Contact Us

The Commonwealth welcomes feedback on OpenDataPA. This is a living portal that will grow and evolve over time, and citizen feedback is extremely helpful for our continuous improvement. We value your ideas and strive to meet citizen demand for government data.

Questions About a Dataset

If you have questions or comments about a specific dataset, please reach out to the Dataset Owner directly. Each Agency at the Commonwealth is responsible for publishing datasets, and as such they are the official Subject Matter Experts on the content of their data.

On the dataset of interest, click on About and scroll to the bottom of the metadata pane to “Contact Dataset Owner”. Fill out the form with a brief description of your question or comment.

screen shot of a dataset view with arrows to About button and Contact Dataset Owner link

General Questions

If you have general questions about the OpenDataPA initiative, please contact us at: RA-OAODDTODGENERAL@PA.GOV.

For non-Open Data related questions, contact the Governor’s Office of Constituent Services at: