OK Go create another amazing video: Watch it here


At this point, OK Go must be pretty comfortable with their reputation as “that band that makes all the crazy videos.” Nobody thought they’d be able to top the treadmill dance, but they answered with Rube Goldberg machines and lots of adorable dogs.

For their next trick, they’ve taken “All Is Not Lost” (one of the best tracks from their fantastically underrated 2010 album Of the Blue Colour of the Sky) and teamed up with critically-acclaimed dance troupe Pilobolous for another eye-popping foray into the limits of video technology. Check out the amazing video (and marvel at the static-filled beauty of the song) after the jump.

Not only have they made another video, but OK Go may have also justified the existence of the Nintendo 3DS, as you can watch the clip in 3D if you own the under-nourished piece of video game hardware (next to the re-release of The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, “All Is Not Lost” is the best thing to happen to the console yet). The clip is also optimized for Google Chrome, which allows for user interaction (it’s the fourth dimension!). It’s a little wonky, but works way better than that Arcade Fire video that crashed everybody’s computer a few months ago.

What do you think of the new clip, and of OK Go’s videos in general? Are you still impressed, or will they never top “Here It Goes Again”? Let us know in the comments.

Read more at EW.com:

Ok Go: How’d They Do That?

Review: OK Go, Of the Blue Colour of the Sky

OK Go depart EMI following criticism of the company, set up own label with two dogs

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