'John Carter': Watch the Super Bowl commercial


In an effort to provide the largest platform possible for an massively expensive film based on an essentially unknown property and starring an unproven demi-star, Disney will debut a new trailer for John Carter during the Super Bowl. Roughly nine seconds of the advert have already hit the Internet, along with a promise that you can win tickets to Super Bowl 2013 if you pay close attention to a top-secret code in the actual trailer. Start getting excited for the Super Bowl party debate about whether this looks more like Martian Conan or Avatar in Arabia.

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Read more:

‘John Carter’ trailer deep dive: Director Andrew Stanton on those green men, that frog dog, and why he HATES trailer spoilers — EXCLUSIVE

‘John Carter’: Taylor Kitsch fends off a fearsome white ape — EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK

‘John Carter’ teaser trailer: Taylor Kitsch, shirtless. (Do you need more?)

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