The Aristocrats

Photo: n/c

The titular joke of The Arisocrats may not be the funniest ever told, but it’s undoubtedly one of the filthiest. Tracing the jazz-like evolution of a sick vaudeville-era wisecrack, this hit documentary is a fascinating journey into the depraved minds of more than 100 of America’s best comedians, including Sarah Silverman, Whoopi Goldberg, George Carlin, Robin Williams, Fred Willard, and Drew Carey. By the end, all the obscene one-upmanship grows tiring, but those who can stomach the trip will find comedy gold.

EXTRAS Uncut riffs on the joke by 21 celebrities (some not featured in the film) shine a spotlight on raw comedic talent, whether it’s Kevin Pollak’s jaw-dropping imitation of Albert Brooks or Pat Cooper berating director (and fellow comedian) Paul Provenza for making a documentary about the ”worst joke that was ever written…. It’s a disgrace to the American culture.” And yes, if you want to hear all 11 nauseating minutes of Bob Saget’s version, they’re here.

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