Ann Curry: Katie Couric gives her opinion

From one former Today co-host to another: You're going to be fine.

Katie Couric was taking questions during her web show yesterday, and naturally, the topic of Ann Curry's departure came up. "It really broke my heart this morning to see Ann, because I know she's suffering and feeling a lot of pain with this transition," she said. "It's really hard for everyone on the show.… This kind of tumult is really hard for everyone."

Couric said she didn't have any insider knowledge of the negotiations, but stressed that she thought Curry was a great reporter, and echoed what Curry herself said about her passion for covering important international stories — which will be Curry's job in her new role.

Couric then touched on morning news shows in general, and said she believed people like watching them for the mix of hard news and silly segments. She said that in her opinion, recently, "the mix has gotten out of whack" and that morning shows have become too "tabloid-y."

You can watch Couric's remarks on her Spreecast channel (The Curry discussion begins at 39:30).

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Savannah Guthrie in place next to Matt Lauer on 'Today'

Teary Ann Curry says farewell to 'Today'

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