How Jews “Love” Christians

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (1827-1897)

Francesco Saverio Rondina was born in Fano, on February 28, 1827, of a notable family, and entered the Society extremely young, not yet 15 years old. Having completed his novitiate here in Rome at Sant’Andrea al Quirinale and having completed his studies with great success, he held a series of various offices, which rendered him capable of multiform ingenuity and flexibility according to the various needs. At first, he taught humanities in various colleges in Italy; but his ardent zeal for the salvation of souls prompted him to request the mission in China with the utmost insistence, with the desire to dedicate his entire life to it. He was, therefore, sent to Macau and employed there for several years in service to the college and in special care of the Portuguese colony there. He quickly acquired love and esteem among every order of persons, ecclesiastical and secular, and held very critical offices until being named the superior of the entire mission. There, they remember, to this day, with love and gratitude the great good that he worked there, as we know from his epistolary correspondence with several of the most famous people of Macau. And during his time in Macau, he had the great fortune of discovering the first sepulcher of the great Apostle to the Indies Saint Francis Saverio, after three centuries of neglect, on the Island of Shangchuan, which he restored to honor. This article originally appeared in Civilta Cattolica, journal 1068, p. 757, series IV.

After a series of sad affairs, the Fathers saw themselves, through their tears and those of their companions, obliged to abandon the dear mission. Fr. Rondina then obtained a transfer to the mission of Brazil, and by the route through Japan and across the Pacific Ocean, he disembarked in San Francisco, California. From there, he went down to Rio de Janeiro, where he attended to the sacred mission for some time, preaching in Portuguese, a language as familiar to him as his native Italian. But then stricken by fatigue, sickness and poison that all at once led him to the most extreme and dangerous perils, all faced by Fr. Rondina in the service of souls, the superiors recalled him to Italy to save this most precious life, where, soon recovered and in better strength, he dedicated himself to the ministry of the word of God, called to preach in the most noble pulpits in Italy. Thus in Rome, he preached during the Lenten season in the basilicas of Saint Peter and Saint John Lateran and often led the spiritual Exercises for the clergy and religious communities.                

The most and best of his final years, however, he dedicated to the mission of the pen. Having become a part of our College, he wrote in La Civiltà Cattolica of fine literature, history, polemics and other topics, many of which have been separately republished later with his name and form a notable bibliography together with a few other of his writings.

Here in Rome, he was an active member of the Pontifical Academy of Arcadia, where he often received much praise for his poetic inflections and religious discourses. He also wrote in many other journals and periodicals, favoring thus the good press, never knowing how to say no to anyone who requested from him any type of brief work, especially in prose or poetry, in which he had a fruitful vain and excellent taste.

If this tireless industriousness rendered him useful to society, his gentle conduct of rare simplicity rendered him dear to all those who likewise thought and behaved. A perfect and exemplar religious, he carried in his countenance the serenity of his soul. A despiser of himself, he was entirely full of charity for his neighbor. He was moved to tears at the tale of another’s pain, and above all, the misery and poverty of others especially touched his heart that he would strip himself even of his shirt to help the destitute, which he did more than once when, being superior, he freely gave generous alms.

The detachment, however, from every earthly good and the love of the heavenly things more than ever appeared in him during his final illness, which in just a few days led him to his end.

Martyrdom of Blessed Heinrich of Munich

It is true that for some time his health had been deteriorating and he was worn out by many ailments; but no one would have judged his end to be so near. He sighed constantly for paradise, and tranquil of soul as he was, he declared himself willing to die at whatever hour the Lord called him, even were he completely alone, in his cell, without bothering his brothers. Every morning, however, he received the Food of the strong, as it were the Viaticum for heaven. At the counsel of the doctors, he was prompted to go to Castelgandolfo in order to breathe purer air. After having recovered somewhat, however, and good hope regarding his health had been conceived, he suddenly fell sick on February 27 and the following day, this beautiful soul died, surrounded by his brothers, that, to their comfort from this bitter loss, will long remember his resigned and gently serene passage. The Holy Father [Leo XIII], who knew him very intimately, deigned to console him with a most special blessing.


—From the necrology of Fr. Francesco Saverio Rondina in La Civiltà Cattolica,

serie XVI, vol. IX, issue 1122

Beatus populus cuius Dominus Deus eius.





The Panama Affair

The scandalous Panama affair, in which are implicated several Jewish bankers and speculators from France, the question regarding the provision of arms, in which were involved even Jews from Prussia, the many bankruptcies carried out through Jewish artifices in Italy, the mysterious absolution of Jews, on which weighed well founded accusations, their banishment from Russia, the progress of antisemitism, all of this invites us to return to a topic that has been amply treated for ten years in this periodical; but of which, by current events and the importance of new facts and new relations, has become more than ever manifest.  

Those of our readers who wish to revisit the history of this singular people after its dispersion, must confess with us, that one of the social problems, of which the philosophy of history, without the help of the Bible and of the Gospel, will never find a solution, is the continuous existence for eighteen centuries of a nation, which lives in the midst of all the others without ever merging or identifying with a single one of them. And that which seems even stranger is that this nation subjugated with iron, now tyrannizes with gold; made tributary of all the peoples of the world, now imposes on all its tribute; and rendered liberty by the proclaimed equality of rights, now abuses of it to the shame and detriment of the very States that have conceded it to them. It does not work, but trades on the substance and on the work of others; it does not produce, but lives and fattens itself with the products of art and industry of the nations which have given it a dwelling place. It is the giant octopus that, with its immense tentacles, embraces and attracts all to itself; whose stomach is in the banks, as Toussenel graciously said,[1] and its suckers, or its blood suckers, are everywhere: in the contracts, in the monopolies, in the credit institutes and in the banks, in the post and telegraph offices, in the navigation societies and railways, in the municipal coffers and in the finances of the States. It represents the reign of capital, the financial feudalism, the aristocracy of gold, which today has succeeded that of ingenuity and that of blood; and therefore reigns without opposition; because pecuniae obediunt omnia, all bow and bend the knee before the golden calf.

Jewish Scholars

In this faithful portrait, everyone can naturally recognize depicted the Jewish nation; which insinuated itself, after its dispersion, between the interstices of the other nations, like water between the fibers of woven fabric, became for all a true principle of dissolution. For this it has been held in repugnance equally by Christians, by Muslims and by Gentiles, that is all the non Jews, and has led for many centuries a very sad, despised, unpopular life, and from time to time exposed to terrible retaliations.

But, granted the freedom of cult, and even citizenship conceded to the Jews, they were able to take advantage of this in such a way, that from our equals, they quickly became our masters. In fact, who directs politics today is the Boursa, which is in the hands of the Jews; who governs is Masonry, and even this is directed by the Jews; who manipulates public opinion to their liking is the Press, and this too is in large part inspired by and subsidized by the Jews.

They possess the principle part of the public annuity under the name of the interest of national debt; they possess the mortgages that weigh on so many lands and palaces and villas, that subsequently come to fall into their hands; they possess a large part of the private fortunes, absorbed through their shameless usury, by perfidious contracts, by monopolies so devastating for the people and by their games of the stock market, of which they are the owners. Speaking especially of the Jewish bankers, Toussenel briefly, but with good reason, said: “They sustain the State like an executioner’s rope… Fatherland, religion and faith are words void of meaning for those that close within their chest a shield instead of a heart… They have as a profession usury, as a privilege impunity for theft or rather the right to bankruptcy.”[2]

Here, some will say to us, is the reason for the antipathy to which the Jews provoke all, here is the origin of antisemitism, the latent volcano that threatens to erupt in open and general revolt against their auspicious dominion.

Yes, this is one of the reasons, but not the only, nor the principle reason. There is another reason more occult, and in it are understood all of the others. Which reason that may be, it is worth bringing again to the light of day, and placing it before the eyes of our readers, reiterating what in other times was said, with the addition of new facts and of new and more recent revelations, such that those who read these pages learn to know ever more effectively where moves the silent and constant war that Judaism wages on the other nations, especially the Christian ones. The reason to which we allude is a hatred against Christianity, imposed on the Jews by law, hatred that serves to justify to our detriment every sort of crime. We do not write with the intention of ascending or fomenting in our country antisemitism, but rather to signal to the Italians an alarm, so that they put themselves on the defensive against whoever opposes their faith, corrupts their customs and sucks their blood, in order to impoverish them, dominate them and enslave them.

Rabbinic Religion

The first and principle cause of the aversion of the Jews toward the non Jews, and principally toward the Christians, must be traced, which is incredible to say, to their very morality and religion; which is no longer the Mosaic, but rather the Talmudic or Rabbinic, formed to the caprice of the scribes and pharisees, deceitful interpreters of the law. The Talmud has suffocated the Bible, and has become the code of the Jews, or the only rule of their beliefs and of their rites and customs. It consists of two parts, and they are the Mishnah, which is the text, and the Guemarah, which is the commentary; and it is distinguished in the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud, the former from 300 and the latter from 500 years after the Christian era. The Babylonian Talmud forms a collection of 12 volumes; and is the only one that today is followed by the generality of Jews, who call it the fulfillment or the perfection, and hold it in the same esteem that we hold the Gospel. From here, therefore, we will draw the lovely theories that are taught and passed off as the word of God, as well as the duties that are inculcated toward the non Jews, and especially toward the Christians. As to those who will serve us as guides: Drach, Paolo Medici and Theophilus, converted Jews, Chiarini and Bustorfio, profound experts in the Jewish language, rites and customs, Laurent, Toussenel and Drumont, who refer to many and important confessions made by Rabbis in several proceedings, and more than any other the most erudite theologian and professor of the Hebrew language I. B. Pranaitis, who in one of his books written in Latin and published in Petroupoli, under the following title, Christianus in Talmude Iudaeorum, reports word for word the many Hebrew texts extracted from the Talmud and from its commentaries, with the corresponding Latin translation on the side, so that no one could accuse him of having falsified or mutilated the texts.

Let us look, therefore, at what the Talmud says for ourselves.

The Christian is Goim, gentile; Akum, idolator (and more properly star worshipper), Edom, edomite, Kuthim, samaritan; Basar vedam, flesh and blood, [carnal men who are destined for perdition and who can have no communion with God], etc.[3] The Christian is a murderer, unclean, dung, worse than a Turk, given to the shedding of blood and to other horrible wickedness, and so that his very encounter contaminates; in fact, he is not even properly human, but rather beast,[4] created to serve day and night the Jews “as it is an improper thing for the son of the king (the Jew) to be served by beasts in their actual form and not in human form.”[5] Do you understand yet, oh you Christians? Resign yourselves, therefore, to carry their burden and serve even as food to the Jews; for this and for no other reason were you, in their understanding, put in this world!

Do you want to know then to what species of animals, they give us the honor of being aggregated? Here it is. According to the [commentary] Zohar,[6] the Goim, or the Christians, are cows, donkeys, dogs; meanwhile according to the Yalqut Reubeni,[7] the Goim more appropriately belong to the species of swine. But even here there are between the Rabbis a diversity of opinions, because some simply call them pigs; and others add the qualification of savage, and thus wild boars.[8]

But this is not sufficient: Solomon or Schelomo Tarchi (Ruschi), commentating on a passage from Deuteronomy XIV, 21, advises that it gives us too much honor to be equalled to the beasts, and proclaims that we are even worse than them;[9] and in the Zohar,[10] we are definitively given the honorable title of children of the devil.

We have nothing to say, therefore, regarding these affectionate names, with which we are frequently designated by the Talmud and by its commentators, and which serve only to show the predilection of the Jews for certain things that etiquette prohibits us from mentioning.

The Zohar, considering us as children of the devil, asserts consequently that our souls do not proceed from the good principle or from God, but from Keliphah, the impure principle, disgrace, death or shadow of death.[11] So that after death all of us are sent together in a group to the house of the devil.[12] And thank you for the compliment!

Our cadaver, in the eyes of the Jews, is not a human body, but rather carrion;[13] and therefore must be thrown to rot with the corpses of beasts. Our prayers are worth nothing, because they are Tiflah, vacuity, vapidity, sins;[14] our churches are idolatrous temples, impure places, sewers, pigsties;[15] our feasts, days of perdition; our priests, priests of Baal;[16] Christ, the Virgin, the Saints… it is here that we stop ourselves so as to not stain these pages with the horrible blasphemies, with which overflow the Talmud and the other Jewish books.[17]

Given this lovely conception that the Jews have of us, is it any wonder that they make it a duty to conspire perpetually against us? If they consider us beasts in the form of humans, and beasts destined by God to serve them, it is natural that they treat us, wherever possible, as beasts. If in their eyes we are not children of God, but of Satan, what wonder is it that they hold us in abomination, and work to enslave us or exterminate us? “Of the 500 passages, says Chiarini, that in the Talmud refer to morality, as many as 490 are not applicable if not only to the morality that the Jews must observe between themselves,”[18] and even this is a very broad morality; since the Talmud permits that the Jews abandon themselves to their passions, as long as they do not profane openly the name of God.[19] If at times the observance of the duties towards the non Jews is recommended, it is only to throw dust in our eyes and numb us in the persuasion that the Jews do not profess anything antisocial.[20]

Pretend to be in Need

But to arrive at particulars, the precept of the natural law and the Mosaic law that commands the love of one’s neighbor, is not, according to the spirit of the Talmud, a universal precept, but restricted only to Jews and their friends.[21] They must love each other but not the Goim, or the Christians, who are not men but beasts.

In fact, Chullin teaches that “the Christians should flee as those unworthy of the association of the Jews; since they are of such dignity, that not even the angels equal them!”[22] Such modesty! And yet the Sanhedrin has a consideration to add: “A Jew should consider himself practically equal to God! The entire world is his, everything should serve him, especially the beasts in the form of humans, that is the Christians.”[23] Is that clear?

Now behold the consequences that derive from these lovely principles. — All of our possessions belong to the Jews; because only they are humans, and therefore have the right to possess, while we are not persons, but things. Consequently, the Talmud and the doctors declare usury,[24] fraud,[25] larceny,[26] and theft[27] licit to the Jews against the Christians. Even more so, thus, do they permit the Jews to retain and appropriate the things lost by Christians;[28] in fact, they impose this on them as a duty,[29] as also not informing the Christians of any error committed in the contracts to their own detriment;[30] under the condition that (and here is to be admired the Jewish equity) that “if a Jew is in partnership with another Jew, and is able to defraud a Christian in weight, in number or in measure, he divides the profit with his partner.”[31]

And, therefore, to liberate the souls of any scruple, that by chance could have incubated itself in the depths of any conscience a bit more obedient to the natural law, they declare ex cathedra how and in what manner the properties of the non Jews, including here those of the Christians, are like the desert, or rather abandoned properties, which consequently belong to the first occupying Jew. This is what the Talmud says;[32] and Rabbi Joseph Abo adds here his invaluable argument: “If the life of the idolater (meaning the life of the Christian) is at the discretion of the Jews, much more are his possessions.”[33]“ There is no denying it. They make a very compelling argument. But this lovely and philanthropic doctrine, in spite of all the lights of the nineteenth century, is to remain in the darkness; since it is prohibited to every Jew under the penalty of death to reveal it to the Christians. This was a necessary precaution: but that insanity of socialism, offspring of Jewish Masonry, threatens to render everything public; with which will come without a doubt the ruin of the Jewish party.  

The synagogue has a nice saying for its own: Pretend to be in need even of the Christians to better trap them.[34] And here all of the veils fall; and the Jewish secret is revealed in all of its horror. Up to now it has been known, by the constant experience of so many centuries, that the Jew was the bloodsucker of the Christian; but a majority did not know that he did this on principle, by law, as an obligation of conscience. Now we are certain of this new morality, new certainly for many among us; and better will be able to defend ourselves against the clawed and thieving hands of this devout and pious Judaism.

But, how will we defend ourselves, if it has already become master of everything that is ours? Cross Italy, and you will see that the majority of properties, where the Church was despoiled, today is in the hands of the Jews. Ask in Venice, Florence, Padua, Torino, and other Italian cities, in whose hands have come so many ducal and princely palaces and villas; and they will respond to you, in the hands of Jacob, Moses, Soloman, all Jews. Go a bit into the secret things, and investigate the origin of so many destructions and bankruptcies of great Italian houses, and there you will discover Jewish handiwork. You will see it all to be the work of Judaism, in harmony with Masonry, which now holds the net over Catholic Italy and Rome especially, to capture the little bird which has just left its nest, and therefore, more inexperienced and more easy to snare in its web. And the hunt has been beyond all imagination successful; since our compatriots do not utilize trading, much less speculative trading, deliberate bankruptcies, or any of the thousands of tricks of the speculators, they have let the Jews strip from them the majority of their possessions and properties, pluck from them their feathers and cook them in salsa.

The people, oh even the people find themselves in the sweaters of the Synagogue, strapped and tightened, to the point of losing their breath, by the Jewish usurers, by the unjust Masonic taxes and by the savings lost because of so many bankruptcies, the majority of which are due to Jewish perfidy. Proof of this is the recent Panama affair, coordinated by Jews, and which brought about the bankruptcy of so many families: and when a bit of light is shone on certain brankruptices or great losses which occurred in Italy and in Rome, it is seen how much in them there was the conspiracy of Israelite bankers and businessmen.

One of them confessed to us, laughing, that he spent only a few thousand lire to pay journalists, so that they would maintain alive in Rome the persuasion that they were wanting to move to another location the central railway station of Rome; which led many Roman men to buy at a high price terrains or plots, which after, having discovered the falsity of the news, had to resell for pennies on the dollar.

We will never arrive at the end, if we wish to continue like this, so much is the material that the history of our days proportions us! But someone more well versed in these fraudes of sly and rogue Jews will do so one day in greater detail and better than us.

Freemasons in Regalia

Consult meanwhile, dear readers, what Drumont says in his work, La France Juive, and Toussenel in his entitled Les Juifs rois de l’èpoque. According to the latter “in France alone the fruit of usury and of Jewish parasitism amounts from four to five billion. Whoever riches himself by speculative trading, enriches himself at the expense of others. Calculate now the miseries, the desperation, the suicides that this wealth costs!”[35] And Drumont even more deliberately sets out to remove the good wool of the Jews, that have impoverished the Christian nations; and even having fallen victim to their intrigues, did not however restrain from lifting up his voice from his prison cell to put the French on the alert against the Jewish tricks and frauds.

This shout of alarm is also heard in Italy, Austria, Hungry, Germany, Poland and in Russia, where it reached such an extent that the people, especially from the countrysides, could no longer buy or sell if not through a Jewish agent. Which moved to such indignation the Czar, that in order to eradicate the evil by the roots, banished that wicked race in large part from his empire.

The Font of Masonry

Not all of the harm that these harpies do to the Christian people is restricted to merely rummaging their purses and sucking from them their sustenance, but that which is worse, they mess with the honor, the culture and the faith; and to this effect serve journalism, school and the lodge.

Journalism, in fact, which is the principal means of propaganda, is perhaps by two-thirds in the hands of the Jews, and horrendously torments people and sacred things. The secular schools, where atheism is taught and practiced, or if nothing else where the poison of anti-Christian doctrines is offered, are in many cities, especially in Austria, directed by Jews. The lodge finally, or the Masonic congregation—whence moves the war that today is waged on Christianity, and whence comes a swarm of deputies, ministers, prefects, public employees—is also in the service of the synagogue. Of Jews is largely composed the Supreme Council which directs the whole Masonic body; judaic is the hatred, of which it is invaded against the Church of Jesus Christ; judaic is the program of Freemasonry, which is — to rebuild the Solomonic temple on the ruins of the Christian temple, or to speak out of metaphor, — de-Christianize the world; judaic are the names of the various Masonic degrees or dignities, judaic are the words of passage, and judaic are the symbols, the rites, and all the rest that belongs to Freemasonry.

Who in these moral features will not recognize in Freemasonry the legitimate daughter of the synagogue? But the Freemasonry of our days tyrannizes nations and governments. Is it therefore beyond reason to say that we are made slaves of Judaism? Now what else could we expect from a race of people who hate to death the Christian nations, if not that which we already suffer, that is, misery, humiliation, intellectual and moral decadence, with the loss of that faith, which is also the soul and the life of Christian civilization?

Except that hatred and the desire for revenge is a fleeting passion, which can dissolve over time: but you can not say the same of a principle or a system that rests on a false moral and religious doctrine. And this is precisely the real and ultimate reason of how much Judaism does or tries to do to our detriment. His law commands it to him, not the Mosaic, but rather the Talmudic law; his priests and teachers inculcate it; his moral and religious books, as we have seen, impose it on him as a duty; what wonder then that even today the Jew is completely set about to the work of doing the greatest evil that he can to Christians? The Zohar would even like every seed of Christianity to be extinguished, and it gives this beautiful reason: If the idolaters (that is, the Christians) propagate, the world could not subsist.” (It has, however, subsisted for many centuries). Therefore, as we are taught, man (that is, the Jew) must not leave any place on earth to these terrible thieves. Because if they propagate, the earth would be populated by dogs!”[36]

Scottish verses York Rites of Freemasonry

How’s that for a compliment, dear readers? And because the seat of Catholicism and the center of the Christian world is Rome, the cry of the Jews is also today, as it once was, Roma delenda [Rome must be destroyed]; but the difference being, that, if they hated the Rome of the Caesars, because it was their enemy, they now hate the Rome of the Popes because they are Christian, and because its destruction, according to the prophecy of the Jewish doctors, will mark the beginning of the redemption and the universal dominion of Israel.[37] The books of the Jews are full to the brim with these prophecies; and we must again treat them to make clear and open to anyone who wants to know how the Jews have for duty of conscience to strip us not only of our sustenance, as we saw, but also of our skin, as we will see later.

No Scruples

Does this seem to you, dear readers, an exaggeration of ours, or even an invention, a slander? Well, suspend for a little while your judgement, continue reading, and then you will be able to say if we oppose the truth.

 “Consider the Christians, says the Talmud, as beasts and wild animals, and treat them as such. Do neither good nor evil to the Gentiles, but put all your ingenuity and your zeal in destroying the Christians.[38] If one of you encounters a Christian on the edge of a precipice, you are bound to push him in.”[39] Maimonides, who is one of their greatest teachers, teaches them that “Every Jew, who does not kill a non Jew, when he can, violates a negative precept.”[40]

Merely saving oneself from the hands of the Jews is not enough to be a harmless, respectable, benevolent person; because the Abhoda-Zarah declares that the best among the Goim, or Christians, deserves death.[41] The Zohar then proposes in several places the same death sentence indiscriminately against all Christians, including the kings;[42] and also has the courtesy of letting us know how we are to be expelled from the world, adding that “the Christians are to be slaughtered like beasts.”[43]

And in order that the Jews have no scruples about throwing us a party even on the most solemn days dedicated to the Lord, it is made known to them that “No solemnity is to prevent the Jew from slaughtering a Christian.”[44]

In a particular way the death penalty is fulminated against the non Jew who studies the Jewish law; and the reason given is that non Jews are not men.[45] Condemned to death is the Jew who is baptized;[46] the Christian slave who refuses to submit to the seven precepts of Noah;[47] every non Jew who sanctifies Sunday, that is, every good Christian;[48] anyone who reveals the secret of blood;[49] who causes money to pass from the Jews into the hands of the Christians,[50] and who deposes against one of his fellow Jews in court, even were he the greatest villain in the world.[51]

And because most of the time it is not possible for the Jews to put into practice such charitable and salutary precepts, the Zohar imposes on them the duty to always arrange snares for the Christians.[52] The Hilkhoth then reminds them that they “according to the law (not Mosaic but Talmudic) can never cease from the extermination of the Christians,[53] and that where they cannot exterminate them with iron, they are to do so with gold.”[54] At last it is proclaimed lawful to make use of frauds, of lies, and even of perjury to convict a Christian.[55]

The New Temple Sacrifice

If the Jew has, by obligation, to damage the Christian in his possessions and in his person, all the more reason will he [the Jew] have to not help him in his needs. In fact, it is required that the Jew does not cure the sick Christian,[56] even if he does not want to do as that Jewish doctor who rejoiced in the deaths having to do with his recipes, sending into the afterlife a few thousand Christians.[57] It is required to not help Christian women in labor,[58] and not to lend help to a Christian in danger on earth or in water; but rather to make efforts so that no other help comes.[59] It is forbidden for the Jew to give gifts to a Christian,[60] in so far as there is no hope of remuneration, or to achieve peace.[61] He must not sit at the table with him, nor make use of the bread and milk, from which he eats and drinks;[62] neither congratulate the same,[63] nor praise him[64] nor even pronounce his name.[65] It is then strictly forbidden to him to appeal to the Christian courts,[66] or to call a Christian witness,[67] to make use of Chrisian nurses, teachers, and doctors;[68] and all this because they [the Christians] are unclean, idolaters[69] and everything else mentioned above. In sum, it is not lawful to do good to Christians under pain of not resurrecting after death. So says the Zohar.[70] But Maimonides, as a good Jew, finds a way to have his cake and eat it too, saying “it is lawful to do good even to Christians, but when it can benefit Israel, or when it can serve to calm him [the Christian] and better conceal the enmity toward the Christians.”[71] “In this case, the Jew can also participate in the feasts of Christians; but only in the intent of hiding his hatred toward them better, as hypocrites.” Thus teaches the Iore Dea.[72] And it seems to me that we have enough Talmudic precepts regarding charity toward others…


[…] This is just an excerpt from the June 2024 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. To read the full article, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!


Culture of Death Watch

Glazer’s Choice by by Dr. E. Michael Jones


How Jews “Love” Christians by Fr. Francesco Saverio Rondina, S.J.


Macbeth - Dock X London by Sean Naughton


[1]                TOUSSENEL, Les Juifs rois de l’époque t. 1, p. XXIX Introd.


[2]                TOUSSENEL, op. cit. I, p. 131-171.


[3]                Cf. PRANATIS, Christianus in Talmude Iudaeorum, Pars prima, Cap. 2, art. 1, p. 47-52, Edit. Petropoli, 1892.


[4]                Talmud, Tractate Bava Metzia fol. 114, Ed. of Amsterdam 1643, and Tractate Berakhot fol. 88. — Maimonides Treatise on Homicide, cap. 2, art. II. V. through PRANATIS, op. cit. 1st Part, cap. 2, p. 54-61.


[5]                Midrasch Talpioth f. 255 d., through the same author, op. cit. p. 60-61.


[6]                Zohar II, 63, 64b.


[7]                Yalqut Reubeni fol. 16, col. 3.


[8]                Rabbi Bechai in the book Kad Hakkemach, and Rabbi Edela in the book Kethuboth 110 b. (Cf. PRANATIS, op. cit. p. 61).


[9]                See in PRANATIS, op. cit. pp. 61, 62.


[10]               Zohar I, 28 b and 63.


[11]               Zohar I, 131 a — 46 b — 47 a = Emek hammelec 23 d. — See in PRANATIS, op. cit. pp. 64, 65.


[12]               Rosch haschanach 17 a, See in PRANATIS, op. cit. p. 65.


[13]               Iore dea 377, I — Jebhammoth 61 a.


[14]               So say the Talmudists; See in PRANATIS, op. cit. p. 72.


[15]               Revelations of Theophilus reported in the pamphlet entitled: Il sangue cristiano… ecc. [The Christian Blood… etc.] published in Prato in 1883. See p. 23.


[16]               See PRANATIS, op. cit. 1st part, c. 1.


[17]               Whoever may wish to know to what lengths Jewish impiety can extend, reach the first and second chapter of the frequently cited work by Prof. Pranatis.


[18]               CHIARINI, Théorie du Judaïsme [Theory of Judaism], tom. 2, p. 90, Ed. of Paris 1830.


[19]               See the Hebrew text in CHIARINI, op. cit. tom. 2, p. 77.


[20]               Id. op. cit., p. 289. 


[21]               Id. ib. p. 25.


[22]               Chullin 91 b. — See in PRANATIS, op. cit. 2nd part, pp. 76, 77.


[23]               Sanhedrin 586. — See in PRANATIS, op. cit. 2nd part, pp. 76, 77.


[24]               Abhodah Zarah 54 a — Bava Metzia c. V, § 6, p. 14. — See in PRANATIS, op. cit. 2nd part, pp. 96-100.


[25]               Babha Kama 113 b — Coschen ham 156, 5 Ilagah. — See in PRANATIS, op. cit. 2nd part, pp. 96-100.


[26]               Babha Bathra 54 b. — See in PRANATIS, op. cit. 2nd part, pp. 96-100.


[27]               Talmud, Bava Metzia fol. III


[28]               Coschen ham 266, I. — The foundations of the law, 3rd part, c. 23.


[29]               Maimonides, Treatise on theft and things lost.


[30]               Coschen Hammischpat 183, 7.


[31]               Coshen Hammischpat 183, 7.


[32]               Talmud, Bava Bathra 54, 2. Cf. CHIARINI, op. cit. tom. 2, p. 58.


[33]               Coschen-ham 266, 1. and The foundations of the law, 3rd part, c. 25.


[34]               Iore dea 157, 2 Hagah.


[35]               Tom. 2, p. 85, 4th Ed. of Paris


[36]               Zohar II, 64 b; See in PRANATIS, op. cit., 1st part, c. 2, art. 2, p. 63 


[37]               Rabbi Bechaj in Kadhakkemach, pp. 51, 52; See in Bustorfio-Synag. Iud. etc., c. 2, p. 460, Ed. Basileae 1580.


[38]               Talmud, tom. 3, bk. 2, c. 4, art. 5, p. 297


[39]               Talmud, tom. 3, bk. 2, c. 4, art. 5, p. 297


[40]               Sepher Mitzot, fol. 85, c. 2, 3.


[41]               Abhoda-Zarah 26 b Tosephoth.


[42]               Zohar I, 25 a. I, 2196.


[43]               Zohar II, 119 a.


[44]               Pesachim 49 b.


[45]               Avoda Zara 8, I in Tosephot; See in CHIARINI, op. cit. p. 71, and Sanhedrin 59 a.


[46]               Hilkhath Akum X, 2 — Iore Dea 158, 2 Hagah.


[47]               Maimonides, Treatise on Circumcision c. I, art. 6


[48]               Talmud, Sahanderim, p. 58


[49]               Cf. Trial of Damascus, Civiltà Cattolica, Serie II vol. X p. 603


[50]               Coschen ham 388, 15 and 425, 5.


[51]               Talmud, Berachot 18.


[52]               Zohar I, 160 a.

Compare the cited places in the Hebrew and Latin texts reported in PRANATIS, op. cit. 2nd part, pp. 105, 116, and in CHIARINI, op. cit. tom. 1. § 3, beginning on p. 345.


[53]               Hilkhoth Akum X, 1 and 7.


[54]               Cochen hammischpat, 388, 16.


[55]               Baha-Kama 113 b. Toseph. and Kallah 1 b, p. 18.


[56]               Iore dea 158, 1.


[57]               Blessed Bernardino da Feltre narrated this fact in one of his sermons in Siena in 1489; and another Jewish doctor, who was sentenced to death, likewise confessed to the Magistrate of Milan. 


[58]               Orach chaiim 330, 2.


[59]               Coschen hammischpat 425, 5 and Iore dea 158, 1. 


[60]               Hilkhtoh Akum X, 5.


[61]               Abhoda Zarah 20 a. — Iore dea 112, 1.


[62]               Abhoda Zarah 35 b.


[63]               Gittin 62 a.


[64]               Abhodah Zarah 20 Toseph.


[65]               Hilkhoth Akum V, 12.


[66]               Coschen hammischpat 26, 1.


[67]               Coschen hammischpat 34, 19.


[68]               Iore dea 81, 7 — 153, 1 — 155, 1.


[69]               Abodah Tarah 726 — 2 a.


[70]               Zohar 1, 25 b.


[71]               Maimonides in Hilkhtoh Akum X, 6.


[72]               Iore dea 148, 12 Hagah.


[73]               Sepher Or Israel 177 b — Ialjut Simoni 245 c. n. 772 — Bamidbar rabba 229 c.


[74]               Zohar II, 43 a — Zohar III, 227 b — Mkdasch Melech ad Zohar fol. 62.


[75]               Zohar I, 38 b and 39 a.


[76]               See Civiltà Cattolica, Serie 11 vol. VIII. IX. X. in the Cronaca [Chronicle] under the heading Rome.


[77]               Relation historique des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840 jusqu’en 1842 par ACHILLE LAURENT, membre de la Société orientale. This work has become exceedingly rare, because it was made to disappear by the Jews.


[78]               A summary can also be seen in the work of the Bollandists. — Acts of the Saints, vol. IX tom. 3 of March, under the 24th day of March.


[79]               We will not say anything of the recent trials of Tisza-eszlar and Xanten, because in them the Jewish defendants managed to escape by a broken thread. We will only say that having read the proceedings of the trial of Xanten, reported in full by Verona fidelis, we could not refrain from exclaiming “Oh power of Jewish gold!”


[80]               On p. 323, 6th Ed. of Torino — Pub. Borri 1874.


[81]               Cf. Civiltà Cattolica, Serie II vol. VIII, beginning on p. 230.


[82]               Op. cit. p. 34-36.


[83]               Op. cit. c. 3, p. 20.


[84]               Ibid. c. 8, p. 33.


[85]               Ibid. c. 2, p. 19.


[86]               Ibid. c. 7, pp. 20, 21.


[87]               Ibid. c. 5, p. 25.


[88]               Ibid. c. 5, p. 24.


[89]               Ibid c. 2, p. 37; and the same is confirmed by Chiarini, Theophilus, Pranatis, Medici, etc.


[90]               These Passover maledictions can be read in the work by BUXTORF., Synag. Iud. c. 18, p. 416. Ed. Basileae 1580.


[91]               Ibid. op. cit. c. VII, beginning on p. 26.


[92]               Ibid. p. 28.


[93]               Ibid. p. 27.


[94]               Ibid. p. 29.


[95]               Affaires de Syrie t. 2 320, Ed. of Paris 1846.


[96]               See the preceding article: Civiltà Cattolica, Journal 1022, p. 145.


[97]               Citations of many authors can be seen here below in the chronological list that we put before the eyes of our readers.


[98]               LAURENT, op. cit. tom. 2, pp. 342, 343, 344 — Ed. of Paris 1846. 


[99]               DRUMONT, op. cit. tom. 2, beginning on p. 382 — 4th Ed. of Paris.


[100]             LAURENT, op. cit. tom. 2, pp. 342, 343, 344 — Ed. of Paris 1846. 


[101]             See the chronological list of the most well known murders and infanticides committed by the Jews at the end of this article.