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Anonymous Colin said...

I have been reflecting on whether Ahrimanic evil is much more established and powerful than I imagined. Such that occurrences of sorathic evil are really being allowed and managed. Increased and decreased in accord with and in support of the extension of the ahrimanic agenda and not at risk of getting ‘out of control’ as it seems.

If Ahriman holds the power, money, weapons supply, media and so on then sorathic evil can be turned up and down in its service.

When I was growing up communism (in Russia) was very unappealing it seemed - frightening, cold, poor, cruelly enforced by mean spies and torture. We didn’t want that. Now it’s a 15 min city, purpose made to meet all your needs and you can live a nice fun wonderful safe life with everything right there. Gym, mens groups, work, entertainment, all the big chains of restaurants on your doorstep; kept up to date with live media streamed on giant screens 24/7 (bbc news!). No need for a car or to go anywhere. Now communism has become just what you want. Damnation freely and happily chosen. Available now in many of our cities. New and more developed versions being built. Although you can still enter and leave the areas at will…

23 October 2023 at 13:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Colin- "If Ahriman holds the power, money, weapons supply, media and so on then sorathic evil can be turned up and down in its service."

By my understanding, that is how the Ahrimanic bureaucrat totalitarians explain to themselves what is happening.

But what is (I think) *really* happening, is that those powers who desire chaos, death and destruction are getting the upper hand - and are very happy to have their ever-increasing successes explained-away and ignored as 'all part of the plan'.

23 October 2023 at 17:09