fair-weather friends to serious Christians. When, as now, the chips are down, and Christianity is threatened more than for many decades or centuries - they have declared themselves absent. The church leaders have washed their hands of their membership.

Things have come to a point; everyone is compelled to declare sides: and the Churches decisively have chosen the side against God.

Like the world-wide totalitarian coup; all this has happened much quicker, more easily, and with less fuss than I could have believed possible.

The churches, like everybody else, remain sleepwalkers - bumbling around with their eyes shut against the obvious; wittering about how frightened they are, how concerned for the poor victims, and always urging ever more (ever more fake) birdemic precautions: more surveillance and more centralised control of more things by the Godless hedonic nihilists who run the world; urging more fear and deeper despair...

Meanwhile, presiding over the actual death of institutional Christianity in The West.

Real Christians remain; and nothing truly stops us from continuing to live in faith, hope and loving charity - but real Christians are now - officially - on our own (like it, or like it not).

This will be a sudden and harsh realisation and adjustment for the many who equated good churchmanship with being an observant and obedient member of a true denomination. I feel genuinely sorry for you; but that choice has now been unilaterally closed-against-you.

Your correct choice should be an easy one to make - albeit difficult to live.

Your best friend is faith in God as our loving Father who will never, under any circumstances, leave us without everything we need for salvation; and all we need to learn from the experiences of mortal life.

Every single one of us has (here and now and always) whatever we need to follow Jesus through death to Heavenly Life Eternal - and we need only recognise it, and choose to accept it.

Note added: The lack of serious concern over this defection of the Western Churches by the laity, (support of the secular persepctive being imposed on them) confirms what I have argued before; that traditionalist, church-led, obedience-focused Christianity is finished; too feak and weeble to be effectual - even among those who profess to practice it. Either we become Romantic Christians, or Christianity degenerates to a club, a pastime - one among many. 

Friday 6 October 2023

What's new in the Satanic agenda since 2020? War, mainly.

The greatest novelty from the Global Establishment since the totalitarian coup of 2020 is surely war, specifically engineering and escalating world war III; presented as "a good thing" or even as an absolutely essential thing. 

This is a tough sell for the totalitarians! - because the kind of war which is being pushed-for will destroy all the (albeit incoherent) aims of the existing major-core leftists issues, by which the world has been changed. All-out, everywhere, world war - will put an end to Great Reset type 'concerns' about a climate 'emergency', the transagenda, antiracism... and all the rest of that kind of thing. 

All these leftist-evil-agendas depend upon the 'rulers' and their minions accepting, and living-by, the delusion that their pet projects will incrementally be implemented in a future society dedicated to this-kind-of-stuff. 

Of course, these pet projects are all in actuality socially-destructive in effect, and therefore can never really be implemented; because the more rapidly the agendas 'succeed', the more rapidly society will crumble - so the authorities will be unable to impose them. 

That awareness of the incompatibility of world war (2023 style) with new-left-totalitarianism is, however, blocked by continual propaganda and the continual construction of a virtual-reality; a 'virtuality' existing in a closed-circle of mutually-reinforcing mass-media with bureaucratic statements and rules. 

But war? It is indeed a very tough sell to convince bureaucrats and media moguls that a long-term, unrestricted, international war will be compatible with their cherished ideologies! Because it simply isn't!

Yet, remarkably, for the past year-and-a-half; they do seem to have been convinced! 

Convinced by a combination of multiple Total Lies with increased censorship, and levels of frenzied national-demonization not seen for a century... Indeed, recent demonization and persecutions of the Fire Nation and its citizens have been in some ways (especially financial and economic) never before seen anywhere or at any time in the modern era. 

The leadership/ minion class has not even noticed that the sanctions and measures imposed ostensibly to destroy the Fire Nation have, in fact and surely quite clearly, harmed the imposing nations - and that was their intention from the very start, which is why they continue to be escalated. By such means; the war has been used to accelerate the purposive-suicide of The West (the West being Satan's prime target in recent generations - even above the Fire Nation). 

So, the stupidity and obedience of the rulers and their minions turns out to be very great indeed; and they really seem not to have noted the gross and widening discrepancy between the bureaucratic-media version of reality, and what they can observe and experience for themselves!

But the longer the situation continues, and the wider the gap in realities, the more difficult it seems to be to sell a proposed war of unprecedented destruction as being (somehow!) helpful to the attainment of the totalitarian-leftist 'utopia' of Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset!

I think that this is what is going-on behind-the-scenes of the Western Establishment at present. 

All the participants are affiliated with evil, servants of Satan; but the mostly-evil Ahrimanic totalitarians are (at last!) starting to wake-up to the incompatibility of their ultra-controlled world-view with the chaos of wreckage and killing, favoured by of the more-wholly-evil Sorathic spiteful-destroyers. 

I personally do not want either of these groups to prevail! 

Indeed, the mostly-but-partly evil totalitarians vision of a world of omni-surveillance and total mind-control is spiritually even worse than a world of total war, horrific bodily suffering, and mega-death. 

Mankind has painted itself into this Satanic corner, by many generations of wrong and evil choices and decisions - and by continuing in these falsehoods. There are no good options for The World. 

Maybe we will be faced with a choice between supporting wholesale spiritual destruction (totalitarianism) or else supporting gross physical destruction (war)... certainly that seems like the way that Satan desires us to see things. 

I hope that - when the crunch comes - I will choose neither.  

Sunday 29 August 2021

Why did so many devout, church-involved nice-good Christians end-up actively supporting the Satanic global totalitarian Establishment agenda?

Such a failure of discernment from So Many of those who might - until 2020 - have been regarded as The Best Christians seems to demand explanation. 

How could the devout, church-involved nice-good Christians not notice the totalitarian coup, the evil motivation behind the birdemic and its peck, the actual intent of antiracism/ multiculti/ mass migration, the reality of the climate change agenda?

Such colossal failures invalidate any amount of 'good' stuff; in the same way and for the same reason that a single un-repented sin self-excludes from resurrection and Heaven. 

The failure to know sin leads to no repentance. And enthusiastic embrace and zealous promotion of any of the above evil-motivated ideologies and projects is even worse. 

I think we need to engage in an act of imagination to see what happened, from the perspective of a church-involved, nice-good Christian. And, after all, most Christians have tried to be this at some point, and have admired those who achieved it so much better than we ourselves could manage. 

My understanding is that this failure indicates that their church-discernment was overwhelmingly external and social - and boiled-down to mere obedience to some kind of institution that self-identified as a Christian church

This would include those who claimed to 'follow scripture' in their lives; but reveals that they were in truth just following scripture-as-interpreted-by-some-institution

Church Christians have sometimes noticed (especially in relation to sex and sexuality) that value/ moral-inversion was now official, and increasingly mandatory (legally and via employers and service providers - evil is the new Good, and vice-versa

And some of these that devout church-goers have noticed this is sustained (in part or in whole) by all political parties, bureaucracies and the mass media.  

Yet these same self-identified Christians have enthusiastically and zealously embraced one or all of the agendas of birdemic-peck agenda, climate change, and antiracism/ mass migration - which emanate from exactly the same Establishment source; 'evidence' for which has exactly the same origin; and which form elements of the same ideology of leftism.

I think this is probably due to the way that Christians have come to regard Christian morality as a legalistic, quasi-bureaucratic checklist; imposed-upon naturally evil and self-deceptive individuals from without, and sustained by social mechanisms. 

The individual is regarded as the root of evil; kept in check only by the group. God's inspiration and guidance is seen as coming to the group, and reaching the individual only via the group - at least, when it concerns major and serious matters. 

Individual revelation (from the Holy Ghost) is allowed in some personal matters that aren't covered by explicit rules and regulations; but not for matters of the group: whether that group be global, national, institutional or church group. 

In serious matters, individual revelation and personal discernment is regarded as merely/ always/ necessarily a cloak for self-interest and self-justification of sin. 

The idea that each Man's primary guidance could (let alone should) derive from the divine within each of us (by virtue of our status as Sons of God) and from the direct knowledge of the Holy Ghost - is seen as a snare.

Ultimately, Man's duty is to subordinate himself willingly to A Group - and the only legitimate question is Which Group? (for which specific matter)? 

For devout, church-involved nice-good Christians; individual discernment is a sign of stupidity, mental illness or evil when it conflicts with the group. 

It is literally nonsensical and incomprehensible to such folk that The World including all the major institutions, and the leadership of all major churches - could be wrong; and that some very small proportion of individuals would nonetheless be right. 

For these church Christians, there is no debate, no issue to be addressed; they have decided as a fundamental assumption Not To Trust Themselves; but to surrender their judgment to some or many institutions. 

And because they regard obedience to groups as the only true virtue; the possibility that all groups are evil cannot be allowed even as a possibility; therefore no amount of evidence of evil could ever convince them it was the case.

Thursday 6 January 2022

"Follow The Science!" = Obey "the science" when science = global bureaucracy; and bureaucracy = totalitarian evil

The phrase "Follow The Science" was hardly recorded and very seldom used until April of 2020; yet now there are more that 30 million results recorded on Google. 

FTS has - almost instantly - become a new morality: the primary principle of right-living. 

Indeed, Follow The Science has become an absolute moral commandment; sustained by all official and media sources, enforced by the whole apparatus of propaganda, law and corporate regulation.

The first thing that is apparent is therefore that "follow" here means obey.  

Follow The Science means that we ought to obey "the science" - and means that we will indeed be compelled to obey The Science. And this compulsion extends across many major nations, all institutions, and all kinds of organizations (including all corporations, workplaces and churches). 

Whatever is meant by The Science is clearly regarded as of absolute importance; since the obvious intent is that everybody in the world is (sooner or later) going to be coerced to do it.   

So what is this "Science" which we are all exhorted to "follow"? Since follow-the-science is a new dominant guiding concept - and what Science means seems to be disputed in some circles - it would seem to require elucidation. 

We can immediately see that something-called-science became globally dominant in early 2020: what could this "something" actually be in the 30-million-plus usages? What was the international context that changed between March and April of 2020?  

There is the answer. That period saw the completion of a global coup under cover of the birdemic; by which the nations, and all major social institutions - including all major religions and their churches - became united by a single, hierarchical and linked, System.  

This global System naturally included the "activity formerly known as science" - in other words; the new System monitored and controlled all bureaucracy - including the bureaucracy of professional, funded, high-status and institutionally-based research

In my 2012 book Not Even Trying I described how real science - an activity self-regulated by the desire to speak truth and an absolute requirement to speak truth; had been incrementally but by them fully-replaced among professional researchers, by a type of generic bureaucracy that insistently-called-itself "science" but was untruthful

Before 2012; real science was dead. So the self-styled "science" that had replaced real science was not itself real... so what was it?  

The new not-real science was (just) a bureaucracy - with all the generic features. 

Self-styled Science was not merely real science that had become bureaucrat-ic; instead ,what we had was just-a-bureaucracy. An system that used some of the language, rituals and forms of real science - but was by intent and at root: just-a-bureaucracy.   

The new 'fake' bureaucracy-that-called-itself-science was indeed Not Even Trying to seek or to-speak truth. The new not-real fake-science was instead ruled by... well, whatever ideology dominantly ruled the larger bureaucracy at any particular time. 

So, early 2020 marked the advent of a global and essentially-complete totalitarian bureaucracy, that included the sub-bureaucracy which had replaced the activity that used-to-be real science. 


Follow The Science means nothing other than Obey The Global Bureaucracy

But is this a bad thing? 

And also because the bureaucracy is now global, and includes all institutions - i.e. it is totalitarian: and totalitarianism is necessarily and intrinsically evil

Therefore Follow The Science simply means Obey Totalitarian Evil. 

Simple; isn't it? 

Important things usually are simple... Simple to understand, but difficult to live-by. 

From your point-of-view and  mine; Follow The Science means simply Obey Evil - and all that we need to decide is whether or not to obey evil

And 'whether or not to obey evil' will depend on which side we are on in the spiritual war: the side of Good which is God; or else the side of evil which is Satan. 

(These are the only sides.)

Sunday 28 November 2021

England commences its next wave of (fake) birdemic-excused totalitarian coercion: What will happen next?

What will happen next? Who knows - but history does Not repeat itself! 

One thing we can be sure of is that this time around, it will be different

In England (but not the other - more leftist hence compliant - parts of the UK) there has been a very substantial easing of life-restrictions over the past four months; and a substantial proportion of the population especially among the young adults) have liked it. And don't want to go back to 2020-1.  

At a deep level - and at last - many people no longer believe the official birdemic narrative about the level of dangers and the nature of the 'solutions'. 

Of course there are plenty of people - especially the older middle aged, those who work in the public sector and leftist/ atheists in general - who are now permanently phobic. They have (willingly) developed a literal phobia, with obsessional rituals (especially around masking and social distancing) being used to manage their acute anxiety symptoms, and stave-off always incipient panic attacks. 

(These disorders are likely to be permanent, due to them being delusionally-supported and subjected to mainstream inverted moralization. Although phobias are nearly-always curable by behavioural therapy; these will not get-better because they do not want to get-better. To all appearances, these are Lost Souls.) 

But there are plenty of the English population who will not be so compliant this time around - including in the privacy of their minds. Anyone with commonsense (not all that many, admittedly) has come to regard the birdemic rigmarole as increasingly absurd - even though few recognize it for the deep evil that it truly is. 

In other words, the 'polarization' of the population will continue to become more extreme, and the two sides move further apart - which is A Good Thing; because the alternative to polarization is convergence; and when the Establishment are ever-more-deeply rooted in their service to evil, 'unity' means a unity-of-corruption.

My tentative prediction is that yet more people in England will continue to awaken (or begin to awaken...) to the nature of these times and especially the reality of the 2020 global totalitarian coup

The big question relates to how many such people will be able to work their own way towards a genuine spiritual awakening to the reality of God and creation, the possibility of salvation, and the transformed perspective which comes from faith in eternal resurrected life. 

I really don't know, because such a thing has never happened before - and probably was never possible or necessary before. But the abdication and treachery of the once-Christian churches has perhaps clarified the picture for some people. 

Each currently awakening individual who might be tempted to seek external guidance; finds himself surrounded by a majority of (obvious!) liars, slave masters, prison guards and would-be exploiters. If he can find among his circle of acquaintance even one person of wisdom who deserves to be trusted in relation to ultimate spiritual matters - he is probably unusual and fortunate. 

The self-styled churches are so obviously worse-than-useless that maybe people will eventually take responsibility for their own ultimate beliefs and assumptions; and realize that they themselves must do the necessary spiritual work - because there is essentially nobody who can or would help them.    

And that just happens to be exactly what they ought to be doing, anyway. 

So, overall - from a long-term and ultimate perspective - the new wave of oppression is to be welcomed as another chance for more people to begin to understand. 

It is perhaps an example of tough love from divine providence; but, after all, several decades of mass comfort, convenience, and pleasurable distraction have been a spiritual disaster of unprecedented depth and severity - and led us to... well, exactly where we now are. 

Nobody knows what will happen next; but the situation represents another chance to choose the side of Good, God and creation; and to look beyond this temporal life and to take a cosmic perspective.

Note: On the physical plane of socio-politics; I cannot see any way out from where we, in The Developed World, have placed ourselves (and therefore Mankind). Huge numbers of people over many generations have made evil (as well as stupid) choices; and our civilization is now painted into a corner with all exits blocked by multiple bad habits of expectations, motivations, thinking and behaving. In terms of material factors and at the mass level, we have asked for it; and will presumably get-it sooner or later. Some kind of mega-disastrous collapse seems unavoidable. But spiritually and for individuals, it is a different matter. Any person can be saved at any moment - if they so choose; and it is at these individuals where my hope is directed. Thus; if disaster in this mortal life and on this temporal planet is indeed inevitable regardless of politics and lifestyle; it makes an eternal difference whether this or that individual chooses eternal life. It is what matters most.  

Friday 20 August 2021

Just how clever are the demonic overlords?

Just how clever are the demonic overlords who now run the whole world at a strategic level - their few possessed, many servants, and multi-millions of dupes running things at the national and local scale? 

Are the demons, as many have claimed, supernaturally intelligent? 

The question arises because to recognize the decades of long-termist planning and manipulation (and construction of the systemic instruments of planning and manipulation) that went into the Global coup of 2020 - is to recognize an order of sustained purpose, insight and cleverness that appears to go far beyond that of the intellectual ruling classes.

(Many of whom I have known or interacted-with personally - and can confirm that they are grossly inadequate to have planned and manipulated the world in the way that it has been; and are indeed themselves dupes of the most extreme kind.)

The masses now lack even that minimal level of capacity for coherent thinking to recognize that there was a coup, or that they are now ruled globally by purposive evil, or that their very existence (and salvation) are imminently threatened! 

The masses have just enough intelligence and analytic ability, falsely to deny the obvious.  

So are the demonic masters of this world super-intelligent, perhaps by virtue of being immortal spirits?

I would say - Certainly Not

What they have-done and are-doing is readily grasped by any 'normal' adult intelligence rooted in a core belief in God and Jesus Christ*

The human problem is not a relative lack of intelligence, but an absolute deficit of coherent rooting of human intelligence.

Thus, Satan and his army of demons are merely humanly intelligent and insightful; but that ability is organized and directed over the long term of many human generations by their sleepless malice. 

Demons have nothing to do but plan and scheme for the malefit of Man and the gratification this brings to them; and that is precisely what they do do.   

This is why the powers of evil were, for so many human generations, held at bay; and only after Mankind had become so incoherently-materialistic as to deny the reality God, creation and therefore to deny Satan (who, by his nature, opposes God and creation), and thereby to deny the reality of evil...

Only then could the demons outwit Man. 

It is only because Modern Man is self-blinded and self-maimed by his (denied) metaphysical assumptions, that demons have come to seem supernaturally intelligent and clever... 

To the extent that Modern Man finds it literally inconceivable that anybody (any being) could contrive the 2020 Global coup and devise this totalitarian world. And, because it is inconceivable - Modern Man reaches for anything-but the simple, obvious explanation*.


*The experience of 2020 shows that many fewer self-identified Christians actually do have a core and rooted belief in God and Jesus Christ than I, at least, would have guessed. Since early 2020 there is now a wedge driven-between (on the one hand) those whose Christianity is externally located in a church/ scripture/ tradition/ theology; and (on the other hand) those whose Christianity is inner-based and primarily upon a direct relationship with the divine and especially Jesus (who is the Holy Ghost). Either we rely essentially on being-told; or we rely on the discernment of God from-within. Although the one does not exclude the other - and ideally both should be active; only inner or outer authority can be primary. And when authority is primarily externally located, then it will now be corrupted by totalitarian evil.   

**This (together with an incapacity coherently to conceptualize evil) accounts for the popularity of purely-hypothetical and question-begging 'emergent phenomena' as pseudo-explanations for apparently (and actually) teleological, purposive and coordinated evil leadership. Such hypotheses ('like flocking' or chaos/ complexity theories) always have a deep structure which assumes, but covertly, that which is to be explained.