Jerry Maguire: Special Edition

”Look at you winning your Academy Award,” kvells Renee Zellweger to Cuba Gooding Jr., and what’s truly weird is that when she says that we’re looking at Gooding looking at himself. The two-disc whoop-de-do edition of Cameron Crowe’s smart, romantic tale of a rebounding sports agent (Tom Cruise) and the woman who loves him (Zellweger) has the expected DVD frippery: deleted scenes, rehearsal footage, a Bruce Springsteen music video, a visit with a genuine (and apparently highly caffeinated) sports agent, and the full text of the ”Mission Statement” that gets the hero fired. But on the second disc (in addition to a useless DVD-Rom widget that lets you access a typo-rife screenplay), you get to watch Crowe, Cruise, Gooding, and Zellweger as they watch and comment on the film. That’s right, it’s celebrity Meta-Maguire, and since most of the talk is fulsomely complimentary (”How genius are you?” is typical), it plays like Mystery Science Theater turned inside out. Still, watching Zellweger chew her fingernails during the big sex scene is oddly voyeuristic, and then there’s this wonderful exchange between Hollywood alpha and beta dogs: (Gooding) ”If only agents were that accessible…” (Cruise, after a perfect pause) ”Mine are.” A-

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