In Memoriam: Nader Talebzadeh

Nader Talebzadeh passed away last week. I got an e-mail a few days earlier asking for prayers. He was in the intensive care unit. His heart, weakened by the effects of a poison gas attack which damaged his lungs during the Iraq-Iran war, was functioning at five percent of its normal capacity. A week later I learned that he had died…

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Walt Disney and the Jews

Walt Disney and the Jews

Watered in turn by powerful hurricanes and the blood of martyrs, Florida continues to be the scene of epic battles. Today, my home state of Florida is the site of the crucial battle between representative government and big-tech oligarchic rule. The man elected by the people to promote the common good is Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, who is “not the kind of Roman Catholic who draws cheers from journalists who admire progressive Catholics.” On March 28, 2022, DeSantis signed into law The Parental Rights in Education bill to combat the grooming of small children in Florida’s classrooms. This daring act landed him astride the broad back of Bucking Bull Bob Chapek, Walt Disney’s CEO, who was immediately roused out of the gate by the Left to, according to DeSantis, mobilize his “considerable corporate resources out of the coffers” of his “Burbank, CA-based corporation to overturn the rights of parents in the State of Florida, and effectively commandeer our democratic process.”

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The Dangers of Beauty

The Dangers of Beauty

Desert Island Discs is 80 years old this year. The BBC Radio 4 favorite owes a great deal of its enduring popularity to the simple perfection of its interview form. To make desert island existence more endurable, each guest is permitted eight pieces of music, one book and one luxury. The same two books are given to every guest — the Bible and the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Each guest gets to choose a third. When you, dear reader, get your D.I.D. 45 minutes of fame, may I suggest that you choose E. Michael Jones’ latest book. If you insist, as the ideal complement to the Bible and the Bard, to go for one of Jones’ other tomes — any one of which will double very nicely as a desert island coffee table – then I suggest this simple solution: take, let’s say Logos Rising as your book, and take The Dangers of Beauty as your luxury.

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There's Something About Ukraine

There's Something About Ukraine

Want to read something about Ukraine? A great lost Catholic thriller from the early 20th century, The Supreme Crime, is set there. Elite newspapers publish annual recommended summer reading lists (“Hottest Summer Reads,” “Ultimate Beach Reads,” etc.), which are usually books on current events, or, alternatively, are scorching page-turners that are easy to read while on vacation? This book is both.

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