Report From the Floor of Hell

Report From the Floor of Hell

Merrick Garland has turned the FBI into the long arm of Jewish vengeance which gets deployed against anyone who has the temerity to challenge the legitimacy of the Jewish sacrament of abortion, but no one was willing to bring up his Jewishness as relevant to the discussion, even though Hawley had no hesitation in identifying Catholic prolifers as the victims. The subsequent equation—Catholics vs. FBI agents—was lopsided and ultimately mystifying—the FBI has long been a career path for Catholics—b

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"Tell Me What You See" What I Saw at the Houck Trial

"Tell Me What You See" What I Saw at the Houck Trial

   In one of his first interviews with the FBI, Bruce Love admitted that he actually thinks that Houck’s intention in pushing him was to protect his son because of what Love calls Houck’s “warped sense of reality.” By Love’s own admission, he as the accuser gives testimony that Houck’s intention was not to intimidate or prevent access to the clinic. This point is critical because in FACE Act charges, the government must prove this motive. After listening to the government’s argument, and hearing Love’s testimony, which bore no semblance of reality compared to what was seen on video, it must be asked, who here has the warped sense of reality?

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How I Landed on the FBI Hit List Targeting "Radical Traditionalist Catholics"

How I Landed on the FBI Hit List Targeting "Radical  Traditionalist Catholics"

The white supremacy and Latin Mass connections, however, are not in the document created by the SPLC which created the whole brouhaha in the first place. That document mentioned “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” but as part of a group they designated as the “Dirty Dozen,” a congeries which had no internal coherence and no common denominator outside of the mind of its creator, Heidi Beirich, the SPLC henchwoman who compiled the list in 2007.

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The Full Truth Behind Jordan Peterson's Speech on Logos

The Full Truth Behind Jordan Peterson's Speech  on Logos

What Peterson should have said is that Christianity united Greek philosophical thought with the Hebrew historical narrative of salvation history in the Gospel of St. John, which probably got written at Ephesus when John was living there with the Blessed Mother. Instead of pondering the metaphysical prologue of that Gospel or explicating the enigmatic statements of Heraclitus who was the first Greek philosopher to propose Logos as the ultimate reality of the universe, Peterson comes up with his own definition of “the idea of Logos, which was that the divine element of the human was courageous exploratory communicator. That’s the Logos idea.”

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How Jack Nicklaus became a Dishonored Employee in the Company He Founded

How Jack Nicklaus became a Dishonored Employee in the Company He Founded

Jack Nicklaus retired from professional golf in 2005 after one of the most successful careers in PGA history. In addition to winning every major tournament numerous times, Nicklaus began a parallel career as a designer of golf courses in the mid-1960s, when he collaborated with Pete Dye in creating The Golf Club in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio.

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“Put Yo Chain on, Nigga,” How Dave Chappelle Turned Anti-Semitism into a Joke

“Put Yo Chain on, Nigga,” How Dave Chappelle Turned Anti-Semitism into a Joke

The Kyrie Irving incident seemed at first glance to be the classic example of hysterical Jewish over-reaction leading to the exact opposite of what the Jews intended to bring about. In response to a basketball player recommending a recent movie—From Hebrews to Negroes—which was available on Amazon, the Jewish CHEKA, otherwise known as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), demanded Irving’s head on a platter, leading the NBA to suspend him for five games and to issue a six-point plan which he had to fulfill before Adam Silver, the Jew who headed the NBA, would allow him to return to the league…

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Notre Dame, Abortion, and the Jewish Question

Notre Dame, Abortion, and the Jewish Question

On November 3, 2022, the University of Notre Dame hosted a debate between College Democrats and College Republicans which suddenly and unexpectedly turned from contentious to nasty when the question of abortion arose. Blake Ziegler, spokesman for the College Democrats, opened the abortion segment of the debate by saying, “I proudly affirm the women’s right to choose.”1 “For nearly 50 years,” he continued, “our nation recognized this fundamental right…

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The Magi, the Hijab Crisis, and Iran's Divided Soul

The Magi, the Hijab Crisis, and Iran's Divided Soul

Following her death in September, Mahsa Amini became the face which ignited massive protests in Iran over that government’s dress code. Over the course of the next few weeks, Amini became a feminist icon in Iran. Like all icons, Amini had little to say about how her image was venerated. The woman in charge of putting words into her mouth was Masih Alinejad, a frizzy haired harridan who lives in New York city and is an employee of Voice of America Persian, which is “part of an international network of propaganda-producing organizations originally created by the CIA.

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Requiem for a Figurehead

Requiem for a Figurehead

Apparently the Critical Race theoreticians never learned that we are not to speak ill of the dead. This became apparent when the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II of England spread through the ether on September 8, 2022. Uju Anya, an “anti-racist” associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, sparked outrage after calling the ailing queen the head of a “thieving, raping, genocidal empire” and concluded her diatribe by hoping that whatever pain she experienced while dying was “excruciating.”

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Who Killed Daria Dugina?

Who Killed Daria Dugina?

In an article in the Unz Review in July, retired CIA agent Philip Giraldi described an encounter he had at what he called “an antiwar conference.”

Five years ago, I wrote an article entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s wars.” It turned out to be the most popular piece that I have ever written and I was rewarded for it by immediately being fired by the so-called American Conservative magazine, where I had been a regular and highly popular contributor for fourteen years. I opened the article with a brief description of an encounter with a supporter whom I had met shortly before at an antiwar conference. The elderly gentleman asked “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has mentioned Israel in this conference, and we all know it’s American Jews with all their money and power who are supporting every war in the Middle East for Netanyahu? Shouldn’t we start calling them out and not letting them get away with it?”…

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Feminism, Socialism, and the Struggle for New Heights

Feminism, Socialism, and the  Struggle for New Heights

Why would a Soviet-led expedition of eight women climbers prefer to die, in the worst storm that hit Lenin Peak in twenty five years, rather than accept help from fellow male climbers?

Not considered steep or technical, but nonetheless very high at 7,134 meters (23,406 feet), situated within the Pamir Mountain range at the Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan border. Lenin Peak is subject to harsh, unstable weather conditions. It is known by climbers for its strong winds, frosty temperatures, with sections of moderately steep ice. At such a high altitude the weather can turn very suddenly with an additional risk from avalanches for those ascending or descending. The peak is the highest mountain in the Trans-Alai range. This combination of changeable weather and high altitudes has resulted in the deaths of many of its climbers…

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Germar Rudolf, Revisionism, and The Angel of Auschwitz: Part Two

Germar Rudolf, Revisionism, and  The Angel of Auschwitz: Part Two

Having dealt with what is undoubtedly the biggest weapon in the mainstream Holocaust propaganda campaign, namely Auschwitz (once referred to in this context by David Irving as “the great battleship Auschwitz,” with the major task for revisionists being, “Sink the Auschwitz!”), Germar Rudolf moves on to look at other camps, beginning with the so-called “Operation Reinhardt” camps, the terminology used by mainstream writers for the alleged systematic extermination of Jews in three “pure extermination camps” in eastern Poland, namely Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibór. Rudolf asserts that this claim of mass murder is wrong…

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The Guinea Pig Speaks

The Guinea Pig Speaks

In one of my numerous podcasts, I announced that I was a guinea pig in a social experiment which had been kept a secret from me for my entire life. The name of that experiment was social engineering. It began shortly after the Allied victory in World War II by driving my family out of our ethnic neighborhood in Philadelphia, and it eventually drove my generation insane with a combination of sex, drugs, and rock ’n roll. The one thing that remained constant during this period of time was the silence of the social engineers and the ignorance of the guinea pigs who had been the unwitting recipients of their ministrations. The author who writes under the pseudonym of Margaret Clare Devlin has done the baby boomer generation a favor by breaking that silence in a way that is no less shocking than it would have been if a lab rat had stood up to the scientist who was experimenting on it and said, “Cut it out” or, better, “I know what you’re doing, and I’m not going to take it anymore.” After a lifetime spent as part of an unnamed experiment which wrecked her life and the lives of everyone in her family, one of the guinea pigs finally figured out what was going on and decided to tell her story in all of its gruesome detail. Boomers’ Families springs from the Catholic tradition which Augustine founded when he wrote his Confessions and Thomas Merton resurrected for Americans when he wrote The Seven Storey Mountain. It’s required reading for every baby boomer whose life got ruined by the enemies no one ever warned him against in an undeclared culture war whose main strength was that the victims didn’t know that war was being waged against them.

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The Timing Behind the Attack on Salman Rushdie

The Timing Behind the Attack on Salman Rushdie

On Friday, August 12, a 24-year-old New Jersey resident by the name of Hadi Matar stormed the stage in western New York where the Anglo-Indian author Salman Rushdie was scheduled to speak and stabbed him 15 times before he was subdued by a security guard and members of the audience.1 The assault was immediately labeled “an assault on freedom of thought and speech”2 and Rushdie was praised as “an inspirational defender of persecuted writers and journalists across the world.”

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The World's Largest Cross

The World's Largest Cross

Spain’s government will finish passing a law this autumn to turn the Basilica of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen – the world’s longest basilica – into a “museum of the horrors of Franco” and to destroy its cross – the world’s largest – due to its association with general Francisco Franco.

The new law also aims at kicking the Benedictine monks, its custodians since 1958, out of the basilica’s adjacent abbey and at exhuming the bodies of the thousands of martyrs and victims of both sides of the Spanish Civil War buried there.

The Catholic Church has already recognized 66 of them as martyrs and three more will be recognized in November. There are also over 40 Servants of God whose beatification process is underway.

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Ratzinger and the German Problem

Ratzinger and the German Problem

In an article which appeared recently in the National Catholic Register, Father Raymond J. de Souza announced that the Church had a “German problem.”1 The indisputable evidence for this problem could be found in the results of the German synod, which announced that the main problem facing the Church lay in lack of tolerance for sexual deviance. Whether that was construed as a celibate clergy, prohibitions against the divorced and remarried receiving communion, or disapproval of homosexuality, the German “Synodal Weg,” made it clear that it was the Church which had to change, not the Germans who had acquired a lot of bad habits over the past half century. The flagrant use of Church structures to undermine Church teaching provoked outrage among a group of “more than 70 bishops—led by four cardinals from three continents”—who “issued an open ‘fraternal letter’ to the bishops of Germany stating that ‘the potential for schism … will inevitably result’ if they do not repent of their ‘Synodal Path.’”

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Fr. Oko's Sentence Without A Trial

Fr. Oko's Sentence Without A Trial

The case of Fr. Prof. Dariusz Oko began in July 2021, when the District Court in Cologne convicted him of allegedly “inciting hatred.” The Polish clergyman and scientist was to pay a fine of EUR 4,800 or spend 120 days in German arrest. The court’s decision took the form of a sentence in absentia – that is, one in which the convicted person did not even have the opportunity to defend himself. In fact, Fr. Oko learned about the trial itself only after receiving the sentence. Thanks to the quick response of Ordo Iuris lawyers, the sentence was overturned and a regular trial began in which Fr. Oko received professional support from a German lawyer – a longtime associate of Ordo Iuris. The alleged “incitement to hatred” was a scientific text, published in the renowned scientific journal Theologisches, which has been published for over 50 years. The article was an excerpt from the book Lawendowa [Lavender] Mafia. In it, Fr. Prof Oko reveals the activity of a group of homosexual priests who ��� using their position in the Catholic Church – hide the crimes of priests molesting children and clerics in seminaries. The text was supplied with a rich bibliography and footnotes and cited, among others, Benedict XVI, who during the pontificate of St. John Paul II dealt with the investigations of sexual crime cases in the Church, and who spoke outright about “homosexual cliques which arose in various seminaries.”

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The Sybaritic Synod Part 1: Gay Mafia Rising

The Sybaritic Synod Part 1: Gay Mafia Rising

In an exquisite example of Providence’s comedic wit, Pope Francis announced the self-referentially named Synod on Synodality two years ago during the annus horribilis. Last year “the synodal process” began slouching its way toward Rome. This October, the world’s dioceses will begin the process of tabulating and synthesizing the results of their listening sessions. In October of next year, the world’s bishops will gather to be midwives at the birth of what has already been hailed as the newest “new Pentecost” (yes, really).3 What is the Synod on Synodality? What implications does it have for an already divided and ailing Church?

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