Would Susan Boyle get you to watch 'America's Got Talent'?

America’s Got Talent judge Piers Morgan told reporters Tuesday that his NBC show’s fourth season — which premieres June 23 — will both honor and reflect the Susan Boyle phenomenon. Morgan even plans to extend an invite to Boyle, internationally buzzed-about runner-up on the recently concluded season of Britain’s Got Talent, to appear on AGT, “if she’s up for it and she is well enough.” Morgan’s tendency to speak of his most treasured contestant as if she might be a prize racehorse flowed on: “She still gets a bit tired sometimes, but she is 48.” Mark it down in the “observations” section of your science report: The specimen continues to appear exhausted.

America’s Got Talent averaged around 13 million viewers last summer, but hype from this spring’s British version could waft across the pond and compel even more U.S. citizens to tune in to witness the likes of a barber orally stimulating his own palms as if they constituted a brass instrument. Does the promise of Susan Boyle make you more likely to check out AGT? Would you watch it anyway? Vote in our poll, below.

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