The Ethnic Cleansing of German Minorities after the War

The Ethnic Cleansing of German Minorities after the War

The change from semitic vengeance to social engineering as the basis for America’s policy during the immediate post war period got imposed on the German people by John J. McCloy, who would also impose social engineering in the form of ethnic cleansing on Catholic ethnic neighborhoods in the United States during the period immediately following his tenure as High Commissioner in Germany. As head of the Ford Foundation in the 1960s, McCloy would employ Black ministers like Leon Sullivan to recruit Black sharecroppers from North and South Carolina to drive Catholics out of ethnic neighborhoods in Philadelphia…

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Restoring Iran’s Vision: Sexuality, Women, and the Logos Incarnate

Restoring Iran’s Vision: Sexuality, Women, and the Logos Incarnate

When the spring rains melt the winter snows in South Bend, Indiana the St. Joseph River overflows its banks and becomes dangerous enough to kill you. On one of those spring days, I was walking across the LaSalle Street bridge when a black woman approached me from the west bank and asked if had had a cell phone. When I told her I didn’t, she replied by saying, “I need to call my momma because I’m gonna kill myself.” At that point, she hopped over the railing and stood on the ledge over the raging St. Joe River 40 feet below preparing to jump…

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