Thyroid cancer survivor imposter syndrome.

Hltbell Member Posts: 4 Member
edited July 8 in Thyroid Cancer #1

My husband works with hospice, and I only underwent a surgery and thyroid replacement hormone. I'm left feeling it difficult to express my many emotions (diagnosed less than a week ago) because my cancer isn't as bad as what hospice patients go through.

Husband says he is supportive, but I can sense some resistance to focus on this at all. I am already being pressed to just move on with things and I get that....but it has just only been days.

I feel confused, frightened, alone, and selfish for feeling these things.


  • Thomasian
    Thomasian Member Posts: 6 Member


    I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer about 5 years ago. My thyroid was removed with monitoring following. Most everyone said that is was no big deal but it was a big deal to me. I did feel alone. I’ve just been diagnosed with kidney cancer…..and they are already telling me that it’s no big deal……I don’t get it.


  • Miles' mom
    Miles' mom Member Posts: 40 Member

    shame on these people. We all have our cross to bear.

    leave the "comparing" to yourself.

    Fight your fight with strength and people that will lift you up and get in the muck with you simultaneously

  • Hltbell
    Hltbell Member Posts: 4 Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about your new diagnosis! It is very strange to me that people have more concern and compassion for a case of the flu than some types of cancer.

    I will pray for your safety, and I am here to support you!

  • Hltbell
    Hltbell Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you for your support. I certainly am learning a lot about the people who are close to me, through this experience. Some just can't handle stress, others simply minimize without understanding.

    I will be my own strength! 🩷

  • GolfKeith
    GolfKeith Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi. I'm sorry I missed your original message, and I'm sorry you feel dismissed. I went through self-dismissal when I was first diagnosed with PTC. Admittedly, it does seem easier to treat than most cancers, but it is still cancer. You have every right to feel confused and frightened, but please don't feel alone. You did the best thing you could by joining CSN. It was helpful for me to see how many other folks are dealing with this cancer. I still feel like most people who aren't going through it don't get it. It feels like for most people if you aren't going through chemo, they don't think you have a real cancer. Please make sure you trust your healthcare team 100%. If not, find new providers. I've been lucky with that. Find articles from trusted organizations on this. John Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, and American Thyroid Association have some great articles to understand better what is going on. Last but not least, keep in touch on here. If someone is on here, it is because they can relate. You are not alone.