'Captain Corelli' Goes to Cephalonia

The Nicolas Cage-Penélope Cruz movie turns this Greek isle into a new hot spot

Sure, it looks breathtaking on the big screen. But is Cephalonia—the Greek isle where Penélope Cruz, Christian Bale, and Nicolas Cage make love and war in Captain Corelli’s Mandolin—really that exquisite? Here’s what tourists can expect to find:

—The island is a mere 40-minute flight from Athens and yes, there are plenty of hotels, villas, and resorts for vacationers.

—Sorry, some sets were built for the movie. So, you won’t be able to visit the rustic house Cruz calls home or the secluded jetty where she and Bale frolicked.

—You can, however, sun-worship on Myrtos beach, the pristine crescent of sand and water where Cage and soldiers partied.

—And though the cliff-top café where John Hurt, as Dr. Iannis, drank his morning coffee was a celluloid construct, a nearby village now boasts the recently renamed Captain Corelli’s Café.

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