The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz

The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz

And to be honest, this sort of approach, which is contained in the book, is very much in the insulting style of the testimony of Vrba himself. He is portrayed as the great hero putting the counsel for the defense, Douglas Christie, in his place. But no-one reading the transcript could ever come to such a conclusion. Vrba is obstructive and disrespectful from the very beginning of his testimony. True to his reputation, he regularly insulted Christie and the defendant. In fact, Christie at one point politely struck back by suggesting that Vrba must have used trick memory techniques to keep his lies straight. Vrba flashed back, “Should I bring you six million bodies here that are the proof?”

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Germar Rudolf, Revisionism, and The Angel of Auschwitz: Part Two

Germar Rudolf, Revisionism, and  The Angel of Auschwitz: Part Two

Having dealt with what is undoubtedly the biggest weapon in the mainstream Holocaust propaganda campaign, namely Auschwitz (once referred to in this context by David Irving as “the great battleship Auschwitz,” with the major task for revisionists being, “Sink the Auschwitz!”), Germar Rudolf moves on to look at other camps, beginning with the so-called “Operation Reinhardt” camps, the terminology used by mainstream writers for the alleged systematic extermination of Jews in three “pure extermination camps” in eastern Poland, namely Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibór. Rudolf asserts that this claim of mass murder is wrong…

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Germar Rudolf, Revisionism, and The Angel of Auschwitz: Part One

Germar Rudolf, Revisionism, and  The Angel of Auschwitz: Part One

As Dr. Thomas Dalton has also stated, “Holocaust revisionists are often called ‘Holocaust deniers’ by mainstream writers. This appellation is both derogatory and, technically, almost meaningless.”9 What is needed, as was stated in the earlier article, is a recognition that an objective investigation of empirical issues can arrive at the truth, and that it is essential to state the truth in love. What follows is an attempt once more to do exactly that, setting it in the context of two lives and two struggles, those of Germar Rudolf and of Eduard Wirths….

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The Nuremberg Trials: Principle versus Pragmatism

The Nuremberg Trials: Principle versus Pragmatism

In almost all events where human beings are involved, there will be differences of opinion regarding how to interpret these events. In this connection we also see vastly different characters at play, each trying to put his or her own particular perspective on what happened. The case of the Nuremberg trials is no exception to this. We see in that event tragedy, comedy (perhaps surprisingly), courage, cowardice, irony, naivety, and even commonsense.

What follows is a review of the law and process governing both the trials and the lead up to them. To examine things in this way can be somewhat abstract and regulatory. It is very important to look at the interplay between the participants and to examine the human personalities involved and, of course, the fact that individuals were on trial for their very lives.

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The Denial of Holocaust Denial: Robert Faurisson's Case for Revisionism

The Denial of Holocaust Denial: Robert Faurisson's Case  for Revisionism

What is the number one taboo subject today in Western society? At different times the average person would perhaps have singled out the topics of homosexuality; the relations between the different races; illegal immigration; even questions of sex generally. Today, to cast doubt upon global warming/climate change is almost out of bounds. However, the present writer’s nomination for number one goes, without a shadow of a doubt, to the Holocaust.

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